Toga Party Ch. 001

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Titus & Mettia learn that when in Rome, do as the Romans do!
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/25/2019
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Time: 63 BC

Place: Rome


Titus Fabius Marius – Roman patrician, 18

Fabia Maria Tertia, aka Mettia – Titus's sister, his twin

Fabia Maria Maior, aka Maxima, Titus's eldest sister

Fabia Maria Minor, aka Septima – Titus's elder sister

Caecilia Metella – their mother

Circe – Campanian slave to Caecilia Metella

Gelon – Nubian slave, gardener, and lover of Caecilia Metella

Tullia – Mettia's friend, daughter of Cicero

Excitement and anticipation erupted throughout the city of Rome as the news that the Senate had finally granted Lucullus a triumph spread amongst its citizens. Allies of the great general's rival, Pompey, had delayed the celebration for three years... but the city was at last going to witness the splendor of Lucullus's glorious victories in the east. The wealth that he had won in his campaigns against Mithradates was legendary and would provide a display that none who viewed it would ever forget.

Caught up in the exhilaration, Titus and Mettia ran home to deliver the news to their mother. Lucullus had been their father's patron and had provided support for his family after his death. During the Social Wars, Gaius Fabius Marius had given his support to the populares... earning him a place on Sulla's proscription list. While their father was eventually hunted down and assassinated, Lucullus – one of Sulla's ablest subordinates – had intervened on behalf of his wife and children, securing at least a large portion of the land and wealth that would normally have been confiscated after his death.

Charging past the doorkeeper, the twins ran to the gardens where their mother normally spent the hours of the early afternoon. Their shouts rang out as they searched for Caecilia Metella but went unanswered. Failing to find her there, Titus and Mettia sprinted to her rooms to give her the welcome news. Bursting into her bedchamber, they were startled to find Gelon, their Nubian gardener, standing at the edge of their mother's bed... a pair of slender legs wrapped around his waist.

Just as surprised by the sudden interruption, Gelon pulled away from the bed and swung around to find the source of the shouts he heard. His tunic had been pulled up above his waist but started to fall back into place as he turned to stare at the twins... or would have if not for his massive erection. Mettia's eyes rested on his glistening cock, coated with fluid, while her brother's gaze went past the gardener to the bed. Breathing a sigh of relief as he discovered that the woman there was not their formidable mother but one of her body servants, Titus regained his composure momentarily before his outrage overwhelmed him. The walls of the room echoed with his livid demand for an explanation. "What is the meaning of this?"

Circe spoke to the gardener. "Out of here... I'll deal with this!"

Catching the expression of fury on Titus's face, Gelon refused to budge... knowing that he might well find himself dead if he did not find some way to appease his master's anger. After all, he was a slave.

Titus seethed with rage as he stood in the center of his mother's bedchamber. Aware that she had favored Gelon and taken him as a lover, the youth felt a flush of resentment and indignation on her part. Titus could hardly blame her for her actions. After his father's death, no one had wanted to wed the wife of a man condemned as a traitor by the former dictator. It would risk any man's future... and possibly his life. Still alive and relatively young, Caecilia Metella had taken her pleasure where she could find it. The sight of the size of Gelon's cock confirmed Titus's belief that she had indeed enjoyed herself with him.

With a jerk of his head towards the doorway, the youth dismissed the gardener. "Get out! You know what would have happened if my mother had found you. If I even hear a rumor that you've done this again, I'll have your balls cut off... even if I have to do it with my own blade while some of the others hold you down!"

Had Titus been an older man he might never have made such a threat. Only eight years earlier Rome's slaves had risen against their harsh masters under the leadership of the gladiator Spartacus. The youth was too young to remember the terror that had filled the city as even the bravest of its citizens feared what their slaves might do to them in their sleep. Ultimately Crassus had put down the insurrection so brutally that slaves no longer held hope for escape from their fate... but the fear still lingered in the minds of many who had lived through the Servile Wars.

Sweating profusely, Gelon nodded, believing his master perfectly capable of carrying out his threat, and ran from the room. He might fuck other women again... but never in Caecilia Metella's own room. Remaining silent as the gardener left the room, Titus waited until he had passed through the doorway before turning his attention back to Circe. The woman had crawled out of his mother's bed while he looked away and now stood... eyes downcast and completely naked... before him, her clothes lying disheveled on the floor.

The youth could easily see why Gelon had chosen Circe. Her long black hair stood out against her olive-tinted skin of her native Campania as it fell across her shoulders... only partially concealing her breasts. Despite his outrage, Titus found that the vision before him excited his lust. Just the sight of her ample breasts, heavy and full as those of the marble statue of Venus that Lucullus kept in his atrium, caused his prick to swell. Unconsciously licking his lips, the youth let his gaze descend Circe's torso, noting her flat stomach before his eyes settled on her pubic mound... covered with dark hair, unlike patrician ladies who had every hair beneath their eyebrows plucked meticulously.

Plainly the girl was fully aware of the effect her body had on Titus. Raising her head slightly so that she could see him, Circe studied him closely... her eyes resting briefly on the growing bulge at the front of his tunic. As she assessed the youth's state, a sly grin appeared on her features. Her voice was soft and husky as she spoke. "Master, forgive us. I'm certain that I can find some way to make it up to you if you will only forget what you just saw."

As she addressed Titus, one of the girl's hands slid across her firm flesh... cupping one soft breast for a moment before sliding down her torso, across her flat stomach, until it rested on the dark thatch of hair just above her cunt. One finger teased her clit before it slid along the length of her slit... sinking in momentarily before she recalled that she still faced an irate master.

Circe's wanton display convinced the youth that she could indeed provide him with a distraction to appease his wrath; he had almost put it from his mind already so intent was he on her performance. He had certainly forgotten all about Mettia, still standing next to him, until she stirred at his side. Raising her voice slightly, the girl attempted to assume an air of severity when she responded to the slave's offer. "Do you think that you can bribe my brother with your body? Perhaps that might work... but you've forgotten about me!"

Noting the asperity in his sister's tone, Titus decided that he needed to act to calm the situation. Mettia's anger was justified. While the youth was quite willing to accept Circe's offer, he knew that it would weaken his authority with the slave. Although he was still young, Titus was the master of the house... having assumed his toga virilis months before. He could have simply ordered Circe to spread her legs for him... but his limited experience made the youth shy. While he had gone to a brothel in Subura several times with his friends, he rarely had sufficient coins to pay for more than a simple blowjob or, occasionally, he had eaten their cunt. Lucius and Spurius had taunted him good-naturedly... offering to allow him to watch as they planted their seed in the whores they selected. It had been worth it to hear the women correct his friends as they attempted to portray themselves as men of the world. Once, when she was finished with Spurius, one of the whores had taken pity on the youth... allowing him to mount her. Overexcited, he had pumped his cock into her with eager, rapid thrusts... and shot his load deep into her pussy all too soon.

Titus laid a hand on Mettia's shoulder, silencing her. Glancing at Circe, the youth noticed that his sister's harsh words had had no effect on her. If anything, the slave appeared amused by Mettia's outburst. As her master, he could not permit that... though he fervently wanted to fuck Circe. That, however, was nothing new. He had lusted after her for a couple of years... ever since he had learned just what went on between a man and woman. Glaring at his mother's body servant, he snarled, "Circe, put on your clothes and meet us in my room. We do not want my mother walking in on this."

With that command, he grasped Mettia's arm and led her from the room. His voice remained harsh as he addressed his sister. "Quiet! Remember that I am the master of this house. Give me a moment to think. You know that if Mother finds out about this she'll not limit herself to flogging Gelon and Circe. She'll take her temper out on everyone in the house for months... including us!"

Nodding her head dejectedly, Mettia agreed with great reluctance. She knew all too well just how difficult it would be to live with their mother should she discover that the slave she had chosen to satisfy her had taken her body servant in her own bed. "Well, fuck Circe if you want... but don't make it too easy on her. Make her earn our silence!"

The strain of Titus's prick against the cloth of his tunic had eased as he had turned away from the slave... but his sister's words renewed it. For a long time he had studiously watched the sway of Circe's hips as she walked, imagining how it would feel to plant his cock between her legs. Each time she passed by recently, the youth had labored to brush against her huge breasts. He had even grown excited when he imagined he had spotted her dark areola through the thin material of her clothing... her nipples taut against the material.

Excited by the prospect of taking Circe to his bed, Titus attempted to calm himself. Mettia was absolutely correct; he must never allow the slave to know she had any power over him. When the twins reached Titus's room, he waited impatiently for Circe to appear. How long did it take to pull on a simple slave's tunica?

When the slave did arrive, she bowed her head respectfully and waited for her master to speak to her. Clearing his throat, Titus frowned as he spoke. "Mettia is right. Even if I accept your proposal, you have nothing to offer her for her silence. That is hardly fair... unless you can think of something that would satisfy her?"

Once again a sly smile appeared on Circe's face. "Oh... I don't believe we have to worry too much about that, master. It shouldn't be hard to find a way to satisfy her. I'll make her the same offer I have made you."

Her voice trembling, Mettia squawked in protest. "What... what do you mean by that?"

Husky laughter greeted the girl's response. "Come on, Mettia. Do you really think that I haven't noticed the way you manage to soak the front of my tunica every time I help you with your bath? It's obvious what you want to see."

Flushing with embarrassment, Titus' sister stuttered as her entire face went crimson. "No... no, you're wrong. It's just an accident when that happens."

Circe shook her head slowly in reply. Until that moment she had kept her hands behind her back... but she smiled as she displayed an object for Mettia's recognition. Titus had only seen a depiction of a dildo on Greek vases... but he immediately knew what the slave held. Before he could say anything, his sister exploded in anger. "How dare you take that! How did you even know where it was? You've been spying on..."

Another peel of laughter echoed in the silence of the youth's room as Mettia snatched the dildo from Circe's hand. "Oh, Mettia, you and Tullia have hardly been discreet. Slaves see everything... and gossip spreads quickly through this house." Pausing briefly, the slave noted the anguish in the girl's expression. Circe took a deep breath and offered Mettia a sympathetic smile. "If it's any comfort to you, Maxima and Septima both experimented when they were your age. Indeed, they both enjoyed themselves with several of your mother's slaves... myself included."

This news brought color to Titus's face. He had no difficulty believing that his eldest sister, Maxima, had seduced other women. She was swiftly becoming one of the city's most scandalous women... along with Fausta, Clodia, and Fulvia. It was harder to imagine Septima sucking Circe's stiff nipples or burying her face in another woman's cunt. She was always so prim and proper! The very notion both scandalized and amused him!

None of that mattered at that moment... as Circe unfastened one of the fibulae that held her tunica in place. The garment fell from her left shoulder, revealing her ample breast with its dark areola. As if entranced by the sight, Mettia raised one hand... brushing her fingers lightly against the soft flesh before she began to trace the brown circle. Her subtle touch brought an immediate response as Circe's nipple hardened beneath Mettia's finger while Titus looked on in amazement. Perhaps the slave had been speaking the truth? His sister certainly appeared to know exactly what she was doing.

As Mettia leaned forward to give Circe a lingering kiss, her hand rested on the slave's other shoulder. First the women's lips met... then Circe's tongue darted out and Mettia's lips parted for it. Anyone watching would have sworn that their full attention was focused on the kiss but Mettia's fingers released the second brooch that held up the slave's tunic and it slid off her shoulder, over her other breast, and down her torso to finally pool on the floor at her feet... pausing only momentarily at the curve of her hips.

Her fingers entwined in Mettia's, Circe guided the girl's hand to her crotch. The slave moaned softly as, her hand covering Mettia's she tenderly stroked her labia... already unfolding in an invitation. At that moment, Titus wanted nothing more than to thrust his cock into Circe's cunt. Unfortunately, it was his sister's fingers that spread the slave's lips even further as they plunged into her slit. A wistful smile on her face, Circe tilted her head backwards, baring her throat for Mettia's kisses, and moaned faintly once again.

Unobserved by Titus, the slave's other hand had been busy unhooking the brooches that held up his sister's stola. Before he knew what was happening, Mettia stood exposed before him as well. Captivated by the scene, the youth nodded appreciatively as he viewed his sister's bare back... her skin lighter than Circe's but still exceedingly appealing. Mettia had shifted so that he could no longer see anything but her backside but her round, firm ass was enough to elicit a soft whistle. Luckily both Mettia and Circe were so caught up in their explorations that neither heard him.

Almost unaware of what he was doing, Titus lifted the hem of his tunic and grasped his erect cock. He stroked it furiously for a few moments before he realized that he was on the brink of exploding. No, he would not permit that to happen. Titus meant to fuck Circe... repeatedly cumming in her pussy. He would not waste a single ounce of sperm. Taking a deep breath to allow his lust to subside... however slightly, at least enough that he did not push himself over the edge as began to fondle his balls before his hand resumed its task, this time at a more leisurely pace.

Once again able to focus his attention on the women, Titus observed that his sister had changed her stance again so that he could see her fully. Mettia's breasts were not as large as Circe's... but they were firm and perky, normally her brother's preference. He also spotted the other glaring difference between the women. While Circe sported a dark patch of pubic hair above her pussy, every hair on Mettia's crotch had been plucked... a tradition amongst the noble, patrician ladies of Rome. Titus shook his head, thinking that was a shame. Something about the thick thatch of hair roused his ardor.

Neither of the women noticed how far the youth's passion had driven him; they were too intent making their way across the room to his bed... giggling softly between fervent kisses. Circe collapsed on the bed before pulling Mettia on top of her as she sank into the soft mattress. Titus cursed softly to himself... two horny women lay in his bed and he wasn't getting any of the action.

Frustrated, Titus stripped off his tunic. It was only in the way as he masturbated to the sight of his sister and their slave lying naked in his bed... their bodies and legs entwined while they licked and nipped at each other's flesh, Circe's thigh pressed against his sister's twat while Mettia plunged three fingers into the slave's pussy. Almost climaxing again, the youth went to the chest where he kept his things for his daily trips to the baths. Pulling out a bottle, he poured out some of the bath oil into one hand... coating his prick with it as he resumed his strokes.

Suddenly Mettia's screams echoed from the walls of Titus's room as she experienced a wave of orgasms... three or four times in a row. Just as abruptly Titus felt a rush of envy flood over him. He desperately wanted to fuck Circe... and his sister had known that for months but she was the one who was crying out in ecstasy like some little Greek slut! Under normal circumstances, the youth could hardly blame her but his prick ached with his desire... and his own hand was providing the only relief he was getting!

Distracted by his resentment, Titus had not noticed that the women had changed positions. Circe still lay on her back... but now her face was planted firmly between the cheeks of Mettia's finely toned ass, lapping at the girl's cunt. Taking her cue from the slave, Titus's sister licked furiously at the juices that coated Circe's thighs and labia.

Groaning softly as he rubbed his hand along the length of his shaft, the youth saw Mettia glance up from her attempt to bring Circe to a climax... her eyes going wide with surprise as if she had forgotten that he was in the room with them. Circe immediately noticed that Titus's sister had halted her attention to the swollen clit that protruded from her hood. Her voice sounded hoarse with her heavy breathing. "Hey, what's going on down there?"

The slave raised her head to gaze around the cheeks of Mettia's inviting butt. Spotting Titus... his hand frozen in mid-stroke... Circe exclaimed, "Jupiter, Best and Greatest... I thought Gelon had the biggest cock around here! Obviously the gossips don't know everything that goes on in this house. I'd have heard about that for sure if they did! Mettia, I don't think you can refer to him as your little brother any more."

Caught between embarrassment and pride, the youth remained silent. Having just viewed the gardener's shaft, Titus knew that his eight inches didn't quite measure up to Gelon's standard... but his prick as half again as thick so he felt justified in taking satisfaction in Circe's remark. His grin faded, however, when he realized that both his sister and the slave now knew that he was masturbating while they were having sex. Striving to shift attention away from him, the youth joked, "It looks like you know what you're doing, Sis."

This time Mettia blushed... but Circe intervened. "She's doing a fine job... though I'd welcome some help."

Not requiring a second invitation, Titus strode over to the side of the bed... kneeling beside it. His sister's thumb slowly circled the hard nub of the slave's clit. Placing a hand on each of Circe's knees, he spread her legs wider to allow him access to her cunt. Titus touched the warmth of her pussy, tentatively at first but with greater confidence as Mettia smiled at him mischievously... spreading the slave's swollen lips, rubbing his slippery fingers... then his tongue... up and down the length of her slit, feeling her growing wetter with arousal. It was like a dream; Titus hoped that he didn't wake up.