Together We Became Exhibitionist


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We stayed on the beach a couple more hours and headed to the pool snack bar for a hamburger. I had dried off a lot and wasn't showing but Marline would be showing wet or dry in her suit. She made no move to put on her cover-up as we reached the pool. We placed our stuff at a shady table and walked to the grill to order our hamburgers. The guy at the grill was looking right at my wife's tits and nipples as we walked up. My wife said she had to use the pool's restroom and while we watched her bare ass as she walked away, the guy said I was one lucky SOB. I smiled and told him he didn't even know the half of it.

When she returned our burgers were ready so we made our way back to the table. When finished, Marline said she felt like getting into the pool instead of going back to the ocean. I told her to go ahead while I finished my drink and took some pictures of her. There were about a dozen couples at the pool and my sexy little wife walked the long way around to the steps to get in. I took a few pictures of her ass as she strutted around to the other side. I zoomed in on her as she slowly entered the pool and dipped down. She smiled at me as she stood up and let me get a good picture of her now wet top and barely covered nipples.

She had swum over to the edge right in front of me. I finished my drink and slip in the pool next to her, forgetting I had only thin white shorts on. Marline giggled and I asked what was so funny. "Now I get to take pictures of you getting out of the pool in those thin white shorts."

A half hour or so later, Marline slowly exited the pool and walked around to get the camera, knowing every eye in the place was on her. She was eating it up! She walked slowly back around to the steps and said, "OK dear, climb up the steps slowly. I want to get a picture on each step as you get out. My wife was bent over a little giving the two men behind her something nice to look at while the women with them watched me slowly exit the pool. My heart was beating hard in my chest as my wet shorts came out of the water. Smiles came to both women's faces and I felt a little better.

Marline gave me the camera back as I reached her and I looked at the prettier of the two ladies before heading to my table, I swear, she smiled and winked at me.

We went back to the room; Marline didn't even attempt to put her cover-up back on. She walked to the room wearing only her g-string. Once in the elevator though, she removed her top and gave it to me saying she wondered if those three men would be there when the doors open. They weren't but the guy that brought up breakfast was. Marline said hello to him and told him we would probably be having breakfast brought up to our room in the morning. He smiled and said, "Yes ma'am, I'll be seeing you then."

"Yes you will," my wife said with a smile as the doors closed.

I asked what she meant by that remark. She kissed me and said she planed on letting him see her completely naked tomorrow when he brought breakfast.

"And how are planning on doing that," I asked.

"By opening the door and letting him in while I'm completely naked" she said. "Then I will eat my breakfast while it is still warm and then I will fuck you and let him watch if he is still there."

We got to our room and knocked out a quickie then took a nap.

I awoke about five and took a shower. Marline was awake and sitting out on the balcony naked when I returned. I told her she needed to be careful someone might see her out there naked. She smiled and said someone already had, and then she waved at somebody as she stood up and reentered to room. She went took her shower as I got myself dressed for our final night out. I put on some dress pants and a good polo shirt.

Marline came out carrying two items. She said she wasn't sure which one to wear. The first was a very short light blue stretch dress; the other was only a large, narrow, sheer black scarf. I asked how she was planning on wearing the scarf. She told me to hold one end. It was a big rectangle. She put one end under her arm and wrapped herself up in it. It went around her three times and she had me safety-pin it in place. Although it was sheer, three layers of it made it somewhat respectable but one could still see through it. It was around mid-thigh and I thought she looked pretty good in it. She put on a pink belt around her waist to give a little contrast. It helped a lot. I told her I liked it. I asked how good it stayed up. She said she wasn't sure because she just thought about this last week and never got a chance to try it out. I told her I thought it was quite daring and very original and I thought that she should wear it but to take along the other if it didn't work out. She smiled at me and said she never even thought about doing that way and would definitely wear her experimental dress first.

We went to a semi-fancy restaurant in Panama City and had a nice meal. The dress behaved itself. We then stopped at a dance club on the way back to the motel. This is where the night got interesting. The band was playing some pretty good music and Marline loves to dance. She quickly pulled me onto the dance floor. A few minutes later I noticed I was starting to see the top of my wife's nipples. I told her so and pulled it up some but kept dancing. The next thin I notice was the dress sliding down to the floor. Marline quickly picked it up and pulled it back up but it wouldn't stay. We determined we should have pinned the first wrap around too. I told her we needed to go to the car and get the other dress. When we got there, she got naked outside the car and put the other dress on. The only thing was, this dress just reached the bottom of her ass. She said that it was fine. She didn't mind showing her ass anymore since it had been on display all week already.

She was right of course; we went back inside and started to dance again but this dress kept riding up higher and high on her ass. I kept reaching back and pulling it down for her until she finally told me to leave it along. It would probably go just so high and finally stop. She was wrong; it came up almost to her waist. Not only was her ass on display, so was her pussy in front now. She suddenly stopped dancing and wrapped her arms around my neck. I reached down and found her pussy sloppy wet. She told me she had just had an orgasm while dancing and noticing people looking at her ass and pussy. I asked if she wanted to leave now she said yes but made no move to pull her dress down as we left. Her ass and pussy uncovered for all to see.

A couple miles down the road we came upon a Men's club. I asked Marline if she minded if we stopped in here for a while. I told her I had never been inside one before and wondered what it was like and that I heard they usually let women in free and if she would do me a favor and come inside with me and keep me out of trouble. Plus I said the men will also be looking at you if you keep wearing your dress like that. She looked down and seen what I was talking about and then she smiled and said, "OK, I'll go inside with you, just to keep you out of trouble. And maybe you can keep me out of trouble too.

There were about a fifty men inside and not counting the girls dancing and serving alcohol, I seen maybe only six other women. We were escorted to a booth on the other side of the room, Marline led the way and I noticed I could just see the bottom off her ass as we walked across the room. I also seen few heads turn and look as we pasted by. As Marline slid into the booth, I notice her dress go even higher as she sat, her pussy was uncovered and on display. She never made a move to pull her dress down. We watched four different girls come out and dance on the stage and slowly strip down to nothing. They all walked off the stage completely naked. I'm not sure who was more excited watching the girls strip naked, me or Marline. She was intrigued by how all the men lusted for the girls as they stripped. She told me after one girl left the stage that she was going to dance and strip for me like that one day. I told her I hope it was soon because I would love to watch her strip naked. By this time my hand had also found its way to between my wife's legs and I was trying to sneakily play with her pussy in this crowded room.

After the last girl got off the stage, the lights came up a bit and some man said it was now time for the amateur dance contest. The winner would take home 300 hundred dollars and second place would take home 150 dollars. I noticed Marline eyes were big and she was paying close attention to what he said. She looked at me and I could see it in her eyes. And I said, "You want to do this don't you? You want to get naked for me and all these other guys too, don't you? You want to dance for me, don't you? I would love to see you strip and get naked for me, and if all these other guys get to see you naked too, lucky them. Go on, have fun, make me happy, get naked. Dance for me baby."

Marlene leaned over and gave me a big kiss and said, "I'll make you happy. I'll dance my heart out for you. I'll get naked for you in front of everybody. But my pussy is only yours and I'd fuck you right there on that stage in front of everybody, if it would make you happy." She kissed me again and climb out the booth with her dress halfway up her ass waving to the man on the stage.

They said there were only three girls dancing tonight. The first girl looked and acted like she had done this a few times before. She was pretty good. The second girl came out and it wasn't my wife so I knew she was the last one which I thought was good for her because she would still be fresh in the crowds mind when the judging started. The second girl wasn't that good; she was stiff and looked a little scared.

Then Marline came out in some genie outfit. She had a big smile on her face and was moving like a dream. She acted like she had do this many times before but I knew better. She floated around the stage removing one piece of clothing then another until she removed her top and bared her tits to the crowd, a nice cheer when up and I could see that Marline liked the response then she slowly removed he bottoms and was finally completely nude in front of a crowd of men, and me with no camera, Damn! The crowd seemed to go nuts. Then Marline surprised me by rubbing her pussy on the stage and then inserting two fingers in her pussy and then removing them and putting them in her mouth and sucking on them. I have never seen her do that before! The music then ended and she waved to the crowd. She was a natural. She remained on the stage as the other two girls return. The first one was still naked but the other had put a robe on. The crowd was asked to cheer for their favorite. It was no contest. Marline won!

The man gave her three hundred dollars; she waved to the crowd again throwing them kisses and ran off to the rear of the stage. She soon appeared carrying her dress as she ran across the room to me. She jumped in my arms saying, "I won, I won, I don't believe it, I won. I got naked in a room full of men and I liked it. It was a lot of fun dancing and getting to take off my clothes for a bunch of strange men. I hope I get to do it again someday." I knew I would let her I just didn't know when.

I said it was late and we needed to get going. She said OK. I asked her if she was going to put the dress back on and she said, "Nope, I want to stay naked as long as I can. I wish I could remain naked until we have to go to work Monday."

I led her to the car through the crowd of men and many of them were touching her ass and tits as we made our way through. Once in the car, she said that was the first time any man besides me and her doctor had touched any part of her body. She said while it was fun at the time, she didn't think she would ever like doing that part again. She leaned back and said she wanted to remain nude until we reached to motel.

Once we made our way to the motel, it was about one o'clock in the morning. When we got out of the car I asked her where her dress was. She said, "Oops, I think I left it on the roof of the car back at the strip club. Now it looks like I'll have to get to my room naked." Although it was dark, I could still see the smile on her face. I don't think she accidentally left that dress on the roof of the car. But I really didn't care; it would be fun watching her trying to get back to our room naked.

I told we could drive to the back of the parking lot and could try and get in by the pool entrance; it was closer to the elevators that way anyhow. She said it sounded like a good idea. I led the way from the car to the pool area and once I passed the pool, I heard water movement. I looked back and Marline was in the pool. She said she had never been skinny-dipping before and wanted to try it. She asked me to join her. I said not now, let me go to our room and get out of this suit and into some shorts and I'll be right back down. She said, "OK, but hurry, I'm still horny,"

I rushed up to our room, seeing no one alone the way. I grabbed my white shorts and room key and nothing else. I hurried to the pool and she was still there, I got in the pool then removed my shorts and she was quickly all over me. She wrapped her legs around me and grabbed my dick and aimed it at her pussy and squeezed her legs impaling on my shaft. We took our time enjoying the feeling of each others sex and the feeling of weightlessness while floating around the pool. Another young couple walked by us looking like they were wearing only towels as they headed toward the beach. Marline looked at me and said, "Let's finish up here and go down to the ocean and skinny-dip there in the dark." So I picked up my pace and pumped into her hard and fast and in less than a minute I dumped my load into her.

We got out of the pool and Marline asked where our towels were. I remember popping my open palm to my forehead and saying, "Shit, all I was thinking about was getting back down to you and your pussy. At least I remembered the room key. I didn't even think of getting any clothes for you either." She kissed me and said that it was alright, she didn't need any clothes tonight anyway, and that she still wanted to remain naked as long as possible. She took my hand and led me naked to the beach. I picked up my shorts next to the pool and dropped them behind some hedges at the entrance to the beach walkway.

We ran into the other couple on the beach and they were as naked as we were. It was cool talking to another naked couple. We walked along the beach for awhile. Their names were Ray and Amanda. We found out they also lived in North Carolina about a hundred miles from us. They said they lived on a small farm where they ran around naked all the time. They even had a pool in their backyard and that they had never worn any clothes in it since they had it put in. They agreed to meet us in the morning and to give us their address and phone number so we could go and visit some weekend. They were a good looking couple and I noticed Marline checking out his package. I'm pretty sure this was the first live cock she had ever seen besides mine. I didn't know yet what she was thinking but I can bet she would have liked to at least put her hand around it, if not her mouth. I know I would have liked sucking on girls nice size tits. They had to be a C if not a D and they already had a little sag to them, not as nice as Marline's perky B's with not one bit of sag.

We all ended up naked in the surf as the moon rose above us. Marline looked beautiful in the moonlight, the moon illuminating the wetness of her chest made me hard again. I gave her a hug and she responded favorably, she kissed me and took my hardness in her hands. Telling Ray and Amanda that we would see them in the morning, because she had something she wanted to take care of. She then pointed to my erection in her hand. The girl laughed and said she couldn't blame her as she reached for her man's dick and said she was hoping to soon have the same problem to take care of. We walked towards the shore and Marline pulled me down on top of her in about 6 inches of water and told me to make love to her.

We finally headed back to the room. I picked up my shorts with the room key still in them and carried them back to my room. Yes, Marline and I both went inside, up the elevator, and down the hall to our room totally nude. I wasn't the tiniest bit nervous about being nude in public. Since it was almost 3 in the morning, we both showered and went to bed after setting the alarm on my phone for 8AM. We were to me the other couple at 9:30.

As soon as the alarm when off, Marline grabbed the phone and ordered room service. I asked why she ordered breakfast when we were to meet Ray and Amanda at 9:30. She looked at me and cocked her head and winked at me and said, "Did you forget I told the room service boy I would see him this morning?"

"Oh, that's right!' I said, "You are going to meet him at the door naked and make his day, right?

"That's right. I want you to be sitting at the table in the corner with your camera and I want you to take pictures of me walking around the room totally nude with the poor boy looking at me. I think it will be fun."

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Marline looked out the peep hole and said it was him. She opened the door wide, instantly he was looking at my lovely naked wife. (Picture) She stepped back and said 'good morning' to him and told him to bring our breakfast right on in. She walked in front of him (Picture) telling him to place it by the table I was sitting at. She leaned over the bed with her ass to him (Picture) getting her purse to give him a tip. She gave him his tip (Picture) as he was looking right at her tits. Then she asked him if it bothered him that she was naked. The boy stuttered but did say 'No'. "Good" she said, "I prefer being naked." The boy had his back to me as I took the last picture. Marline had just told him she preferred being naked and had spread her arms and legs wide.

We were hungry and woofed the breakfast down after the boy left. Marline was happy of her performance and giggled through most of breakfast. She then slipped on a sheer pink mesh short top and a little white low-rise skirt that couldn't have been more than 12 inches from waistband to flared hem. As we walked to the elevators, I could see about an inch of bottom of her ass cheeks as her ass wiggled ahead of me. I got a picture of that too. Once in the elevator, I just had to kiss her and reach under that tiny skirt and finger that pussy. It was already wet. Showing off for that boy really did get you hot, didn't it babe? She just smiled and nodded her head yes.

The doors opened and off she went, her white high-heeled sandals clicking as she strutted her hot ass across the main lobby to the restaurant. (Another picture taken)

Ray and Amanda were already there. I sat next to Amanda and Marline sat next to Ray. Amanda gave me their information and I gave her ours. Marline and I just had juice and donuts since we had just eaten. Marline told them we were almost last meeting them and then when into the reason why. Amanda was almost in tears from laughing so hard. She then asked my wife what the boy looked like. Once told she said she seen him in the lobby this morning and she thought something was amiss because he was beet red looked to be in a bit of a fog. That got Marline laughing then Amanda said, "Since we are leaving here tomorrow, I think I will also call room service for breakfast tomorrow morning. It sounds like a fun way to start a day." Ray laughed and said for her to go for it.

Amanda asked Marline, "It's easy to see that you are braless through that sheer top dear, but are you wearing any panties under that ultra-short skirt?"