Touching Gina

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Young stud lusts after his step-mom.
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This is a story of how I seduced my beautiful, 39 year old, red hot step-mom. Or, am I fooling myself? Did she, in fact, seduce me? All I know was that she was ready and willing to be taken. That much became obvious. Because, as I learned in the course of our affair, she was sex-starved and frustrated within her marriage to my Dad.

As far as I was concerned, I have to confess that I'd been lusting after her for years, even though, I was now still only 20 and attending College. She was getting to be an obsession with me, as I constantly ogled her long shapely legs and admired her womanly curves. If it was remotely possible to have her, I wanted her. There was no two ways about it.

It started off as a prank one unforgettable morning when I followed her downstairs, as she came out of the bathroom after her shower. She was wearing only her white bathrobe which was short enough to get me all excited.

I crawled unseen along the hall way and into the open plan kitchen/dining area where Mom now stood leaning over the kitchen workbench. As she leaned forward on the counter, her robe rose up at the back, giving me a great view underneath. The thought of her being naked underneath that robe really turned me on. I got a hard-on in no time. Silently, I kneeled down directly behind her. She was talking to Dad and my sister Chloe, seated at a table a few yards away in the dining area, at the other side of the workbench, but, of course, they couldn't see me, on my hands and knees.

I concentrated on staring at Mom's legs from the back; long tanned, exquisitely shaped and oh so tempting. I loved those legs and had longed to get my hands on them. I think she knew about my obsession, hell, she had even told me off about my constant ogling. Now, I couldn't resist the temptation, because, they were so close. Taking a big chance, I reached out and touched her just above the ankle. I half expected her to get annoyed, or laugh and kick out at me. But, all that happened was that I felt her give a little jump of surprise. Otherwise, she didn't move or say anything. So, I just left my hand there. Then gaining in confidence I ran my fingers up her shapely calves and felt the silky smooth firmness of her skin.

She kept on having the conversation with the other two, but, she must have realised it was me getting up to mischief. Duly encouraged, my hand slowly kept on going higher, past her knees and up the back of her thighs. Still, she didn't move or give me away. I couldn't believe she was letting me do this. Luckily, the kitchen bench was high enough to shield me from view.

My throat was dry, heart thumping as I carried on my incestuous groping of those beautifully shaped legs. Feeling bold, I got in closer still, pushed her robe up higher and was all over her legs and thighs, front and back. Oh my God how wonderful it was. I was hidden from view and able to get up to sexual misconduct. Also, I kept kissing the backs of her thighs as high up as I could manage. As long as I couldn't be seen I was on safe ground.

I thought Mom would play hell with me later, but, right now, amazingly, she was letting me get away with it. For the next few minutes, I enjoyed myself, feeling stroking and touching Mom's perfect legs. Keep talking, Mom, don't move from here, I prayed. And, mercifully, she kept still and made herself available to my dirty groping and exploring.

Then, Dad and Chloe finally made a move to leave the dining table. So, I crawled back out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I didn't want to get caught, no way. How could I explain what I had been up to?

I moved quick up to my bedroom and had a nice meaningful wank while the images and feel of Mom's beautifully shaped legs were still fresh on my hands and in my mind. And, the same thought kept hammering through my brain. She had let me get my hand away without an inkling of protest...SHE HAD LET ME! ... What a great wank I had with that heady realization in my one track mind.


Mom is a beautiful woman, at least I think so. Guys at school think she is too. Richie's hot Mom is how they describe her.

Young men shouldn't think about their mother in a sexual way, but I do. I have ever since I reached my teens. Now I'm 20 and as horny as hell for her. I mentioned her incredible legs, but, she has a good figure too. Nice curves, big tits. Dad was so lucky to have landed her after getting divorced from my real mother some 7 years ago. She came into our lives then, bringing me a pretty young step sister as part of our new family. I often wonder what she sees in my Dad. He's a lazy slob always slouched in front of the T.V.

Mom and I hardly spoke for the best part of a week. I figured it was because of how I had pawed her in the kitchen that morning and letting my lust take over. I felt guilty and a little ashamed. Finally, I got the chance to speak to her when she was hanging out some washing in the garden. She saw me coming and turned her back to me. Obviously, she was still mad at me.

"I know you're mad about what I did the other morning," I said. "Just tell me how to make it up to you and I will."

She turned her head slightly and I saw a frown. She was thinking about what I had said. I was hoping she would forgive me...

"Come down to the basement with me," she said. "Right now."

She marched off and I hurried along behind. Then at the top of the steps to the basement she stopped and said. "Go down there and make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in ten minutes, I need to stay there..."

Oh God, I thought as I made my way down the steps. The basement was Mom's domain, where she did her laundry and kept the freezer and storage cupboards. She wanted me alone, so she could tear a strip off me. That's what I thought. There was a coffee table and chairs down there where we had placed them rather than be throwing stuff out. So that's where I sat waiting...

It was nearly 20 minutes later, when I heard Mom descending the steps. You could always hear someone coming down the stairs into that basement room.

When I saw Mom come in, I was taken by surprise. She had changed from her work clothes and now looked very smart indeed. She looked as if she was going out somewhere. I was very puzzled.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"You look fantastic Mom," I replied and she did. She was wearing a white blouse, a short black skirt and high heels. She had also done a full make up and let her dark hair fall to her shoulders. It was a very feminine look.

"Now I know you think that I'm annoyed with you and I am" she said "But not for the reasons you think."

"When I felt your hands on my legs in the kitchen that morning I got all excited. You see nothing like that has happened to me for such a long time. My sex life these days is practically non-existent..."

"Mom, you don't have to..."

"Shut up and listen."

"Yes, I was mad at you alright. But not for what you was because I was left dangling and frustrated afterwards. It's been a week since its happened and you've not followed up. Not even given me those lustful looks I can usually rely on."

Then she dropped a bombshell that rocked me to the core.

"What I want you to do is carry on where you left off."

As my mouth dropped open at this request, she stood up on the low coffee table and slowly lifted her skirt up to the waist. It almost blew my mind. I had never had my Mom's legs presented to me like this. She was wearing a sexy thong and her tanned legs were, as ever, long, shapely, tanned and oh so tempting. I gulped as I saw that she wasn't wearing pantyhose or stockings, not that she needed to...

Tentatively, I reached out. I couldn't help myself. But, was this too good to be true? I half expected a slap across the face but none came. Instead, my fingers touched and I began to feel up those beautiful legs, silky- smooth and sexy. I started at her lower calves and moved upwards. Slowly and methodically, until I got past her knees and sampled the quality of her thighs. I kept going and kept feeling, it just got better and better the further I progressed. Did any woman ever have a better pair of legs. Not as far as I was concerned. I told her that or something like it. The truth was I was enjoying myself too much for chit chat. Up and up I went, focused on my target now...those skimpy, sexy panties. Finally my fingers touched them, OMG. I felt her shudder at my touch. It was her first reaction.

And, with that I couldn't help a dirty grin of triumph spread across my face. I was getting what I wanted, what I had prayed for, since I had broken puberty. Amazingly, Mom seemed to want it too. Time seemed to stand still, as, slowly and deliberately, I slid two fingers under the thong's elastic and let the back of them brush up against her vagina. Again, a little shudder from her, but, she still held her skirt up invitingly high for me. I found her response so erotic. She had her eyes closed and was moaning softly. I moved the thong to one side and had my first long look at Mom's vagina. It was shaven, just like in the girly magazines. There was just a trace of hair at the top. (The so called landing strip) Then, I leaned in and wet-kissed her pussy lips.

"Ohh baby", she purred, clearly enjoying proceedings. So that's when I tugged her thong down over her bum and down her legs. They ended up in my pocket, after I had sniffed them and sampled Mom's earthy pussy smell. She never got those panties back. I kept them as a trophy of this first time with her.

Then I worked my fingers into the wetness of her pussy. I fingered her good. That went on for a while as I did her with one hand and using the other to stroke her arse and thighs. I couldn't believe how things had turned out to my advantage. I was practically ravishing my own stepmother.

Yes, I was getting my hand away, but, I suppose I lost a lot of respect for her right there and then. Any misgivings or guilt I had felt in touching my Mom's body had gone and gone for good. Now I was just a horny young buck after everything I could get. God, she was so wet at that point and more than ready for sex, but, any thoughts I had of fucking her right there in the basement were squashed by a sudden noise at the top of the stairs.

"Damn" said Mom angrily, but, she quickly snapped out of her erotic zone and stepped down from the coffee table. Then I saw her smooth down her skirt, before going across to a pile of clothes on the work bench. She even had time to pick up a can and spray some perfume into the sex filled atmosphere, before my sister made her appearance. Me, I picked up a box of tools and tried to look busy.

"Oh there you are, Mom, I've been looking for you."

"Yeah?" said Mom coldly..."what do you want?"

Clearly, she was as disappointed, as I was that our little sex session had ended so abruptly.

"Have you ironed my denim skirt, yet? I need it for tonight," said Chloe.

"No" answered Mom "but I'll do it now and bring it up for you."

"O.K." said Chloe, happily and turned to go.

"You helping Mom, Ritchie? that'll be a first," she jibed, as she passed me.

As she turned to go, Mom jerked her head at me, meaning, you'd better go too. Our little session was clearly at an end.

I was disappointed and a more than a little frustrated, but, did as she asked.

As a consolation prize I got a good look under Chloe's short skirt as she slowly climbed the steep staircase. She had a good pair of legs, I realised, just like Mom. She had just turned 18 and getting more cute and sexy every day. Already, boys a lot older were looking at her and sizing her up. And Dad was getting increasingly cranky and nervous, whenever she went out alone. Then a dirty thought hit me. If I could finger my Mom's pussy why couldn't I do the same to my prick teasing little step-sister? She already had a superb young body and maybe I could get my hands all over it. The very thought of it made me slaver with lust. However, Mom was still top of my hit list and having fingered her pussy, I wanted to have her completely. I couldn't wait for the next chance I'd get to go at her. And I knew that I would get another chance shortly, because Mom, was like a bitch in heat. I just wanted another opportunity to get her alone and I would be in there like a shot.

It came sooner than I thought, because, two nights later on the Friday night I was to take Mom to a drive- in movie. Ironically, Dad asked me as a special favour because it was a picture she had always wanted to see and he was unavailable that evening. (Out drinking with his pals) Chloe could have come also, but apparently, she didn't fancy the movie. So, it was just me and Mom and that suited me just fine. My sexual imagination just ran wild...

Mom was dressed for a night out in a seductive tight fitting blue dress when she came out to join me in the car. As soon as she sat down, it rode up her thighs and she made no attempt to pull it down. I could see that she was wearing stockings of the stay-up variety but these still left a great deal of bare thigh for me to drool over. She looked amazing and had obviously taken some time with her make-up. I told her how good she looked and she seemed pleased by that.

Her extended preparation for the evening had meant we arrived only just in time for the movie. Unfortunately, our placing meant that there were cars all around us. I saw her frown as she looked around, trying to see if there was anyone there she knew or might know her. I got the impression that she wasn't bothered much about the movie at all.

I was pleased to see that her dress was still riding well up her thighs and that she still hadn't adjusted it. I had been looking at her elegant legs, all the way during the half hour drive from home. Now I was itching to get my hands on her.

She had been looking at the movie in the dark for all of two minutes when she angled her face across to mine.

"Kiss me." She purred. And that started it all off.

That first kiss, wow, I'll never forget it, especially when our tongues came into play flickering against each other's. Open mouth, French kissing, right from the start. It seemed that we just couldn't stop. Meanwhile, my hand went under her dress and soon discovered she wasn't wearing panties!

Before we really got going, Mom suggested we leave the drive-in and go somewhere more private. I think she was still worried about being seen by someone she knew.

So I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. People would have thought that we just didn't fancy the movie.

I drove to a well-known shagging spot down a woodland road. It was dark and secluded, no one within miles. Finally, she was happy and relaxed and it resulted in us climbing into the big back seat of the station wagon. Once there, she asked me to pull down the zip of her dress at the back which I did with no hesitation, smelling her perfume and savouring every erotic moment. Then, she eased the dress off completely, as I watched, spellbound. My Mom was now totally naked and I was seeing her like that for the very first time. I gasped as I took in her beautiful curvaceous body and my cock hardened instantly knowing that we were going to have sex.

With the handicap of my huge erection, I managed to scramble out of my own clothes. Mom instantly grabbed my stiff cock and I could feel her fingers measuring its length and girth. She murmured her approval. "Your Dad hasn't had a hard on like this in years" she confided. "Well certainly not for me."

"You make me this hard, Mom," I whispered and she smiled in reply. Then she kissed my erect cock and her tongue dragged seductively up the full length of it. "Hmmm" she purred, "I've been so looking forward to this."

She was in a world of her own while she licked, kissed, and wanked my cock. "Oh yes," she muttered excitedly...and it's all mine"

"You can play with it anytime you want, Mom" I said.

"Why don't you try calling me Gina," she purred. "I think I'd like that, just while were having sex". I knew for a fact that Gina was her middle name. A name to fuck her by.

Before I could respond to this suggestion, her lips went down to my cock an she kissed it again. Then she opened her mouth and enveloped the tip of my manhood. I gasped at the sensation of it. Mom, sorry, Gina, was in the process of sucking my cock.

Then she really went to town on it, as several inches of my meat disappeared into her sucking mouth. "Oh man, oh Gina," I groaned. "Don't stop...don't ever fucking stop."

I was getting a full scale blow job.

I cannot begin to describe the effect on my cock the efficient suction my Mom was producing with her busy mouth. She was worshipping it with her lips mouth and throat and sending me to Shangri-La. Inevitably, after a minute or so of intense oral sex I was ready to cum. And, sure enough, torrents of it in short spunky bursts shot out of my cock and into her mouth. With my encouragement, she gobbled and licked up every drop.

Later, she dabbed at her lips with a hanky as she gave my shrivelled cock a last peck. "We'll have to do that again real soon," she promised.


We smooched and listened to the radio for half an hour while I recovered my sex drive. Eventually, her caressing fingers brought it to life again.

"Do you want to fuck me?" She asked.

"Oh yes, Gina, I surely do," I assured her.

"Then get to it boy," she grinned as she lay back and opened her legs for me. I had never seen such an erotically seductive sight in all my young life.

Then, we started a series of passionate open-mouthed kisses as my fingers went for her vagina, kissing and fingering my lovely Mom as she sprawled naked across the wide back seat. I couldn't ever imagine anything better. I could feel the heat coming off her body as her pussy got increasingly wet. In no time at all, I had got her as hot as hell and my cock was so hard it was throbbing with anticipation.

In the end, it slid easily into to Mom's vagina as though it was a welcome visitor. Then I pushed it all the way in, as she moaned and gasped at being taken hard by her 20 year old step-son. Then we really got into it, fucking and kissing like there was no tomorrow. And it went on and on and on. My cock pistoning in and out of her cunt like it belonged there, eking out every last ounce of sex and pleasure.

"Oh Ritchie", she moaned, "what are you doing to me?"

I kept on shagging her, remorselessly, shagging my own Stepmom. It was if my man-sized cock had a mind of its own, filling and taking control of her moist welcoming cunt. I enjoyed fucking her so much I didn't want it to stop.

Inevitably it did of course. She came first, her whole body racked in an erotic shudder, "ohhhhh...ohhhhh..." she moaned, threshing her legs and gripping me tight."

Then, my own orgasm followed, as I groaned and jerked spunk everywhere. In her pussy, on her tummy and down her thighs. I'd fucked her, I'd fucked my Stepmom, or Gina or whatever she wanted to be called. I'd fucked the bitch. I'd fucked her good.

We lay there totally exhausted, until the night got darker still. It was getting late. Only then did we have the energy to dress, clean up and head for home.

As I lay in bed that night, unable to sleep because of the intense sexual excitement I had enjoyed, I made myself a vow. From now on as far as Gina (my Stepmom) was concerned I was out for all I could get. I would fuck her every which way at any opportunity I got. In fact I hardly slept at all thinking of all the dirty plans I had for her. And, God forgive me, my erotic thoughts also extended to include my sexy young step-sister Chloe. I wanted to get to the front of the queue as far as her luscious young body was concerned. And her bedroom was right next to mine.

"Yeeeehah" I shouted out. Good times lay ahead.

The End

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becker92548becker9254810 months ago

Why stop here? What about the step-sister????

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204over 4 years ago
What About Chloe?

Is there a follow-up?

Now that our hero has shagged his Mom, what about Sis? Don't care if she's virgin or busted, time for Ritchie to take her for a ride.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Make this a Series

Slowly get Chloe involved and then all 3 together. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
more please

gee what a romp. I hope we get to read more of this hot story especially when all 3 of them are having fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Step mom

My step mom started having a thing for me in my late teens. I loved when she'd come into my room in the mornings to wake me up while she was only wearing a short nightie, showing off her sexy legs. She'd throw off my covers so she could check out my big morning erection. Years after their divorce, I would pay her visits and sleep with her after pleasuring each other!

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