Towards the Summer Solstice Ch. 01


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She let her hair loose, a match to Miss Lilian's only hair style: natural and free. Kara was convinced that her outfit would fit regardless of the actual status of their evening. She grabbed the two books Miss Lilian had wanted and headed out.

A while later, Kara once again found herself feeling extremely nervous as she knocked on Miss Lilian's door. This time it wasn't her office door but instead the door to her rather big house. While Kara hadn't been surprised to discover that Miss Lilian lived deep in the forest in a secluded house, she had been surprised by the size of that house. It was a huge, rather luxurious log house built on stone foundations, and even though there was her Tesla in the driveway and a lot of solar panels on the roof, it still had a very dark, earthy sense to it.

When her professor opened the door, Kara's jaw dropped as she looked at her. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and an equally tight white tank top. And not much else, in particular there wasn't a trace of a bra. And for a women with such large breasts, the absence was immediately noticeable. Her long blonde hair was flowing freely, as always, and what Kara saw shining in those blue-green eyes made her heart skip a beat.

For a moment Kara simply stared at her professor, unable to say anything. "My, my, my..." said Miss Lilian with a bewitching smile. "Thank you for the silent compliment my dear!" As Kara looked up and smiled shyly, Miss Lilian said "Did you think I wore three piece suits all the time?"

"Well, no, Miss Lilian, but..."

"Shhh. I think we're past the Miss Lilian thing, don't you think? Call me Lilian please. you look lovely as well Kara."

Her heart beating quickly, Kara followed her inside and was amazed by the house. Almost as much as by her host. Thirty minutes later Kara's head was spinning. Not only was the house Lilian had inherited incredible, it was also filled with artifacts, relics, museum pieces and a plethora of other strange and unique objects. They ended up in Lilian's backyard next to the huge in-ground pool, with Lilian answering all of Kara's questions about the wondrous items she had seen. Despite her jittery heart, Kara found herself truly fascinated by all she had seen.

During a brief pause, while Lilian went inside to get a couple of glasses of whiskey, Kara noticed that this was a very secluded house. On the side of the mountain that led to the city below, there was a tall wall that prevented people form looking in. On the other two sides, the backyard was opened to the rest of the mountain and the old forest that grew all over it. There were no neighbors in sight and Kara closed her eyes to drink in the sweet, pine-flavored mountain air.

She was somewhat calmer when Lilian came back and smiled at her professor as they sipped their first taste of the remarkable whiskey. Yet as their eyes remained locked together so much longer than could be considered innocent, Kara felt herself shaking. Noticing it, Lilian frowned slightly and said "What's wrong Kara?"

"Honestly, I feel completely out of my league here, Lilian," she replied, her voice as shaky as the rest of her body.

"You're not talking about academic work, are you?" Lilian said, grabbing her glass and putting them both on the table.

"No." Kara replied. "I don't even know what came over me, flirting with you like that in your office..."

Lilian laughed gently. "Come Kara, don't worry about that. You're here now. It wouldn't be the case if you had offended me. Or, of course, if I hadn't been flattered by that unprofessional flirt."

And with that, Lilian pulled her in for a nice hug, which did nothing to help Kara slow her heartbeat down. The warmth, the smell, the caress of her hair and those incredible breasts against her own... Kara felt a deep pulse of pleasure, shaking her to the core. "Just breathe Kara..." Lilian said. Kara somehow heard the smile on her professor's lips. And she did breathe. Slowly, the pine air and Lilian's intoxicating smell mixed in her lungs and she managed to relax.

For the next two hours, the two women talked mostly about futanaris. Kara was extremely interested, but from time to time she wondered when Lilian would talk to her about the midnight class. Or the preparations she had mentioned. At the same time, Kara was aware that she was falling for her professor every time Lilian smiled.

Although they spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other and talking about many supernatural things, nothing more intimate happened between the two of them. What Lilian did manage to do was allow Kara to relax. Much later that evening, when Lilian squeezed her thigh, Kara simply smiled at her. It wasn't until the very last moments of their time together that Kara felt uncertain again.

At the door, right when Kara was about to leave, Lilian kissed her. On the lips. But that kiss wasn't the start of something more intimate and probably sexual, as it would have been with a girl her age. It left Kara a bit confused for a moment. After that kiss, before Kara got into her car, Lilian asked "I'll be out of town for the week, but see you next Saturday?"

"Of course Lilian!" Kara replied.

"If it's sunny then, do you think you'd be up for a swim?" Lilian asked before blowing a kiss to Kara. The young girl nodded with a smile and spent the next twenty minutes trying to sort her emotions about the entire evening.

That week seemed interminable to Kara. The only thing that had been cleared up was that the evening with Lilian had been a date. A strange date, for sure. She had never, for example, talked so much about intellectual things on a date before. Then again, she had never dated a college professor before. "I'm dating a college professor!" she thought many times during the week, still trying to wrap her head around that.

The date had also been peculiar because it hadn't involved getting drunk, nor dancing to overly loud music, nor watching a movie. The evening hadn't been filled by two people trying to impress each other either, nor had either of them tried to openly flirt. Kara realized that was probably a generational thing. Lilian wasn't old by any stretch of the imagination, but she was certainly old enough to be her mother.

On one hand it made Kara feel out of her league once again. It was the first time in her life that she was dating someone who had, essentially, all the power in the relationship. Kara felt like she was privileged that Lilian had accepted. That was a new feeling. Not that she usually felt like her own dates should feel privileged to be with her, but it usually was a more equal thing. Not now. Not at all.

But on the other hand, Kara realized that the typical date between twenty year olds left a lot to be desired. Getting drunk, flailing around in a club or watching a movie, it all felt pretty childish compared to what she had felt with Lilian. Even though she had barely begun to know the woman, Kara already regarded her earlier relationships with a new outlook. It was as if Lilian was inviting her to a very different world.

While Kara wasn't very comfortable talking about all of this with Nina, she pretty much never s topped thinking about it. All week long. By the time Saturday came around, Kara had gathered her courage and felt a lot better. When she knocked on Lilian's door for the second time, she was very excited but not as nervous. She felt as if she had matured a lot, just thinking about all of that. Then again when Lilian opened the door wearing a very short summer dress, Kara suddenly felt like a teenager again as she breathed "Christ!" After a deep breath, she added "I'm sorry Lilian. I thought I was ready to behave like a proper woman, but..." she sighed.

"Kara... My dear Kara. Come in. If I had wanted a proper woman, I wouldn't have chosen such a sexy and perky girl like you." She laughed gently as she pulled her into her arms.

Kara laughed with her and hugged her hard. They held hands as they walked to the backyard and Lilian said "I have a feeling I'm the first older woman you've ever dated?"

"Yep! That obvious?" Kara said, more at ease now.

"Don't worry about it. I fear that people from your generation worry too much about unimportant things." Lilian stopped, turned to face Kara and asked "Are you happy to be here?"

"Of course. Extremely happy."

"There you go. I'm very happy that you're here as well. The rest of what's expected of us doesn't matter. Alright?" Kara smiled and nodded.

They went outside and Kara couldn't take her eyes off of Lilian's body. The dress was very revealing and once again Kara soon became aware that Lilian wasn't wearing anything underneath. Although Lilian's most prominent features were her stunning breasts, her long legs were not far behind. And with dramatically short dress, especially with the way it rode up and flared opened with the slightest movement, Lilian's legs were now taking centre stage.

As Lilian walked to a small recessed control panel, Kara stared at her luscious legs. Although Lilian was significantly older than Kara, the young girl had to admit that she was envious of those legs. Looking down quickly at her own, what she had always seen as slender now looked spindly and frail. Maybe it was because she was so tall, but Kara was amazed that despite those sensuous and very feminine legs, Lilian didn't look round. And the feeling only deepened when she glanced up and saw her wide hips and the sway of her breasts on either side even from behind!

Kara had also chosen to dress more sexily this time, choosing to wear a tank top and short skirt over her bikini. Kara kept thinking about the moment she would see Lilian in her swimsuit. Hopefully that same extraordinary bikini she had seen in the picture a few weeks ago. In the shade of a huge oak tree, Kara and Lilian talked about futanaris some more. Afterwards, over another excellent dinner, they spent more time discovering each other. Lilian talked a lot more, but Kara could see that she was very curious of her own life as well. As they were clearing the dishes away, Kara admitted to Lilian that she was fascinated by her life and the unique path she had chosen to live.

As soon as they walked back outside again, seeing the sunset over the pool, they both looked at each other and said "The pool?" at the same time. Smiling, Lilian said "You can jump in the pool whenever you're ready, I'll go get rid of these clothes and join you." Kara stripped to her sexiest bikini and sat on the deck, her feet in the water. Her heart was racing again and she couldn't remember being so excited at the though of seeing a woman's body. "I feel like a young boy right now!" she thought, giggling.

A few minutes later, as was breathing slowly to calm down, she heard Lilian say "I didn't take you for a prude, my dear Kara." When Kara turned around to look at her professor, her jaw dropped. Lilian was walking towards her fully naked. Gloriously naked in the sunset light. Not even realizing that her jaw had literally dropped, Kara stared at her professor. She felt a storm of explosions ravaging her mind as she tried to see everything at once.

Lilian had pinned her long hair into a tight bun on top of her head, and while that mane was a sight to behold, the effect was still remarkable. It highlighted the sleek beauty of Lilian's neck and shoulders. And it also placed Lilian's large breasts at the forefront of the show. They swung and bounced with every step and Kara's eyes were drawn to those pink nipples. Below those breasts were that small waist and flawless tummy that flared into her feminine hips and that remarkable, golden bush. While she was trimmed on the sides, it was clear that miss Lilian wasn't into that contemporary shaven look.

There was something raw and wild about that bush. It was the same with the way miss Lilian walked, the way her heavy breasts bounced slowly and especially and especially with her blue-green eyes as she looked at her. She looked like a golden feline about to pounce on her prey and even licked her lips as she walked towards Kara. The young student stood up and looked up into those glowing eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Kara said "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Kara forced herself to take a breath before adding "Isn't this what photographers call the golden hour? Right when the light becomes magical?"

Smiling, radiant as a goddess in truth, Lilian said "Oh my dear... I like you more and more." Lilian moved closer towards Kara's face and whispered "Why don't you remove that sexy bikini and join me in the pool?"

With that, she walked past Kara and jumped in the pool. Turning around to watch Lilian swim all the way to the opposite side of the pool, Kara was breathing hard. "This is it!" she thought. "No more generational gaps, no more hesitation, no more waiting! I'm going to fuck that goddess tonight!"

Kara let her bikini drop to the wooden floor and dove deep before swimming as far as she could. Discovering that the water was salty, she opened her eyes and made her way up to Lilian underwater. When she emerged right in front of her professor, Lilian was already laughing. She grabbed her into an extremely intimate hug before kissing her. Only their second kiss, a much sweeter one as their naked bodies were entwining underwater. Kara's arms wrapped around Lilian's neck and she pulled herself hard against that stunning woman's mouth.

Kara felt like exploding in Lilian's arms. That sexually charged hug and that burning kiss were so different than anything she had ever felt. There was already a deep need growing ever deeper in that kiss. Kara felt like she could have swallowed Lilian whole! But then the taller and more voluptuous woman's presence brought Kara back to reality and she felt loved and comforted at the same time. She barely knew that woman, had only had a few hours of private discussion with her and yet... When Lilian said "Come here, my little shaven one..." and grabbed Kara's pussy with her hand, Kara gasped.

Lilian was laughing gently as they kept kissing. Kara felt her body igniting under Lilian's fingers and lips. Mere seconds into that kiss Kara knew that she wouldn't be the one to take the lead here. At least not for this first time. Her intuition was confirmed when Lilian slowly pulled them into the deeper part of the pool until Kara's toes couldn't reach the bottom. If she had needed any additional sign that Lilian was in control...

Reaching down underwater with one hand, Kara grabbed one of Lilian's breasts and closed her hand on that generous flesh. She felt as if her breasts were made of warm cookie dough. Thick and heavy even while underwater, Lilian's breasts were all flesh, all lust. She trapped the large nipple, fully engorged by now, between two fingers and squeezed it.

Lilian smiled again in their kiss before switching her grip. When Kara felt Lilian's hands sliding over her hips to grab her ass, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around Lilian's waist. It was now Kara's turn to giggle when she felt her professor mauling her ass. "Oh by all the futanari Gods..." Lilian gasped. "It's been so long since I held such a wonderfully firm ass in my hands! Oh to be 18 again!"

Kara laughed for a moment before gasping as Lilian's fingers probed deeper and found the slick, wet opening of her pussy. With one hand firmly grasping one buttock, Lilian pushed her other hand towards Kara's pussy, sliding two fingers into her. Kara moaned her pleasure and shivered in her professor's arms. "You can shout my dear..."

As soon as she heard those words, Kara allowed herself to express to heady feelings. "Christ!" Kara cried. "Fuck me Lilian, just fuck me as hard as you want!" When Kara heard her professor's growl she opened her eyes and looked into her own. She had but rarely seen such passion, such intensity. Once more Lilian began moving in the pool and carried Kara out onto the deck. Soon they were inside the house with Lilian carrying her easily.

They were dripping salty water all over the floor and stairs, but Kara couldn't care less. While Lilian had to used both her hands on her ass to hold her up, Kara was slowly grinding her bald pussy against the top of Lilian's bush. She opened her eyes when she recognized an odour and saw that she was now in Lilian's room, the only room of the house she hadn't visited yet. She had smelled that odour a few times during her meeting with Lilian, but the first powerful memory was when they hugged for the first time. And now, in her most private room, Kara was overwhelmed by that same odour.

She gasped when she felt herself falling upon Lilian's bed and giggled as she moved backwards until her head rested on a bunch of pillows. She stared at her professor and had a repeat of her earlier golden feline walk. This time, as she walked on her knees towards Kara, she unpinned her hair and languidly moved her head to let that thick mane flow free. On all fours now, she asked "How many times can you cum in an evening Kara?"

Kara's mouth was opened and she was breathing hard by that point "I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

Lilian was growling as, this time, she did pounce on Kara. As the young woman felt the older one's breasts on her belly, Lilian gathered Kara's breasts in her hands and began feasting. Kara arched her body against Lilian's mouth and felt her pleasure already growing. With both her hands she grabbed Lilian's head and slipped her fingers deep inside that warm, golden mane.

Kara gasped when she felt Lilian's fingers coming back to her pussy, and soon inside her pussy. But it was very clear to Kara that Lilian wasn't rudely and awkwardly pressing her fingers into her pussy. It was simply a different energy, a flawless reading of Kara's own readiness and desire. Assailed on four fronts, by Lilian's mouth, fingers that incredible hair, and the intoxicating smell that was now firmly associated to Lilian, Kara felt the beads of water being replaced by sweat.

She couldn't quite believe how quickly her initial pleasure was now coalescing in a first climax. In mere minutes Lilian had made her explode with pleasure as if she were a virgin boy fucking for the first time. Throwing her head back against the pillows, Kara released Lilian's hair and stretched her arms wide as pleasure overtook her. Sudden and violent, her first climax shook her body as Kara was moaning incessantly.

As if reading her like an already familiar book, Lilian released her nipple and moved up to Kara's head and whispered right into her ear "You're pussy is mine, little darling. You're going to be devoured like never before. You're mine!" Kara laughed for a moment but gasped when she felt Lilian's mouth on her pussy. Looking down in shock at the amount of pleasure she was feeling, so close after her first climax, Kara was stunned. In fact, her first climax wasn't even done yet.

Using both her hands, Lilian pushed Kara's legs up and pushed her tongue as deep as it would go inside her pussy. To Kara's surprise, it turned out to be very deep. When she pulled back a long moment later, gasping for air, Lilian said "Damn you taste so good!" She then plunged back in. Until that point, Kara had been surprised to see that Lilian's tongue had prevented her climax from fully fading. But then, Lilian had more tricks up her sleeve.

Kara frowned when she felt one of Lilian's hand sliding under her back and push all the way up. "Hang on!" Lilian breathed before grabbing a fistful of Kara's wet hair and pulling hard on it. Kara's breath caught in her throat when she felt her head being pulled back. She arched her body reflexively, which only allowed Lilian better access. When her professor pulled out of her pussy and pressed her tongue directly against her clit, Kara cried out.

Soon she was shouting as a brand new orgasm was already threatening to burst. Arched and twisted as she was, she was overwhelmed by the pleasure, of course, but most importantly by Lilian's incredible presence and domination. Yes, domination. Kara had never been with anybody as confident in bed. Well, Nina was confident, or rather sure of herself. Lilian felt like a master, felt like someone who knew exactly what she wanted, what Kara wanted and exactly how to get it.