Tradeshow Tryst


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From the look on Jess' face I couldn't tell if I'd overstepped the mark or not. Damned alcohol. Had I blown it? She looked surprised, like she'd underestimated me, and I just sat there sheepishly wishing I could take it back. Then she leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eye and lowered her voice.

"So what sort of things have you heard? C'mon spill it."

"You don't want to know."

"Yes I do! Come on."


She nodded and waited, gingerly sipping her wine.

I took a deep breath. "All sorts. Mostly couples giving the bed springs a good workout. It's amazing how uninhibited people can be when they're in a hotel room."

She cocked her head playfully, indicating I should continue.

"Like this one girl was a real moaner. Every stroke she'd let out a huge ooohhh that gradually became higher and higher in pitch as he pounded into her. They got faster until she was almost continuously wailing. I could practically hear him filling her with come from next door."

"That must have been pretty hot. So what's your favourite so far?"

"So many to choose from. Erm, one that stands out in particular was the woman begging for him to, and I quote, 'fill my slutty ass with your fat cock'. That was a wild ride."

Jess giggled. "Well it wasn't me: I've never done that. You?"

Should I confess? My brain sluggishly said no, and the rest of my body ignored it again. I nodded a little reservedly, unsure of where this might lead. It wasn't the sort of thing I tended to admit outside my close circle of friends and her wide-eyed expression indicated she was bound to ask a follow-up, so I quickly deflected the subject a little.

"I like listening to women going solo, although that's more difficult to hear. But it's worth the extra concentration. Oh, and another time in Stockholm I heard a pair of lesbians at it. They were sooo hot. Took a long time over it too. I was spent by the time they went to sleep, if you know what I mean."

The brunette opposite me grinned widely and sipped more wine. Was she checking me out? Did she think I'd make a good lover? Or was I too drunk to assess the situation reliably? Although part of me knew I should cut back on the wine I kept up with her and drank a little more as we ordered dessert.

Not wishing to be the only one divulging secrets, after some cajoling I managed to get Jess to admit enjoying role play in the bedroom, especially where one party is dominant. Her self-conscious account of the time she dressed in thigh length boots and made her husband into her personal sex slave for the night really turned me on. By the end of it I was rhythmically squeezing my thighs together beneath the table, each compression forcing my lips together then apart. I could feel myself beginning to moisten; the tingling in my tummy gradually spreading to my hips as I imagined her bouncing up and down on her husband's stiff prick while whipping his chest with the leather riding crop she described.

As Jess finished her tale I was left with my mouth agape. "You are such a minx! And you think _I'm_ a bad girl?"

Jess was more than a little coy. "I just like to make sure my man knows not to look elsewhere for his... entertainment."

"Trust me," I said placing my hand on her forearm, "With stories like that there's no chance of him wandering. I might steal that one and try it on Adam one day."

I realised my hand was still on her arm and withdrew sharply. There was a silence between us that crackled. Her eyes met mine and her pupils dilated a little. Was that a sign she wanted more from me or did I imagine it? Sadly the moment was broken by dessert arriving. I'd elected for a chocolate torte; which probably accounted for the reason the gym sessions were an uphill struggle. Jess had sorbet, which I guessed accounted for her frame.

Tucking into our desserts, I began to feel the effects of the alcohol further and admitted to some other racy encounters. By the time we settled the bill and left the restaurant I was struggling to walk in the Louboutin's. Had it been warmer I might have taken them off and walked the short hop back to the hotel barefoot. Instead I had to rely on Jess' support, hanging onto her arm and giggling at every little thing we passed. She was quite tipsy too and on more than one occasion we fell into the hedge, laughing like a pair of teenagers as we pulled twigs from one another.

Upon entering the hotel, Jess kept shhhhing me in the loud manner only someone who is drunk can. I removed my shoes and found the going a little easier. When the lift doors slid shut and we started to ascend I thanked her for a lovely evening and leaned across to drunkenly kiss her on the cheek, slurring my undying love for her. Instead I missed and fell over in a heap on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. I barely heard Jess asking "Which floor, my sweet Juliet," and having hysterics when I breathlessly squeaked the answer from the corner of the lift.

We spilled into the brightly lit corridor and she managed to half stumble, half drag me to my room and swipe the room card. We collapsed inside laughing. The door swung shut and I threw my shoes across the room then fought to remove my dress. Jess helped when I become entangled in the strap, grabbing the hem and lifting, ceremoniously discarding it on my behalf. I stood there in front of her in just my lingerie. With a giggle I crooked my finger and beckoned her to the bed, stepping backwards as she advanced. Step by step we moved in sync until I tripped over my strewn shoe and crashed against the bed frame. Jess laughed at first then quickly bent to assist me, hauling me to my feet and wrestling me up onto the side of the bed.

I sat there for a moment, rocking gently and looked over at her. The moonlight streamed into the dark room where I'd not closed the curtains earlier, casting a blue hue on her angelic face. I brought my hand to her cheek and stroked it.

"Jess, I feel funny."

"So do I," she breathed leaning into me.

I stopped her with a finger to her lips. "No, I mean really funny. Like I'm... like I'm gonna throw up."

My mouth started watering with the unmistakable warning signs of sick and my eyes widened as I began to feel my stomach wrenching. I launched myself from the bed amid a muttered apology, stumbled gracelessly to the bathroom and puked. With my head over the toilet bowl, that was the last I remembered of the evening.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Predictably I awoke at just gone eight with a sore head. My mouth tasted distinctly unfresh and very dry. After forcing my eyes to focus I swung my legs over the edge and gingerly padded from the bed dressed only in my sheer panties, filling the plastic cup in the bathroom with tap water. I gulped noisily, glad of the lubrication to my fiery throat and looked at myself in the three-part angled mirror. My hair was a tangled mess -- I still had at least one twig jutting from it -- my eye shadow was a little smeared and I had a small purpling bruise on my temple where I'd fallen.

I sat heavily on the toilet lid and buried my face in my hands as parts of the previous evening came back to haunt me. What a fool I'd been. Dammit why hadn't I paced myself better? Now I'd ruined my chances of friendship -- maybe more -- with Jess. I cursed myself for being so stupid.

Sighing deeply I stood and started the shower. As steam began to billow from beyond the curtain I peeled my panties from my hairless pussy, noticing the telltale white stain of arousal at Jess' sexual stories over dinner. I flung the knickers from the room and stepped under the jet's relentless fingers of water. It felt better already but there was a hole in my heart where I knew my actions had cost me something more than a simple hangover.

As the water cascaded over my hair and I washed and rinsed away the memories of the night before I wondered what I'd say to Jess if I saw her again. Aside from a huge apology. Perhaps the best course of action would be to avoid her. Yes, that would be best. As I soaped my shapely body I tried to cast her from my mind and focus on how to make it through the day with the feeling that someone was constantly kicking the inside of my head.

She wasn't at breakfast which made me feel slightly more at ease: it's simpler to avoid someone if they're not there. To minimise the chance of meeting her I finished the excuse for a continental breakfast quickly and made my way outside in the light rain up the road to the exhibition centre, still feeling sorry for myself. As the roadworks continued in my head, Peter Gabriel's 'Sledgehammer' looped on my internal jukebox.

It wasn't until lunch time that our paths crossed again. She snuck up behind me in one of the sandwich bars around the perimeter of the hall.

"Hey Belle."

I froze, continuing to stare forward. "Uhh, hi Jess." The speech I'd prepared for this moment evaporated and I just goldfished a few times then shut my mouth. Jess came round to face me. "You ok?"

"Yes thank you. A sore head but it's gradually going."

"Cool, I was a little worried you'd hurt yourself when you tripped."

I swept my hair aside and showed her the bruise.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed.

"It looks worse than it is."

Silence. Then we both began to speak and stopped. I began again.

"Listen Jess, I'm sorry about last night. I was totally out of order and feel like I let you down. I don't normally get like that and just..."

"Hey, don't worry about it."

I looked up into her emerald eyes and they shone into my soul. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I was a little worse for wear myself."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I thought you'd never speak to me again or you'd end up telling everyone that English girls were all stupid drunken idiots and I wouldn't want to be responsible for damaging international relations between our countries."

She laughed that infectious laugh. "Are you kidding? I always maintain you don't really know someone until you've held the hair out of their eyes while they puked their guts out."

"Oh God I'm sorry," I murmured, horrified that I'd let this virtual stranger see that side of me.

The queue moved forward a pace. "Don't worry about it," she repeated. "I'm just glad you're ok."

I stood there looking at the floor for a long minute, gradually shuffling with the rest of the sandwich line. Jess stood behind me. I turned to face her.

"So, what else happened? Did I... well, you know... for long?"

"About forty minutes or so. On and off. You kept apologising between bouts and then hurling. It was quite funny actually, sorry."

"I'm so ashamed."

"Don't be. Eventually you stopped and I helped you to bed then let myself out. I'm just glad I was there or you might have been in a real mess this morning."

I looked up at her. She appeared so beautiful to me, the light bulb from the ceiling casting a halo around her smooth auburn hair. Here was a woman I hardly knew who had seen the worst part of me and didn't seem at all phased by it. I reached out to touch her hand, grasping it lightly.

"Thank you, Jess. For not judging me. I'd, uhhh, kiss you to say thanks but people might talk."

She leaned to my ear. "Let them talk."

Electricity arced between us as her hot breath and words caught in my ear. I gently kissed her cheek and let go of her hand after a few moments then turned to face the front of the queue, pacing forward where a gap had formed. Jess was behind me almost immediately.

"So do you want to try another meal tonight? With less alcohol? I still don't know the area well enough and a table for one doesn't appeal."

"Are you sure?"


I whirled to face her, feeling suddenly relieved and more than happy at her request. "OK. Same time in the lobby?"

She nodded. "Can't wait."

Then she was gone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With the drudgery of the day over I once again kicked off my regular heels in the hotel room and spent some time lazing on the bed. I realised among yesterday's encounter I hadn't phoned Adam and rectified that using the hotel phone. The company would pick up the astronomical tab as I was allowed one personal call a day. He answered on the 4th ring.

"Hi B, missing you."

I smiled. 'B' was his nickname for me. I sometimes called him 'A' in return and we joked that if we ever had kids they'd have to be named beginning 'C' and 'D' respectively.

"Miss you too. How was work?"

"Same old. You?"

I related the story of yesterday to him including all the grisly details I could remember and he laughed.

"That's my girl."

"Don't! The thing is I think she's really into me and I don't know how I feel about that. She's married, quite straight laced and we're, you know... not."

"What's there to consider? You know how I feel about it."

"I'm not asking how you feel about it. I'm saying it's more complicated than that." I knew it was a long-held fantasy of his to see me make out with another woman. But before I met Jess I never thought I wanted to.

"It's not complicated at all. From the way you described her I can tell that you're into her as much as she is you."

"You think?"

"Yeah. Look, B, just tell her tonight. No theatrics and not as much booze. It's not like you'll ever see her again anyway. Just sound her out a bit and make sure you're reading her right. Then if it all checks out, go for it."

"But I feel I'm betraying you. Or myself. I'm not a lesbian or bi or anything. Why the hell am I feeling this way?"

"You can't control how you feel and you don't have to be gay. You're just curious, right? There's some spark inside you that she lit and you need to find out how it feels to scratch that itch. If you want to fuck this Jess girl to get it out of your system then do so."

I found myself nodding in agreement. It sounded callous the way he described it but he made sense when I needed it most. Then he continued.

"On one condition."

Uh-oh. Last time there was an attached condition I ended up losing my anal virginity. "What's that?"

"You tell me all about it when you get back and you don't miss a single detail. Not one little thing."

"You don't mind?"

"Why would I mind? I'm already hard just thinking about you and another woman enjoying each other."

I breathed out heavily. Although still unsure of whether the path I was treading was the right one, having Adam's -- albeit not very altruistic -- support was a weight off my mind. "Thank you. You're incredible for understanding."

"Just go for it, baby Belle." That was his other nickname for me. "Show her the real you; the you that I know so well; the you that would make anyone -- man or woman -- drool with delight at your taste."

I blushed. "OK I will. You've put my mind at ease. I love you, Adam."

"You too. Now go get her."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The meal with Jess went well. Effortless really, considering the fiasco the night before. It was partly because I was more mindful of my alcohol intake and partly because I was trying to steer the conversation to sex; luckily a topic she seemed interested to explore. By the time we were on dessert I was sure she was testing the water with me in the same way I was testing her. She made me recite the story of the two lesbians I'd overheard in the Swedish hotel in intimate detail and I could tell by the end of it that she was very turned on; her neckline was flushed a pale pink and she only had one hand on the table.

In her current state of arousal I knew there was a golden opportunity to find out for sure if she wanted to further our relationship and decided to just go for it, as Adam had suggested. Otherwise tonight would forever be chalked up to regret.

The wine helped calm my fluttering stomach and I breathed deeply in preparation. I lowered my voice and leaned across the marble table. "So does the idea of making love to another girl excite you?"

Her eyes flashed and she fixed her gaze on me. "Not that I'd ever admit it to my husband, but yeah. I'd like to try it to find out how different it is. To see if it's true that two women can please each other because they know innately what the other desires."

OK, so phase one was out in the open. Time for the stun grenade. "Me too. After hearing those two girls at it I just wanted to knock on the door and throw myself at them."

"I think I would have too."

The air between us fizzed with unspoken promise. I took a spoonful of ice cream and gingerly licked it from the spoon, hopefully provocatively. It was now or never. Time for the nuke. "Jess, would you like... uhh..." I leaned across the table a little further still and rested my hand on hers. "Would you like to play with me tonight?" The words caught in my throat and I couldn't believe I'd said it. But there it was: out there.

Jess gulped a little and looked down at the table, biting her lip. When she raised her head to fix me with her gorgeous wide eyes I knew the answer before she confirmed it. "Yes. If you'll take me I'm yours."

My heart skipped a beat and I squeezed her hand tightly. "Then let's go. I don't think I can waste another minute without tasting you."

We settled the bill and scampered out into the London rain which had not let up all day. Neither of us noticed as we ran like school kids up the street, laughing and splashing each other until we reached the hotel entrance. Slightly bedraggled we composed ourselves outside the revolving doors, smoothing wet hair behind our ears, and made our way inside, quickly crossing the lobby to the lifts.

The instant the lift door closed I was on her. I fumbled behind her for the button and pressed her floor then crushed my lips to hers. The forbidden touch of girl against girl, hearts beating rapidly beneath bosoms, hands wiping rain from faces, and tongues dancing in each other's mouth made the short journey to the fifth floor seem an exquisite eternity. I couldn't recall feeling this excited in all my recent sexual memories. The sensation of Jess' soft lips against mine captured my spirit and left me breathless. Had the lift been playing muzak, Katy Perry's 'I kissed a girl' (and I liked it) would have been appropriate. Except Jess' lip gloss tasted of vanilla, not cherry. I breathed her scent deeply and brought my hands to her cheeks, holding her to me as we embraced.

All too soon the lift announced the floor and we jolted apart, both wiping our mouths instinctively. A devilish glimmer was in her eye and once we'd established nobody else was on her floor we shucked off our shoes and ran barefoot, hand in hand down the carpeted corridor to her room.

Jess scrabbled with the key card and eventually made the green light appear. We crashed inside her room which still smelled faintly of her earlier shower, shoes flinging aside, hands grabbing at clothes and skin. Was I really doing this? Was I about to make love to someone of the same sex? The touch of Jess' lips against mine quelled any arguments I might have brought against the act in that moment of uncertainty: I needed this woman. I pushed back against her and we slammed into the wall by the door as it eased shut, tongues exploring. I brought my hands to her face and brushed droplets of rain from her forehead, smoothing her hair and tracing the contour of her cheekbones with my fingertips. She sighed and I caught her breath, pressing my lips firmly against hers.

She ran her hands to my hips and began unfastening the belt of my dress. It fell away and fluttered to the floor causing the garment to lose shape around my body. She quickly lowered her hands to the hem and in one fluid movement pushed me away a step and yanked the dress over my head, discarding it in the corner of the room. My lingerie once again comprised a push-up bra, matching cotton panties and sparkly nylon hold-ups. The only light was from the full moon streaming past the open curtains, illuminating me from one side. My legs twinkled like the night sky itself as I stepped forward into her space and began unbuttoning her blouse. She shucked her jacket and it dropped to the floor as button after button revealed more of her creamy breasts to my wanton gaze.