Trading Ice


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"Want to know what?" She handed him a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Together they moved to her small living room.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend? Or date anyone, for that matter."

"Why does it matter?" She tried to keep from fidgeting under his gaze as they sat next to each other on her well-worn couch.

"I just don't understand why you're not."

"We already went over this. I'm just not the type of girl who attracts that much attention. I'm a fade-into-the-background kind of girl. I'm the girl that guys spend time with until they go home to their fiances."

Max's eyes widened and Mary could kick herself for revealing so much. Now he'd want to know what the hell she was talking about.

"What is the story with that?"

"It doesn't matter." She waved her hand in the air and avoided meeting his eyes.

"Sure it does. Tell me what happened. It seems to have turned you off of dating for good."

Mary looked at him and he was smiling, except it wasn't his usual impish look that she'd grown so accustomed to. It was more sober and less playful. With a sigh, she told him the story about Braden and his fiance. When she was done, she couldn't look at him anymore.

"That isn't a good enough reason to give up on seeing guys altogether," he said.

She sipped some more of her hot chocolate. "I see you, don't I?"

He said nothing to that, just stared at her in silence. He stared so long that she began to squirm under his gaze. Then he moved, the couch creaking and sinking under his weight as he shifted closer. She saw him set down his mug out of the corner of her eye and a tremor went through her entire body.

What the hell is wrong with me? she wondered, clutching her own mug. He's not even touching me. Probably not even thinking about touching me and...oh dear...

Suddenly he was touching her, sliding his arms around her body and pulling her closer to him. One of his strong arms went around her waist as his other arm pulled on her legs until he had her turned to face him.

"Mary." His warm breath stirred the loose hairs near her neck.

He gently pulled the mug out of her hands, setting it down on the table next to his. She followed the movement of his hand with her eyes, refusing to look at his face, convincing herself that he was just playing with her, trying to prove something. Then that hand came back towards her; large, smooth palm coming closer until he was sliding it over the skin of her cheek. She shivered, her eyes slipping shut at his touch.

This doesn't feel like something a friend does. She fought the urge to giggle.

"Mary," Max whispered her name again, applying just enough pressure with his hand to turn her face towards him.

His dark lashes were low over his shining blue eyes and that playful smile was back on his face. It held something else behind the light-hearted humor; something deeper, something... hungrier.

"You know, I'd convinced myself that the reason I never tried anything was because I didn't want to ruin my first real friendship here." He stroked her chin with the pad of his thumb. He moved his eyes from hers, glancing down her body with a look of such intense heat that she felt her temperature spike.

"After tonight, all I wanted to do was get to the coffee shop so I could celebrate with you," he went on, his blue eyes lifting back to hers. "I realized that I've never felt that way about any of my friends."

"Oh?" The word was more of an exhalation than a response. Max was still stroking her, moving from her chin to the soft skin just under her ear.

"I guess I'm wondering if I'd be taking too much of a chance here, Mary." His face was serious and his eyes were so dark now. She couldn't look anywhere else. "I don't want to lose you."

"Me either."

He grinned and shifted closer still. Mary started to tremble and she couldn't seem to stop it.

His arm tightened around her waist and forced her to bend her body against his. "Are you cold?"

"No. I'm...confused."

"About what?"

"Why are you saying these things to me?"

"Because I want you to know." He lifted one shoulder, his eyes dancing. "I want you to understand... before."

Now she really felt lost. What is he trying to do? She swallowed the lump in her throat and licked her lips before responding. "Understand what?"

"This." With that, he leaned close enough that she felt his breath on her lips a second before he brushed his mouth against hers.

She gasped, arching her body and tearing their lips apart before a real kiss happened. "What are you doing?" What am I doing? she wondered. He was kissing me!

Max looked surprised by her reaction but he didn't let her go. Oh no. He dropped his hand from her face to her thigh, pulling hard and hauling her legs around until she was all but sprawled across his lap. It upset her balance and she clung to his shoulders to keep from toppling backwards. Her eyes met his and his grin was positively wicked.

Oh, God help me, she thought before he gave her a good yank and did send her sprawling back against the couch.

Before she could move, Max was on top of her, his thighs trapping her lower body and his hands holding hers beside her head.

"What are you doing?" She heard the near-panic in her own voice. I must be dreaming. This isn't me lying here, feeling his body on me, watching him kiss me...

The thought disappeared as Max's lips came down on hers. All thoughts were obliterated for several seconds as he kissed her. His lips were very soft and she could just feel the stubble on his chin rubbing her skin. She clenched her hands and tried to lift her body but Max held her down. She must have made a noise because Max drew back after a few seconds.

"Did I do it?" His voice was husky and breathless. His blue eyes flicked back and forth between hers and she could almost feel his smile coming before he did it. "Did I just wreck everything?"

She shook her head, her throat tight. "I don't... I... you..." she stopped on a breathless laugh that turned into a gasp as Max lowered his mouth to run his tongue across her lower lip. Her thoughts scattered for another long moment. She felt him release her hands, his own hands moving to cup her neck and tilt her head back as he pressed his lips to hers again.

This time, he didn't hesitate. He pushed inside, his tongue hot and slick against hers and she moaned. His other hand moved down her side as he shifted some of his weight off of her so he could slide his hand over her hip. She lifted her hips and felt something come loose inside of her as he slipped his hand around to cup her ass. She drove her fingers through his hair, clenching them and kissing him back, really kissing him back for the first time since he'd started this.

They broke apart in another minute, breathing hard.

"I guess you're all right with this, then?" His fingers clenched against her backside.

She lifted her hips, brushing her middle against his and bit her lip when she felt the unyielding part of him that dug into her.

"Mary, say something, please," he begged, his voice hoarse.

"What do you want me to say?" She lowered her hips only to lift them a second later, loving the reaction she got each time.

"Tell me this is OK."

The next time she lifted her hips, he flattened his hand against her bottom, holding her in place against him. The heat of him seeped into her and she felt herself melting and softening around him. She stopped trembling and lifted her knees, cradling him between her thighs as she watched his eyes the whole time.

"Why?" Her voice was a low whisper.

He looked confused and she grinned, dropping a hand to stroke his cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm, his tongue darting out just before she pulled her hand away.


"Why me?" Her face heated as Max turned his deep blue eyes on her.

"Because it can't be anyone else." His tone implied that she should have known all along.

And shouldn't she have?

Shouldn't she have recognized what she was feeling? All this time she'd been worried about not feeling for someone the way she'd felt about Braden. She'd worried about it so much that she'd forgotten what it did feel like to fall, to just give up and take the chance.

"Mary." Max bent his head down and planted warm, wet kisses to the exposed column of her throat. "Tell me you want me to stop."

She let out a breathless laugh. Oh no. She wasn't going to stop or let this get away from her. She wanted to trade her feelings of loneliness for something else.

"No." She cupped his cheeks in her hands, drawing his face up until she could look into his eyes again.

He gave her a lopsided smile. "I did wreck everything, didn't I?"

"No, Max. You didn't wreck anything. I'm not going to tell you I want you to stop because I don't."

A smile spread across his face and Mary felt her mouth curling up at the corners in an identical grin. He laughed and wrapped her in his arms, burying his face in her neck. Mary hugged him back and let her head fall onto the couch with a sigh as his lips moved over her skin.

"I'm so relieved." He kissed her again and again, sliding his lips and tongue over her.

Mary pressed her head back into the couch, giving him more access to her throat. He obliged, raining kisses in a hot path up to her jaw and nibbling on her chin. She slid her arms around his shoulders and held on, grinning like a fool at the ceiling.

"Mary, this couch is terrible." Max lifted his head and gave her a mock serious look.

She laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I can feel a spring digging into my ass."

Max hooted with laughter and sat up, hauling her up with him. Before she could protest, he lifted her into his arms and carried her through the apartment to her bedroom. She clung to his shoulders, yelping when he somehow managed to pinch her ass even as he carried her. They went tumbling together onto her bed and Max made quick work of her clothes.

Mary's mind was spinning and it was all she could do to keep breathing as Max shucked her out of her pants, leaving her lying in the middle of the bed in nothing but her underwear. Then he knelt over her and pulled his shirt off, revealing his toned chest. Mary bit her lip at this first sight of him. He had a light smattering of hair across his chest that arrowed down over his flat stomach and disappeared beneath the waist of his low-slung jeans. Something must have shown in her eyes because Max stopped to lean over her, a nervous smile playing around his lips.


"Nothing." She reached for the button at the top of his zipper.

He held himself still as she pulled the zipper down and slipped her hand inside. He hissed his breath out as she stroked him.

"You know, I've been wondering whether it was boxers or briefs." She gave him a light squeeze and grinned at the reaction she got. She watched his muscles tense and his eyes close at her touch.

"Are you disappointed?" he asked a few seconds later.

"Not at all." She ran her palm up and down his generous length. "I've always been a fan of commando."

He chuckled and swept her back against her pillows, running his hands up her naked sides and kissing her. She opened her mouth and took his tongue inside, sweeping the underside with hers. He made a sound like a growl in the back of his throat and Mary smiled against his lips. She slipped her hands inside his jeans and scraped her nails over his bare skin. He groaned and lifted his head when she did it again.

"I think you need to take your pants off now," she said, her voice husky with desire.

She'd never wanted someone so much. From the situation in Max's pants, she could tell that he felt the same way.

"I will if you take your bra and panties off." He gave her a wink.

"Race you!"

She shrieked with laughter when he bounced onto his back to kick out of his jeans. She struggled to undo her bra clasp, her fingers shaking too much for her to work it. She grabbed one side and yanked it off over her head and was about to pull her panties off when Max rolled over her. His lean, hard body pressed her into the bed covers and his mouth found hers in a deep kiss. She lost herself to it, giddy with the knowledge that he wanted her at least as much as she wanted him.

"I haven't..." she started to speak but moaned when his fingers closed over one nipple. "Oh God."

He gave her a wicked grin and squeezed her again. She arched, pressing more of her body into his hand and sighed when he stroked her.

"You were saying?" He lowered his head and licked one taut nipple.

"I haven't taken my underwear off." She started when he blew a warm breath over the nipple he'd just moistened.

"I guess that means I win." He slid his hands under the elastic of her panties and pulled them off.

She laughed and nodded, tipping her chin down so she could look at him.

He smoothed a palm over her abdomen. "What's my prize?" He teased the crisp curls at the juncture of her thighs and her eyelids fluttered shut as he slipped his fingers lower.

"What do you want?" She bit her lip and lifted her hips to meet his strokes.

Max tipped his head to one side as he played with her, running his other palm over her stomach and up to cup one breast. Then he pushed his fingers between her wet and swollen lips, slipping inside of her with one smooth motion. Mary groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, her body lifting from the covers to press closer.

Max leaned over her, sliding his chest against hers. His fingers were sliding within her, stroking her and rubbing her, making her overheat. "I think I already have exactly what I want."

Mary felt tears prick the back of her eyelids. She blinked them open to find Max gazing down at her with such an expression of wonder that she didn't know what to do.

"Mary," he whispered her name and pressed his lips to her cheeks. "Mary." He kissed her neck, licked his way up until he was nibbling on an ear lobe. "Mary." He spoke with a distinctive huskiness moments before he sealed his lips over hers, his tongue pressing inside and devouring her.

Mary was helpless before the onslaught and held onto his shoulders as he nudged her thighs apart to settle between them. She felt his erection come between them, hard and hot. She moaned, squirming in a silent desire to feel more of him. His hand swept over her side and pressed her down on the bed. She tore her mouth from his and drew in several deep breaths.

Max laughed, sliding his lips down to her throat and thrusting into her in one swift move. Mary gasped at the sharp connection of his body with hers and lifted her hips to meet his next thrust.

She moaned and dug her fingers into his shoulders. "Oh wow."

"Yeah." Max blew his breath out against her throat, moving within her.

She turned her head to press kisses to the side of his throat. He lifted himself onto his arms over her and narrowed his eyes as he pushed into her again. She sucked in a breath and gripped his biceps, loving the way his muscles bunched and flexed under her hands. He moved again and she pulled her knees up, drawing him in deeper. He began to move faster then, their bodies slapping together.

Mary moaned, sliding her hands up to hold the back of his neck. He lifted a hand to grasp hers and sucked one of her fingers into his mouth. She let her head fall back on the pillows and closed her eyes, losing herself to him.

She felt like she was flying and falling and melting all at once. It was the most intense sensation she'd ever known and she never wanted it to end.

Even as the thought crossed her mind, Max thrust his hand between their bodies to stroke her. She shuddered and dug her nails into his skin, swallowing his hiss with her lips on his. He stroked her again, in time with their thrusting bodies and she made a noise in the back of her throat. She felt his lips curl against hers in that wicked, wicked grin and she lifted her hips to meet his urgent thrusting. All the while, he rubbed her, stroked her until she saw stars and felt her body unwinding, spinning out of control.

"That's it, Mary," Max growled against her lips. "I want to feel it."

She tossed her head back and forth, moaning, gasping for air as the waves broke against her.

"God, yes, that's it!" Max groaned and moved faster inside of her.

Together they pushed and pulled, sucking on each other's skin and tasting the sweat on their bodies. Mary held him close as she felt his rhythm grow erratic. A minute later he was letting himself loose, coming hard with a shout.

After, he moved within her for what felt like eternity. At last he slowed and rested his body beside hers. He turned his face and pressed a hot kiss to her neck. Smiling, Mary touched his cheek with fingertips that were still tingling from all that had just passed between them.

"I think," he murmured, his breath hot against her skin. "That this has effectively ruined our friendship."

Mary burst out laughing and hugged him close, burying her face against his chest. "No, Max." She pressed kisses to his chest, collarbone and his throat before meeting his gaze again. "This just changes things a bit."

He snorted. "Just a bit?"

"Yes. We're just trading what we had for something new. Like you did."

"Trading?" Max nodded. "I can deal with that."

Mary gave him a light kiss. "So can I. After all, if you'd never been traded, we'd never have met."

"That's right. Getting traded here was the best thing that ever happened to me." Max's words brought a fresh blush to her cheeks. "What? What did I say?"

Mary shook her head, embarrassed by the moisture springing to her eyes again.

"Mary, love, let me see your face," Max pleaded, pulling at the hand she covered her face with. "I want to see your beautiful face."

"Oh Max." Mary did as he asked, lowering her hand and letting him see her ridiculous tears.

"Why are you crying? What have I done wrong?"

"Nothing! Max, you're wonderful. I'm..." She shook her head and laughed, wondering why she was so being emotional.

"Mary, please, I want to see you smile."

Max sounded so distraught that Mary kissed him again. Then again and again until he closed his arms around her and pulled her close.

When she had her emotions in check, she tried again. "I'm just worried that I won't be good enough for you, Max."

"Mary, you're perfect for me."

"Don't be an idiot." She tried to sound nonchalant even as she reeled from the compliment.

"You drive me crazy, Mary." Max tickled her sides until she shrieked with laughter.

"Well, I'm hardly perfect for you," Mary said once she'd caught her breath.

"You're a hockey nut." Max turned onto his side and lifted a hand to tick the points off on his fingers. "You're funny, smart, gorgeous and now I know how good you are in bed."

"Oh, you jerk!" Mary smacked an open palm on his chest.

He caught her hand before she could strike him again and kissed her fingers, one at a time. She melted against his side with a contented sigh.

"I don't want anyone else," Max said. "I want my friend."

Mary smiled at him, blinking back her tears. "Oh, Max. You have your friend."

He grinned, his blue eyes bright and his expression elated. He leaned close to kiss her again. Then again and again until they all ran together and their bodies stirred once more.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5 stars.

One of the things I appreciate about your stories is that all your main characters are unique.

They are not just clones from another story you have created.

They are easily recognizable individuals who remind me of real people I already know.

Well done. I enjoy reading Stangstar with his " perfect gentlemanly husband, until" character cloned in most stories.

And Vandemoium with his own unique Dave in most stories.

But it is far better to meet someone new in each story as I do with your stories. They are different characters with different strengths and weaknesses, different feelings, different speech patterns, different reactions. The sign of a good author, methinks.

Often when reading through stories by the same author, the stories kinda meld coz the main character remains essentially unchanged. The plots may change, the settings may change, the endings may vary, but the main character remains essentially the same.

So again well done for creating different and believable characters.

I can't comment on the hockey as I have never seen a game, I doubt that there is a team in my home country. I know nothing about the rules, the scoring, how long a match is, or the spirit of the game, or anything. The little I have seen, as in 10 second flashes on the news, it looks to me to be brutal legalized thuggery. I am sure others who know the game will vehemently disagree with me.

So in spite of my ignorance about your main theme, you were able to hold me captivated with your writing skills.

Thankyou. Well done.


Johnny0432Johnny0432almost 7 years ago
I've read this story a few, times always 5 stars

I know NOTHING about Hockey. Never watched a full game. I went to a college game once when we were stationed in Bangor Maine. Couldn't make heads or tails out of it, very confusing. Pro games make more sense in their actions, but it ain't likely a Texas boy will know much about Hockey. The Dallas Stars made me proud and pissed off Northerner's I kidded. LOL!!! I love MugsyB she's a great writer. I've read all her stories...all 5 stars...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Hockey at Its Finest!

Maybe this isn't Mike Richards and Carrie Underwood BUT, it's a more realistic story of everyday people meeting,and falling in love.

A hockey fan,but NOT a groupie,love grows out of friendship and he certainly puts the puck in the net as the story winds down.

Always have wondered how the regular guys on a sports team end up with a wife,and this is an explanation that is unjaded and made me smile. Well done!

rnebularrnebularover 7 years ago
So glad I'm going back to read these.

Wonderful romance series so far, and really feel like I know theses characters personally. Very well done, and thanks for sharing! 5*

FustZightFustZightover 7 years ago
Good sex writing

Writing about sex doesn't seem easy for most writers, but you do it with style. In your stories I don't want to skim over those bits.

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