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Bored vampire chooses a werewolf as her new lover.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/09/2005
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The woman known to the few who were aware of her as Beth looked around at the paintings covering every inch of her small, dark castle. Lady Elisabeth Della Nostrum, or Beth as her modern name had become, quietly smiled to herself as she eyed the colourful pictures. Not photos, at least that part of the legends was true. Beth was always amused at some of her younger brethren, the few males she bedded at will.

Young vampires still maintained the human warmth that so attracted their vampiric assailants. For almost a thousand years, Beth had watched the ebb and flow of humanity, and only in the last five had she slowly come to the realization that vampirism in most people was rather boring.

There were of course exceptions. There were only three drives once vampirism descended onto a soul. The drive to kill, the drive to feed, and the drive to fuck. Beth had long since moved past the urges that drove most to kill simply for the sake of killing, and had instead delved deeply into the realm of death as an art form. The calculated chaos of death, the anarchy of human destruction.

Beth allowed her fangs to slide forwards in anticipation as she moved from the countless portraits towards the cages in the lower levels, passing the remains of her last lover; Barabas. A vain and foolish brute whose only redeeming attribute now hung limp against his thigh. The sun was coming over the horizon, and its hated light began to sear his flesh. He woke with a start and struggled, but Beth laughed and slid the windows shut.

At least humans were good for their little inventive streaks, she mused as she watched the ash burn itself away to dust. UV proof glass now shielded her where thick wooden shutters and heavy drapes had once hung. The world lit by sunlight was still something of a novelty to Beth, and she looked at it in wonder from time to time.

Now though, she had pressing business. The brute had brought with him the one thing that he rewarded him with her affections, false though they might have been. At last, a werewolf. Despite their legendary destinic entwinement, most vampires had never seen a werewolf, and had only ever read of them, or heard fables. The beasts were much more intriguing than vampires.

In truth, vampires were not that difficult to kill, if one knew what it was one was up against. Decapitation; although this was more difficult in a world now ruled by bullets and nukes as opposed to the sword and axe, should it occur, it still worked. Sunlight, of course, and the occasional UV light, if a vampire was foolish enough to frequent the raves and night clubs that now used them as attractions. Running water was a farce, as most vampires could either cross the stream by a leap or a glide. Silver and wild roses were another fatal component, although modern usage differed somewhat.

In this day and age, silver wasn't used as extensively, and steel made for a much easier strike. Man's touch was everywhere in the earth, now, so wild roses were rarer still. Holy water would burn as any water would burn if hot enough, and only killed if the vampire believed in Christ before his or her death. But a werewolf? Ah, now there was a far more intriguing story, Beth thought as she slid back the bolt to the animal's cage, and stared at it through the bars.

Werewolves, like vampires, could not be photographed, at least not digitally. A small smile came to Beth's face. She wondered at that, but shrugged it off. Digital photography had blown through the vampiric underground like a brushfire, and suddenly everyone's photograph was on the internet or home computer, or if you were a foolish brute like Barabas, on your shirt.. Wild roses were deadlier to werewolves than vampires, and the only aversion to running water was how cold it always was. Silver only killed a werewolf through a bullet or a knife or dagger; swords didn't work, for some reason.

Beth was always frustrated by the inconsistency of the supernatural existence. Wild roses, not grown, and daggers or knives, not swords. A sword could not kill a vampire or werewolf with a stab, but they could be beheaded by anything, right down to the indignity of a shovel across the throat.

The bright blue eyes of the incredibly masculine creature staring at her through the bars drove a shiver up Beth's spine. She stepped up to the cage, and the creature rose from his crouch and stood tall. Beth hissed at him, but he didn't flinch, merely eyed her warily. The creature had spirit. Beth slowly transformed, her skin fading to white, translucent silk, and her raven ringlets falling to her waist. Her nails hardened and lengthened slightly, and her bust grew, even as her lips darkened to match her hair, and her eyes began to pulse in a vibrant red.

The wolf growled low in his throat and his fists clenched. Beth slipped her long, thin tongue around her fangs, and rubbed their glistening whiteness suggestively. The wolf cocked his head to the side and whined, clearly confused.

"I need a consort, my Lord Wolf. I grow bored with the frivolousness of my blood sucking kin." The werewolf lolled his tongue out of his mouth and the thick fur surrounding his groin moved as though pushed from behind. There was interest there.

"I'm a beast, not a lord. And I don't want you, I just want out of here. We don't make good pets." His tone was indeed bestial, and primal. Beth felt her icy blood begin to push through her body as her lust powered her senses.

"I can see the cock as clear as day, beast. You want me, if only to take me and rut with me like the animal you are. But I shall play your game, then. Be my consort, and you'll have your freedom, of sorts. And the best you're ever likely to have."

The wolf growled low again, and the movement of his furred groin brought a distant heat to Beth's own loins. "I don't bow to anyone. I don't play a house pet, lady." Beth slashed open the cage door with one clawed hand.

"And I'm no lady, nor do I want a pet. I'm interested in your rutting nature, pure and simple." Beth slid back the bolt fully, and the door silently opened. The wolf stepped out of the cage and stood tall, rising to a good nine feet tall, towering over Beth's six foot frame. Even in her true vampiric state, Beth kept her human height. The wolf leant forwards and sniffed her almost delicately. A thin line of his saliva began to peel down from his jaw line, and Beth felt a moment of power rush through her at the effect she had on the creature.

The wolf lifted up one of his huge, clawed hands and tilted Beth's throat up. The vampire thrust her chest out as she leant back, and her hands slid to rest on his ribs. She could feel his coldness, like hers, but his heart beat was strong and sure, whereas hers was silent as a windless night. His entire being thrummed with it, and it was something the vampire had not been so close to in quite a while other than to feed.

Beth opened her maw wide, inviting the wolf's kiss, but the creature growled low, and picked her up bodily. She felt a rock hardness against her knee, and her blood red eyes widened as she realized his cock was as hard as steel. The wolf nudged it against her, and Beth pushed against him.

They stumbled into the adjoining room, with the long bear skin by the fire. The wolf knelt down with Beth still in his arms, and the vampire bit his shoulder hard, but the beast barely flinched as the three inch teeth slid into his muscle. The vampire spread her legs, and the wolf lay atop her body, his huge hands sliding up to dig his claws into the pale flesh of her breasts.

Beth hissed in pleasure as the wolf raked at her nipples, the small buds hardening in response to the sensations racing through her undead flesh. There was a sudden wet heat as the wolf licked at her, and tasted her. His teeth slid forwards, shark-like as he punctured her thigh and gently tasted the blood that seeped through.

His tongue was incredibly long, and slid inside of her; rough, coarse and delightful. Beth bucked her hips against his lapping tongue as he continued to drink from her body, and she felt the beginnings of a massive orgasm. The wolf's blue eyes regarded her amusedly, and his rough tongue bent to surround her clit, and Beth screamed in ecstasy as the skin ran over it like fine sandpaper, driving sensations through her like ocean waves.

The wolf stopped, his human eyes watching her frustration as his tongue slid back into his mouth. Beth lurched forwards and slashed in sudden cold fury, and his snout bled. The werewolf snarled and gripped her thighs, immobilizing them. He rose from his laying position, and Beth watched in stunned fascination as his cock pushed out from the hair surrounding his groin.

It was the same soft dark brown fur as the rest of him, and as she watched, inch by inch, it slid out of his groin. Her breath began to hasten unnecessarily as she watched his twelve inches of cock slide out. There was a hood of coarse, short hair around the underside of it, which tapered off as more and more of his length was revealed. Beth reached forwards with an almost reverent slowness, and cupped the huge head in her trembling hands.

The wolf watched her as she began to massage it in her palms, and lightly scrape her razor sharp fingernails over his head. Small slits of split skin appeared, only to heal before her eyes. The wolf was drooling in need down, his eyes alight with the intense sensations the vampire was evoking in him.

The coarse fur slipped back further to reveal the pink tip of the wolf's massive cock. Beth leant back to be pleasured, but the wolf grabbed her around the hips and flipped her easily. The vampire had but a second to prepare herself before the wolf's head lowered, his tongue lolling out to lap at her oozing holes. As his tongue wormed into her tight, pink ass, Beth began to move her hips sinuously, her moans filling the room.

The wolf twisted his tongue deep inside of her, and then pulled out. Beth looked back in time to see the bestial cock move towards her hole, then her entire world became centred on the massive head trying to push through her asshole. She felt the wolf's clawed hands seize her fleshy cheeks, and pierce the cold, silken skin. White hot pain lanced into her hips, and she screamed.

As her cry echoed around them, her ass pushed out, and the wolf slid the first part of himself inside her tightly grasping hole. Beth's eyes widened, and the wolf pushed against her resistance. The vampire winced and cried out, until her breath left her. She gasped in pain as he began to drive himself into her, aching inch by aching inch.

Her white skin began to mottle as her self control shattered when the wolf's rock hard hips and muscular thighs pressed against her tingling moistness. Wood splintered under her frantic grip as the wolf began to pull out of her, and her high pitched moans turned to undignified squeaks as the wolf drove himself deeply into her again.

The werewolf was breathing steadily, and Beth began to pant in time with him, and something else began to consume her. The wolf's cold heartbeat was thrumming through his body like a counterpoint to his thrusts, and with each strong beat, the echo of his pulse raced through the vampire like a welcome rush. Beth tried to reach underneath her to pleasure herself, but the wolf quickened his pace to a fearsome rate.

Beth cried out as the wolf ripped his paws out of her flesh, and bit her lip as the skin healed even as the wolf continued to piston in and out of her. The wolf's breath was hoarse in his throat now, and he kept up his pace for what seemed like days, but was in truth only a half hour at most. The supernatural strength flowed from the creature, and Beth lay there accepting the beast's dominance for the moment.

Eventually, his claws raked at her skin again, and she roused herself from her sensual hell. Her supernaturally heightened senses swam around her, making her feel every inch of skin sliding inside her. The wolf leant forwards and slid his hands around her throat. She looked back at him and arched her back, feeling his thick length swelling more inside of her.

There was a moment of silence as the wolf gathered his breath, then howled as he gushed deeply inside of her. The vampire moaned as she felt the glacially cold semen spread deep inside her. The wolf continued thrusting for a few seconds, and Beth squeezed his cock deep inside of her, milking him. The wolf sagged back, his soft fur glistening with the sweat his body still produced needlessly.

Beth pushed off of the wolf, who was staring at her as his chest heaved. The vampire rolled over onto her back and slid forwards, feeling the wolf's cum beginning to move back down her passage. Her pale hands reached out and grasped the still thick cock hanging proudly between the wolf's legs. The massive chest was moving back and forwards easily, and Beth licked her lips.

"Lay down, wolf. I'm going to have my own pleasure now." The wolf growled, and Beth lashed out a foot, snagging the tendon and causing the wolf to topple backwards. She straddled him in an instant, his meat pressing up against her belly. Beth trailed her claws down the veirny head, and the wolf whined. Her forked tongue slid up and down her sensitive fangs as he hardened beneath her ministrations.

She leant forwards, her canine's dragging along the mushroom like head of his animal cock, drawing bright lines of blood. She was surprised to see the muscle thicken and grow in her hands, even as the sliced head healed under the cool texture of her flicking tongue. The soft, downy fur on the wolf's stomach heaved as she sucked him into her mouth.

She wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock for a moment, then slid it back off, and kneeled up to straddle his erection. She locked eyes as she slowly pushed him inside of her. His icy blue eyes were heavy lidded with lust, and Beth knew he wanted her again. She slid down his length, her hips coming to rest against his.

The wolf eased back against the stone floor, and began to push upwards, driving his hips and cock up off the floor and higher and deeper up inside of Beth. Her mouth opened soundlessly as he moved within her, the intense pleasure almost too much for her. He completely filled her, and the sensations of his driving hips raced up her spine like the heartbeat steadily drumming inside his chest.

She looked down at him as she rode the rolling crest of his hips. The icy blue eyes watched her, feeling her squeeze tightly around him, and moving inside of her. Her claws spread across the rock hard shape of his abdominals as she rocked back and forth on top of him, shifting him inside her even further.

Her open mouth began to move in time to the wolf's heartbeat, loosing pleasured sighs. Beth closed her eyes as the huge beast reached up to mold her sinuously rolling breasts to his palms. She could feel his earlier cream beginning to slide out of her ass, and her eyes opened wide as she felt it slide down to coat the cock that was thrusting in and out of her like a gift from the dark Father himself.

The wolf eyed her as her hands lifted to move through her raven curls, and felt his cock beginning to swell inside of her again. His breath quickened, and Beth's eyes lit like wildfire. She held out her arms widely as she began to bounce more forcefully down onto the rock buried deeply inside her. Her cries became louder and louder, and Beth screamed loudly.

Her orgasm heightened as the wolf's cock shifted within her, and vaguely she realized that the soft fur beneath her was moving too. Her eyes opened as the wave of her orgasm crested, and she looked straight into the ravenous gaze of the wolf, his dark mouth open so wide, so very wide. She felt the flesh of her throat tear open, and in the sudden warmness of her blood, she felt a icy fluid spread inside her as the wolf climaxed again.

Beth tried to take a rise, but her limbs refused to listen. As the wolf drank from her torn throat, she held his suddenly warm jowls in her hands even as she shifted back to human form. She blinked as her heart lurched in her chest, beating for the first time in over half a century. Beth felt her lungs expand and take in the sweet draw of air as the forgotten sensation of warmth spread through her body. She looked at the wolf in surprise.

His glacial eyes stared at her even as her wound gaped around his suckling tongue and jaws. He leant back and swallowed, then slid his teeth across his wrist. "One of your kind knows of how sweet your own blood tastes. When you're drained, as you nearly are, you'll become the thing you feed on, the ultimate irony. You're dying, vampire, reverting to what you once were. Drink one more time, and you can began a new life, a stronger life."

She stared at him as she felt her blood flowing down her chest, her haughty expression still very much in place. He held his dripping wrist over her mouth, and Beth reached up to take it down her throat. They locked gazes, but the light began to fade from the now human Beth's eyes.

The wolf stood and let the rapidly cooling corpse drop to the ground. His thermal vision watched as the last whispers of heat fled the former vampire's body. The wolf felt his body beginning to shrink, and convulse. The change came to him with little pain these days, and his body literally flowed back to his human state. He looked about him, but couldn't see any clothes.

Naked, he stepped forwards towards the desk, littered with papers but with a large brown leather diary holding pride of place. Idly, he flicked through the pages, coming to the final entry. He picked up a pen lying on the rim of the desk.

"Lo, though I may walk through the Valley in the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art as nothing compared to me, Lord. Let thy spirit whither and die, Lord, for nothing shall deter the beast within. Your servant no longer, Marcus Stormbridge."

He threw the diary down on the desk with little care, scattering pens and looked out at the tinted windows. He held out his hand and a massive surge of power struck the glass, shattering it. The sun poured through, filling the castle with its warmth and scent for the first time in centuries. A gentle breeze caressed Marcus's chin.

He put a foot on the window sill and looked about, but saw no one. He looked back at the limp form of his lover, and at the slowly closing wound of her throat. Marcus's gaze shifted over to look fully into the face of the sun. Far below, the church bells began to toll for the faithful to rise and gather. A slow smile broke into a bellowing laugh as Beth opened her eyes.

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GilzFoxGilzFoxabout 16 years ago
More Wolf Hearts!!!!!

You gotta post more stories that are werewolf heart related.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

So much right about that story that i cannot begin to know where to start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

That story was great. I love vampire stories and this one having a vampire and a werewolf was just amazing. I loved it.

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