Transgender in the Old West

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The forgotten story of LGBTQ people in the old west.
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Greetings all; in my stories my characters exist in my head, but there might be real life inspirations for some of them. Who knows?

Anyways as my regular readers are aware, I enjoy writing about characters with fluid sexuality.

This is a story with transgender and crossdressing characters set in the old American west.


John Calvin Kelly was JC's government name, but she went by JC. She was born to a white mother and a black father, and she was actually their second born son.

As she grew-up she had the nature of both a female and a male. By the time she was eighteen she'd turned out to be a tall, slender, fair skinned redhead with a bubble butt. She wore her long fiery red hair in a single braid that hung halfway down her back, and presented herself full time as a passing woman, though she didn't wear dresses.

She left her home on a farm in Georgia in 1876. She'd planned to go somewhere out west where she hoped to find a better life, but she only had enough money to buy a stagecoach ticket to New Orleans. Once she was there she found work in an upscale bar and whorehouse on Gallatin street. She cooked and cleaned and served customers their food and hooch. It was during that time that she first discovered there were other women like her. Those women wore makeup, used perfume, and wore dresses. They were called passing women, and both men and women patronized the brothel to spend time with them.

One of the passing girls named Jezebel, thought that JC was the cutest thing she'd ever seen, so she befriended her. JC told Jezebel that a lot of the men were trying to have their way with her. She said, "Men are always pattin me on the ass or saying stuff about mouth fuckin me. I don't know nothin about doing that, and I sure don't want some strange man to mount me the way I seen animals goin at it back on the farm."

Jezebel then asked her what she liked to do. JC told her that she hadn't done anything with anybody, and she didn't know for sure what she wanted. Jezebel explained to her that girls like them had a special way of pleasuring men, and some of them liked women too. She said, "Honey you don't have to give them your bootyhole if you don't want to. What those men are talkin about when they say mouth fuckin, is gettin their dick sucked." She then demonstrated what she was talking about by giving JC some head.

That was the first time JC had ever heard sex explained to her, since neither her mother nor her father knew what to tell a girl like her about the birds and the bees. She'd constantly been hella horny since coming into her womanhood, and she'd stroked her big cock to satisfaction almost daily. Now for the first time she knew it was possible to have sex with a man without giving him her ass.

She then went to the Madame of the Brothel and asked her for a job taking care of men who only wanted mouth loving. The Madame was more than happy to add a fresh young woman to her brood, but she wanted to see her in the buff before hiring her. When she saw JC's equipment she gasped and bucked her eyes. While still staring at it she said, "Women don't often come in here, but there are some who like a girl with a big tallywacker and I think you would be perfect for them."

Once JC hired on she put on makeup and began wearing dresses when she was on the job. She took to sucking cock the way a duck takes to water, and she then quickly became a favorite of the well-off businessmen and ranchers who were drawn to her exotic beauty.

She also proved to be a natural swordsman, as it was her skill at using her she-cock that changed her life forever. She fucked a female customer named Molly Ramirez so good until she offered to take JC back to Sulphur Springs Texas with her.

She told JC that she owned a ranch and a spa, and that JC could live with her. Of course JC knew what a ranch was, but Molly had to explain that her spa was sorta like a small hotel with a restaurant and an upscale saloon all mixed together. And that people came there mainly to soak in the healing water that was found in the natural warm springs.

JC also felt an attraction to Molly, who was a petite tan skinned beauty, with black hair and brown eyes. She dressed like a man and was a tigress in bed that managed to take JC's nine inch cock to the hilt. JC decided to step out on faith and travel to Sulphur Springs with her.


Molly wore men's clothes during the trip to her's, and JC dressed like a woman. As far as they knew, no one on the train or stage coach was the wiser.

A few days after leaving New Orleans they arrived at Molly's. JC absent mindedly rang the big bell hanging from the awning over the porch while Molly unlocked her front door. JC then covered her ears and gasped as Molly quickly hurried into her house. "I needed a doorbell loud enough for me to hear it when I'm in the barn," she said while laughing, after she'd closed the door.

She then showed JC to the spare bedroom before giving her a tour of her neat little farmhouse. Afterwards they went outside to the vegetable garden, chicken coops and horses and told her all about each of them. She actually had a favorite rooster named Fred, and a favorite horse named Brutus. She joked that she and Brutus were both studs.

JC giggled at Molly's raunchy joke, then she went over to pet him. "Hey Brutus," she said as she gently stroked his muzzle.

The horse whinnied and started to move around in his stall. "Oh look, I think he's happy to see you," Molly teased. "Look at him."

As JC was about to say that she was happy to see Brutus too, she saw what Molly was talking about. "Wooo lawd," she exclaimed.

Molly giggled and said, "Your she-cock looks sorta like that. Its amazing being filled by a John Thomas that big."

JC blushed.

After giggling Molly said, "We'd better go and let him calm down." Then she gave Brutus a loving caress on his nose.


Molly made supper, then they ate together before spending the rest of the evening drinking shots of Tequila and talking about personal things.

Molly said, "My brother Mario and I are from a wealthy family in El Paso. We were born a year apart, so we grew up almost like we were twins. It turned out that both of us liked cock and pussy. We had a lot of fun playing with other people like us, until our parents caught me and one of my girlfriends in bed naked, with my head between her legs."

She laughed when she remembered the look on her mother's face when she came into her bedroom without knocking. "My papa threaten to disinherit me if I embarrassed them like that again. As if anyone would ever know about it unless they told them," she said, still laughing.

"I didn't care, but Mario did, and he didn't want to get caught playing with one of his cowboys, so he suggested that we move to some place where nobody knew us."

"We moved here and used some of our inheritance to buy some ranch land, a small heard of Angus, some horses, and a few chickens. Once we'd been here for a while I found some ladies to play with, and of course Mario could always find a versatile cowboy. It turned out that there were also lots of people like us, who came to soak in the natural spring water. That's when I came up with the idea to start a spa, and it has grown to be what it is today."

She then paused telling her story and took another shot of Tequila before going on, "I met a fella there who was from back east who didn't mind that I played with girls. We got married, but he ended up running off with a cowboy. I was done with men after him, but I missed dick, so I decided to give passing women a try."

She then looked into JC's eyes for a long moment before saying, "I think I've about talked your ears off. I'm gonna wash-up and get ready for bed." She then went to put on her nightgown.

JC laughed softly then said, "I enjoyed gettin to know about your life. My life has been borin compared to yours."

Molly came back into the room laughing and said, "You can't be serious. I can imagine all the stuff that happened in that cathouse you worked at."

While she talked she poured a pan of water, then lifted the hem of her nightgown and wash between her legs. She could feel JC's eyes on her and she liked it, so she purposely took her time as she showed off her thick black pubic hair.

JC blushed as she watched her and inhaled the musky scent of her bushy pussy.

Molly then looked at her with a mischievous grin and said, "Do you want to wash-up in my bathwater."

JC nodded her head and bit her bottom lip before going to put on her nightgown too. She kept talking while she changed saying, "Lettin men mouth fuck me and fuckin ladies for pay is work. I've never done any of that for fun, like you have." While she was talking she was trying to get her she-cock to go soft before washing it while Molly watched her.

Molly could tell that JC was sheepish about being watched, so she said, "I'm gonna brush my hair, I'll be back in a few minutes." She then walked into her bedroom with the naughty look still on her face. When she closed the door she made sure to leave a sliver of a crack so she could peep into the kitchen.

Even though JC had been a pro for a while, she was shy with Molly because she liked her in a way she'd never liked a man or a woman. She was also turned on by her and she wanted more of her pussy, but she wanted to get to know her better first. Now that she was alone and she'd calmed down, her hard-on began to return at the thought of washing her she-cock in the water Molly had just bathed her pussy in. When she lifted the hem of her nightgown her she-cock was about three quarters chubby and hanging halfway to her knee. The shaft was a lighter shade of brown and the foreskin had retracted, thereby exposing the head that had a pinkish hue.

When Molly saw that monster again, she unconsciously grabbed her nightgown covered crotch and cupped her hairy mound, then leaned against the wall for support while she squeezed her pussy. Watching JC wash her private parts was so sensual she quickly reached her peak, and shuddered as she came without actually touching her womanhood. She then stumbled to her bed and sat on the edge of it while she composed herself.


Both women then slept in separate bedrooms before rising at the break of dawn, and each of them regretted drinking so much. After taking care of morning necessities, they stumbled into the kitchen a drank a pot of strong coffee while laughing at their condition. "Tequila will kill ya," joked Molly. Once they recovered a little, she managed to make breakfast, and they forced down ham, eggs and biscuits.

When she headed outside to do her chores, JC offered to feed the chickens while Molly tended the horses. An hour or so later Molly strapped on her gun belt and put her rifle into its scabbard. JC insisted on riding with her when she said she was going to check the fences around the east pasture.

Molly smiled, but she was deadly serious when she said, "I've been having trouble with somebody tearing down the fence around my special grass. It's not safe for you out there, so I don't want you to go with me unless you can handle a gun.:

Then she giggled and said, "And you really don't look like a cowboy."

JC smirked then looked to her left and her right. "See that bird over there," she said before she pulled Molly's Winchester from its sheath, took aim for a second and fired. The bird hollered and took flight after falling a couple of feet because she'd shot the limb from underneath it. She then looked at Molly and raised her eyebrows. "It was my job to go huntin for some of the food we ate when I was growin up," she said.

They were some hung-over souls and an hour or so later they realized that spending time in the saddle on a hot day was bad medicine, but they toughed it out. When they reached the east side of the ranch Molly told JC to prepare to see the prettiest grass she'd ever seen.

When they arrived in the pasture JC asked her why the grass looked and smelled differently there than other parts of the ranch. Molly explained that a man from the US Department of Agriculture told her that the grass was nurtured by the natural sulfur water from the springs in that area. As a result she happened to own some of the most delicious and nutritious grass in that part of Texas, and it produced mature cows in about half as long as normal .

The gourmet grassland had been available to all steers, goats, and sheep equally when open range grazing was in vogue, but now that the land was being granted to ranchers and farmers it just so happened that the most prized turf in the region was on Molly's side of the fence.

While they were talking they reached the outer perimeter of the pasture where they found that a portion of the barbed-wire fence had been torn down. There was around fifty cattle with a variety of brands all grazing on the caviar of grasses. There was nobody around as far as Molly or JC could see, but it was obvious that somebody had gathered the cattle by hook or crook. Whoever it was weren't just rustling steers, they were stealing her nourishing grass.


She stayed away from the pasture the next couple of days, then her and JC rode to town in her cute little two-seater carriage. She wore a man's suit and JC wore a dress. When they got into town Molly exchanged knowing looks with some of her girlfriends as they rode past them.

They went to the sheriff's office so she could tell him that someone had been trespassing on her land.

She smirked when the sheriff told her that she didn't have proof of that, and it could have been the cows who tore down the fence to get to the grass.

"Cows don't give a shit which grass they eat, but men who want to raise premium beef do," she said, speaking authentically. "I'm asking you to do your job and find out who's tearing down my fence." Then she turned in a huff and left his office with JC a stride behind her.

After she closed the door the sheriff resumed his position with his feet propped up on his desk and mumbled sarcastically, "I'm asking you to give me some pussy. And I want that your boyfriend should wrap his thick cock sucking lips around my dick, but I don't see y'all doing that for me either.


Molly walked briskly from his office to the back of her brother Mario's saloon. He answered his office door the second time she rang the bell hanging beside it.

"Hello my dear sister," he said, as he reached to hug her.

They embraced warmly until Molly laughed and said, "That's long enough. Unhand me, you know I don't like being hugged by a man."

Mario laughed as he took a step back, then eyed JC with a waggish look. "Who is this gorgeous creature?" he asked.

Molly looked at JC and smiled big before saying, "This is my girlfriend JC."

Mario raised an eyebrow as his expression changed from flirtatious to questioning.

Molly raised a hand to signal him to stop, then said, "I met her while I was in New Orleans. She's gonna stay with me for a while.

"Hm, it's nice of you to bring her here to meet me," said Mario with his roguish look returning.

Molly rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You're ridiculous. I came by because I've had it with the sheriff. Somebody took down the fence to my prime pasture again and the sheriff isn't interested in finding out who did it. It's time to contact papa."

Mario was nodding his head while she spoke. "Ok, I'll take care of it," he responded.

"Right then," said Molly. "We're off to the spa. See ya."

Mario then hugged both ladies, and they were out.


They walked into the lobby of the Pampered Cowboy Day Spa a few minutes later.The piano player was playing a relaxing tune for the patrons in the combination restaurant and bar. The perky receptionist greeted her saying, "Good afternoon Ms. Payton, how are you doing?"

"Hello Mattie, hello Billy," responded Molly as she flashed a warm smile at both of them.

The receptionist then offered her an adult beverage saying, "Ms. Molly, would you like your usual shot of brown liquor and a cigar?"

Molly smiled, then said, "Hm, that sounds like a good idea."

The receptionist poured two fingers from a bottle of good scotch and handed her a fine cigar.

Molly thanked her and then introduced her to JC. "This is JC. She might be joining us if she likes what she sees.

"We'll be in my office. Let me know when Amanda has a customer."

She and JC then went into her office to wait. JC passed the time by reading a copy of Godey's Lady's Book, while Molly did paper work. About fifteen minutes later Mattie knocked on her office door, then stuck her head inside and told her that Amanda had a customer. Molly smiled big and thanked her and bit her bottom lip as she removed pictures of herself and Mario from the wall. She then motioned for JC to have a look through one of the peepholes hidden by the pictures.

They could see everything Amanda did to the rugged cowboy who walked into the room with her. Molly was unconsciously licking her lips as she watched. JC felt her neck and face getting warm as the cowboy laid on the table and waited for Amanda to begin his massage.

Molly and JC could see him talking when he said to Amanda, "I hear tell you give the best quality mouth loving a man can get in these parts."

Amanda smiled sweetly while pouring scented oil onto him. Then she began to rub her soft hands over his lower end, then she moved up to rub his shoulders. She kept changing ends, and each times she switched she moved her hands closer to his engorged manhood.

He was witty and charming as she pampered him, and she soon found herself genuinely laughing at his jokes. After she'd fondled his cock and balls expertly to the point where he was about to bust, she sucked his banana shaped dick until he shot-off in her mouth, then she spit his cum into a rag.

A few minutes later Molly walked out of her office with JC. The two women said their goodbyes to Mattie and Billy, before heading toward the door.


When they climbed into the buggy to head home Molly hooked her arm around JC's and sat contentedly for a while, but she was so riled up from watching Amanda and the cowboy, she grabbed JC's crotch without warning.

JC jerked involuntarily and when she did she pulled the horse's reins causing them to stop. Molly was holding onto her she-cock instead of holding onto the armrest, so the buggy coming to a sudden stop tossed her onto the floorboard. She laughed out loud but also held onto JC's business. It then occurred to her that JC's member was getting hard.

A moment later Molly's head was under JC's dress and her she-cock was hitting the back of Molly's throat over and over. JC then gently loosened the reins on the horses, and directed them to pull the carriage into a clump of trees beside the road. By that time Molly was going to town on her tallywag. Molly's head-game was so good it had JC's body tense, her butthole was clenched and she had a death grip on the seat's armrests. She tried with all her might to hold back from spewing, but she blew her seed into Molly's mouth after only a few minutes of mouth loving.

As soon as she felt her nuts begin to ooze their lava she frantically told Molly not to swallow. Molly had had every intention of ingesting JC's load, so she'd let some of it go down her throat before she could stop. As soon as JC felt the last spurt from her loins, she leaned forward and kissed Molly full on the mouth. When she did it, Molly shared the nut-juice she was saving. They then swallowed JC's seed while looking into each other's eyes.

Then they put themselves back in order and continued on their journey to the ranch. By the time JC drove the buggy into the barn she was hard again, and Molly was so randy they climbed down and went at it right there. Molly dropped her britches and bent over while bracing herself against the buggy. JC moved behind her, lifted her dress, then drove her big dick home to the root. Their coupling was fast and hard and passionate.