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Mom and Son.
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My husband, Nathan, and I sleep in separate beds. When we got separate beds I thought, 'well, things won't ever be the same again'. I was wrong. We sleep better. Nathan can stretch out and so can I and we can get up in the middle of the night and not disturb each other. It really is great. We both have queen size beds. Our bedroom is big so no problem there. He sleeps right in the middle of his bed like a big X. Makes me want to jump right over on his stomach. All his arms and legs would fold up like a squid but I'd probably do him an injury.

My sister asked me if we still got together. It was a really embarrassing thing to ask and I just smiled at her. She didn't ask again. I don't tell her stuff like that. We talk about other people's sex lives but not our own. Nathan and I get together all the time. We have a routine that works like a fine Swiss watch. He says, 'wanna fuck' and I say, 'sure'. Sometimes I say it and he says sure but he has to come over to my bed. Equal protection under the law kind of thing.

We have a son, Jeremy. He and Nathan and I started a trip about five years ago. We're driving completely around the whole country following the nearest serviceable roads around the coast or borders with Mexico and Canada. This may be the last summer we can do the trip together. Jeremy turned 18 last April and is now out of high school and going to college this year. We started out in New England and headed south the first time and we're not just driving forever. We tour and look at stuff and shop and ship stuff home and have a lot of fun. We always rent a little 4-cylinder SUV. We've gone down the east coast and around Florida and up and around to New Orleans so far. We fly home and the next summer fly back to where we were last and start out again. We pack sparsely and get what little we need as we go.

We flew to New Orleans, picked up our rental and started out. Nathan and Jeremy swap driving and we rotate front seat, back seat. We don't make reservations but we always try to get a room with two queen size beds or, at a minimum, two full sized beds. We've been lucky, all queen size beds so far. Jeremy normally sleeps right on the edge of the mattress on his right side and I normally sleep right on the edge of the mattress on my left side so everything works great and Nathan gets a whole bed so he can flop in the middle in his big X. Jeremy is a quiet sleeper and I seldom know he's even in the bed until morning.

The first night we stopped I had my leg bent backwards and sometimes during the night Jeremy tangled his toes with mine. He wasn't moving around. I just woke up a little and felt him. I left my feet there and went back to sleep. He was still there later but disappeared before I woke up for the morning. That evening when we went out to dinner Jeremy was very polite, holding the door for us and escorting me and stuff like that. Nathan didn't seem to notice anything so I thought it was just me so I ignored it.

Later when I was going to get in bed Jeremy seemed to be more towards the middle of the bed so I decided to move more towards the middle and see what he did. If he was thinking something it would be better to nip it in the bud before it got to be a problem. I got in and settled on my left side like normal but about a third of the way over from the edge. I rustled around getting the covers on and felt Jeremy doing about the same. Nothing. I started to go to sleep. Minutes later I felt his toes lightly against the back of my lower thigh. Not that imposing. I left it there and went on to sleep. I liked snuggling so it wasn't a problem.

Early in the morning he was closer to me. Not against but more like suggesting he might be. When I woke up in the morning he was up and dressed and off to have the SUV serviced. Nathan and I packed and Jeremy got back and loaded the luggage and we went for breakfast. Jeremy and I weren't family strangers. We walked holding hands and arms around each other's waists and I ate some of his bacon and he ate a slice of my toast. We've always done that. Nathan too. I didn't quite get it. I usually didn't wear pants to bed and only a gown but I decided to wear pants for a while until I could figure him out.

Nothing the next night. I kept going towards the middle of the bed each night. The next day was normal and that night, early morning, he backed up to me and his feet ever so slowly tangled with mine. His lower back was into mine and his butt was against mine, all very softly touching. Just for the heck of it I turned over and spooned him. His butt was right in my lap and I put an arm over his waist on his stomach. He had on short pj pants and a top. He breathed steadily showing no indication I was there. Near morning I turned back over but he didn't move in again.

We stayed in a Mexican flavored motel that night and the air conditioning was ice cold so we kept it that way and got more blankets on. I scooted over towards the middle of the bed like I was doing and Jeremy spooned me and we weren't even asleep yet. Jeremy put his hand over my waist like I did him, on my stomach below my belly button. He wasn't into my bottom spooning me but his knees were up under me against the back of my thighs lightly. I felt his other arm around the back of my head.

I looked towards Nathan but the view was towards the foot of his bed and he was under the covers. I gotta say I was somewhat sensitive to Jeremy's presence. I put a hand down on top of his. I hadn't figured out exactly what this was about. I thought I might see if I could find out. I waited almost an hour and slowly worked his hand up my stomach to below my breasts and after a few minutes moved my hand away and down on the bed in front of me. It took a while so it wasn't all that noticeable. Twenty minutes or a half an hour and he touched the bottom of my breast, rubbing his fingertip back and forth.

I kept my hand down on the bed. He was my son but this was thrilling. My son was in bed with me touching my breast while my husband was in the other bed. I did my very best to keep my breath steady. I didn't have a bra on and for some reason I had his hand up under my gown which pulled the bottom up above my pants. At least I still had pants on. I know my nipples were hard. I didn't think he would go that far, and then I felt him a little on my butt. At his age that was a given I guess. He probably wouldn't stay where he was, he would either pull back or push forward but he did neither. He moved down until I didn't feel him. He had moved it below my crotch.

Well, now I knew. Jeremy wanted to play around or he wanted some of me. Probably the same thing. He certainly was giving me every opportunity to knock his block off but I was the one that gave him my breast. I reached my hand back up to his and got on top and moved his hand over both of my breasts and my nipples. I took my time so he had a good feel everywhere and could play with the nipples. He wasn't in a hurry and was soft with every move. I left his hand there and he kept at it. Every now and then I could feel him push his hips up and he would touch me up under right on the center of my pants. Very lightly, like he couldn't help doing it. We finally went to sleep staying that way and we woke up that way, him still on my breast or right below it.

Nathan was up and getting the SUV gassed and Jeremy and I got up and got ready and packed and Nathan picked us up at the office and we loaded the luggage and went to eat. Life as normal and we had a great day. I got to ride in the back which is my most favorite place traveling. Lots of room and I can watch my guys and the sights. And think about Jeremy. The things we were learning on this trip were astonishing. Jeremy was getting a very valuable education about the country he lived in. We stopped off at most of the sites we could find. We had lots of travel books. Every day was a first for all of us.

Occasionally during the day when Jeremy went to the bathroom or shopping or something I had a chance to talk to Nathan privately.

"Nathan," I said. "It was cool last night and Jeremy and I scrunched together to keep warm. Do you think that's ok as old as he is. Neither one of us are wearing that much clothes and all. We're mingling feet and spooning each other. Not tight in but still. What happened is I wanted to get warm so I moved more towards the middle of the bed and then he did too. I think I sort of gave him the impression I was inviting him. I even started wearing pants just in case."

"Yes!" Nathan said. "A chip off the old block and it certainly certifies your femaleness."

"Nathan," I said. "I'm serious. What'll I do about him? I suppose I could cut him off easily so he doesn't feel rejected."

"Well," he said. "You did kind of encourage him a little there. Maybe he's a virgin and just curious. T and A, that kind of thing. You got good T's and A's. When do I get at 'em again?"

"Any time you want," I said. "Want me to slip over tonight?"

"Yes and no," he said. "It might be more important to pay a little attention to Jeremy for the moment, if you agree with that assessment, you T and A thing you. Carol, I'm not all that concerned about you and Jeremy. It's probably scaring him to death but he probably can't help himself."

I'm 42 and I'm hot. I got a bod. It's slim and flexible and I got muscle where muscle counts. Any woman makes a run at Nathan and I'm letting loose a mountain of hurt. One look would freeze a bigfoot in its tracks. The thing is, with Jeremy I'm a pushover. I don't want to turn him down but I don't want him to go ahead. I'm tired of bouncing it around my head. I thought I would leave it with the guys. Jeremy could play with me a little as long as Nathan was not alarmed. I couldn't lose Nathan and I couldn't lose Jeremy. As long as it stayed private and was reserved and quiet and didn't get egregious I thought they would both be happy with what they knew or didn't know.

That night I didn't even think about, I got right over near the middle and when Jeremy came to bed he climbed right in near me again. He slowly got closer until we were almost meshed. I was still wearing pants. I guess I was now seeing how much he wanted. It wasn't a perfect situation. His hand came over on my stomach below my belly button again and in a few minutes I put my hand down on his. A long time later I took my hand off and put it down on the bed. I almost went to sleep but woke when I felt his finger moving around. His fingers were down my stomach, way down there.

He played with the top of my pants and then on the bind. I could feel him drop his fingers down off the bind and push down against my tuff underneath. That must have been a thrilling moment for him. I wasn't going to shush him away or interrupt it because of that. That kind of thing makes me squeeze my butt and most everything else. My knees weren't pulled up high and my thighs weren't open. I couldn't believe I was tracking my son starting to play around between my legs and it was just as thrilling to me as what he did to my breasts.

He found the top of my hood and was rubbing his fingertip back and forth over it so slowly I could hardly tell through my pubes. I couldn't actually say he was doing that but he was doing that. I slipped my hand down on top of his and lifted my leg and pushed his hand right down low on everything and closed my legs pulling my hand out and trapping him there. I could feel his fingers move but that was all. He didn't have that much range on top of my pants and he couldn't get inside the edge. I wasn't squeezing his hand, just the weight of my leg held him. I didn't pump into his fingers. That would be the wrong signal. So far he was feeling me up and I liked it too.

After a while I lifted my leg and he pulled his hand out and put it back on my stomach below my belly button and we stayed that way for some time. He was probably regrouping. Nathan went to the bathroom and came back and went back to bed. Jeremy pulled his arm from around the top of my pillow and the one on my stomach and hooked each side of my pants as close to the outside as he could and started sliding them down. He got them down past the bulk of my butt and stopped there. The sweet spot of my pants was trapped tight in my sweet spot.

His hand came back over below my belly button and soon his fingers were in my pubes and on the top of my hood again but this time with nothing in the way and he was fully up and against my butt. He had on short pj bottoms so he wasn't out. He was soon lightly pushing right between my buns with his finger going across my hood. I had my eyes closed and started enjoying it much more. He could play with me and I would play with him and that would have to do for tonight. I needed to think about this some more. He didn't get my breasts any and he stayed where he was and let his hand play with my pubes and hood but ever so lightly. He wasn't trying to get a home run.

I got a hand back down in his shorts and got on him. He was hard and had all his foreskin and was a little more in the man department that Nathan was and Nathan was very nice. Jeremy never went down to the bottom of my hood and nowhere near my vagina. I thought that was strange. We slept a lot and got into it when we woke up. I more or less gave him what he wanted. The next time I woke up we were facing each other. My arms were around him and his dick was up my clit. We were well into each other but my legs were casually closed. He wasn't pressing in, it was a sleeping position.

We got on the road and had a great day, lots of activity. Sometimes we didn't get that far across the landscape and sometimes we had long stretches. That night I kissed Jeremy on the cheek, said goodnight, and climbed in bed with Nathan. He needed some attention and I certainly did too. I didn't want to let Jeremy get too far without some Nathan time under my belt, so to speak. Nathan gave me two orgasms just being together and him letting his fingers loose. We started sideways so we didn't look bulky on the bed. I suppose Jeremy could see the covers moving. I hoped so, it would be good for him.

We were very careful in previous years so he never saw us but he was old enough now and we didn't mind all that much but still kept things as quiet as we could. Nathan had a good size orgasm and another near morning from behind. Mine seemed better than normal and lasted longer. I wondered if it was Jeremy making them better.

Before we got up I whispered, "What do you think about Jeremy around my nipples or playing with my butt. It's turning his fingers loose time if we're going to let him have a little of me. If he does that he's going to turn me on some. I like that but still. A little sex breeds a little sex, you know, and do I let him to go ahead with something?"

"An 18 year old with an experience woman like you, in bed together, all night," he said. "His minds gotta be going a mile a minute. Remember it can't be all that easy for him, you being his mom and his dad being here. His need is driving him. Happens to all of us. Should you have sex with him? I'm not making a judgment either way. It's your body, I'm happy. If I see or hear anything I won't see or hear anything."

After we ate lunch and were getting in the SUV I had a moment and put my palm over Jeremy's crotch and squeezed him a little and let go. He got in the front and I got my favorite seat in back. When we stopped for the night and got to bed we met in the middle and he spooned me for a little while so Nathan could get to sleep. He had a hand down on my butt and I let him have some fun. I didn't have pants on. He went very slow and softly like before. He took his shorts off. I didn't have to check, I knew that movement from back there.

I raised my butt up out of habit before I realized I did. His finger got into me lower down under. He rubbed along my ridges and just inside and started wetting me more. I raised my butt up again. I was almost there. I felt his dick feeling around. Not quite yet. I raised my butt up again and his dick went in. He literally froze and held my hip. I waited for him to start but he didn't so I did. I pushed back and got him in more and pulled up and went again. He pushed and back. It took some time for Jeremy to get it in his head we were fucking and go with it. He finally did and I waited a little then started thrusting with him. He's gotta learn.

He slid down a little more for a better angle and I lifted a leg up on his hip. He went in a lot further. I groaned with the feeling. When I could I whispered, 'you won't get me pregnant'. He said, 'ok'. I think he was afraid to talk because Nathan might hear. Jeremy wasn't going fast and it was over the top good. I wanted him on top but he wasn't going to do that yet. I got a hand on his hip and helped along a little so he knew I was fine with us fucking. I think he, as well as I, was finally agreed on what we were going to do. I only needed to find a way to let him know it was fine with Nathan but that could wait.

Jeremy got a hand over on me above my vagina and explored around and finally settled on fucking my clit with my hood. He started slow but got a little faster along with his dick. As horny as he was I guess he couldn't go for the long run. When he was seated fully in he was giving my vagina entrance a really good stretch and my pleasure level was up there. In one moment I was lovingly having sex and the other I was being taken by this serious sex muscle man. He had a hand on the inside of my thigh holding it out of the way and his dick making a constant run at my vagina and his fingers doing a drag race on my hood. I had an orgasm.

It was really good. I had to push my teeth together and press my tongue up against the roof of my mouth and get through it without doing a Tarzan. Jeremy had an orgasm soon after. It was different than Nathan but I absolutely loved it. What a fuck that was. I got on my side facing Jeremy and closed my legs and waited to go to the bathroom until I could get back to normal. Jeremy had his arms around me. What a gentleman. I still had my gown on. I'm sure Nathan didn't hear us with the A/C on. Talking with Nathan about fucking Jeremy was one thing and he knowing we fucked was another. I've already decided that Jeremy could have sex with me as much as he wanted as long as he wanted in all the ways he wanted except anal.

Nathan seemed to enjoy slyly telling me to go have sex with Jeremy and I liked that so I thought I would still be reluctant for a while so he could do that. It shouldn't hurt anything. We quietly went to the bathroom and quietly got back in bed and slept. We finished up at the motel and ate and got going again. This trip was really different because of the different landscape and people flavor. We were a knock over for rummage shops and we got a number of small items and stopped at the next place that would pack and ship them. We got into San Diego and spent a full day and two nights there and started up the coast. Two more sides of the country and we would have done it, a full loop.

The ocean front was very crowded and busy this time of year and we could only find a room with one queen size bed so we took it. Only Jeremy was probably concerned. Jeremy was going to sleep on some quilts on the floor but Nathan and I said no way. I wound up in the middle. I had a gown on but no pants, both guys had on those very small gray knit short shorts, both bulging all the way into bed.

I said, "If either one of you touches me I'm going to take my gown off and neither one of you are going to get any sleep all night long."

Nathan said, "Yes ma'am."

Jeremy said, "Yes ma'am."