Trials Ch. 03


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Then, down to her belly, one finger delving in to her navel. She listened to him catch his breath at that. A prelude of what would come. Down further, running fingers up and down the crease where her thighs met her body. He was entranced by the movement, the possibility, and wondering just what she would do next to tease him.

Of course, he could just shift and take her now but he was curious as to her next steps. But, she opened her thighs and a big burst of her scent, her arousal, was released. His cock, which had already started to drip with his own arousal, now he was so hard it was almost painful. And the smile on her face said she knew what she was doing to him. He took a step forward as she dipped into the wetness she'd produced and extended her fingers to him.

Emmett licked her fingers; dropped his head and ran his tongue across her pussy lips. She giggled slightly as he licked his muzzle and watched him change. He crawled up her body and kissed her as he drove himself into her depths She moaned and clutched his shoulders, nails digging in slightly. [Oh, Em.]

He held still for a moment, just savoring the feeling of her body against his and being inside her. She locked her ankles around his butt and they started the age old dance.

And so, he pistoned within her, slowly, drawing out the pleasure for both of them. Long strokes where he filled her completely, withdrawing until he almost slipped out.

He covered her and she felt the security she always felt in his arms. His strength and power. She, in return, held him, cradled him, wrapped him in her scent. She was softness and comfort. It had taken him so long to find his mate and here she was everything he could have hoped for.

Emmett lost himself in the feeling of her, in her scent, in the sounds she was making.

He looked into her dark brown eyes and smiled; and picked up the pace. Lyssa arched her back as his teeth captured a nipple. She broke before he was quite ready for it and he pushed through the contractions, prolonging her orgasm as he sought his own release. She clutched him as he went still above her, releasing into her depths.

They couldn't stay comfortably entangled for long since they had to get back to the courthouse. Emmett sighed as his knot relaxed and they were able to separate. "I wish we could go a day without having to watch the others."

"I know they want to come and watch but they could end up hurting our chances. We could end up with a mistrial and having to do this all over again if they keep acting up."

"I'll talk to Randall." He turned her face to him. "Mate, how can you stand it?"

"Raised differently, I guess. And I want to see Ronnie dealt with, as much as anyone." Chocolate eyes looked into hers, questioning. "Well not as bad as his family, of course."

"What did you ever see in him?"

Lyssa swallowed, thinking before she answered. "He seemed like a pretty reasonable guy, looked pretty good. I mean, he wasn't a slob, dressed pretty good, had a good car, a good job, didn't live with his mother." Her mate quirked an eyebrow. "We went out for some good dinners but mostly what he wanted to do was drink, usually with his buddies. He was gone, quite a lot, with his job, so we didn't see each other as often as a lot of couples would." Lyssa sighed.

"It's probably why I tolerated it for so long, why I put up with his ideas about women for so long. He never wanted to do anything I wanted to do. Just wanted to get drunk and fuck."

"And, you were there where I finally got fed up."

Emmett brushed a stray lock of her hair off her forehead, kissed the tip of her nose. "And this ripped up old dog showed up on your back porch."

"I liked that house..."

He looked startled. She grinned and put a hand to his cheek. "Thank you."

[Emmett. Lyssa.]

They scrambled to get back to their room, where Lyssa detected the residual smell of the previous evening's activity. They dressed and headed for the garage. This morning Alex and Ariel waited for them.

The Beta pair both now felt additional tension. While they understood the interest in the human justice system, this was their Alpha female.

Their pregnant Alpha female.

She needed to be protected against any and all threats. Their attention would be divided today, moreso than usual because they'd be watching to make sure no one made a move towards her.

Lyssa glanced at her mate. [Oh, goody. I thought today might be easier.]

"...would like to have the experience of the human courtroom." They had missed the beginning of the sentence.

Emmett replied, "Of course, Madam Alpha." He opened the rear door for her to climb in while Lyssa slid in the other side. Alex hesitated, as he had always sat in the back before. He quickly took the front passenger seat.

Emmett drove to the courthouse while Ariel asked Lyssa some questions about how the trial worked and about the various players.


They sat up front, as usual, behind the prosecutor's bench. But, while they generally sat beside each other, this time Lyssa and Emmett flanked their den mates. Lyssa, Emmett, and Alex were all on high alert, watching for anything that might come near their female Alpha.

The judge looked with interest at this new guest on the werewolves' side. This woman was on the smaller side, lithe, with reddish hair. She wore a sleeveless navy shift dress and sandals. No rings, bracelets, nor did she carry a purse. No makeup. Pregnant. She sat, appraising, looking at everything and everyone. She had an air of authority and he wondered what she was to them.

The court reporters were falling over themselves. The redheaded woman was with the werewolf couple and the father. Had to be another werewolf! And she was pregnant!

Everyone wanted to get a picture, at the least. A word would be something they'd kill for.

[Alex, Lyssa. When we leave we must keep the Madam Alpha between us. There is too much interest in her.]

[What is going on?] Ariel asked.

Lyssa answered [The reporters are seeing their first pregnant werewolf. They want pictures cuz they'll get a lot of money for them. And they're all gonna want to interview you, talk to you, if they can.]

[I never expected...] She inhaled, exhaled. [Beta, I apologize.] Lyssa squeezed her hand. [Should we call in some of the others? Should we leave now?]

Emmett had been observing the reactions of the security personnel in the courtroom. Watchful, they were keeping an eye on everything, in case of trouble. This case had the potential to bring all kinds of crazies out of the woodwork. [There will be a couple of breaks during the day. We should have a car waiting to get you out of here at the first one. The bailiffs are watching and may help us to prevent a riot. They don't want any problems either.] Lyssa had been watching some of the spectators, including Ronnie's family and friends. [I think we should get out sooner rather than later. We'll piss off the judge if we try to leave now but it'll give people a chance to figure out a way to get closer to us if we stay.]

[Can they stop us?]

[The judge could hold us in contempt and send us to jail.]

Emmett passed the car keys to Lyssa. [Mate, you will take our Madam Alpha out and drive her home. Come back when you can. Madam Alpha, you need to claim illness.]

[I understand. When?]

[Whenever you are ready.] They sat, listening to the prosecuting attorney question another of Ronnie's friends.

Lyssa was feeling anxious and, just about to turn, when Ariel let out a pained groan, leaning over and clutching her distended belly.

Startled, everyone turned to look at her. Ariel had scrunched her eyes closed and grunted. One of the bailiffs started over. The judge stopped proceedings and stood. "Ma'am, are you ill? Do you require a doctor?"

Lyssa had a hand on their Alpha female's back. Offering the proper deference, she said, "Judge Kohler, it would be best if I took her home." Ariel panted a little.

The gavel came down. "Thirty minute recess. We'll resume at 10:15. Ma'am, I think it might be best if you rest in my chamber while your friend brings the car around."

Damn. They had just wanted to slip out.

Lyssa helped Ariel to her feet and brought her past the attorneys' tables, making sure to stay between her and Ronnie. Ronnie glared at her.

The bailiff and judge escorted them behind the bench and into a small office. He led them over to the couch. "Here, my dear, perhaps you should lay down for a bit. Would you like some water?"

[My dear?] "Yes, thank you."

"Tom, if you please?" The bailiff went to the small refrigerator in the room and pulled out a bottle.

Lyssa knelt beside her Madam Alpha. She uncapped the bottle and offered it to Ariel, who drank deeply. "How far along are you?"

She looked at him. "I have a little over a month."

"Are you feeling any better?"

Ariel nodded while Lyssa said, "I think it's the stress of the situation. I should take her home."

"Certainly, my dear."

"But, you saw how interested everyone was. I'd like to get her out of here without a lot of fuss."

The judge looked at her, then Ariel. He inhaled, exhaled. "You're sure you don't need a doctor?"

"I understand your concern, but a human doctor might have difficulty with me and my condition. I am feeling better but feel it would be best if I went home."

"Certainly, certainly. You were attracting quite a bit of attention and it probably would be best if you left. We don't want to distract the jurors from the facts of the case. Tom, please show Miz..?"


"Forrester, the.. Missus Lyssa Forrester?"

"Yes. sir."

The judge peered at her more closely. "Well, Miz Forrester, Tom will show you the back way out. Bring the car around that way and we'll bring your friend out."

[Ariel, you'll be OK?]

[Go. I'll be fine.]

"OK, thank you. I'll be right back."

The bailiff took Lyssa into a back corridor and to a rear door. Tom, the bailiff, showed her the best way to approach and provided a card to get her past security.

[Headed for the car, Em.]

[Ariel's already told me but thanks. Be careful.]

Lyssa walked quickly. She didn't run although she wanted to. Running would attract attention, which they didn't need. There, the car.

Thankfully, with new technology, she didn't have to fit the key in the lock or ignition since she was nervous enough she might fumble it. Now, get the car out of the space and maneuver it to the back of the courthouse.

Easy. Easy. She didn't like leaving Ariel alone with the judge any longer than she had to. OK, out of the packed lot, turn the corner. It was only a couple of blocks but seemed further. Now, the left and a security gate.

"You aren't allowed back here. The parking lot is back on Third Street."

"Judge Kohler told me to come this way. I have a card." She handed it over.

The security guard examined it. "Hmm. Get out of the car."

"Excuse me?"

"Get out. I have to search the vehicle."

Oh, shit, what was in the car? "I just need to pick up my friend. She's in the judge's chambers."

"Still have to check the vehicle. Pop the trunk, unlock the doors, and get out."

Frustrated, Lyssa inhaled and did as asked. [Ariel, I'm almost there but the security guard is searching the car.] She watched as he pulled up the liner and checked the spare, opened the duffles and the back and pawed through the spare clothes. [Ariel?]

Down the alley, Lyssa saw the bailiff step out and look her way. Done with the trunk, the guard then moved to the back seat and pulled it up for a look underneath. [Ariel? Are you OK?]

[Very persistent. Are you close?]

[Just a few minutes more, I hope.] Jerky. A coffee cup. Onto the front seat and glove box. "Wyeth? Is this your car?"

"No. It belongs to my friend."

"Wyeth? Where do I know that from? Wait, Judge Kohler. The werewolf trial? Are you one of them? You look kinda familiar." The security guard had stopped searching and was now holding the car's insurance card and a multitool from the glove box. Lyssa gritted her teeth. "Yes. Please..."

From down the alley, "Jerry! Hurry up!"

"Let me do my job, Tom."

"Jerry!" Grumbling, he looked at Lyssa, put the card back in the glove box and pocketed the multitool. Poked under the seats, in the center console. "Your purse?"

Lyssa pulled out her wallet. "Don't need one. This is all I carry."

"Strange woman. Or maybe you're all that way."

"You done yet?!"

"Keep your pants on!"

"We oughta pack you all up and put you on an island away from decent folk."

Lyssa ground her teeth now. You couldn't change a bigot's mind and responding would only make matters worse.

Jerry narrowed his eyes at her, looking for a reaction. Looking for a reason to do something. She stood there, chest heaving in anger. He looked down the alley at Tom, who stood there with his arms crossed. Jerry grunted, waved her into the car. "Go on, freak."

Lyssa got back in the car as he raised the gate and she pulled forward. The gate fell on the back of the trunk, scraping the paint. Wincing at the damage, she kept going. Tom had disappeared back into the building, hopefully, fetching Ariel.

[Mate, are you on your way yet?]

[Gotta get around an asshole.]

Emmett sat stoically, though concerned. This was taking longer than it should.

Lyssa breathed a sigh of relief as Ariel appeared, assisted by Judge Kohler. She was perfectly capable of making her own way to the car but she was a 'sick' pregnant female. He brought her to the passenger side and helped her in, Tom looming behind him. "Alright, now, you take care of yourself and that baby."

Ariel smiled, with a hand on her belly. "I will."

The judge held the door open, leaned down, and looked at Lyssa. "I expect I'll see you back in my court?"

"Yes, sir." He looked at both of them for a moment longer until Tom cleared his throat.

He said, "Good day, ladies." as he shut the door. Lyssa put the car in drive and they heard, "They don't seem that different from us." as they pulled away.

Ariel had settled back in the seat, with her eyes closed. Lyssa got onto the road then asked, "Are you alright?"

"All he did was ask questions. One after the other. Worse than a pup. What do we eat? How was it when we change at the full moon? What's it like to have a tail? Have I eaten a raw rabbit? How did get pregnant?"

Lyssa shook her head. "Crap."

"What's wrong?"

"That's an interview with a werewolf. He'll probably get money by selling the information you gave him."

"Can he do that?"

"Reporters will be calling him to find out what happened while you were in the room. It has nothing to do with the trial. Yeah." Lyssa's attention was diverted briefly by a car pulling out of a parking spot. "Hm, he didn't take a picture of you, did he?"

"No. No. I don't think so."

"Well, we'll see what happens when it comes out."

They passed the rest of the drive companionably. Lyssa needed to prepare for the monthly council meeting and the others would want an update on the trial. They were all very interested in the human justice system and the eventual punishment of Ronnie Wilson. Many were unhappy that Wyeth pack hadn't just killed him outright, given him to the parents.

Ariel rummaged through one of the duffles for some jerky. Though they ate a lot of protein, her pregnancy had upped her needs. "Did he touch everything?"

"I think he wanted to find something to use against us. Or maybe something to get me arrested. He did not like us. I think I'm lucky he let me through."

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Wolftight21Wolftight21over 2 years ago

A very interesting chapter.

Ariel did quite get the experience she wanted.

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