Trilogy of Tits and Terror Ch. 01


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"Hope you're not talking to me?" AJ joked, walking in behind her, carrying a box full of clothes.

"No, it's this... mirror. It cut me." she said, annoyed, kicking the base of it before wincing in pane from the hard metal.

"Be careful... that mirror's kicking your butt," AJ said, setting down the box to walk up behind her. "Here, let me see..." he said and she held out her cut finger. Seeing the small prick on her fingertip, he smiled. "Only you could cut your finger on a smooth mirror, Tess..." he joked. She could be a bit of a klutz sometimes, so this type of thing wasn't outside the realm of possibility.

"Hey, there's a... crack... or something," she said, pointing at the mirror. He glanced at the mirror and ran his fingers over the smooth surface, before holding up his unharmed fingers and grinning. Slapping him lightly on the side, she marched over to the bathroom to grab a band-aid. It wasn't much of a wound, just a little pin prick, so it wouldn't take long to heal.

How wrong she was...

By the end of the day, she started to feel a little sick. She was sweating like she was overheating, and her blood felt like it was boiling. On top of that, she felt tired, not just sleepy tired, but whole body tired, exhausted. And she could barely keep going, taking herself to bed early.

Sleep was restless and strange. It felt like her mind never truly turned off. Her thoughts were swirling images, bathed in red, shifting as if it were a movie playing behind a fog, making everything strange and indecipherable, forgotten as soon as she awoke. The one thing that made it through was the sounds. At first, yelling and screaming, followed by repetitive grunting and moaning, followed by angry blood-curdling screams. And, through it all, hidden slightly in the background, was a calm, crisp female voice, speaking another language, a language Tess couldn't recognize. But it sounded wrong. It sounded scary. This voice was there throughout the dream, speaking in a hypnotic timbre.

It was a pretty creepy dream, and what made it worse was the fact that she had the same dream two nights in a row. The exact same dream, beat for beat, causing her to wake up in a terrified sweat. And in between these dreams was a full day of misery. Tess's symptoms were in full bloom, and she barely left the bed the whole next day. Whenever she woke up, still in a daze, AJ was there for her, waiting to help in any way he could. He brought her water and soup, doing the best he could to keep her going. She was sore and exhausted and feverish. Not enough to have to go the hospital, but enough to lay her out on her ass for a good day.

When she woke up the next morning, after having that same dream again, she immediately realized she was through the worst of it. Her exhaustion seemed mostly gone, as did her fever. She still felt a little weird, but that was to be expected after such a sudden severe illness.

Padding downstairs in her pajamas, she slowly moved into the kitchen where her husband was busy cooking up breakfast.

"Hey, Tess... you're up!" he said with warmth. "You feeling better?"

"A little..." she said, nodding at him with one eye closed, still groggy.

"You hungry?" AJ asked. Tess suddenly realized how hungry she was. She had barely eaten anything the day before, so she was starved.

"Yeah," she said firmly, with a nod. Her husband opened the fridge.

"Well, I'll cook you up something real good," he began. "But first... let me give you some vitamin c. My grandma swore by it. She always said it made me feel better." He pulled out a jug of orange juice and filled a glass for her. He picked it up and carried over to his wife. Seeing this gesture, Tess spoke up.

"I don't need vitamin C right now, I need vitamin dick!" she announced.

"What!?" AJ said with a laugh, so stunned he almost dropped the glass.

Tess was a little caught off guard herself. Where did that come from? She didn't mean to say that, but she had said those words... weird. And it was only as she said this that she realized that, despite still being groggy from sickness, she was shockingly horny, to the point where she was dripping down her leg. Where did this come from?

"I, uh..." Tess suddenly stammered, suddenly embarrassed. But just as before, words and actions came to her before she could think about it. "You heard me..." she said, stepping forward, placing her open palm against her husband's pants-covered bulge, stunning him. While he wasn't hard at the moment, due to her grip, that began to change.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a laugh. He and Tess had a good sex life. He was a good lover, taking his time with her. She was shy and was less experienced than he was, meaning that he had to work at her level, taking his time, being gentle and deliberate, and not just slamming away blindly. Their lovemaking was truly that: lovemaking. It was nice and sweet and it felt good. With all that being taken into account, it was shocking to see her act like this. She was never this forward and aggressive.

Again, Tess couldn't fully explain her actions. But the driving need coming from her pussy spurred her to go along with these strange events. But what really drove her crazy was that small flash of lust that went across her husband's face, just for a fleeting moment, before being hidden by that boyish smile of his. Her husband liked this side of her, but he was trying to hide it. Seeing that AJ was enjoying this, she continued.

"Let's wait on breakfast for a bit... and have some fun first," she teased, these words coming from her without thinking.

"Are..." he began, his prick swelling between her fingers. "Are you sure you're feeling better?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah..." she sighed softly, stepping in close to him. "I'm sure."

Ten minutes later, the married couple was getting hot and heavy in their bed. She was normally a missionary kinda girl, but this time, she was spurred into changing it up. That led her to riding her husband energetically, her pussy taking more of his sizable nine inches of cock than ever before. She wasn't exactly riding him hard, but this change in position was more than enough to drive him crazy.

"Fuck... this is good," AJ sighed from beneath her, reaching up and resting his hands against her small, cute breasts, squeezing them lightly. Just feeling her husband's touch was always enough to drive her crazy, but in this energized encounter, it made her moan.

"Oh God!" she moaned out, still bouncing lightly on AJ's dick. His hands slid down to her hips, grabbing them and holding on as she bounced on him.

"Oh my God... oh my God... I'm gonna cum..." AJ warned his wife as her ministrations were enough to take him over the edge. Biting her lip in pleasure, she lowered herself onto him as his cock exploded inside her. Getting married put them past the point of using condoms, so she was on the pill, meaning they could have sex without fear of her getting pregnant. They weren't at that point where children were an option for them. Not even close.

Two minutes later, both of the young lovers were on their back, panting for breath. Feeling her husband's seed inside her filled her with love and warmth for him. She had never felt better.

"Where did that come from?" AJ said with a still shocked grin.

"I don't know," she replied truthfully. Where had that come from? Was it some weird side-effect of her illness, making her super horny and aggressive? She didn't know. "Did you like it?" she asked, looking back at him. He studied her for a moment, not sure how he should respond. Opting for honesty, he answered.

"Uh, yeah, I liked it," he stated. "Did you?" Knowing that what they had done made him happy was enough for her.

"Yeah... I liked it," she said, rolling over, smiling at him, curled up in the bedsheet, her lower half covered. "We should do it like that more often..." she said. He smiled at her and nodded in agreement.

"I'd like that," he said warmly. Tess leaned over and gave him a kiss.

She couldn't be more content.


Tess's condition improved over the next few days. She still felt a little weird in the head, her thoughts still rapid in moments, and every so often she would find herself saying things without thinking, like before. And she was still dreaming those same freaky dreams, and they weren't getting much clearer. But other than that, she was happy.

Still having a little bit of time before her job started, she used the free time to catch up on things. Tess still had that bit of pooch in her belly, so she found a gym nearby to get back in the habit of working out. But she found herself struggling to get into it, finding herself to still be a bit low-energy after her illness. She did what she could even though it was far less than what she could do at her best.

But the weird thing was... it was working.

Usually, she'd have to bust her butt until the pounds started coming off. She had a good metabolism, but she still had to put in the work to take off the pounds. But this time, she barely put in any work, and the pounds were just melting off.

Standing in front of that mirror naked one morning, she couldn't help but admire herself. Where her belly was a bit soft mere days prior, it was now hard and taut. Being so fit and slim also made her boobs look a little bigger too, which was always a plus. But what really jumped out to her at this point was her butt.

She actually had a butt!

She turned her back to the mirror and looked over her shoulder. Before, her butt was small and flat and relatively shapeless, now... it was the opposite. Each cheek was full and round and shapely, standing out like a shelf from her slim frame. Where once there was nothing, now stood a juicy, perky, heart-shaped ass, raised up and standing proud.

"Oh my God..." she said to herself, studying her own bare ass. "Where did this come from?" Like, really, where did this come from? She had done so much more work before without ever getting a butt like this. And now... just...

"Whoa..." AJ said, entering the room from the bathroom, having just come out of the shower, wearing only a towel. His eyes were glued on his wife's rear, which was facing him.

"I know, right?" Tess said, equally as impressed as AJ.

"I'm... wow," AJ said, unable to pull his eyes from her butt.

"Yeah... done a bit of working out... how do I look?" she asked, the words coming from her without thinking.

"You, uh... you look amazing..." he sighed, moving towards the bed. He was unable to stop staring, his cock forming a tent in his towel.

"You like my ass?" she asked, her voice a soft purr. Again, the words were coming from her without a thought.

"Yeah..." he croaked out, biting his lip. He was never this nakedly lustful towards her. The look he was giving her was making the young wife melt with excitement. Reaching back, she squeezed one of her exposed butt-cheeks, toying with the smooth, firm flesh. She looked up at AJ as he gulped.

Within minutes, Tess was bent forward, hands against the mirror, her husband behind her, a picture of raw lust as he hammered her from behind. He wasn't normally like this, but he had been driven to this by her body. Driven to pure, animalistic lust. His body was tensed as he drilled her, stealing glances at her ripe behind as he fucked harder than he ever had before, and she simply took it, moaning in pleasure.

Again, she didn't know how she got an ass like this, but she liked it. She liked how sexy she looked. She liked how her husband looked at her. So, she didn't ask many questions. She didn't think too much as to how she could speak to him like she had, speaking without thought, saying things and not knowing where they came from. All that mattered was how good it felt.

And when that climax came, she was looking forward, looking into her own eyes through her reflection. And when that wave of pleasure hit, she looked at herself, and for a moment, for a millisecond of time, the image she saw wasn't her. It was something else. Something she didn't recognize.

But she didn't think about it long. She couldn't. A wave of pleasure hit her as her husband exploded inside her, and she passed out from the overwhelming pleasure.


That night, Tess had the dream again. But this time, the images within were suddenly clear.

People, all around her. Surrounding her. Angry people, angry men and women in old-looking cloth coverings, coming at her with torches and sharp objects. She was in the middle, kneeling in the sand, and looking past this angry mob, she swore she could see pyramids in the distance. Soon, everything became bathed with flame.

As this happened, a voice emerged... that firm, crisp, female voice, speaking that other language, some unrecognizable dialect. The words she spoke flowed into each other and cast a strange, otherworldly pall throughout the entirety of this dream.

Suddenly, through the background of flame, as if a flash of memory of the events that preceded this, two bodies emerged. Naked bodies in sexual union. On her back was a woman, and the man above was on his knees, driving himself into her, fucking her. In the haze of the dream, their faces couldn't be seen, only their bodies. Two fit, attractive bodies. The woman had massive, smooth breasts, bouncing roughly as the man drilled her. She screamed out in pleasure as he moaned in a lustful growl. He reached forward and groped at her big boobs lustfully.

The flames overtook them both, and the screams of pleasure transformed into screams of pain and agony from all sides, waves of heat and fury. And through it all, that same voice, still talking. With a flourish, she spoke a few words louder, and suddenly, the image changed.

She was suddenly in grassy village, a community with small huts. No one else could see her. No one suspected a thing as she walked towards the largest hut in the village.

In a flash, Tess was watching the action from the side, a large, well-built man behind another voluptuous, hot-bodied woman, the same woman's whose body Tess was in at the start, drilling her roughly, reaching around her to grope her massive breasts savagely, their moans as loud as their colliding bodies.

In the next part of the dream, Tess was back at the center of the action again. And once again, people surrounding her, yelling at her, backing her towards a river, with torches and heavy rocks. She fell backwards into the water, never rising again.

The flames returned, overwhelming her, the burning fury and the agony of pain, the loud screams devastating her. And again, that voice, muttering its strange phrases, until she rose from this hell again.

Suddenly, she was back on the surface. And the cycle continued. She entered the large entrance room of a huge, imposing castle, catching the King's attention. Flash to that evening in the King's quarters, Tess again watching from the side as the bulky King drilled this wench like the whore she was, her juicy body more than enough to drive him into sin. But this could not be. The kingdom could not be brought down by some whore! An executioner's blade was the next thing Tess saw coming towards her before returning to the fires again.

Over and over, Tess experienced this cycle. Nasty sex in different settings, with her watching from the side. Followed by people finding out, casting her to death in various cruel ways. Then, to the fires, surrounded by flame until she rose once more, repeating the cycle.

Living on a big fancy boat, hooking up with the captain, being thrown into sea, back to Hell. A small, Italian village, flowing with life and creativity. A hookup with a priest, a collision with church goons, before being cast into a cell for the rest of her days. Then, back to the fires, starting again. A small puritan village. Sex with the leader of the colony. Burned on the cross. Then, Hell, before returning to the world again. Rising up in the royal court in France. Hooking up with the noble local governor. And then... slice. She experienced the guillotine first hand. A small European village during a great war. A hookup with a powerful commander, who gives up all sorts of information in exchange for the rough sex she can provide. The information leak is discovered, and she is put to the firing squad. And then, back to Hell... waiting for a new time to rise.

And through it all, that same voice, chanting in her strange language.

But this time, there was no rise. Cloaked, hidden figures came to her through the flames, figures that conjured deep fear, even in her. Chained to stone, facing the final penalty for her misdeeds. Facing the penalty of rising and falling so many times. Her luck had run out. Her time was up. Far above her was a source of bright, brilliant light, the light of life. The light of the mortal world, so tantalizingly close, torturing her with its proximity, but so very far away. The light was so bright and crystal clear in this fiery, smoky darkness that she could almost see her own reflection in it.

Held tightly against this rock, she looked up to the light far above her, reaching up with thin, dark, feminine, scaly fingers, with razor sharp nails. Reaching up to the light. Reaching up for freedom. Just one more time. Just one more chance. And the words in the background, the strange incantations... they started to fade as the voice used up the last of her energy, finding one last loophole, one last path to life...

That's when Tess would wake up.

Within minutes, a lot of these details would fade from her conscious mind, but each detail was carved into stone deep in her subconscious. Into a place where she would never forget, in a way that would never allow her to forget. Becoming permanently imprinted, changing her in ways that couldn't be explained.

And through it all, Tess would go about her normal day, not knowing how these dreams were affecting her.


Things began to settle into a groove. Both AJ and Tess started up at their jobs. They got their house established and fell into a good rhythm. This was the first time either of them had lived with anyone but their parents, and both were naturals, settling into a good, mature daily married life.

And they were having a lot of sex.

Before moving there, they had sex when they could, but they didn't have the time or space or privacy to get it on at a regular basis. When they did, it was great, their lovemaking was amazing. But now, in this new place, on their own and married, and spurred on by this sudden change in behavior in Tess... they were going at it all the time.

Tess could tell AJ was a bit unsure at first. Not that he didn't want it, but he wasn't sure about this change in her. He wasn't sure if this was some game, or if she would regret it once it happened. But no... she needed it as bad as he did. Soon, he was all over her, spurred on by lust, a far cry from the smart sensitive artist he was. That side of him would return once they were finished. He was still the man she married, of course. But now, when lust took over, he would embrace it.

He couldn't help it though. Tess's body was slowly getting more and more mouth-watering. Not only had her ass filled out and grown more shapely and juicy, her legs got more firm and lithe. Her belly had gotten fit and taut. Her skin seemed smoother. Her tan was better. Her brunette hair was longer and shinier.

And then there were her boobs...

At first, her boobs getting bigger appeared to be a symptom of slimming down a bit. So, the initial jump in size seemed to be perfectly explainable.

But then they kept growing.

Somehow, someway, they just kept getting bigger. She had started with small B-cups, and within a few weeks, she had large C-cups, slowly verging on D's.

Obviously, this was pretty awesome. For the first time, Tess had genuine cleavage, and she took every opportunity to show it off. Her husband certainly enjoyed it, unable to pull his eyes away from her boobs whenever she wore something low cut. He had never expressed any special interest in boobs, but as soon as she sprouted a nice pair, he could not stop staring. Tess loved driving her husband crazy like this.