Trophy Wife Ch. 03


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"Now, you sexy wench, I'm going to fuck you slowly while you continue to whisper those naughty things in my ear. The sound of your voice and your explicit words drive me crazy."

"UMMM... I'm so glad. I like to talk about what's happening, while it's happening. Oooo that feels good... move like that again.."

"Like this?"


"And what if I pinch this hard little nipple at the same time...."

"GOD YES..."

"What am I doing to you Jane?'

"You are slowly thrusting your hard cock in and out of my pussy, and you are squeezing my tit. I am so very wet and hot. Umm.... I am also perfectly content to be naked in your bed with you for as long as you like. Ohh god that feels good..."

"It feels good to me too. I am going to make this last for a long time. I want you to tell me a story that will make me hot."

"Goodie. I like to tell stories, especially when I'm being fucked. My over sexed brain can come up with some wild ideas. Give me a theme. OHHHH.. you are in sooo deep..."

"If I pull back and then thrust hard... like this... I can go even deeper!"


"Tell me about the loving wife who makes sure her husband gets all the sex he wants."

"Umm.. well, once upon a time there was an older woman who had lost most of her sex drive. She just didn't want it much anymore. But her husband still liked a lot of sex, and she knew he was looking at younger women. So she decided to arrange for him to have all the sex he wanted with a hot babe, as long as it was under her control."


"And it turns out that this woman liked to control other people, and was even a bit of a sadist. She enjoyed humiliating other women, especially young, pretty ones."

My heart pulsed and sent more blood rushing to my cock. I saw where this story was going, and I liked it. "Tell me more," I said as I humped slowly forward and back to keep us both on edge.

"This creative and resourceful loving wife went on the internet and found a young woman who was submissive and destitute, and who was looking for a dominant man or woman to take care of her. The girl was attractive and had a very good figure. Our heroine hired her to be a live-in maid, and paid her very well."

"Let me guess," I moaned.. "The new maid required training and discipline, and the wife enlisted her husband's help in doing this."

"You are a good guesser, Mr. Innkeeper. Ahhh... that's it... a little harder... right there.. yes..."

Jane was using those special muscles on me again, and I had to stop moving to keep from losing it. I wanted to hear more of her story first. "What did the wife tell her husband?" I murmured.

"The wife told her husband that she was going to hire a special kind of maid, and hinted to him that she would not mind if he used the maid to take care of his sexual needs, and in fact, might even help him do it."

"Oh, so the wife is having a sexual awakening, howbeit a somewhat kinky one?"

"Very much so. The wife was surprised at how her libido had been stimulated by making the arrangements. And she felt good about herself because she was doing such a loving thing for her husband."

I pumped a few times to keep things going and pressed Jane to tell me more. "So what happened?"

"For the first few days they let the maid do her work without interference, although the wife insisted that the girl wear a special outfit that she bought for her."

"A French maid costume like yours?"

"No.. no.. not that provocative. But tight fitting, and revealing enough to hold the husband's attention. He bided his time and waited for his wife to take the lead."


"On the third day, the poor girl broke a vase, and the wife told her that she would have to submit to a spanking by her husband if she wanted to keep the job."

"Ah so..."

"Oh my Stephen, I just felt an extra hardening. You must be liking my story."

"Don't keep me in suspense. Did the girl agree to be spanked?"

"Of course. She needed the job, and she was turned on by the thought of it, although she did not admit that to herself."

I began a slow, regular humping motion as I waited for Jane to continue.

"The wife had her husband sit in an armless chair, and then led the girl over to him. He motioned for her to lie across his lap. When she did so, the wife pulled up the young woman's skirt and exposed her panty-covered ass. Then, looking her husband in the eye, she slowly drew down the panties and pulled them off. The husband immediately gripped the girl's small, plump cheeks and squeezed, telling her to open her legs in preparation for the spanking. The wife knelt on the floor and put her hand up between the girl's legs to feel her pussy as she was being spanked."

"GGGAAaaa...." I couldn't stop myself. The image being etched in my brain by Jane's story touched off a powerful orgasm, and my hips pounded my cock in and out at a furious pace. Jane must have been just as excited by her own story, because she came with me with a howl that I'm sure was heard by Carol and John.


An hour later we were showered and dressed and working together in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for our guests, and ourselves. Instead of the super sexy maid costume, Jane was wearing normal summer clothes: short pants and a T shirt. Carol and John were stirring in their room, but had not yet come into the dining area.

"Let's talk about last night before they come," Jane said as she was turning the bacon in the frying pan. "How do you feel about it this morning?"

"Watching them release all that passion was incredibly exciting," I said. "The buildup of sexual tension when we were tying Carol's hands in spite of her half-hearted resistance was amazing."

"You liked that, uh?" she chortled. "It's sad that most people miss out on so much sexual pleasure because they are so conservative."

"You should be a sex therapist," I said. "The world needs you."

She gave me a funny look. "I've actually thought about that," she said. "It gives me a lot of satisfaction to help couples like Carol and John let go and discover their sexual depths."

"So you've done this before? I should have known, the way you expertly guided the action."

She laughed. "Yea, I've done group work a few times. But just for fun, not as a sex therapist, as you call it. It might be interesting to offer a service."

"My Hideway Inn would be a good laboratory," I mused. "People come here all the time looking for romance and excitement. Some even come alone."

"You are a bad boy," she scolded. "I'll bet you take advantage of those lonely, sex-starved women."

"It's been known to happen," I admitted. "But this is the first time I've been involved with a couple... that is if I don't count you and Jack."

"Couples are more of a challenge," Jane noted seriously. "You have to convince two people to let down their protective walls. When it works, however, you have created something lasting. They go away happier and wiser. When you or I ball a lonely person in an exciting way, they may savor the experience, but they don't have a way to make it last."

"You sound like you have done a lot of group sex."

"Yea. Since I have been with Jack, there are frequently other people involved. He is a man unafraid and driven to try new things. Plus he is intensely interested in people and how they react to new situations. I think one of the reasons he was willing to pay me so much was that he could use me as bait to engage other people, men and women."

"Like he did with me," I said, recalling the afternoon in the pool.

"Exactly. You have to admit it was interesting and fun -- for all of us."

I nodded. "That's the understatement of the year. But, seriously, are you interested in making a kind of career in sexual counseling and therapy?"

"Why not? I like sex and I like helping people. But here come your guests. Let's see what they have to say about last night."

Carol and John came into the dining area holding hands. They looked happy, if a bit sheepish.

"Good morning," John said. "We slept like babies."

"Yea," agreed his wife, "when we finally went to sleep." She grinned at Jane. "Who is your new friend? What happened to the French maid?"

I laughed. "The French maid has metamorphosed into my girlfriend Jane. Surely you see some resemblance."

John let his eyes move up and down Jane's body. "Yes indeed," he said.

"Steady big boy," Carol chided. "But after last night we do feel that we know you both very well. It was a fantastic experience that John and I will never forget."

"I hope you build on that experience," Jane said. "You have so much to give to each other if you will continue to let go and explore."

"Ahem...", I coughed. "Please sit down for breakfast. I'm going to make sure you embark on your new lives with full stomachs. There's coffee on the table."

They took their seats and Jane and I brought out the eggs, bacon, and toast before joining them. "Tell me," said Jane as she picked up her napkin, "what most impressed you about last night."

Carol put down her coffee cup. "I will be honest with you. I have always resisted any anal activity. Something inside me made me think it was dirty and perverted. John tried several times to stimulate me there, and I felt a strange excitement, but then I was compelled to block it. Last night you forced me over that hump, and I loved it."

"Including the spanking?" I asked.

"Oh yes. The spanking diverted my mind from all those old nice girl teachings. It hurt just enough to make me submit. Now that I know how turned on it makes me, I'm looking forward to whatever John wants to do to me, including whipping or spanking me if he feels like it."

I was surprised and delighted at Carol's frankness. Jane looked pleased and took the opportunity to test her idea about becoming a therapist. "It sounds like you two are very satisfied customers of the Hideway Inn and its services. Do you think others might like it as well?"

John and Carol exchanged looks. John shrugged as if he were giving his wife permission to reveal a secret. "As a matter fact," Carol said, "we have some good friends whose marriage is on the rocks, and we think sex is a big issue. But I can't picture them coming here and letting their hair down like John and I did last night."

"I wouldn't be so sure," John mused. "If Bob got a look at Jane in her French maid costume he would be game. It's Mary who would have to be convinced. She's the one with the hang-ups."

Carol was thoughtful. "There's no question that their having an experience like we had would be good for their marriage. Mary likes sex just as much as Bob; they are just not tuning in to each other. Maybe if I talked to her..."

"Here's my crazy idea," Jane explained. "Stephen and I could offer what we would describe as a second honeymoon package at the Hideway Inn. Couples could come and be completely anonymous. They could give made up names and pay in cash. Structured individual and group discussions about sex would be included in the package. We would stress the low pressure atmosphere and confidential nature of the conversations and activities."

"I'm intrigued," Carol said. "Do you envision having group sex like we did last night?"

"Only if it leads to that naturally. We would not push it."

"Interesting," said John. "How much would you charge for something like that?"

Jane held up her hand. "Nothing. I would not be doing this to make money."

"Sign me up!" declared John. "I want to come once a month!"

"No you don't," laughed Carol. "I'm not going to let this bombshell beauty talk sex with you anymore. We got what we needed after one session. From now on you are stuck with only me. But, Jane, I am curious about how you would structure a counseling session about sex."

"I've thought about that," Jane said. "The first thing would be to establish rapport and trust. Again I would emphasize that they have nothing to fear or lose by talking freely. If they like to drink or use mild drugs, I would encourage them to do so to help them relax. I would begin the discussion by talking in general terms about the most common sources of sexual discontent."

"What are those?" asked John. "I'm curious."

"For the woman it's usually a lack of foreplay and the man's concern for her satisfaction. For the man it's having the woman just lie there and expecting him to take all the responsibility for a successful outcome."

"I don't think Carol and I have either of those problems," John said with relief.

"Neither do I," agreed Jane. "Your problem was on the next level and had to do with letting go and taking risks. But you made rapid progress last night."

"Did we ever!" exclaimed Carol. "But I don't think we are your typical, straight-laced couple. You could not do what you did with us to the average walk-in."

"No, you were special. I would have to make an assessment of how fast I could go, but as soon as I could I would meet with each person privately and try to get them to discuss their sexual fantasies and frustrations."

"It will be hard to get people to admit to kinky fantasies," said John.

Jane's eyes lit up. "That's why I would use props. I would show them pictures and ask them to grade the scene A,B, or C, depending on their reaction to the activity shown. An 'A' would mean you are excited by it; a 'B' would mean you are okay with it; and a 'C' would mean you think it's gross."

"Wow, that would be interesting," Carol exclaimed. "What kind of scenes do you have in mind?"

"A very broad range, including punishment, homosexual, and group sex scenes. It is critical in a couple's sex life for them to be honest with each other about what turns them on. I will try to get them to reveal their proclivities, and then either match them with each other, or convince them to show their love by indulging the other's needs."

This whole idea was moving much too fast for me. Jane was talking about using my inn as a kind of Fantasy Island. I could see possible legal problems.

"Hold on a minute, Jane. You don't have a license to do this kind of counseling. I can see some prude calling the cops."

She was ready for that objection. "I would not be representing myself as a professional, only a friend. Any sex would be between consenting adults."

I was still worried. "As soon as you advertised in any way you would be offering a service to the public, and it would not be a legal service."

"No advertising. It would all be by word of mouth.

"It could take a long time to get clients that way," I said.

"Don't be so sure," Carol said. "Sexual problems are at the root of a lot of dysfunctional marriages, and if someone feels they got a lot of help, they will want to tell their close friends. I can't wait to tell Mary."

Jane took my hand. "What have we got to lose, Stephen? Let's try it for a month. Carol and John will be our first ambassadors. We could do a lot of good and have fun in the process."

"All right," I said. "I suppose there's no harm in accepting reservations from people referred by our new friends here.

John's eyes were glowing. "What should I tell Bob to say when he calls for the reservation?"

"Tell him to ask for the second honeymoon package," Jane said with a grin.


It has now been six months since that fateful conversation with Carol and John. Several times a month Jane and I entertain couples who come for their 'second honeymoon'. Jane took a leave of absence from her relationship with Jack, who seemed glad to have a chance to play with other women. In fact one weekend he came with a new girlfriend, who he thought needed some instruction from Jane. I marvel at how Jack and Jane get along so well without any feelings of jealousy.

As for me I am having the time of my life. In most cases the counseling is just that; Jane talks with the people and gets them to open up. I'm not involved. But sometimes she really gets them going, like she did with Carol and John, and then I get to participate. I find that even if the clients are older and not super attractive physically, I really enjoy seeing the sexual fire in their eyes and sharing the experience with them.

But I'm afraid like all good things, it is coming to an end. Jane has had her fun and seems ready to move on. Jack called last night to say that he was coming next week to get his Jaguar, and that Jane would have to decide whether or not she was going to leave with him. If she does not, she will not be getting any more big deposits into her bank account. The writing's on the wall...

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26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Author had one decent story, and then a lot of garbage.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Motel Sex

How do I make a reservation? Very hot, although it is hard to imagine our heroine being that good that young!

UbuntuTenUbuntuTenabout 12 years ago
Very interesting - switching between analytical and experiential

A good story, with thoughtful protagonists. The switch between observer / instructor and participant / student was at times not in keeping with the theme of BDSM. But entirely within reason, given the framework of an inn with guests who have not signed any waivers.

I particularly liked the explicit provision of permission before sessions of apparent nonconsent between relative strangers. While it would lack the fear of real nonconsent, such an entry into the play would be necessary in real life.

Well done effort.

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