Trouble at the Biker Bar


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Margo looked confused when Hacker and A.J. climbed up on the pool table and stood on either side of her.

Psycho giggled and said, "That's what makes it six-way sex!" She continued, "Grab those two big cocks, girl! You can handle them!"

Margo squealed, "Oh, O.K.!" as she reached out for both of our prospect's stiff dicks.

Digger climbed up onto the pool table last. He stood in front of Margo's face, with his hard-on pointed directly at her mouth. Margo had a flustered look on her face, but Digger gently put his hand on the back of her head and fed his hard cock into her mouth.

To her credit, Margo was willing, but the coordination required for successful six-way sex was beyond her ability. As hard as our kindergarten teacher tried, it just wasn't working.

I really wasn't surprised that the six-way sex was going badly. Double-penetration is hard enough by itself. Expecting this woman to handle a DP and three more guys, at the same time, was being overly optimistic.

After watching Margo struggle for a little while, I had finally had enough. I said to the guys, "Digger, Hacker, A.J., why don't you take a break?" I continued, "Wait for Jarhead and Squid to do their thing, then the three of you can get back together again, later, with Margo." I finished, O.K., guys?"

I know that everyone was relieved by my interruption, as one of the guys said "Good idea, Prez," and the rest of them chimed in their agreement. I saw that Digger, Hacker, and A.J. all breathed sighs of relief as they climbed down from the pool table.

Psycho said, "Don't worry, Margo! The guys will be back for their handjobs and blowjob, right after you're done with Jarhead and Squid."

To my surprise, Margo became visibly upset as the three guys started to walk away. She yelled, "Wait a minute! One of you come back here right now!" She continued, "I can handle a four-way! I know that I can!" She finished, "I'm just not ready for a six-way, yet!"

Digger looked back questioningly at Margo.

Margo looked at him and said, "Come on back up here! I can handle you too!" She finished, "I'm not a quitter!"

Digger smiled and climbed back up onto the pool table, and everybody clapped in appreciation of Margo's feisty attitude.

Digger stood in front of Margo, and she took his cock into her mouth again. It turned out that Margo was right, she could adequately handle the four-way sex, even if she wasn't quite ready six-way sex, just yet.

With the four-way in progress, Psycho went over to Reds and said, "Why don't you take another turn with the prospects?" She continued, "I'm sure that Margo will want to have a stiff cock in her mouth, while she gives those two their handjobs."

Reds smiled and said, "Sure, Psycho, why not?"

Psycho went over to Hacker and A.J., while they were waiting, and said, "Don't forget guys, squirt lots of that artificial spooge in her hair, and don't forget to spill lots of beer on her clothes." She continued, "But, be careful with that nice leather skirt, we don't want to ruin it for her."

Buck had once done some PI work for people in the porn industry. One of those people had given him the formula for the artificial spooge that they used in their films. Psycho liked to have the guys squirt a lot of that artificial spooge on the women, towards the end of their gangbangs. She said that it added to the women's total gangbang experience, and that their husbands and boyfriends always loved it.

After the aborted six-way sex, I pulled Psycho aside and told her that Margo and the guys could handle the rest of the gangbang on their own. I led her over to one of the sofas and sat her down beside me. I repeated some of what I had already told Hacker and A.J. While we were talking, most of the guys got dressed and went home.

I told Psycho, "I've already passed the word along that we're not going to have any organized gangbangs tomorrow night." I continued, "I'm also going to propose, at the next monthly club meeting, that we limit our gangbangs to Friday nights, and that we take on no more than two women per night." Before I could continue, Charlotte came over and sat down on the sofa next to Psycho.

Charlotte said, "Is what I just heard true, Prez? Are you really going to limit the club's gangbangs to just Friday nights?"

I sighed and answered, "Yes, Charlotte. What you just heard is true."

Charlotte hesitated and said in her lilting, little girl voice, "Well, I guess that it will be O.K." She continued, "I just hope that you're not planning on eliminating the gangbangs altogether."

"What?" I said in disbelieve.

Charlotte repeated, "I just hope that you're not planning on eliminating the gangbangs altogether." She continued, "I love Meat, but he's a big, horny devil, and I just can't take him on, seven days a week, like he wants." She finished, "Every club gangbang gives me a night off, so that I can get some rest."

Psycho poked me in the ribs and said, "See! It's just like I've been telling you! These gangbangs are good for the wives and girlfriends of the members, too!"

I sighed again and thought for a little while before I answered Psycho. Finally, I said, "O.K., but what we've got here, right now, is too much of a good thing." I tried appealing to her philosophically by saying, "Remember what was written, thousands of years ago, at the Oracle at Delphi?" I answered my own question by telling her, "'Moderation in all things.'"

At that, Psycho was silent, for a time, while she thought about what I had just said.

Finally, Psycho sighed and said, "You're right, Sweetie."

By that time, Jarhead, Squid and Digger had finished up with Margo, and had dressed and left the clubhouse.

Margo was now kneeling in the middle of the pool table with Red's cock in her mouth, and Hacker's and A.J.'s hard cocks in her hands. To my surprise, she was actually doing a pretty good job on all three of them.

Her hair was matted, and she was covered in sweat, but Margo's head was bobbing up-and-down enthusiastically on Red's hard-on, while she simultaneously jerked off Hacker and A.J. All three of the guys were smiling, so I knew that everything was now going well.

Winger was the only other guy still watching the gangbang. He was a horny character, and I was sure that he was hanging around to take another turn with Margo.

On the pool table, Red's was saying things like, "Oh yeah, Margo! That's it, baby! Suck my cock!" as she blew him.

Hacker and A.J. were adding their own encouragement. Hacker said, "That's it, Margo! Stroke my cock so that I can cum all over your face!"

A.J. added, "Oh yeah! Stroke me, girl! That's it! I'm going to cum soon, all over your beautiful boobs!"

Reds came in Margo's mouth and Hacker and A.J. quickly shot their loads onto her face and breasts.

When they were all finished, Psycho told Margo to rest on her stomach, while she handed Hacker and A.J. the club's special, temporary tattoos. One, was a "USDA Prime" tattoo for her left ass cheek, and the other was a "Property of Buccaneer's MC" tattoo for her right ass cheek.

Whatever inhibitions Margo may have had before trying six-way sex, were totally gone after she had given it a try. After resting for a few minutes, Margo said, "O.K., guys! This gangbang isn't over yet! One of you get over here, right now, with a big, stiff cock!"

Winger was ready again and yelled, "Here I come, baby! Get on your back and spread your legs!"

Winger had already cum once in Margo's mouth, so for his second turn with her, he wanted pussy.

Winger's real name was Walter, but we had nicknamed him "Winger" because of the wing-tip shoes that he always wore to work. I leaned over to Psycho and whispered, "That Winger is one horny little Certified Public Accountant, isn't he?"

Psycho giggled and poked me in the ribs with her elbow.

After taking on Winger, Margo was still horny. She looked around the room and said, "O.K., guys, whose next?"

Psycho looked at Hacker and A.J. and said, "Come on, prospects! One, or both of you, get over there!"

Margo heard her and said, "Yes, one of you get over here right now!" She continued, "I heard the Prez say that all prospects must attend and participate in all of the club's gangbangs!" She finished, "So, get over here, right now, and participate!"

Hacker and A.J. each took another turn with Margo, using the missionary position. By that time, Margo was finally satisfied.

When A.J. had finished with Margo, Psycho went over and handed our kindergarten teacher another bottle of cold water.

Psycho said, "Well, Margo, it looks like you've wore out all of the guys that were here tonight!"

Margo smiled in satisfaction as she gulped down the water. She said, "Oh, yeah! I knew that I could do it!"

Psycho said, "I'll get your clothes, and a few other things." She continued, "After we've talked for a little while, you can get dressed."

Margo said, "Wait, is there a place where I can wash up first?"

Psycho laughed and answered, "Wouldn't your husband be a lot happier if you came home tonight covered in sweat and other men's cum?" She continued, "Won't he want to smell your stale sweat, and the beer and cum that's been smeared all over your body tonight?"

Margo was a little taken back by Psycho's rather crude questions, but I could see that she was thinking it over before she answered. Then, a big smile broke out on Margo's face. She laughed and said, "You're right, Psycho! My husband wants me to be his total slut wife!" She continued excitedly, "He'll love it when he sees me covered in other men's cum and smelling like a five dollar whore!"

Both women laughed, and Psycho walked our guest over to one of the sofas.

Psycho said, "Excuse me for a minute, Margo. I'll be right back," as she walked over to the club's office.

Margo was quite a mess. Her platinum-blonde hair was wet and stringy from all of her sweat and our artificial spooge. Her makeup was badly smeared and her skin was still flushed red. Margo's stocking were torn at the knees and were soaking wet from her sweat, and our cum. I suspected that her cum dripping pussy was a little sore, because she sat on the sofa with her legs spread in a decidedly unladylike manner. But, Margo was smiling happily, and I had no doubt that she had thoroughly enjoyed her gangbang.

Psycho returned with her clipboard, an orange fluorescent laundry/fabric marker, and Margo's panties. Psycho showed Margo that she had written, "1 Gal - 12 Guys" on the panties with the marker, along with the day's date.

Psycho sat down on the sofa next to Margo. With her half-frame reading glasses perched on her nose, Psycho read from the clipboard. She said, "Let's see here," as she studied her clipboard. Psycho continued, "Well, Margo, tonight you got eaten out twice, ate one pussy, sucked all twelve guys cocks, banged eight guys vaginally, got fucked in the ass twice, swallowed five loads of cum, and gave two of the guys handjobs." She finished, "Does that sound about right?"

Margo's eyes got big and she answered a bit uncertainly, "Yes, I think so."

Psycho continued reading from her clipboard, "It looks like you had twelve orgasms and, by the way, we gave you five hickeys to show to your husband."

Margo smiled and said, "Oh, yes! I did have a lot of orgasms tonight!" She continued, "And, thank you for all of the hickeys! My husband will love them!"

Psycho smiled and said to our guest, "Now, would you please sign your panties for us? We're going to keep them as a trophy, and hang them up on our trophy wall."

Margo said in surprise, "You're going to hang my panties up on your trophy wall?!"

Psycho said, "Oh, yes. We're going to hang your panties up right here with the rest of them," as she pulled back the curtains that hung behind the sofa.

Behind those curtains hung all of the club's gangbang trophies. The trophies were mostly panties. But, in cases where the women weren't wearing any panties, we hung up their stockings, or just a sign to commemorate the event.

Margo stared in awe at all of our trophies. She said, "My god! You guys have been really busy!"

After she had gotten over her initial shock, Margo smiled and signed her panties, "Mary Anne Williams - Love and XXX"

Psycho smiled back at "Margo" and said, "And, this is for you, Margo," as she handed her one of the club's special gold charms.

Reds was a jeweler, in real life, and he had made up the small gold charms for the club. The charms had a skull and crossbones logo, with the initials BMC GB at the bottom, and an engraved number. The initials stood for "Buccaneer's Motorcycle Club Gangbang", and the number on Margo's charm was 93. That was the number of gangbangs that we had had since we formed the club, six months ago.

Margo was thrilled with the gold charm and said, "Oh! One of my aunts has one of these!" She continued, "She wears it all the time, as an earring!" Margo finished, "But, she wouldn't tell me what it was for, or where she got it!"

Psycho laughed with delight and gave me a meaningful look.

"O.K. then," said Psycho, "let's take your picture." She continued, "Come on, let's go back over by the pool table," as she took Margo by the hand.

"What?" said Margo in confusion, as Psycho took her in tow.

Psycho answered patiently, "We're going to take your picture again by the pool table, Margo." She continued, "Then, you'll have 'before and after" photos of your gangbang."

"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Margo said excitedly.

As I focused the camera, Psycho said, "O.K., Margo. Now hold your panties up over your head and smile for the camera."

While Margo gave us a big smile and held up her panties, I took the picture.

Psycho said, "We normally give our guests two 8" X 10" glossies of their 'before and after' photographs, and half a dozen wallet size of each, for their husbands and/or boyfriends. Is that O.K. with you?"

Margo stammered, "Yes, I guess that's O.K."

Psycho said, "You can pick up your photos at the bar anytime next week, or we can mail them to your home address."

Margo said, "Oh, please mail them to my house. That will be more convenient for me," as she gave Psycho her address.

Psycho said, "O.K., Margo, I think that's everything." She continued, "Oh, and the temporary tattoos will wear off in a couple of days. Be sure to show those to your husband, too!"

Margo squealed in delight, "Oh, I forgot all about those tattoos!" She continued, "My husband will absolutely love them!"

Psycho said, "O.K., Margo, now that's everything!" She continued "Let's get you dressed so that your husband can take you home."

Psycho helped Margo get dressed. When they were done, Psycho said, "Well, Margo, if you're ready, we'll take you back upstairs to the bar."

Margo said, "O.K. My husband should be waiting for me in his car, right across the street."

The bar was just closing as we went upstairs and walked Margo to the door. I suddenly realized that I couldn't smell her strong perfume anymore, only acrid sweat, stale beer, and the distinctive odor of cum.

As Margo stepped outside the door, she turned and gave us a big smile. She said, "Please thank everyone for me, for showing me a wonderful time tonight!" Then she waved and walked over to her minivan.

Her husband saw her and got out of his car. He ran over to Margo and within seconds, he was all over her. He immediately started French-kissing her and pulling up her skirt, right there in the parking lot.

Psycho giggled and yelled loudly, "Hey, you two! Get a room!" At that, the couple gave us a guilty, sheepish look before they opening up the side door of their minivan and climbing inside.

Psycho turned to me and put her hands on her hips. She said, "There! You see?! Another happy, wimp husband just got the creampie desert that he's always wanted!" She continued, "And, I think that he's so thrilled that he's going to eat it right there in the parking lot, before he gets it home!"

She said, in a more serious tone, "You know, as well as I do, that we just enriched the sex lives of that married couple tonight." Psycho continued in the same serious tone, "And, who knows, we may have even saved their marriage."

I sighed with resignation and said, "Come on, Serenity. Let's go home. Our work here is done."

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DesertRat8080DesertRat8080about 1 month ago

Stupid typo whines... on p.1

"shinny-black satin..." WTF is shinny-black", no spell-chequer I've used would ever accept that. ANF a few lines later: ..." shear-black,"... only sheep get sheared & what's wise, you used "sheer-black" just a few lines earlier.

I apologize for being such an SGN* here, but to those of us who learned spelling, grammar, & punctuation in the 50s & 60s this sort of things is like fingernails-on-a-blackboard. B out really spoils the flow of an otherwise-good story.

PS please keep sharing your imagination with us regardless of the SGN whiners like me [G,D,RLH] ** I do enjoy your stories

* Spelling & Grammar Nazi


AmandaSilverAmandaSilverabout 14 years ago
It takes hard work to keep a marriage together

Fantastic! You did a great job creating such a funny story. I loved the clipboard, and then the run-down of "services". Teriffic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
What a brilliant tale

and so full of fun and humor - really enjoyed reading it and had a good laugh too - well done.

Frankly SpeakingFrankly Speakingover 15 years ago
An absolute hoot!!!

This has got to be the funniest story about a lot of sex I have ever read. Sometimes good work is hard!

Write some more, it's worth it.

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