Trying To Do The Decent Thing


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Next morning, it was understood without saying that I would want to keep on doing it. Carla said that it was a nuisance having to wait until the other girls had gone before we could start the fun. She wondered if it was possible for me to get another night out every month. 'If you can we can go to the club and you can pick your own,' she said. You agreed to my extra night Simon without having any idea why I wanted it.

So that became the routine. On 'ex wives' nights, Carla arranged for guys to turn up after midnight, usually different and on the mid month night we went to the club. It soon got around that I was looking and there were loads of offers so I was able to pick and choose. I seldom went with the same one twice because I was hungry for experience. During the night that fell in the middle of my safe period, I never bothered at all with contraception but club nights were a different matter. I allowed a bit of bare-back before they got hot but if they wanted to cum in my cunt I insisted that they put on a condom first. I gave more head and a lot opted to fuck my bum rather than use a rubber. Black men rather like pulling out anyway and squirting the spunk over my tits or face, (Carla says they especially like doing that with white women). When I'm sucking I think it's a waste because I would far rather have the lovely stuff in my mouth but I know that it has made the skin on my breasts a lot smoother and I think my complexion has improved as well.

Just over a month ago, when I arrived Carla told me that we were not going to the club. 'It's a special night,' she said. "Dexter is coming round."

'For me?'

My friend shook her head. 'Dexter is hard to get and I don't share him with anybody. Don't worry - he is bringing someone for you and I rather think that you are going to like him.'

'Tell me more,' I urged eagerly.

'Well he doesn't spend much time in this country. He is based in Jamaica and makes his money on the fringes of the yardie gangs.'

'A yardie? If he is some kind of hoodlum, I'm not sure that I want to know,' I said feeling rather dismayed.

'Hoodlums have cocks too,' she said with a grin. 'Don't jump to conclusions - I said he is on the fringes. He is a really nice guy and I'm sure that you are going to be crazy for him. Just wait until you meet him.'

When the two men arrived, first impressions justified my fears. He was very tall with very black hard looking face and lots of hair done in full Rastafarian braids. However, when he smiled his face lit up and his eyes looked warm. Then when he said, 'I've heard a lot about you. By all accounts you are quite a lady,' I just melted.

It was obvious that Carla knew him fairly well and there developed a three way conversation to which I just listened, content to drink him in with my eyes. He was talking about Jamaica and he seemed to have made a load of money but exactly how I could not quite grasp. In the bedroom I hesitated, unsure whether he would want to undress me but he started removing his own clothes instead. I was bent over having just pulled my knickers down to my knees when I glanced up and froze. Just in front of my eyes a long column of flesh hung down between his legs - it was by far the biggest penis that I had ever seen and it wasn't even stiff. In addition, his balls looked as if they belonged on a bull.

His cock soon became stiff when we started touching and kissing. It was magnificent - just looking at it seemed to take my breath away. The size of this proud prick did pose a problem and that was one of contraception because this was my fertile time. It would be sacrilege to stretch rubber over such perfection even if one was manufactured to enclose such bulk. I did not think that Errol would be willing to pull out at the critical moment and I doubted it a penis that size could be pulled out quickly enough anyway. Most of important of all was my wish to have skin to skin and finish up with his cum inside me. An insidious argument crept into my mind. Exactly a month before, a condom had burst early on and, on the 'shutting the stable door' principal, I had allowed open season after that. The penalty had been a worrying wait fixated by my menstrual calendar. I had got away with it then so why not again? I wanted it so badly.

Beyond myself I dropped to my knees and started smothering that beautiful cock with kisses of sheer adoration. Calming down I licked up to the top and tried to put it in my mouth but only the front part of the helmet could go inside without coming into contact with my teeth. In frustration I wriggled the end of my tongue into his slit and it went in quite a long way. I could tell he liked this because his penis swelled to full grandeur. That was enough for me. I threw myself backwards on the bed and lay with my legs spread as far apart as they would go. "Put it in me please," I begged.

He shook his head and said, 'It's too soon yet chicken.'

'I need it now,' I insisted. 'Please Errol put it in. Please do it.'

I could tell that he was going to do what I asked and I lay there, trembling all over in anticipation. I felt the head against my cunt and then he pushed but it didn't go in. Frantically I reached down trying to pull my labia lips open and begging, 'Push. Push hard. I don't care how much it hurts.'

He stopped and lay down beside me. Now the tremors coursing through my body were ones of frustration. 'Relax, my flower,' he said gently. 'You are going to take it all, I promise. We mustn't rush these things. We have got to treat this like a banquet and not make a grab for everything right at the start.'

His voice had a hypnotic effect and I abandoned myself into his hands. We played using hands and fingers without urgency. We sucked and nibbled each other all over. I could only lick his balls because they wouldn't cram into my mouth either. I traced the many scars on his hard body and his fingers deep inside my cunt ignited a furnace that I felt could never be quenched.

Judging that the time was right, Errol positioned me as he wanted and started pushing himself into me. This time it went in and ever so slowly advanced. I tingled at the wondrous sensation of feeling my body stretch to the limit in its effort to accommodate him. Then he stopped. I had never felt so marvellously full in my life and gave a long sigh of contentment. Looking up I asked contentedly, 'Is it all in?'

He gave me grin that in other circumstances would be described as cheeky but shook his head. I reached down. I could not feel how much of his dick was still outside but I could tell that his body was still inches away from my own. 'You are eager my sweet,' Errol crooned. 'We will get there in the end never fear. Just relax and enjoy.

He started moving in and out, keeping up a steady rhythm but gradually increasing speed. From the moment that he had first entered me I had sensations like nerves exploding at random all over my body but now I started to cum and from then on I didn't stop. It was like waves breaking on the shore, one orgasm after the other, each one overlapping the next. At the height of one climax he gave an extra push and I could tell that he had gone inches further in. I was almost delirious from the orgasm combined with the sensation of territory penetrated for the first time. I controlled myself enough to gasp, 'Is that it?'

His levity had gone because now he was into serious fucking but he said, 'It's about all that you are going to get greedy lady.' He had not said 'Yes' but I had taken his answer as such and I glowed with satisfaction at the achievement.

Now he was ramming his penis fast over the full area conquered. I can find no more superlatives to describe the sensations which flooded through me in an ever building torrent. I knew that this was the fuck of my life. I would never find a bigger penis and even if Errol shagged me many more times, instinctively I knew that it could never be the same as the first. I had self-knowledge of completeness and with this the awareness that I was opening to him like a flower. Suddenly his penis went further in, in one jolt and possibly as much as two more inches. I don't know much about anatomy but all that stiff male flesh must have gone somewhere and the only thing I know about down there is my womb. From his face I could tell that my lover was surprised to have made this further encroachment within me. This even deeper penetration also had a psychological effect upon him because without build up, with no warning he started to cum. The effect of the hot sperm gushing against my internal parts in this deeply personal unexplored area sent my whole vaginal passage into spasm. Along its length my cunt walls clamped tight around his turgid shaft, holding it immobile and yet maintaining a milking motion to force the juice of his passion from him. Errol's problem was that having just broken through into fresh territory with no subsequent movement, the girth of his shaft formed a plug in the neck of the new area leaving nowhere for his boiling cum to go. He could not move or pull back because I held him in a vice and yet his great balls kept futilely pumping as they tried to eject their fertile load. On and on, pumping, pumping, pumping. From my lovers throat there issued a continuous long low moan. He told me afterwards that he was in agony - but that agony which is closely allied with ecstasy.

In the midst of all this something happened to me. It may have been just a different kind of orgasm but it felt akin to an out-of-body experience. I was intensely aware of each centimetre of the tortured mass of male meat trapped inside me and I could even sense the column of semen within it fighting valiantly to burst forth. I knew without a shadow of doubt that I had conceived and if pressed would claim that I felt the exact moment of conception.

When his cock had finally stopped twitched he collapsed on top of me and holding him in my arms, I felt the muscles of my twat reluctantly release their grip. I felt full of him, full of spunk and if it is not to much a pun on words - full of fulfilment. I felt that he was part of me or conversely, that my whole body was an extension of his penis. Just lying still, he soon stiffened again and started moving. Now the sexual liquids, bottled up under pressure within me started to find release and each time his piston move back and forth, small jets of jism, squirted out of my quim to hit my thighs and no doubt coat his balls. These emissions made a rather disgusting noise, causing us both to laugh and making this second into rather a fun fuck. Again my orgasms came fast and furious but this time when he ejaculated it was fairly normal. I still loved the feeling of his seed gushing into me but the previous almost mystic experience was not repeated.

One regret is that I never managed to get my mouth full of his cum. After the second shag I licked his cock and between each of the other screws I stuck my fingers up inside me, got them nicely coated with spunk and then sucked then. This gave me a good taste but it must have been affected by the flavour of my own juice.

He stayed with me until morning. We kept falling asleep and then waking up to fuck again. After the first time he just slid in all the way with no problem and I fitted round him like a glove. At times during the night he really pounded into me with his pelvis slamming hard really hard and this primitive fucking nearly sent me crazy. After he left, I got in the shower but I really did not want to wash his smell off me. I only did it so that you wouldn't know what I had been doing immediately I got home. Deep down I knew that you were going to know soon anyway. By then I was hoping that I was not pregnant but only because I did not know how I was going to tell you."

Adele stopped talking, drained her glass and then looked straight into my eyes. Deep within them I read conflicting emotions. There most certainly was defiance but also sorrow at the pain her words were causing me. I felt that this last implied at least some remaining love. "That's it Simon, the whole sordid story," she said, her voice now strangely flat. "I have told it as it was without trying to minimise anything that I have done. I regret most of it. I regret going with all those men even though I enjoyed every minute of it. It all started as a mental aberration but then I couldn't stop. I see now that I was a woman who took nights off from being a loyal wife to turn into a slut who just loved opening her legs for lots of black men. That was just selfishness and indulgence on my part and there is no excuse. Errol was different and I do not regret him at all. He was a kind of destiny. I feel that if I had never met him, my life would be less than it is now - no matter how things turn. Going with the others was definitely wrong but with Errol, I can't believe that something which felt so right can possibly be wrong." She stopped talking but when I did not immediately respond she asked, "Have you anything to say?"

"What do you expect me to say when you tell me that you have been a whore for a cartload of niggers and sit there carrying a black bastard in your belly?" I said bitterly and had the satisfaction of seeing here wince at my words. But, immediately the bile had left me I was ashamed - never in my life had I been a racist in any form and yet that word had popped out as if it had always been lurking at the back of my tongue. In a softer voice a said, "Are you asking me to continue loving you and accept the child as I suggested that I would before you told me the true facts?"

My wife shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "I'm not asking anything Simon. Whatever the rights and wrongs of what I have done, I know that I can ask nothing off you."

I let her suffer for a few moments more and then I said, "I won't promise yet because there are things that I need to know but the answer is 'Yes'. 'Yes' I do still love you and 'Yes', I will bring the child up as part of this family."

Some of the tension eased out of Adele's face but there was not the wholehearted relief that I had expected. It made me wonder what facts still lay hidden which may yet cause me to change my mind. She did not speak but raised her eyebrows in anticipation of my first question. "Is this it - is it over or do you intend to see any of your new 'friends' in the future?"

"It is all over with," she said and I could tell that she meant it. "After Errol, I have no interest in the others and if I saw him again it is bound to be an anti climax. He is far better left as a memory."

That was my greatest worry so to show that her answer had pleased me I smiled and asked my next question in a lighter tone. "This famous penis - exactly how big is it?"

She forced a thin smile back. "I can't say exactly but you know the vibrator - it's and inch or so longer than that and one hell of a lot thicker."

Despite myself I was impressed. I had thought big but that was beyond my imaginings. It was too easy to see that a cock that size must create far more sensation than my own far more modest appendage. It was possibly feelings of inferiority which made me phrase my next question in a more accusing tone. "If you were so sure that he had knocked you up, why the hell didn't you take the morning after pill and then I need never have known?"

"It would have been cheating," she said simply. "If I had known for certain that any of the others had impregnated me I would have taken that pill like a shot - I was cheating with them and I would have cheated my way out of trouble. I fact, I can't understand why I never thought of it after the condom burst. After Errol, I felt that it was not my right to decide. It was destiny and if God decided that I should have a baby then I would just face the consequences. I may not believe in religion but I think that I do believe in some kind of God. What happened was a bit holy. You may think that there was nothing very holy about having a black man's enormous cock stuck as far up me as it would go, but there was - there really was. When the Greek Gods came down off Mount Olympus to impregnate women, I am certain that those Greek girls felt exactly as I did at the moment that it happened."

"On the promise that it will never happen again, I forgive you," I said. "We will bring the child up but I can't pretend that it is mine anymore. We will have to adopt and to prevent wagging tongues in the village, it's best that we to make out that it is nothing to do with either of us. You will have to carry on as normal for as long as possible but when you start to show, I think that an extended holiday at the coast with your parents is the answer. When the baby is born we will bring it back here together and say that it came from an adoption agency. The only danger is stopping the kids from giving anything away."

That is how it worked out. We immediately launched into social activity and let it be known that we were considering adopting a disadvantaged child. Also brought up casually in conversation was a mention that Adele's ageing parents were unwell and likely to be in need of support. The weather conspired with us allowing my wife to wear concealing summer dresses far longer than calculated and I was left alone to look after the three kids for a period of only two months before the school holidays. Thankfully I packed them off to their mother at the seaside and only a month later, the baby joined in the plot by arriving two weeks early. At that point I took a fortnight's holiday to join my family and when we returned home we brought with us a chocolate coloured baby asleep in a carrycot.

I had rather desperately hoped that it would be a girl but, as with most things these days, events turned out the opposite of my hopes. We called him Paul. From an aesthetic point of view, I did enjoy watching Adele breast-feeding him, the sight of his brown coloration against her fair skin being surprisingly pleasing. He woke early one morning crying and when my wife brought him to our bed, investigation showed that a leaking nappy had soaked all of his night-clothes. She stripped and dried him then put to suckle. I liked seeing them both naked with Paul on her tit so much that afterwards I deliberately engineered similar situations. On the other hand, sight of his private parts tended to distress me. I know that a baby boy's genitalia is grossly oversized but seeing that at only a few months old, in balls and prick department, he was not much smaller than myself, seemed damned unfair. I knew that Paul was taking after his father - at least in that way.

The kids were surprised at the colour of their little brother but none really questioned until some four months after the birth, Colin my eldest pulled me to one side and asked me bluntly, "Dad, why is Paul black?"

I tried to explain about heredity and saying how genes can lurk within a family tree for years and then suddenly pop out. As evidence I quoted birthmarks and hereditary diseases which regularly skip one or more generations. He seemed to accept my argument but his, 'If you say so Dad,' left me feeling that he was less than convinced.

We had settled back into a semblance of our old family life except for the disruption that a tiny baby inevitably brings. The addition to our family had passed without comment in the village but I had decided that it might be politic to sell up and move somewhere else in the near future. I felt that moving would reduce the risk of exposure and with nothing, (apart from Paul), to remind me of the trauma, I could put the past behind me.

One evening Adele said, "I do feel guilty about Carla and the girls - I did break with them rather abruptly. It would be nice to make contact just to give an explanation."

I must explain that the ex-wives evening following Adele's encounter with Errol had been cancelled because the other four were invited to a wedding by someone who did not know my wife. She had then confessed to me only days before due to go on another mid month night away. At my insistence Adele had written a cryptic note to Carla to say that she would not be staying again. She said that she must resign as an honorary member of the ex wives club, or else run the risk of qualifying for full membership. "Go give her a ring if it will make you happy," I agreed.