Turkish Delight

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Vacationing American meets a Turkish treat.
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I walked from the door of the plane, through the white makeshift hallway and into the Dalaman Airport of Turkey. I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head and readjusted my shoulder bag and took a deep breath.

Biting my lip, I glanced to the left, and then the right, looking for the location of the baggage claim. Interpreting the Turkish signs with the arrows and pictures, I finally found my way. I waited patiently while the carousel turned, depositing various pieces of luggage into the turnstile, and watched as locals and foreigners retrieved it.

I had never been to Turkey. Actually, I had never been anywhere. This summer abroad was a gift from my parents as a college graduation gift. Well, it was more of a 'your mother and I are separating, and it would be best if you weren't around to witness the drama' present. If they were gonna pay for the whole thing, why would I complain?

It was a little weird traveling on my own, but I knew I had to do it at some point and I was an adult at 22, but better sooner than later. Besides, I knew coming to Turkey was going to an adventure, and I wanted to take it for all it was worth.

"Ah ha!" I said, when I say my blue suitcase come around. I edged my way to the front of the group and grunted as I lifted it off the belt and set it on the ground. Thank god my mom bought me one with wheels!

Holding my head high, I marched to the exit and glanced around for a cab. I didn't have to look to far as a dark haired older gentlemen came towards me. He spoke in broken English, his accent thick and inviting.

"You go to hotel?" he asked. "Come. I take you."

"I'm going to the Marti Hotel in Icmeler." I said, hitching my shoulder bag higher. "Do you know where that is? How much to go there?"

"Yes, yes." The old man said, already putting my suitcase in the trunk. "I take you, I take you. Get in." He said, holding the door for me. I slid across the seat, and when the door closed, I let out my pent up breath. Well, here goes nothing.

A short drive later, the driver pulled up to the Marti Hotel and jumped out to help me from the car and to retrieve my luggage from the trunk. I stood in awe at the massive size and magnitude of the hotel. The stark white exterior were only offset by the red-brown color of the roof and the various huts surrounding the grounds. I smiled, knowing this was going to be the best summer ever.

I was jolted back to reality when the cab driver stood patiently waiting for the fare. I dug through my purse and withdrew several liras and included a tip, although I though it was a little high. He tipped his imaginary hat and drove off without giving a backwards glance.

Out of nowhere a bellhop appeared in a while shirt, and in better English than the cab driver, said, "Welcome to the Marti Hotel." He smiled and ushered me into the hotel's lobby. I glanced around the reception area and again was overcome with the beauty. I managed my way to the check in desk and smiling, gave my information.

"Merhaba!" I said cheerily, hoping I pronounced 'hello' in Turkish right. Thank god I studied my phrase book on the flight over. My best friend Katie had bought it for me a week before I left. I thought it was silly at first, but now I was glad to have it with me.

"Hos geldiniz!" the woman behind the counter replied with a smile. "Welcome to Marti Hotel. How can I help you?"

I was glad that the woman spoke English and began to relax. I knew that most of these hotels had English speaking staff, but I was still afraid of the communication barrier. Especially since I was here on my own. I smiled again, hoping at least I might meet some nice people to hang out with. Male preferable.

"I have reservations here under Nicole Stewart." I said, digging through my purse for the printout of my confirmation letter. "My parents booked a room for me for the next 2 weeks." I handed the woman the printed page when I had finally found it.

"Ah, yes!" she said. Her name tag read 'MARY', but for some reason I didn't think that was her real name. Although, I don't think many of the tourists would have been able to pronounce her real name anyway. "The housekeeping are finishing with your room now." She typed a few things into the computer and then smiled. "Let me go over some of the hotel information and services. If you have any questions, please let me know."

Mary pulled a brochure from under the desk and laid it on the counter for me. She pointed out the pools (both indoor and outdoor!), the hot tub, tennis court and the various bars, restaurants and snack places throughout the large complex. I was so overwhelmed, I had hardly noticed the bellhop returning for my luggage to escort me to my room.

Dazed, excited, and now hungry, I followed the bellhop to the elevators and to the 4th floor. We walked to the end of the hall and he opened the door to room 406.

"Nice room, eh?" he said, holding the door open for me. "Good view."

"Yes." I said, walking directly to the balcony. My room overlooked the ocean and the pool and was absolutely breathtaking. "Wow."

I heard the bellhop switch on the lights and listened absentmindedly as he explained how the shades and switches worked. When he cleared his throat, I turned and saw him waiting at the door. I rushed to the bed where I had tossed my purse, and retrieved a tip.

"Tesekkurler," he said, and closed the door behind him. I smiled to myself and unexpectedly yawned. Jet lag seemed to be setting in seeing as I had just flown from New York to 6 hours later. To me it was almost 3 am. I left the balcony doors open and laid down on the bed, not even bothering to turn down the pale yellow comforter.

When I opened my eyes into an evening dusk light, I had the momentary panic of 'where am I?' but it faded quickly as I heard the beat of drums and the sound of laughter. Stretching, I turned on the bedside lamp and sat up, pushing my blonde hair out of my eyes.

I got up and began to unpack, but lost interest after a few minutes. I found what I was planning on wearing for the evening, and decided that a shower was the better alternative to refolding and storing my clothes. There was a white robe folded neatly on the chaise chair, and I carried it and my bath accessories into the large bathroom.

I managed to work the shower head to the on position and after stripping off my travel clothes, stepped into the warm stream. The water pressure was excellent, and my scalp was tingling as the water washed away my old hairspray and gel. I stood for several minutes, enjoying the peace of the bathroom, listening to the water rush over my ears.

Eventually I began to wake up and after washing my hair with the tiny scented shampoos and rinsed with my brought from home raspberry scent. I stepped from the shower and dried off, and then brushed my hair straight. I put on the plush robe and padded back into the bedroom. I sat on the end of the bed, brush in hand and felt the feeling of excitement build.

"Here's to a great summer." I said out loud as I began to get dressed. I chose a blue floral skirt and white collared shirt and slipped on my white flip-flops. I added a touch of makeup and lip gloss, grabbed the room key and slipped it into my small purse.

I made my way down to the lobby and then out into the night air. I followed the sound of the drums and each beat drew me closer and made my heart pound faster. I turned the corner and found a party in full swing. Adults, kids and teens were eating, drinking and dancing under tiki torches. The pool was occupied by a few younger kids as their parents watched protectively from tables around perimeter.

"Iyi aksamlar! Would you care for dinner, miss?" A woman asked me. She held out a menu and motioned to an empty table by the bar. "Or perhaps a drink?"

"Thank you, but is it possible to sit at the bar?" I didn't feel like sitting at the table by myself tonight, and I found that if I sat at a bar, you make more friends, since people are always coming and going. She nodded and pointed the way. I thanked her and headed towards the wooden bar, covered in white lights and tiki torches. It wasn't too crowded and I found a seat in the middle, opening the menu the hostess had handed me.

I slid my eyes over the pages, glad to see one side in English. I glanced from one side to the other, trying to familiarize myself with some words. I was trying to decide on a light appetizer when I heard a male voice.

"Merhaba. What you like to eat?" His accent was thick and his question was missing a few basic grammatical words and sounds, but I let all that slid when I looked into his eyes.

"Um...I, uh..." I was speechless. His eyes were deep and dark, framed by dark straight hair, falling just above the eyebrows and a few strands tucked behind his ear. He had a little goatee and a nice smile. I tried to continue.

"I, uh, would like...a beer!" I said, not knowing what else to say. "A beer would be fine." He tapped on the bar and turned to grab a glass. I watched as he filled the glass, letting the foam run over into the drain. He slid a coaster in front of me and set the beer down.

"Evet? Yes? Okay?" He asked this as I took a sip. I nodded. He nodded back and returned to the other end of the bar. I watched as he took the order of another young girl, smiling as she shamelessly flirted with him. I huffed, glad I wasn't one of those girls who flirted with everything in pants. I turned in my seat to watch the band play and the people dance and a few minutes later, felt a hand on my elbow.

The touch startled me, and I jumped a little, turning back towards the bar. The guy who had served me moments before was smiling.

"Good beer? You eat now?" He asked. I guess he meant 'can I take your order'.

"Oh! Yes." I said, picking up the menu again. "Lets see...how about the..." I paused, and tried to pronounce the Turkish words, "...tavuckloo sandvick?"

"Tavuklu sandvic? Chicken Sandwich?"

"Evet!" I said, impressed by the way the words rolled on his tongue. I tried to pronounce it again, this time, getting it.

"Good, good!" he said, taking my menu. "Ready in twenty minutes." It came out in more of a drawl, sometimes dropping the 't' sound, but his voice was mesmerizing. I think that he could have recited the newspaper and I wouldn't have cared.

I took another sip of my beer, glancing down the bar where he was standing now. The flirtatious woman was still there, leaning over to show off her cleavage. What was her deal?

Why am I jealous? I thought to myself. Its not like I have a right to be. I sighed, and turned my attention back to the band and watched the people dance with drunken abandon. I few more beers myself, and I might be joining them.

I noticed a lone guy sitting by himself, nursing a drink and watching the dancers as I was. He was attractive; dark hair, deep eyes and...and smiling at me! I blushed because I am sure I was staring too hard. I quickly turned away.

When I caught my breath and had the courage to look back at him, he was still staring. He nodded, smiled and raised his beer to me. I nodded back, and raised my glass. I was building the courage to walk over and say hello, when a tall blonde woman sat herself at his table. Defeated, I watched as he kissed her on the lips.

Turning bright red, I straitened myself at the bar, and downed the rest of my beer. I was embarrassed, knowing for sure he wasn't looking at me after all, and I was glad that I didn't make my way to his table. The last thing I needed was rejection on the first night!

Before I could search for the bartender, he was in front of me, ready to refill my glass. I smiled as he talked.

"You like." He asked, smiling brightly at me. I nodded my head and he replaced the glass in front of me. "My name is Cenk."

"Hi." I said, holding out my hand. "My name is Nicole."

"Nicole." he repeated. It sounded more like Niko than Nicole, but I didn't correct him. "Please to met you." His hand lingered on mine all the while not taking his eyes from mine. I blushed for a moment, and then quickly pulled my hand from his. I felt hot all over.

He smiled, and turned from me to service the other patrons at the bar. I caught him glancing at me several times and I knew that he was looking at me from the other end.

Soon my dinner came and I ate quietly while watching the small mounted TVs that were at the moment showing a soccer game. Bt the time I had finished eating I was stuffed, bored and now a little drunk. And it was only 8.

Cenk came over soon as I had put down my fork and whisked my plate away. He returned in a few minutes and refilled my beer, against my objections. Giving up and smiling in defeat, he placed the beer on the counter.

"You like some dessert, Niko?" He asked, bringing out a menu. "Very good treats."

I browsed the menu in vain, trying to choose something while Cenk was overlooking my shoulder and decided on a pastry dish of some sort. He told me it was a good choice, and ran to give the cook the order.

Sitting back, I relished in the fading sun and was glad that Katie was coming soon. I don't think I would last very long here by myself seeing as I was bored already. The man who I had mistakenly thought was interested in me, was now interested in the cleavage of the woman who met him earlier. I sighed again, mostly out of embarrassment than anything else.

A moment later a woman came rushing at me, apparently frazzled. She rushed to my side and asked, "Nicole Stewart?"

"Yes?" I replied.

"My name is Anna, from the front desk. There is a urgent call for you. Would you like to take it in your room?"

"Who is it?" I asked while I gathered my purse and room key. My first thought was that maybe my grandmother had gotten sick or my dog died.

"They would not say miss, only that it was urgent to talk to you." Various scenarios played through my mind as I followed Anna to the elevator where she watched me get on. "I will send the call up right away miss." she said as the doors closed.

When the elevator dinged, I rushed off, fumbling with the key to open the door. I could here the phone ringing inside which made me panic which made me more nervous and made my palms sweat...well, you know what I mean.

I finally managed to get the door open and the ringing continued. I flew across the bed and grabbed the phone. In a breathless voice I asked, "Hello? What's wrong?" I braced myself for the worst.

"HEY!" screamed a voice into the phone. I pulled it from my ear. You have got to be kidding me.

"You there, Nicole?" I could hear Katie o the other end. I hoped for her sake that she was having an emergency.

"Katie." I managed to say after my heart went back into my chest.

"Yeah, who'd ya think?" I could hear her snapping gum.

"What is the emergency?"

"Oh, nothing really, just wanted to know how many bathing suites I should bring."

"you called me from New York, told the front desk there was an emergency, had them pull me from my nice relaxing dinner, caused me to have a heart attack all because you cant think for yourself to know how many bathing suites to bring?"

"Well, when you put it that way, it sounds bad." I could tell I hurt her feelings, but she scared the crap out of me.

"Look, Katie, I am going to see you in like 4 days. Bring whatever you think is necessary and buy anything else when you get here." I sighed, kicking off my shoes. "Do you want me to meet you at the -" I stopped short when I heard a knock on the door. "Katie, hold on a sec." I put down the phone and padded over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Room service." I didn't order anything, did I?

"What is it?" I asked, peering through the peephole.

"Pastry. Very good desert. You will like it, Niko."

"How did you -?" I saw then that it was Cenk, the bartender from the pool. He brought me my dessert. I was debating if that was sweet or stalker like. I didn't get a chance to think too much as I head Katie screaming from the phone. Sighing, I pulled open the door and let Cenk in.

"Hang on a second," I said, making a 'stay' motion with my hand. He nodded as he set the tray of treats on the side table. I picked up the phone again.

"Katie, look, I gotta go. Um, room service just delivered my dessert and I need to get a tip."

"Well, fine than." She said in a huffy voice. It only lasted a second. "Meet my at the airport ok? I cant wait!"

We said our goodbyes and I hung up. Cenk was glaring at me. I glared back. I bit my lower lip and signed.

"Hi," I said, laughing lightly. "I guess you can put it on the desk." He walked over and set it up like a 4 star restaurant, complete with a wine glass, silverware and napkins.

"I saw you run away, and didn't want your dessert to go to waste." He said. "I asked front desk which room you were in, and brought it to you."

"Well, thank you," I said finally. "I hope I didn't take you away from your work. I hope no one gets mad."

"No, no." he said, smiling. "I'm off now. I have nothing else to do." My heart beat increased and I licked my lips. He caught me and laughed. "Perhaps it is not this dessert you want."

I could feel my face turn bright red and I coughed to cover my embarrassment. "Um, actually, this dessert is just fine." I said, forcing myself to control my body. The way he was looking at me with those deep brown eyes, his full lips -

"Go head," he said pointing to the table, "Try it."

Torn from my little assessment of his body, I glanced at the pastry. It didn't look flavorful at all, compared to what I really wanted. I didn't want to be disappointed when the dessert didn't taste as sweet as I would want it to.

"I - I will, thank you," I said, moving it seemed in slow motion to the table. I sat in the oversized chair and took a bit. The sweet syrup was pooling in the plate and as I managed to move it to my mouth, a drizzle fell from the fork down my chin and down my neck. I reacted quickly, reaching for the cloth napkin, but Cenk had beat me to it.

"Let me," he said deeply, rubbing a calloused thumb over my lip. I was shocked and amazing both at his bravery for doing such a thing and the feeling that it brought from me.

"Oh," was all I could muster as his thumb glided over my lips, sliding the sugary syrup into my mouth, forcing me to suck it from him. He move lower, pushing my head back slightly, tracing the curve of my neck, dragging the sweetness back to my mouth. When he moved to use his mouth to clean the rest, I was lost in him.

"Oh god," I said through closed eyes and clenched teeth. He moved his mouth to mine, kissing me with sugary goodness, melding his tongue to mine. Pastry forgotten, I wrapped my hands around his neck, drawing him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

I was breathless. His ability to move his mouth in such a way delighted me, rarely finding another person who can kiss so generously or so well. He pulled me from the chair, walking me backwards while he caressed my ass, my breasts, filling his hands with my body.

"I think," he said between kissing my neck and chin and lips, "That a shower would be better to remove stickiness." His eyes flared and my pulse raced, thinking of warm water flowing over our bodies.

"Good idea," I said, pulling his shirt from his torso. His stomach was smooth and flat, abs cut into definition and a small covering of dark hair on his chest. He took my hand and pulled me to the bathroom, removing his shoes in the process.

He turned the water on, and the steam began to fill the room. He closed the door and turned his attention back to me. He slid my dress off my shoulders, over my hips and watched as it pooled to the floor.

"I don't do this." He said. I was confused when he made this statement, and I stepped away for an instant. "I mean I do not seduce girls many times. I saw you come to the bar, and you looked beautiful. You were all alone, and I am all alone and I wanted to meet with you."