Turnabout Pt. 02

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Fair. Is fair play a requirement for turnabout?
9.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/23/2019
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We drove back towards Dallas with both Carrie and me quiet for the first couple of hours. Most of my time was spent thinking about how proud I was of both my kids. It felt like today was the culmination of preparing them for adulthood. I was sure both would be productive adults. After all, both were intelligent and hard working. I was excited for years to come as I watched them become adults. Marriage for them and grandchildren was not far off, and I looked forward to those days.

The other thing on my mind was that I had succeeded in steering my marriage and had found a way to remain with Carrie after finding out about her affair. I knew that the time was close for me to confront Carrie and move forward with our divorce. I knew that, since her affair was two years previous and assuming she hadn't cheated since, she would be shocked when the time came.

"Jim, are you ok? You have said ten words in the past 4 hours."

"I guess I'm just lost in thought. I was thinking about how I'm so proud of my children. They are so focused on setting themselves up for the future. They are both headed in good directions and I knew they were going to do well in life."

"Yes, I am very proud of both of them," Carrie said. "I can't wait until they marry and give us grandchildren. I can just picture us retired and them coming to our place for Christmas. We will spoil those grandchildren rotten. After all, isn't that what grandparents are for?" Carrie was smiling and looking at me lovingly.

I tried to hold a cheerful attitude and smile. Of course, my mind didn't see Carrie and me growing old together. I just looked at Carrie and nodded.


At work, we had a huge project coming to completion, and I was spending a lot of overtime working it. I had vowed to myself to get my divorce checklist going. You know that list I talked about before; get a lawyer lined up; open bank accounts only in my name, etc.. But, I had been so busy at work that I hadn't started it yet. It had been over a month since we had dropped Marcus off at college so it was time to move forward with my divorce.

"Jim, what's going on?" Carrie and I were sitting in our kitchen, eating dinner. I had come home late again, and I was starving, so I was kinda inhaling my food.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Carrie?"

"Well, for the past month we've barely spoken. You come home from work, eat, go to bed, and then back to work. I know you are very busy right now, but you don't hardly talk to me when you are here."

"Oh, Carrie, my mind is just focused on this project. What do you want to talk about?"

Now I could see she was pissed. "That's not the point, Jim. The point is you don't seem to have any time for me. And, do you realize, we've only had sex once since we got back from Missouri?"

Carrie was right, I had been preoccupied since our return from dropping Marcus off. What I couldn't tell her was that my preoccupation was with preparing for the end of our marriage. I would only confront her after I was fully prepared, and as usual, it was taking time.

"I'm sorry, Carrie, I've been so busy at work. I didn't mean for it to affect us." I got up, walked around the table, and kissed her. "I try not to let my work come between us. We did have sex that evening. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't try to fuck Carrie into submission. I knew she needed something softer, and it felt right to me as well.


The next day at work, I decided I did need to move forward with solving the 'Carrie situation.' The big project I had been working on was winding down. I was thinking about the things I needed to do to begin the splitting process. At one point, I was thinking about the past month and how I had been cold to Carrie. I know she was confused and uneasy with my recent behavior. It serves her right after all the hell she put me through. Then I had an epiphany. I stood there in awe of my new idea. It was one of those times when you can almost see the lightbulb going off above your head.

"Yes!" I said out loud to no one. For the past month, Carrie was feeling me being withdrawn. Just like I had felt it when she started fucking around with her boss. Now Carrie seemed to be recommitted to our marriage, and she was angry that I was the one who was distant.

Instead of planning my split checklist, I decided to write another list. I would write down all those things Carrie had dragged me through while she was cheating. You know, the sudden interest in getting in shape and wearing better clothes, the need to stay late at work, the lack of sex. It was like a checklist of cheating behavior.

Yes, I decided it was now my turn to see how Carrie liked being on the other end of that behavior. Call me a cold bastard, but I had found a way to get my revenge on Carrie. I was going to put Carrie through the same shit she had put me through two years ago.


"You're up early for a Saturday," Carrie said the next morning.

"Yes, I'm headed to the gym. I've decided I need to lose a few pounds and get in better shape. I need to start eating better so please, let's stop the fattening meals."

I could see Carrie looking annoyed. "A couple of years ago when I was getting in better shape, you had no interest. Now you want to get in shape. Aren't you even going to invite me along?"

"I don't remember you inviting me to join you, Carrie. I guess now it's my turn." I picked up my gym bag and headed off. "I'll see you in a bit," and I walked out the door.


Over the next two months, I found I had a renewed passion for getting in shape. I began lifting weights and could feel my body get bigger and stronger. I also enjoyed showing it off to Carrie. "See how big my lats and pecs are getting. I don't think I have been this strong since my college days.

As my waist shrank and my chest got bigger, I needed new clothes. One Saturday, after working out, I hit the mall. I didn't take Carrie. I bought a whole new wardrobe. Slacks, jeans, dress shirt, tee shirts, you name it. I was on a roll, and so I just kept buying.

My cell rang, "Jim, where are you? How long can you stay at that damn gym?"

"I'm not at the gym, Carrie, I'm at the mall. I realized that all of my clothes are way too big for me now, so I'm here buying a few things."

"Well, don't go all crazy. After you get past this gym craze, your sizes may go back up. I know, it happened to me."

"I understand Carrie. I'll be home in a bit."

Two hours later, I was home, and my car was loaded with about 20 bags. I had spent over $2000, and I figured Carrie was going to be pissed, and man was she. When she saw me carrying in the first round of bags, she exclaimed, "I told you not to go all crazy. How much did you buy?"

I just looked at her and set the bags down in the living room then turned and went for round two. Within a few minutes, all 20 bags were sitting on the floor, and Carrie looked stunned. "What the fuck, Jim. Did you but the whole damn store?"

"Oh, Carrie, wait until you see me in these new clothes. I didn't realize that my old clothes had been so baggy. These new outfits show off the new trim me. I'm your sexy new man."

Carrie still didn't look happy. I guess she didn't need a sexy new man. Tough shit for her, I thought.

I made it a point to throw out or donate most of my old clothes. I wanted Carrie to know that I was committed to my new shape. I guess I knew it would annoy her since she had gained back most of her weight in the past couple of years.


The next act for my 'midlife crisis' was a new sports car. Man, I was really beginning to like this plan of mine. I didn't want to go super expensive, and those exotic foreign cars were almost one-hundred grand, so I bought a Camero 1SS. Man, was that baby fast. It cranked out 455 horsepower, 0-60 mph in 4.1 seconds and could do 110+ in a quarter mile. I had no idea you could still buy a muscle car. I wanted it to be flashy, so I got it in orange.

When I pulled in the driveway, I revved the engine really loud, and Carrie came to the window. I waved for her to come out. As I got out of the car, Carrie came out to the drive looking confused.

"Pretty isn't it, baby?"

"Jim, what are you doing with this car?"

I ignored her question, "And it's fast. It can do zero to sixty in just over four seconds. Wanna go for a ride?"

"Sure, I guess so." Now she looked both confused and angry. "But then you have to take it back to the dealership." She was assuming I was only test-driving it.

"I can't do that, Carrie. I already bought it." I could see her anger, and she started to say something, but I cut her off. "You know I've always wanted a sports car. I paused for a second, but Carrie didn't speak. I think she was in disbelief.

"You bought this thing? Where's your truck?"

"I traded it in. As a supervisor at work, I really didn't need a truck so I thought... what the heck?"

"What the fuck, Jim? I can't believe you did that. Why didn't you talk to me first?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Come on, hop in." Carrie turned and stormed back into the house. I guess she really didn't want that ride after all?

Needless to say, that night and many to follow were icy at the old Carpenter household. And sex was non-existent. She was so mad for the first few days I thought she would make me sleep in the guest bedroom, but she didn't. She did wear her long flannel gown and made it clear I was not to touch her.


"Yep. You should see it. She's a real beauty and super fast. I'll come up in a couple of weeks and let you drive it. I just hope I don't get my first ticket on the way up."

I was talking to my brother Josh on the phone. He was the only person in the world that knew that I knew Carrie had cheated on me. He thought I was crazy for staying married just to see the kids out of the house, but told me he understood. Now I was letting him in on my next steps for payback. "I'm calling it, Operation Turnabout."

"You are a cold, calculating bastard with this revenge plan," Josh said. "Remind me to never get on your bad side."

"Yeah, but look at the bright side. I've got in good shape and have a nice sports car out of the deal. The next step is to make it look like I'm cheating on her. I will plant clues, but she won't be able to catch me because I'm not really doing it."

"Jim, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, Carrie did cheat on you, but that was over two years ago, and you two seem so good together. I think she really loves you and, if I'm being honest here, you still love her."

"Josh, I could never stay married to a woman who disrespects me, herself, and our marriage by fucking other guys. How could she ever justify her actions?

"But, Jim, you told me you think it was only one guy for a few months."

"Fuck, Josh. What would you do if Kim cheated on you for a few months... with only one guy?"

Josh didn't say anything.

"Look, I would have divorced Carrie right away if it hadn't been for Vanessa's accident. I probably should have divorced her at that point anyway" I paused for a moment. "She tore my heart out, Josh. I loved that woman with all my soul."

I could feel myself choke up, the hurt was still there, right under the surface, and the fact that I could still be emotional about it pissed me off. "I would have given my life for her. And what did she do? She fucked Bruce. Repeatedly! The only reason she stopped was I fucked up their plans."

Josh quit arguing with me. I think he knew it was pointless and I think he thought I was probably right. "So 'Turnabout' starts tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes."

"Ok, Jim. I guess you know what you're doing. Talk to you later."


"Carrie, I have to work late tonight," I told her over the phone.

"Jim, this is the fourth time in the past three weeks you've had to work late."

"I know, I'm sorry, but we are short staffed right now, and I've got to finish reviewing these plans."

"Ok, whatever. I've made a casserole. I'll just keep it in the oven on warm for you.

"I should be home around nine. I'll see you then."

I had been doing some extra work at the office but didn't really have to. Plus I was becoming a regular at The Outfield, a sports bar near the office. Sometimes when I came home, I think Carrie could smell the alcohol on me, but she never said anything. I was actually hoping she would notice and say something about me not being at work.

So this night, I decided to kick it up a notch. I really wanted her to wonder if something besides me working late was happening. On the way to work, I had stopped by the drug store and purchased some women's perfume. I wanted it to be a light scent, not overpowering, so I sprayed a small amount on a paper towel and rubbed it lightly on my shirt. Then instead of coming home at 9 pm, like I had told her earlier, I came in at 10:30.

"Jim, I was just about to call you. They shouldn't have you working so late. The casserole is still in the oven, I'm sure it's still good."

"I'm not very hungry," I told her. I knew that would make her suspicious. She would figure I would be famished at this point. She pulled the pan out of the oven and put it on the table in front of the plate and silverware that was already nicely arranged there.

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for being such a loving wife," I said. This would have been a normal conversation for us on any given night. I always let her know that I appreciated her efforts.

Suddenly, she pulled back from me. I could see the questioning and confusion in her eyes. My plan had worked. She could smell the perfume.

I wasn't sure she would smell it. Hell, I barely touched it to my shirt earlier, but she definitely had noticed. I acted like I didn't see her reaction and began to eat a small portion of the food.

She didn't say anything for about a minute then she spoke. "Jim, were you at work tonight?"

I acted like I didn't understand the question. "What's that, Carrie?"

"You were working late tonight, right, Jim?"

It wasn't an angry or accusatory question. It was like she was probing for information, and I couldn't help but inwardly smile. I had her right where I wanted her. She was in the same place I had been two years ago. It was that moment where you suddenly realize your loving spouse might just be loving someone else.

I worked to act a little guilty, kinda not looking her in the eyes. "Of course. I told you that with Richard leaving, we are short staffed." Then I did what she had always done when she came home late. "Honey. Thanks for dinner. I really need to shower. Let me shower, and we can watch the news."

Wow. My plan had worked wonderfully. I knew Carrie's head had to be spinning now. I wondered if she would confront me right away. Had I given her enough to accuse me of cheating on her? I couldn't wait until she tried to accuse me of cheating. That was going to be the big moment when I turned the tables on her.

As I was showering, my head full of lather, I was thinking of what Josh had said. He was kinda joking when he had called me a cold-hearted bastard, but I was starting to think maybe he was right. I was dragging Carrie's ass down the same road I traveled, and I knew it was painful for her. I knew the pain, that knot in the pit of your stomach, as your head reels in confusion, trying to grasp the previously unthinkable. After you have been married as long as we had, your spouse cheating doesn't even enter your mind. Then boom, that thing happens, and your world is thrown into confusion and pain. Mine was staring into Bruce's back window two years ago. Tonight was that time for Carrie.


After the perfume incident, Carrie became distant. Most of our conversations were around mundane, day to day items. Our sex life non-existent. I wanted her to know that I noticed the change in our relationship and wanted her to feel me trying to keep it on an even keel.

"Carrie, I've booked us at Delmonico's for Friday night. It's been a while since we went out. Let's have a nice dinner and then do a little dancing at that club around the corner." I knew she would think it unusual that I suggested dancing. I basically had two left feet and hated to dance.

"I don't know Jim, do you really want to go dancing?"

"Sure, I may not be the best dancer in the world, but I'm always up for going out with my baby. Why don't you wear that red dress you got a couple of years back. I can show my girl off in it." I mentioned the red dress because she had bought it on that shopping trip when I knew she was dressing sexier for her boyfriend.

I saw her wince a little. "Sure, Jim. Dinner and dancing would be fun."


We did go to dinner and dancing a couple of nights later. I started out our dinner, trying to be over-complementary and overly-loving. I knew Carrie was suspicious about my motives, but soon we settled into conversation. We were going dancing near the restaurant and would Uber home, so I drank my share. Carrie sometimes gets put off if I drink too much, but that night she didn't seem to mind. By the time we were dancing, I was actually having fun. She had worn that red dress, and although it fit tighter than it had previously, I thought she looked great. When she had lost weight earlier, she looked too thin for my taste. I liked the curvy Carrie. She looked more like the girl I had married all those years ago.

I was being really handsy with Carrie, and she seemed to enjoy it but at one point said, "Jim, let's not make a scene." I backed off a little and just smiled.

By the time we got home that night, I think we were both worked up and I kissed her as we entered the house. "Baby, I'm gonna give it to you tonight."


I wanted Carrie to chew on what she thought was my betrayal, so for the next few weeks I continued to tell her I was working late a couple times each week. Then I came home with the same perfume on my shirt. I noticed Carrie made it a point to give me a hug each time I came in.

The distance between us seemed to get worse each day, and we started coming and going without even discussing our plans. I would just come home late and sometimes find dinner still warm in the oven but sometimes not. I figured she was punishing me for my disrespect for her. I even started going out most Saturday's and coming home at about 6 pm. On those days, I always told her I was going golfing, which I usually did, but I always cleaned up after the game and perfumed my shirt before I went home.


Carrie's attitude didn't change. It felt like we were now brother and sister, living in the same house, and now she was settling into this loveless relationship. It was if she was resigning herself to my 'cheating'. I decided this was my sign to complete my plan.

There was a gal I worked with who's husband had cheated on her. Their divorce was very messy, and I knew it was trying for her. I told her that my wife had cheated on me, and I was about to file myself. We had eaten together in the cafeteria a couple of times and talked about our situations. She was the one person I had confided in about Carrie's cheating besides Josh. Our circumstances, both of us having cheating spouses, gave us a closeness of sorts.

I asked her to join me for lunch, and as we were talking, I told her I wanted my wife to feel what it was like to be betrayed. I told her what I had been doing, and she was intrigued. She thought it was great that Carrie was feeling some of what she and I had felt.

"Shelly, I need help with the last part of my plan, and I need a woman to help me."

"Jim, you can count on me. How can I help?"

"Well, don't volunteer too quickly. For my plan to succeed, we would see each other naked."

"What? Naked? What would you want me to do?"