Turning 30

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Hubby watches wifey get freaky at a club.
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Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above 18 years of age.

Note: This is a fast paced soft-cuckold story. This is my first attempt at anything other than the incest genre. Hope you all like it.


On the morning of my 30th birthday, my wife woke me up with a kiss on my lips and a cup of coffee.

"Happy Birthday Love!" she beamed, as she sat down at the foot of the bed and waited for the coffee to kick in and clear out my grogginess. Slowly, I sat up against the headboard of the bed. I took a sip of the coffee and blinked away the sleep hangover in my eyes.

"So... turning 30... how does it feel?" she asked. I looked at her face.

My angel! She looked perfect no matter what the hour of the day or night. She sat in front of me, wearing her favorite yellow t shirt and white shorts. Her hair fell like a black waterfall over her shoulders. Her eyes shone bright like stars beneath thin curvy eyebrows. A gorgeous smile played on her full lips.

"Wonderful," I said, "when you're here with me!"

"Aww!" her smile grew even wider.

"Okay," she continued, "now tell me what you want for your gift... I've been saving up for it. Whatever you want baby, tell me."

"Oh, no need for all that babe... you've already made my day." I said.

"No No... I want to pamper you today. So tell me what you want... the new Playstation?"

"No babe," I said, "I don't play that much nowadays... and I'm telling you, you don't have to get me anything."

"Baby C'mon!" her face showed a little irritation.

"I really want to treat you like a King today... tell me what you want, whatever it is... please!" she urged.

Now, this is where the story takes a turn. Never in a million years did I think I would say it aloud, but when she kept repeating 'whatever you want' and 'please', it somehow surfaced from my subconscious and verbalized itself.

I shocked both myself and her by blurting, "I wanna see you make out with another person!"

Call it a freudian slip for she was never supposed to know any of the fantasies I harbored. There were many more, some of them more shocking than the one that slipped my mouth. I thanked God that this was the one I blurted out.

In hindsight, I guess it was all the porn I had started watching which caused the issue. We'd been married for five years and the sex life was starting to feel monotonous. That's why I had taken to watching porn again.

Coming back to the story, the bright and warm ambience of our bedroom changed when I blurted out that I wanted to see my wife make out with another person. It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Her face showed utter shock. The atmosphere became tense.

I made it worse by not offering any explanation. The silence in the room was getting too much. Suddenly, she got up and walked out of the room.

"Fucking retard!" I cursed myself under my breath. I stayed back, afraid of how she might react if I attempted to salvage the situation.

For the next fifteen minutes, the house was eerily quiet. As time went by, I started getting scared that maybe she was thinking of separation or divorce or something.

I could live with boring sex life, but I couldn't live without her. So I got up and went looking for her.

I found her in the balcony, leaning against the grills and looking out into the distance. I approached her carefully. I cleared my throat when I was right behind her.

"I... uh..." I attempted to say something but was stopped by her.

"Man or woman?" she asked.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, not comprehending. She turned around to face me and looked right into my eyes. Her intensity forced me to blink.

"You didn't say who you wanted me to make out with... man or woman?"

"Babe No... I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that." I started blabbering.

"I do." She interjected. I was at a loss for words.

"I know why you said that," She added, "baby I know the spark has been missing in our intimacy for a while..."

She stopped to take a breath before continuing, "and I know... that, uh... you've been watching porn secretly. Just didn't know what kind of porn till just now."

"Babe, I..." I struggled to string together words. I felt ashamed.

"Is it some kind of cuckold fantasy?" she asked.

"No... No..." I tried to defend myself, "I just... babe, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay... I want to know." Her tone softened.

"It's just... I was watching, you know... porn and uh... got really excited at the thought of a wife being intimate with another person... to fulfil the husbands fantasy. It's stupid really. I shouldn't be watching that shit!"

I couldn't meet her eyes after confessing. She remained quiet for a while.

"Baby listen," she spoke after a while, "I won't lie... I too have sometimes, you know... had some thoughts about other people... like fantasies."

"Really?" I looked at her.

"Yeah... everyone does, I guess... so don't beat yourself up over it... and I'm not the kind of person who'd shame someone for watching porn, so relax!" she replied.

"Come, let's eat breakfast." She said, and we went to the dining table.

As we ate, I could feel the tension ease up between us.

"So... man or woman?" she asked once again.

"Uhh... man, I guess." I said with a sheepish smile.

"Okay." She smiled back.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. We couldn't believe that we were really discussing this topic.

Once the laughter died down she asked, "tell me, what is it about seeing me with some guy that excites you?"

I thought for a while.

"I don't really know babe. It's primal... I don't know how to explain it." I spoke.

I waited a few more seconds before continuing, "maybe it's about control... something like, I own you. I own your body and I am telling you to... uh, giving you permission to do stuff with another guy... and you're doing it as much for my pleasure as yours... something like that. Does that make sense?"

"Mmm... yeah, kind of." She replied.

"And also it's about the angle... like watching how it looks when you're doing it, from a third person viewpoint."


"What?" I asked, "you make me say all this and you just keep quiet... say something."

"Baby, honestly... it does excite me thinking about doing stuff with another guy, but the key word here is 'thinking'. If I ever found myself in a real situation where it was possible, I don't know if I'd be able to do it... like kissing and all." She said.

"Yeah, I understand." I nodded. Her concern was valid.

"But," she added, "It's your birthday and I gave you my word that I'd give you anything you wanted. So... would it be enough today if I flirted with some guy while you watched?"

Her eyes had a naughty glint. My dick rose instantly. She saw the tent in my shorts.

"Wow... just me flirting with some guy gets you that excited?" she giggled. I smiled sheepishly.

"Okay fine... I'll do it. Buy where and when?" she asked.

It was around 7 in the evening when we reached 'Moonroof', the night club. It was a rooftop restobar and club, the best in town. It had everything for everyone... an indoor dance floor, an open bar and restaurant on the roof, sofa seating for those who just want to eat and drink in peace, candlelight dinner set up for romantic dates... like I said, everything.

We entered the club together and scanned the place. We decided that the romantic date area near the parapet offered better privacy.

Our plan was this... she was a single woman named Puja who'd been stood up by her date. So she was sulking alone at a couple's table. I would sit a safe distance away, but visible to her, pretending to be drinking. Then we'd play it by ear.

'Puja' was dressed in a figure hugging black outfit that came down to her mid-thigh. It had small two-inch slits on either side of the hem. The dress was embellished with shiny glitter like material on the outside. It was a sleeveless outfit with straps though not quite spaghetti but was thin all the same. The neckline showed just a hint of cleavage when she stood upright and more when she bent a little, the way she was right now. She was sipping from her vodka coke drink, her torso bent a little forward. She could still pull off the look despite a few pounds she gained over the years. She had matched the dress with subtle make up, tastefully done. Her blood red lipstick completed the look.

It didn't take long for guys to notice her. I could see proper lechy looks directed her by a few dudes. I studied each of them.

Then I texted her, "Hi 'Puja'. Enjoying it yet? Coz I spy three dudes thirsting over you. Two of them look about 40 and the third one looks young."

"How young?" she asked.


"Okay... the younger one then?" she confirmed with me.

"Oooh! You're going the cougar way, are you?" I added a wink emoji and hit send.

In the distance I could see her blush a little.

"Oh shut up! I'm doing this for you... and younger guys will be easier to be kept in control. So?" she texted back.

"Okay... so he is sitting alone at a table, on your 10 o' clock. See if you can get him to come over to you. If he does, ring me and minimize it on your phone." I said.

"Good luck babe!" I added.

My cock was already hard with expectation. I watched with growing astonishment as my wife looked up and scanned leftwards. She found the guy in a couple of seconds. He was looking right at her. Her mouth curled upward in a gorgeous smile. Their eyes met for a brief moment and then she looked away.

It was the briefest of exchanges but it was so hot that my cock twitched in my pants. She waited a few seconds and then glanced his way again. Sure enough he was still staring. That smile replayed on her face again. That was enough encouragement for him.

Slowly, he stood up and picking up his drink in his hands, he walked over to the table where my wife was seated. I saw her fidget with her phone. A second later, my phone rung. I accepted the call and connected my earphone to listen in.

"It's a crime to leave such a pretty lady unaccompanied at a club like this... who's the loser you're waiting for?" I heard through the phone as he reached her table and spoke.

"Is that your regular pick-up line?" she quipped.

"Well yeah... and it usually works!"

She laughed in response. He took that opportunity and pulled the chair opposite her.

"But seriously," he spoke, "are you waiting for someone?"

"I was... but, the 'loser' cancelled on me." She made a pouty face.

"Okay, then I'm sitting down!"

"Confident, I like it... but aren't you a bit too young for me?" she asked.

"Depends on how old you are... but I must say you don't look a day older than 24."

She laughed again. The guy was really trying to impress, I could tell.

"A lady never tells... but, for your information, I'm 29. You?"

"I'm old enough" he said.

"What? 18?" she asked mockingly.

"Hey! I'm not a kid. I'm 21."

"Okay... 21 is okay I guess." She said.

"Can I buy you a drink then?" he asked.

"Oh you've much work to do before you get to buy me a drink." She teased and he smiled.

"I'm a hard worker, and you're too hot to be giving up the chase so soon. What's your name?" he asked. I had to give it to him. He seemed like a smooth operator.

"Puja." She answered with that irresistible smile.

"I'm Jai" he said and extended his hand. She gave him her hand and he held it for a second. Then, as if he had made a decision, he lifted her hand up and placed a kiss on top.

"Aren't you forward Mister!" she said. She had played it cool, but I knew my wife. Her angled face told me that she had enjoyed that kiss on her hand. She was getting excited... and I was getting excited for her.

He smiled that his risky move paid off.

"Nice dress you got there." He resumed the charm offensive.

"Oh this old number... liar! I could barely fit into it." She fished for more compliments.

"Well, that's part of the allure... that it hugs your figure so well and shows off your curves." He offered. He was picking up the pace of flirting.

"So you like my figure huh?"

"I'd have to be blind not to... you're sexy." He said.

"Nice going... I quite like the way you are going about this... done this a lot?" she asked.

"I've had my fair share of flirting experience." He replied.

"Nice... keep going. You were saying something about my figure." She encouraged.

"Oh about that I could keep on talking!"

"Let me hear it then Shakespeare." She challenged.

"Well for one, that neckline is killer!" he said gesturing with his eyes.

For a moment it felt like she'd froze. Even he was a bit scared that he had gone too far. But a couple of seconds later, her torso moved ever so slowly to bent further as she took a sip of her drink. His eyes flew open like saucers as he was treated to her deep cleavage.

"That was hot as hell!" he exclaimed.

"What was hot as hell? I was just taking a sip of my drink." She feigned.

"Oh okay... I can play this game." He grinned.

"Your legs too I mean... the dress really shows off your fine legs." He added.

"A second ago, you were all about the neckline. Now you're a leg guy. Why don't you pick one and stay on it." She said.

"Well, I do care equally about both what's on top as well as the bottom." He shot back.

The guy was getting better at it with each passing moment. The flirting was getting intense and I didn't know what her plan was.

"Ha ha" she laughed and then added, "hey, I have to make a quick call. Excuse me. When I come back you can tell me more about how much you care."

My wife then stood up picking up the phone and walked towards the parapet. When she had moved just out of his earshot, she placed the phone to her ear.

"Hey hubby, heard all of that?" she spoke to me.

"Yeah" I confirmed.


"And you are one hell of a sexy woman and he's talking out of his ass to impress you." I said.

She struggled to subdue her giggles.

"So... is your cock hard yet from watching your wife flirt with another guy? Or do you want more?" she asked. I could tell from her tone that she was really into it.

"Oh I am hard alright... but I can take more. The more important question however is... is your pussy wet yet? Or do you want more?"

I could hear her gasp at my question. She remained quiet.

"Answer me." I demanded.

"Ye... Yes." She said.

"Yes what?" I asked.

"Yes my pussy is wet... and I want more." She confessed, and waited for me to speak. I remained quiet. It was exciting beyond words to hear my wife's raspy voice tell me that she wanted to flirt more with a stranger.

"Are we okay? Are you okay with this?" she asked. It confirmed my theory that what was most exciting about this was my power in giving permission. I could feel pre-cum at the tip of my cock.

"Yes we are babe." I eased her concern. I looked over at the guy sitting at the table. He was staring at my wife's ass. His hand was on his crotch adjusting his dick.

"What are you going to do then?" I asked her.

"I don't know baby... what do you want me to do?"

"The guy is definitely horny. I can see him push his hard on down with his hand. He is staring at your ass. Why don't you lean on the railing and let your dress hike up a bit?" I said.

"Oh God!" I heard her gasp again, "but won't other people see?"

"Let them!" I replied. I opened the camera app on my phone and started recording.

Slowly she bent forward and placed her right elbow on the railing. Her left hand was secretly hiking up the dress, unbeknownst to the Jai, the young man.

My drink was staring to have an effect on me and I was seeing as if in slow motion my wife's dress rise up on her back as she bent over. The hem of the dress rose slowly coming dangerously close to exposing the lower meaty part of her butt.

I looked at the guy. His attention was hooked on the hem of my wife's dress. He looked like he was praying desperately for a wind to blow up the dress. He was rubbing his dick over his pant.

"Your guy is going crazy over there. He is rubbing his dick over his pants... you know why?" I asked her.

"Why?" came her raspy sexy voice.

"Coz your ass is almost out!"

"Oh my God baby!" she exclaimed quietly. Slowly she stood up straight.

"What now baby?" she asked me.

I thought for a few seconds before speaking.

"Okay... here's what you do... you go back, pull the chair closer to him and sit. You two keep talking... and while you're talking your sleeve strap comes loose and falls over your shoulder. Okay?"

"Okay baby" she said. Sensuously, she turned back and walked over to the guy. The way her hips swayed, she could've given a hard-on to a corpse.

She reached the table and asked him, "Did you get bored Jai?"

"A bit... yeah" he said and added, "That was a long phone call?"

"Yeah... roommate." She said. Then looking deep into his eyes, she pulled her chair from opposite him and sat down beside him.

"So where were we?" she gave him an opening to resume.

"I think we were talking about your figure." He said.

"What's there to talk about this fat body of mine?" she fished.

"You're not fat... you're voluptuous. There's a difference!" he obliged with compliments.


"You're big at the right places." He grinned. I could see my wife lowering her right shoulder, almost in a comically crooked way. If her eyes weren't magnetically holding his, he would've thought something off but he had no idea what she was up to.

I zoomed the phone camera on them. Her lowered right shoulder offered little support to the dress strap and it started sliding. Encountering no resistance from her silky smooth skin, it went over the curve of her shoulder and slipped down her arms. She straightened at the right time causing the top of her red strapless bra to peek out from the neckline of the dress.

"What right places?" she asked without missing a beat.

The bright red fabric caught his eye and his body quivered a little. There was no pretense. He was looking straight at my wife's bra covered boobs.

"What right places?" she asked again.

"Like... uh... like the place being covered by the little red number there." He said motioning with his eyes towards her breast.

She looked down and pretended to just have noticed the wardrobe malfunction. The sight of her undressed state seemed to have really flustered her coz she blushed red. She adjusted her strap back on.

"A gentleman does not speak about a lady's innerwear!" she acted scandalized.

"I never said I was a gentleman." He grinned widely.

She smiled once before getting up, "Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies' room to... make some adjustments."

She gave him a small naughty wink before going. I paused the camera and went towards the washrooms. I caught her just as she reached there.

"Hey babe." I said. I couldn't help but smile naughtily.

"Oh baby I'm so wet!" she exclaimed and then pushed herself on me. She lifted up on her toes and latched on to my lips. The kiss was so urgent and passionate that I realized she desperately needed a dick in her.

I pulled away from her before someone saw us.

"Baby let's go home... I want you to fuck me hard tonight!" she said.

"Baby I really need you... here, feel my pussy." She pulled my hand and placed my finger on the crotch of her panty. It was fucking wet.

"Okay okay... we'll go... but we can't leave the guy like that. Let's give him a parting gift." I suggested.

"What do you have in mind?"

I told her the what I wanted her to do, "I'll settle the bill. Then you walk right back and sit down next to him. You pull down your panty in front of him. You take it off and give it to him. Then, if you're upto it, grab his cock for a second, give him a kiss on his lips and walk away. I'll meet you at the lift."

"Baby, I don't know about kissing him." She said.

"Your choice babe." I said.