Turning Twenty-five

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One last moment of madness before starting a family...
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Please Note: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Story Code: M/F, Impregnation, Swing, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism


Bill Black was in the shower washing before work, his wife Julie was at the bathroom sink putting on her face and doing her hair. As Bill stepped out of the shower and picked up a towel Julie said, almost absentmindedly as she was carefully applying the black line around her eyes with a pencil, "Which of my friends would you like to fuck?"

Bill stopped dead in his tracks, he heard his wife's question and before he had the chance to answer her alarm bells started to ring in his mind, then a loud claxon went off followed by an air raid siren, 'Hold on Billy boy, this sounds like a trap, quickly man, what have you done wrong?'

Bill looked at his wife's face reflected in the mirror over the sink, she stopped outlining her eye and her eyes met his in the mirror, she said, "What?"

Bill asked, "What do you mean?"

Julie finished outlining her left eye before answering Bill. "Well, it's my twenty-fifth birthday coming up and I was just thinking that I'd love a special birthday present from you."

Julie started outlining her right eye, Bill still stood there dripping water over the bathroom floor while he waited for Julie to tell him what she wanted for her birthday present. Eventually they made eye contact again in their reflections in the mirror and Julie said, "Bill, you know that I love you and I don't want to make you feel jealous, or mad with me but since we started talking about starting a family I just thought that it would be nice to have one last night, experience the thrill of a new lover, just once more before I have kids and it will be too late."

Inside Bill's head thoughts were flashing around faster than the internal workings of a computer, he mentally snatched at a thought to actually be able to examine that thought, he had to grasp three different thoughts before he found one that made sense. He reviewed it quickly and then allowed his mouth to open, "Why don't you just go into town and find a stranger in a nightclub or something, why choose one of my friends?"

Julie finished off her right eye, she checked her lips, they needed lining too, the bright red lipstick really needed a darker outline, eventually she said, "I've thought about this, before we met I had seen dozens of weirdos, some that, once you got them out in the cold light of day, you wouldn't touch with a barge pole. It's all too hit and miss and anyway, I wouldn't have any idea if a stranger was clean or anything would I?"

Bill was beginning to worry, he had known a few friends who had messed about while married, they always seemed to get caught and it always ended badly. Julie used a tissue to compress her lips against to flatten out the red lipstick and take away any excess oiliness before applying the top coat of 'Clearly Kissable' gloss to seal her lipstick coat and make her lips pop out in the light.

Julie made kissing actions at herself in the mirror and then continued, "And, I wanted you to have some fun too, just tell me who you fancy and I'll have a word with her, see if she'd be up to a little fun with you and if her husband would like to fuck my brains out for just one night."

Bill was panicking even more, this really had all the hallmarks of a trap, he could say he fancied 'X' and Julie could jump down his throat for lusting after one of her friends, so he decided to play it safe, "You know that since we met you're the only girl I've ever lusted after darling." Bill decided to seal his position by kissing his wife as passionately as possible.

Julie ducked out from under his embrace, "Don't give me that Mr Black, you're forgetting just who I am, I see you at swimming club, the way your cock jumps to attention whenever you see Angela Weston's tits in her skimpy bikini, even Marie Hewett, with her 'Pizza pie' complexion, as soon as you see her thirty-six inch 'D' cup bikini top, your little soldier pops to attention and I know that I'm in for a fun time as soon as we get home."

Bill gave his wife a stupid grin, he was busted and he knew it, "I can't help liking big tits but I'd never do anything about it, I save all of my loving for you."

It was Julie's turn to grin, she reached out and cupped his face in her hand, "I do hope not darling, I was hoping that you'd have a night of mad passion with a different lover while I do the same..." Julie patted Bill's cheek, "...and you need a shave before work darling."

Bill went to catch his wife's hand on his cheek but missed as she ducked away again and he ended up feeling his stubble, Bill was twenty-seven years old but still didn't need to shave every day, he checked his rough face and chin, she was right, he did need to shave, Bill shouldn't have been surprised really, his wife was seldom wrong about anything.

Julie pulled her blouse on and stood fastening the buttons up the front, Bill was trying not to sound like a simpering wimp as he said, "I don't need anyone else darling but if you feel the need for a night of madness you can arrange it, just so long as it doesn't hurt our relationship."

Julie was close to the bathroom door now, she was looking at the face of her wrist watch, "I'm going to have to go or I'll miss my bus, I'm adamant that I need to do this and I would feel guilty doing it if you weren't getting the chance of some fun as well..." She stopped in the doorway and pulled her husband to her and kissed him, "...definitely get that shave before you leave, we'll talk about this tonight when we get home."

Bill got to work but found it hard to concentrate which in his job was dangerous as he built the massive machines that scraped off the old tarmac from road surfaces; he also helped to build the even larger machines that laid new tarmac on road surfaces, the joke of it was that the official name of the paving machines were Blaw Knox but for some reason the computer program insisted on printing 'Black Nox' so everyone on the production line said the machines were all Bill's responsibility. The biggest problem for Bill was that he would usually chat to his friend Ray Weston about things like this but Julie had already suggested Bill might fancy sex with Angela, Ray's wife so Bill didn't want to bring it up with Ray and there weren't that many other people a man could trust with a thing like that.

By the time Bill got home his dinner was ready and on the table, they ate in silence with a few awkward glances across the table, Bill would usually allow his wife to clear the table after dinner but today because he was feeling awkward he jumped to his feet, "I'll get the dishes darling, you go and have a rest in front of the TV."

Bill carried the pots into the kitchen and started to fill the sink with hot, soapy water, Julie came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest, she kissed his neck and whispered, "Why don't you stack the sink and leave everything to soak, we can go to bed and have a little fun."

Both were naked before they reached the master bedroom, Julie took charge and put Bill on the bed on his back, she clambered over his hips and lowered her cunt onto his cock. Usually when Julie took over and climbed on top it was because she wanted to cum as fast and as hard as possible and she would sit upright and fuck her husband as hard and fast as she could but tonight she settled down on his chest pressing her, thirty-four 'c' cup breasts into his chest. She kissed him and rolled her hips slowly to allow his cock to slide in and out of her body slowly.

Julie pressed her lips against Bill's ear and whispered, "I met Angela Weston in town at lunchtime, she said that she'd love to have uncomplicated sex with you as her birthday present to me next week!"

Bill's breath caught in his throat, his reaction to Julie's comment was an involuntary one, Julie felt his cock jump inside her body even though her weight should have held it in check. She eased her chest away from her husband's slowly and she grinned down at him, "Wow, gentlemen looks like we have a winner!" Julie rained kisses down over Bill's mouth, "I guess that I don't need to ask Marie if she's interested then!"

Bill slipped the barrage of kisses and said, "I guess that means that you'll be doing Ray then?"

Julie's face changed into a look if devilish mischief, "Welllllllll! Angie came up with a different suggestion."


Julie pushed herself upright and began to add speed and force to her fucking, as Julie began to gasp into the starting blocks of her climax she said, "Angela suggested her brother Mark would be fun to play with, Ray would love to fuck me but he'd love another crack at Marie Hewitt so that I could try Mark."

Bill was trying desperately hard not to cum too quickly but it was hard, this was Julie's go to move whenever she wanted a quickie fuck rather than a marathon session. He decided that he could take his mind off of cuming too fast if he engaged Julie in her conversation. "Just a minute, if Ray is with Marie Hewitt, what will Willy Hewett be doing all evening?"

Julie allowed a petite climax to roll through her body for a few moments before she answered her husband, "Angela has that covered, I'm going to arrange a pyjama party here for my birthday, we would have had a party anyway but I was going to hold it on Saturday night, Angela suggested we have the party on Friday night instead. Willy Hewitt is doing his milk round on Saturday morning, starting at four o'clock but he's off on Sunday. Marie will come with Willy to the party but if he's working the next day he goes home at nine o'clock, Marie can stay until the end if she can get a lift home."

Julie smiled in triumph at the power of her scheming mind and she began to rock faster, driving her own climax on ever higher. Bill still hadn't managed to get over his reluctant climax, Julie collapsed down against Bill's chest gasping for air and between gasps she whispered, "I've told Angela to come in black stockings and suspender belt, no bra and a see through nighty to give you a good show on Friday night."

That was just the ticket, Bill exploded into his wife's cunt as she described the way that Angela Weston would be dressed for his pleasure.

On the day of her birthday party Julie was very busy, she had to clean the house from top to bottom, paying special attention to the master bedroom, changing the sheets, turning the mattress, laying out scented candles ready to be ignited just before the party, she had dressed the bedroom specially for her tryst with Mark Whitefield, Angela's brother. Julie also turned the mattress of the bed in the spare bedroom, aired it and put on new sheets and duvet for her husband to fuck Mark's sister in. It had crossed her mind that they really needed another bedroom for Ray Weston and Marie Hewett to use but in the end she decided that Ray and Marie would have to look after their own provisions for their trysting place.

At seven o'clock Bill helped to put out the food in the fifty foot long lounge, he had put the dining table against the back wall under the window and piled it up with all the stuff associated with a finger buffet. Julie searched out all the beer they had in the house and set that along with glasses and plastic disposable cups and a mega bucket of ice on the counter-top. The first two to arrive were Willy Hewitt and Marie as they often were because Willy had to leave so early to get to bed if he were working at four o'clock in the morning.

The first ten minutes were a little awkward, Bill kept looking at Marie's tits through her skimpy nighty, she was wearing a bra and dark tights under her cream, knee length nighty, Willy had on candy stripped pyjamas with the fly hole sewn closed. Willy would have been the last man in the world that Julie would have chosen to dance with but as there was only the four of them in the house, Julie asked Willy to dance with her.

Bill got Marie a drink and then started to dance with her; Julie was facing her husband and his dance partner when she spotted Marie's hand slip into the fly hole of her husband's pyjama bottoms. Willy was trying to turn Julie around as they danced a simple box step to the sound of 'Can't Get Enough' by Barry White. Julie got the feeling that things would take a turn for the worse if Willy spotted what his wife was doing with her husband. Willy could easily storm out of the house and drag Marie with him, Julie wouldn't mind spending a few hours with Ray Weston if Marie were to be dragged off but it would be more fun with Mark. Ray was the same age as her husband, well, exactly two months and twenty eight days older and they had spent most of their lives together growing up so apart from the size of their cocks and the fact that Bill was skinnier than Ray by quite a bit, Ray had actually had more sexual partners than Bill so that could make Ray slightly better than her husband. But! And it was a huge but, Mark was just eighteen, he was taller than Ray and Bill and he was much fitter, Mark was a rugby player for his college first team and he was a keen rower as well as a competitive cyclist and according to Angela, he had the cock of a stallion!

Julie had to do something to stop Willy seeing what Marie was doing and she chose to drag Willy through to the kitchen to get herself and Willy a drink. Willy mistook Julie's intentions in dragging him out of the living room and through to the kitchen and while Julie poured the drinks Willy made a grab for her, not like his wife, heading straight for between the legs, Willy went for Julie's breasts, leaning into her from behind, rubbing his crotch against her buttocks.

Once Julie finished the drinks she turned around to face Willy, she might just have to suck it up and actually stick her hand down the front of his pyjama bottoms and make him happy when there was the sound of the front door bell ringing, "I'll get it!" Julie called out to her husband in the living room, "Wait here for me please Willy." And she was gone, not through the living room but through the back door, through the garage and out to the front of the house.

Lyne and Carol, two of Julie's friends who lived in Enderby, just a few streets away, had walked round wearing their nighties with jackets to stop their neighbours spotting they were out in the street wearing just their nightwear. Julie told Carol to go through to the kitchen and get a drink while she wrote out a notice for the front door telling people to go through the garage and into the kitchen which she sellotaped to the front door.

Julie took Lyne's arm, "Do you know Willy Hewitt?"

Lyne thought for a moment, "Married to Marie, lives in Whetstone, milkman and a bit of a drip?"

"That's him. Well, is there any chance that you could keep him happy for a while until the party gets going?"

Lyne laughed, "I'll do it but you'll owe me lunch one day next week if I do."

People kept arriving in dribs and drabs until around eight o'clock when the living room had filled out a little. Julie spotted Angela and Ray passing the front window, she looked behind them down the drive, her excitement and anticipation building and then disappointment when she didn't see Angela's brother Mark with them. Julie looked round for Bill and spotted him chatting to Roger from Corporation Road, Roger's wife Jayne was dancing with Andy, one of Bill's motorcycling friends and they were definitely making the best of the pyjama party.

Julie rushed through to the kitchen to head Angela off and find out what had happened to Mark. "Mark was in front of us, Ray dropped him off in front of the house with our booze before he looked for a parking space."

Julie's mood brightened slightly, "Where is he then?"

"Well, here's the cans of beer from me and Ray and that is the bottle of wine that Mark pinched from our parent's stock, so he got this far."

Julie inspected the small pile of drinks, there was no mistaking that it was from Ray and Angela, no one but Ray would bring his own two litre bottle of coke to a pyjama party, Ray being one of the few 'Teetotallers' that Julie knew. "Okay, but he definitely didn't get as far as the living room so where is he now?"

The ground floor of Julie and Bill's house only had a kitchen and living room, then slowly Angels and Julie's heads turned towards the niche in the kitchen wall that used to be an outside toilet and coalhouse when the house was built, Bill had bricked up the outer doors when he built the garage and opened up an access into the kitchen. Bill had filled the opening with two louvered doors, saloon-style.

Julie and Angela went closer to the open louvers of the door covering the niche, Marie Hewitt was sitting on the washing machine with her ankles crossed behind Mark Whitfield's hips, Marie's tights were torn across the crotch, her lower legs were still sheathed in black but her inner thighs were gleaming out and her outer thighs partly covered by even darker nylon.

Mark for his part hadn't bothered to take down his pyjama bottoms so he, like Bill, hadn't bothered to sew up his fly-hole, it crossed Julie's mind that she would have to check later to see just what proportion of the men at her party had open fly and what proportion had sewn up flies.

Julie was hopping mad that her plans were falling apart, Marie was a greedy cow, she had started out trying to get Bill interested and now she was fucking Mark and Mark had only been invited for Julie's pleasure. Angela pulled Julie away from the door, "He's eighteen years old, he'll be good to go again ten minutes after he cums in her, let him empty his balls, get the first course out of the way and he'll last a lot longer when he gets to the main course."

Julie smiled at Angela and let her guide her into the main party room, Paul Gamble had arrived while Julie and Angela had been watching Mark fucking Marie, as they walked into the living room Paul was hitting on all of the women in the room, as soon as he saw the way that Angela was dressed he made a bee-line straight for her. Julie's plans had already fallen apart but she had promised Bill an evening of fun with her friend Angela and Julie knew that if Paul got his hooks into Angela she wouldn't be able to shake him off until he'd used her.

'Bite the bullet girl, take one for the team! Just because my night's going down the pan you can at least try and keep Bill happy' went through Julie's head as she smiled and stepped in front of Paul, "Dance Paul..." Paul was trying to sidestep Julie; he'd spotted from the other side of the room that Angela was wearing just a see-through baby-doll nighty, stockings and suspender belt. Everyone knew that Paul had a crush on Angela; they also knew that he was a predator and would hit on any woman of any age at any time and he was usually successful because he was a wealthy factory owner. Julie had to sidestep twice to keep in between Paul and Angela, "...dance Paul, it is after all my birthday!"

Paul finally accepted Julie's offer of a dance, 'Angela will still be here after this track and then I'll have her at last!' was Paul's thoughts as he danced with Julie. As Paul and Julie danced through the room Julie looked over her shoulder at Bill and gestured with her head towards Angela, Bill didn't move so Julie gave him a grimace as Paul pulled her body closer to his and began nuzzling his mouth against her neck, Julie looked from Paul to Angela and again gestured to Bill to get over to her friend before Paul did.

Bill got the message and apologised to Roger, Roger was a nice guy but he did tend to want to hold very long conversations even in the middle of a party. Bill sauntered over to Angela, "Hi Angie, did you walk through the street dressed like that?"

Angela grinned at him and nodded her head and then they stepped into each other and began to dance at the end of the track, they continued dancing through the silent space in the vinyl, Paul tapped Bill on the shoulder, "Can I cut in?"