Twin Times - Quarantined with Mum

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Fourteen days with Mum in quarantine? Boring.
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This my entry for the 2020 "Love the one you're with" competition for Literotica. It follows on from my first "Twin Times" story which came from an idea by Rugersp101.


Adam sat in his wheelchair, rolling back and forth, doing figure eights, and generally just mucking around while he waited for Carol, his mum, and Sharon, his twin sister, to pick him up. He drew in a sharp hiss as another unreachable itch appeared under the plaster cast encasing his lower left leg.

"Bloody hell, this is going to drive me nuts!" he muttered as he looked around for something he could slide down to scratch the itch. He looked up and smiled as his sister entered his room. The smile disappeared as she punched him hard in the shoulder.

"You dickhead!" Sharon snarled, "You absolute brain dead fuckwit! Because of you, we're going to have to spend two weeks in quarantine when we get back."

"Owww, it's good to see you too Shaz," said Adam, rubbing his arm, "What's the big deal? We were always going to have to spend fourteen days at home."

Sharon leaned forward and poked him in the chest, "It's now changed. Because of some numbnuts who thought quarantine didn't apply to the rich, and another stupid cunt who broke isolation so he could fuck his girlfriend, as of today anyone who lands in Australia is locked up in compulsory fourteen-day quarantine. That's us, Ad. Isn't that wonderful?"

"Ahh, crap. Really? That sucks. So where do we have to go?" He looked at his female reflection pacing the floor. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you wanted to get home to Isabell, but it doesn't really change things. You still would have had to wait to see her."

Shaz waved a hand dismissively in the air. "I know, but just being in the same town as her would've been nice. Besides, I'd have been in my own room and we could have tried the new..." She looked around and saw through the open door her mum heading up the hall, "umm... technology I bought together. As for where we're going to stay, Mum was trying to sort that out."

Adam nodded. He now understood his sister's response. His twin was a lesbian who had never really made a connection with anyone. She started talking to Isabell at the gym and they both hit it off. Initially, it was just a social thing until they realised that they both were attracted to each other in more ways than one. They had been getting on really well when, out of the blue, their mum decided they should all go on holiday to Disneyland.

The twins had thought the sudden decision was a bit weird, but they weren't going to argue. Four weeks in the States was a bloody good idea. They knew Carol was a bit antsy and just wanted time away from the memories in the house that their cheating, now dead, father had built. They were having a great time, but then all hell broke loose around the world. And Adam smashed his leg just before they were supposed to leave.

Carol walked in with a thoughtful look on her face, "Hi Darling, how's my boy? Has Shaz told you what's going on?" She leaned over and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Adam glared at his sister, "Yeah, she gave me the short, sharp version. So what's happening?"

"Right, so we need medical clearance for you to fly. I'm getting that from the doctor today. We then book a flight back home. From there, we get on a bus and are transported to a hotel in Sydney for two weeks isolation."

Sharon looked aghast, "So we're going to be locked up in some Sydney fleapit for two weeks? And I guess we have to pay for that?"

Carol chuckled, "Actually, no. Thanks to your brother's non-existent motorbike riding skills, I've managed to get us a reasonably good deal, all things considered." She sat down on a chair. "So, because you are classified as a medical case, not a virus evacuation, the insurance will cover the cost of all of us going home in premium economy. You, Ad, need the legroom because of the higher risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis. Then, because you're injured and may need assistance, the Government will pay for us to stay in a decent hotel. Two adjoining rooms with a connecting door. Minimum four stars."

The twins looked at each other, then looked at their mum, "Well, I guess that's not too bad. Still, I wish I'd taken the Mustang convertible for a drive instead of renting the Harley." said Adam ruefully, "And I'm sorry I ruined the trip. Two days left and I dropped a ton of bike on me. A Harley's a lot different to my dirt bike."

Carol ruffled her son's hair, "I wasn't keen for you to take the bike option, but I thought you're old enough to figure out your own mistakes. You won't be doing that again."

He laughed, "No Mum. They're a pig of a thing."

Carol straightened up, "Well, I'll go find your doctor to get you out of here, then hopefully we can get our flight booked. There's less planes flying every day, so the sooner we're outta here, the better."

"Two weeks in two rooms," Sharon said thoughtfully as Carol left, "How's that going to work?"

"Dunno. Guess we'd better leave that to Mum to sort out," Adam shifted uncomfortably in the wheelchair, "You notice the look she gives us every now and then? I get the sneaking suspicion she may have seen us doing it by the pool, but hasn't said anything."

"Yeah, I have - up until Isabell and me started getting serious. Then she relaxed. She's made some odd comments about us still having tickle fights and such. I reckon she may have seen me on top of you, but didn't really get a good look. She'd die if she knew little Ad had been inside me."

Her brother laughed and thumped the cast, "Bloody itch, but yeah, nah, I think she'd be stunned if she learned any dick had been inside you. And yes, Mum would be mortified if she knew it was me doing you. That was a fun day though..." he finished wistfully.

"Not wrong. You make a great vibrator. Your willy is a nice size, warm and pre-lubricated. And wow, that "Oh fuck, we're sprung!" orgasm? Seriously good shit."

"No worries. Totally unexpected, but nice. Anyway, so what new stuff did you buy?"

Sharon giggled and pulled the chair close to her brother and sat down, "Well, you know those toys the webcam girls all use that go inside them? I've got two of those so we can buzz each other. A couple of really fun looking vibrators and a thick double ended dildo."

"Cool. Can I watch you two use them? Just for research purposes..." Adam asked hopefully, not really expecting his sister to say yes.

Shaz sat back and tapped her pursed lips with a finger, "Maybe. Issy's a bit of an exhibitionist. And she thinks you're cute. Mind you, she did think you were me from a distance, but still, she's MY girlfriend. Ok?"

"Not a problem. She looks great in a bikini, and you'd both look fantastic naked together and sharing that dildo. I'd be happy to just watch."

Shaz kissed her brother on the cheek, "You pervert, you. No promises though. Not sure how I'll raise the subject. Anyway, we'll figure it out. I may need you to help hook the toys up to our phones."

"No worries Sis. Anytime."

They talked some more about their holiday, Adam's accident and his stay in hospital, and speculated about their impending lockdown. They agreed it was going to be as boring as hell, and they'd better think of things they could do without annoying each other.

Carol eventually came back with Adam's doctor. All business, she smiled at Adam and grabbed his wrist, "Well Adam, ready to go home? As much as I love taking your pulse, you're outta here!" She looked at the other two women, "You'll be right looking after him?" They nodded. "Sorry about using plaster, but the insurance company is cheap. Don't get it wet, and don't shove anything under it to scratch. You'll break my lovely stitches, and if you do, I'll send my killer vampire numbats after you. Ok?"

Adam blushed with her touch and nodded, "No worries Doctor Lauren. I'll behave."

"Call me Lori and no more Harleys. Stick to cars, ok?"

"Yes Doctor. And thanks." Adam held out his hand, but Lori bent down and kissed his cheek.

"You Aussies are so adorable. Get out of here before I decide to keep you. And let me know how your recovery goes!" Lori turned and took a few steps, then looked back, "Oh, and if anyone asks, you have..."

"A Gustilo Type three-A fracture caused by an increase in unwarranted testosterone," Adam recited.

Doctor Lori smiled, "Good boy. See ya!"

The three family members watched his slightly built doctor bounce off down the hall. "She's nice. I'm glad Lori was looking after you." Carol said.

Adam laughed, "Yeah, serious about the things that matter, but still happy for a laugh. Tried really hard to convince me that car rallying is safer than motorbikes. She may be right."

"Hallelujah!" exclaimed Carol, throwing her arms in the air, "My boy had seen the light!"

They eventually got through the reams of insurance paperwork and headed back to their hotel. Once they'd settled back in their rooms, Adam started to catch up on the Australian news. The world had gone crazy. The virus had ripped through China, taken large chunks out of Italy, and was stalking the rest of the world. And the world was terrified. "Fuck!" he whispered to himself. The two weeks in hospital, plus the surgery to stitch up his leg didn't seem so bad.

Carol spent another week getting things organised. It was chaotic, but her son's injury helped extract sympathy from the harried government staff. The twins discussed their isolation plans, and Sharon went out shopping for the bits and pieces needed. Adam just sat on his bed drinking coffee while the other two were running around Los Angeles.

"I'm going to go nuts," he said to the wall.

Adam could only use crutches as little as possible. Doctor Lori told him he had been lucky, but he had to keep any weight off the break for it to heal properly. That worried him. Soccer was a big part of his life and the idea of not being able to play ensured he planned to be very careful with his rehabilitation. The day of their departure he was back in the wheelchair until he had to swap it for his crutches just before boarding.

The plane was packed. Some people were wearing gloves and masks, some didn't have anything. Carol had asked if they should wear something, but the general opinion was a poorly worn mask wasn't going to do much besides getting in the way.

Around fifteen hours later, they landed with a big cheer reverberating through the aircraft. Adam was wheeled off and straight through to Customs where they were met by teams dressed in full HAZMAT suits. They quickly processed their documents and the three were whisked off to a waiting taxi, who then drove them into the middle of Sydney.

They couldn't believe the lack of traffic. Sydney was like a ghost town. "Geez," Sharon said quietly, "Never thought I'd see the town so empty."

The other two just nodded. The taxi pulled up outside the hotel and they were directed to load their bags onto a trolley, then given their instructions for the next two weeks. Not allowed out of their rooms, basic meals will be supplied, cleaning products and clean linen will be supplied but the rooms won't be cleaned by the hotel, unlimited internet... The twins looked at each other and smiled.

"Netflix party!" laughed Shaz.

Their temperatures were checked and they were given the keys. Adam rolled into the elevator followed by the two women.

"Well, a five-star hotel. Guess two weeks in this fleapit won't be so bad." Adam said as he tried to turn around.

"Stop it Ad! Just wait and back out," said his sister as she whacked his shoulder. "Yep, I guess it'll be alright."

They struggled out of the lift and opened the door to one of their rooms. "Oh, this is going to be more than alright." Sharon walked in and looked around. A king-sized bed took centre stage in the room, facing a huge TV on the wall. The room had a four-place table and a balcony overlooking Circular Quay.

Carol pushed the bag trolley against a wall and sighed happily, "Well, the sad, depressed mother act worked. Let's check out the other room."

Sharon took the other key and went next door. The other two heard a knock on the connecting door, then it opened, "Hi guys, just passing, thought I'd drop in. It's practically identical to this one."

Carol grabbed Adam's bags and went through to the other room, "Ad, you're in here. Shaz, you're sleeping with me." She caught and misinterpreted a quick glance between her kids, "Adam can't have anything bumping that leg. When he's awake, no worries. Asleep, that could be a drama. Also, boy's bathroom here, girl's bathroom next door. Unless we're desperate. Oh! That's awkward."

The kids turned to look at where their mum was staring. They could see into the bathroom. Through a large glass wall. Mercifully, the toilet was hidden behind a small partition but the large double shower area was exposed.

Shaz scratched her head and said diplomatically, "Well, I guess when you've got such a great view of the harbour, you really want to spend as much time as possible looking at it. And look, it does have a blind."

Carol laughed, "Definitely boys here, girls there, then. You really don't want to watch your mum having a shower, do you?"

The twins flicked another glance between themselves and wondered what to say. Another nanosecond passed and Adam said, "No, but if you weren't our mum, then yes."

Their mum blushed and smiled, "You're a charmer. Just like... Anyway, thanks for the compliment. Are you sure it's not the jet lag talking?"

Adam put his left hand up, and the right hand over his heart. "Honestly mum, with no word of a lie, all my mates reckon you look really good."

Carol stood in front of her son and bent down to kiss his forehead, "Thanks kiddo, although I'm not sure how I feel about having a bunch of horny twenty year olds lusting after me."

She had noticed Adam's mates not so subtly looking at her when she was at home by their pool. Carol deliberately only wore what she thought was a very plain one-piece swimsuit, but she caught their stares and scraps of whispered conversations about her looks. Thinking about them privately discussing her body made her feel warm inside. Having the twins as a teenager, she was much younger than most of their mothers. Carol also thought she looked after herself better than most of them. Except for her vagina. That hadn't seen much exercise for many years. It really needed a decent workout with a partner.

Originally the plan was for Carol to just take a week or two away by herself. Just to relax alone, and maybe find someone to blow the cobwebs out of her privates. She never got past the planning stage with that idea. The more she thought about it, the more she really wanted her kids to be with her. They'd also suffered through their dad's infidelity and death by bus. They all deserved a bit of fun. As a family.

"They like you Mum," Adam replied, looking straight down Carol's cleavage. These were two things his friends always commented on. His mum's nice pair of tits. He dragged his eyes up to her face, "You're fun to be around, you're a great snack cook, and, well, you look pretty hot in your swimsuit."

Carol laughed and stood back up, looking over at her daughter.

Shaz, with a hint of a smile on her face, shrugged, "You're our mum. Of course, we think you're fantastic, but Ad's right. You are considered a Yummy Mummy by his lecherous friends. But they also think I'm hot, even though I don't want to have anything to do with them, so go figure."

Carol scratched her head. This conversation had taken a strange but pleasant turn. A compliment was a compliment though. "Right-o, so now we've got the rooms sorted, I think we'd better get a bit of a rest before we figure out our meals. I'm not sure we would have talked like this if we were feeling more normal."

The twins tried to argue but Carol insisted they have two, and only two hours rest. Then dinner.

So Day zero passed.

Day one

The first official day of quarantine started. Small packets of cereal, long-life milk, instant coffee and a banana for breakfast. Sandwiches, which weren't too bad, for lunch. A choice of curry, pasta, or risotto for dinner. A couple of desserts.

Adam sat on his bed finishing his ice cream, Sharon on the other side eating a brownie. "Well, the food's not really five star, but at least we get cartoons on the telly."

Shaz nodded, "Yep. The chicken sanga for lunch was pretty good though. And Mum's got her mystery channel. That'll keep her occupied."

Day two

"Shaz? You seen my phone charger?"

Sharon was on the balcony in the sun talking to her girlfriend, "Isn't it plugged in beside you?"

"Oh yeah. Ta."

Sharon shook her head, "I'm sure he fell on his head Issy. Anyway, I'll text you where to download the app... Not sure where. Maybe when I'm having a shower... I'll set the iPad up so we can FaceTime. Or pussy time..."

Day three

"Oh come on. Surely we can get fresh milk instead of this crap?" Carol groaned as she opened the carton of long life milk for her coffee.

"And that's why I'm drinking black tea," responded Adam.

They looked up as Sharon stormed back from the boy's shower with a small towel wrapped around her and sat down with a "humph".

"What's wrong sweetie? Can I make you a drink?" Carol asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. And a coffee with two sugars thanks." pouted Shaz. She tried to pull the towel tighter around her as Ad nodded slightly towards her exposed freshly shaved pussy.

"Bloody towels are way too small," She gave up, let the towel fall on the floor, and grabbed a pair of shorts and a singlet out of her bag.

"Sharon Michelle! Really? A bit of decorum, please!" Carol nearly dropped the cup as she turned around and saw her naked daughter getting dressed.

Shaz pulled the top over her head and shrugged, "You've both seen me naked over the years. What's the problem? My bikini doesn't hide much, I don't wear a bra, and... And besides, I'm getting really tired of jumping from room to room trying to 'protect' my modesty."

"You don't need a bra 'cause you've got no boobs," murmured Ad, looking over his cup.

His sister glared at him and threw her shorts at his head, "Funny bugger."

He caught them in one hand and tossed them back, laughing.

"All right, put them on," Carol said, running a hand across her face, "Look, whatever I guess. Just. Minimal nakedness, please. I don't want to have to explain why my kids are nude when they come to take our temperature."

"Yes Mum," the twins agreed.

"And Ad? Go have a shower soon. You nearly knocked me out when you lifted your arm. I'll see if we can get a seat and a big plastic bag for your cast."

"No worries Mum. Guess the face washer body wipe doesn't cut it," Adam agreed. He turned to his now dressed sister, "So, what's up?"

Shaz sipped her coffee and grimaced, "Tech issues. Having trouble connecting a device to the internet. Can you please have a look?"

"Sure," Adam finished his tea and rolled towards his room, "It's not like I've got much else to do."

A bit later the twins looked at her purple plastic bulbous toy sitting on the bed.

"Thanks for this Ad. Issy tried to control it, but it didn't work. I was getting frustrated in so many ways," Sharon whispered.

"Well, it works well with Bluetooth. I guess I'll have to search the net to see why it doesn't work by Wifi," Adam sighed. He picked up his iPad and started looking for clues. "You probably should have bought the real one, not the knock off. Oh. Here we go. I'll try this on my phone, then I need to sync it with your phone..."

He downloaded the app to his phone, and set it up via the instructions off his iPad. Ad stabbed a button and the little toy started shimmying across the bed, "Ta-da! If all else fails, find new instructions!" Adam said triumphantly. "Go on, take it for a spin."