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Twins married to twins get blackmailed into group sex party.
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I watched Dean out the corner of my eye as I collected the secure waste from the bins. As the copier finished Dean collected the papers and put them in a vanilla envelope, putting the originals back in a folder.

I left the room, rushed downstairs and turned the shredder on. This was my last job of the day. Every evening I picked up the secure waste and shredded it. Just one of the many menial tasks I performed. I had a long day starting at eight in the morning and finishing around six in the evening. Delivering the internal post, making coffee, doing the sandwich trolley twice a day and shredding the waste, plus of course anything else that I was asked. Office Assistant they called it. I called it general dogs body. The money wasn't that good but it was a job and not particularly hard. After my past I couldn't really complain.

I finished the shredding and locked up. Signed out at security and waited outside for my lift to arrive. Dave turned up almost immediately. I got in the car and we waited. Not long after Dean came out, got into his car and drove off. We followed him discretely. We knew where he was going as we had done this several times before. Once a month in fact for the last 6 months.

As usual Dean met up with his twin brother Donald, as they were not identical it was fairly easy to tell the two apart. Dean pulled up alongside Donald's car and handed the envelope through the window. Donald handed Dean an envelope in return, bulkier than Deans. That envelope we knew was filled with cash. They chatted for a couple of minutes and then with a final joke went their separate ways. Throughout the exchange I had been clicking away with my digital camera. I had reams of pictures of these transactions between the brothers all digitally dated.

Dave and I had been planning this for sometime. The four of us had all gone to the same school, even been in the same class. That's where any similarity ended however as the twins had married well and been introduced to there jobs by there new in-laws. The twins had married twin sisters from a middle class very Catholic family. Church every Sunday and all that stuff which made Dave and I laugh as we knew that the boys had almost as bad a background as we had. Only difference was they didn't get caught. Nothing serious, just boys being boys really but the girls involved were a world apart from the twins they had married.

Dean was well up in the business but was having to work his way up the ladder. He had given me a job out of sympathy more than any old friends loyalty. He turned Dave down flat when another vacancy turned up. This whole thing had started one evening as I was doing the security waste. I had seen Dean copying some papers. When I commented on the fact that the file was a security file he turned quite nasty.

"If you want to keep your job you will keep your nose out of other peoples business."

I didn't need telling twice, but after that I kept a close eye on him. That night I told Dave what I had seen "That's strange, maybe we should keep an eye on him. Let me know if it happens again and we can find out what he does with the stuff."

I kept an eye on him but nothing happened for weeks. Then I caught him again. This time I just ignored him. I called Dave and told him to be outside the office ready to give me a lift when I came out. I kept an eye on Dean from a distance. As everyone else had gone most of the office lights were out so I hid in one of the cubicles and watched hoping my breathing wasn't as loud as it sounded to me.

Once he had finished Dean put the envelope into his briefcase and then locked the original in a filing cabinet. I knew he would go to his own office before leaving so as soon as he was out of site. I signed out at security and rushed down to the underground car park that served the office block. I hid behind a pillar until I saw him heading for his car and then I jumped over the wall. Running to the road I called Dave on my mobile and waited for him to turn up.

He took so long we almost missed Dean as he left but luckily he got caught at the traffic lights. That was six months ago and we had followed him every month since. Always on the same day of the month. Once the copier ran out of paper so while he went to get some from the stationary cupboard I took a quick look at what it was he was copying. It was the monthly financial report, all gobbledee gook to me but the heading was plain enough. 'Financial Report. April 2006' and below that in red was 'Security Level 5 and Above Only."

Now that Dave and I decided to act on the information we had we couldn't make our minds up what to do with it. We could demand money, or even promotion for me and a job for Dave but it all seemed small to what they were doing. We knew they were selling the information to a rival company because that's where Donald worked. It was decided after the twin weddings it would look bad if they both got jobs together because of the marriage so an old friend of 'daddy' gave Donald a job. The friend had subsequently died and his son was brought back from the USA to run the business. He of course knew nothing of the brothers so just treated Donald like any other employee.

Deans company was well known in the area for it's fundraising for local charities. Every May they held a ball. All the local dignitaries were invited and the employees were allowed to buy tickets so they could mix with the hoy palloy, the local rich and famous. I got tickets for myself and Dave and it was at this event that we suddenly decided what we were going to do with our information.

Dean attended with his wife of course and as he walked in Dave and I stared goggle eyed. She was stunning, really gorgeous, great figure and about ten years younger than Dean, and us come to that. Long blond hair and legs that reached the sky. She mixed with the dignitaries like she knew them personally, which in a lot of cases she did.

Dave and I worked our way over to Dean and I said "Hi Dean going to introduce us to your wife."

Well the look she gave us could have killed an elephant and before he could reply she said, "I don't think so." She took his elbow and lead him away. He didn't even look back.

"Snotty bitch." I said

"Fucking right." Dave agreed "Mind you I wouldn't say no to a night in bed with it would you?"

And that's how it started. We made jokes about her all night, what she would be like, how we would make her beg for more and how she would just keep begging us to fuck her brains out. All the usual stuff guys say when they talk about a horny looking woman they know they will never get.

The following day while we discussed the night out we got back on the subject. I don't know which one of us suggested it but before long we were making plans on how to get her knickers off. The first thing we had to sort out was how we were going to approach Dean. We had enough stuff to put him away for years and the effect it would have on the credibility of his in-laws would be devastating so in a way we had them both. But we needed to get them together somehow and not in a public place In the end it was just luck that gave us the opportunity that we needed.

Dave and I were out having our usual Friday night on the town when we were walking down the high street and who should come out of the posh restaurant across the road but Dean and his wife. The owner showing them to a limousine that was waiting for them.

"It was so nice to see you both again. We do look forward to your anniversary each year and thank you for your continued custom." he said as he opened the door of the vehicle for Deans wife to get in. Dean crossed his palm as you would expect after posh nosh and then the car pulled away.

"Come on." I said grabbing Dave's arm. Not sure what I was up to he followed me back to our car. We knew where they lived so I headed in that direction. "If they are headed home this could be our opportunity."

"Shit! I never even thought of it." Dave said

Limo's don't go too fast up country lanes so we soon caught them up. While they went into the house and switched on some lights I grabbed some photos from the bag in the back of the car. We headed for the door set in this ancient stone building and I knocked as assertively as I could. A moment later Dean appeared.

He was not pleased to see us. "What do you want? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes Dean we do but we have something to show you that we think is important."

"Well if it's work show me on Monday. I'm busy." and with that he closed the door.

"Not quite as planned." I said angrily and knocked again, this time louder and much harder.

The door flew open, "What!" I had taken out one of the eight by ten photo's of Dean and his brother and just held it at eye level. As soon as he saw it he grabbed it and said "What the hell is this?"

"I think you know what it is. Maybe we should discuss it inside." I said confidently. The blood had drained from his face and involuntarily he stepped aside. Dave and I brushed passed him and waited for him to shut the door. He was still staring at the photo.

"Just give me a minute. I will tell my wife I have some business to attend to." Dean said and walked off. He didn't realise we followed. As he stepped into the large lounge his wife turned around. "I just have something to sort out dear a I wont be long.

"That's ok it concerns your wife as well." I said and just walked over to her and held out my hand. "Hi I'm Mike."

She looked bewildered and a little disgusted at the way I had just brushed passed Dean and introduced myself. "Err, Cathy." she said barely able to bring herself to even touch my hand let alone shake it. Dave had followed me in but stayed by the door. I assume to stop Dean from leaving. I took in this beautiful woman with eyes that hid nothing of the lust I was now feeling. Dressed in a low cut cocktail dress that did little to hide her ample cleavage she squirmed under my gaze.

"I suggest you go and sit with your lovely wife." Dave said. Still lost for something to say Dean complied. He was never the confident type at school, always following never the followed.

"So Deany boy. Been a bad boy eh." I said

"I don't know what you mean." he replied without very much conviction.

"What is this? What are you talking about? Dean, send them away." Cathy said.

"I don't think so Cathy. You don't mind if I call you Cathy do you?" I said and added before she could reply, "Good."

"I don't know what you think you have there but it's not what you think."

"What we have Deany boy is you selling secrets to a rival company. To your brother in fact."

"Dean?" Cathy said still bemused

"No you fool what you have is part of a security test. Nothing more. An exercise to see how good our security is."

"Well security sucks because you've been doing this for at least six months and probably a lot longer."

"Wha...." Dean gasped, "You mean....?"

"Yes Deany boy, we have been keeping tabs on you and your brother for ages. We have hundreds of photos. Times and dates the whole lot. Even Donald giving you money."

"Oh my god." Dean looked shocked

"What is this? Dean, what is going on?" Cathy was totally confused.

"Your husband has been selling secrets to his brother. I am sure you know Donald works for a rival company. Dean has been selling him the monthly financial report for ages. I am sure your aware that he could go to prison for a very long time as well as face a lawsuit for any financial loss to the company. Not to mention the stigma it could attach to your family as well Cathy. All those hoy palloy finding out that your husband is a thief, an industrial spy."

"Dean? Please say it isn't true and throw them out." Cathy said quietly "Please."

When he didn't reply she cried "Oh my god what have you done? Why?"

"It would seem that Deany boy here has got a gambling habit. He owes, some not very nice people, quite a lot of money." I answered for him as he just sat with his head bowed.

"Dean!" Cathy shouted, "Tell me it isn't true. Say something for Gods sake"

Her raised voice shook him from his daze. "I'm afraid what he says is true Cathy. Donald and I had the idea so that I could get the money and he could curry favour with his new boss. It has been going on for over a year. But I don't owe any money, I managed to pay it off."

I turned to Dave who till now had said nothing, just stood next to me. "Get that Dave?"

Dave pulled his phone to his ear and after a couple of clicks the last bit of conversation reverberated round the room. With a smile he said, "Wonderful things mobile phones, and it's on video by the way."

Cathy started to sob. Mumbling "Stupid stupid man." over and over.

Dean took a deep breath. "How much do you want?"

"Oh we don't want money, we could have got that months ago. No we want something else, something special." I said

"Whatever it is Dean you give it to them. This will break daddies heart and poor mummy." another sob left her mouth.

"Pull yourself together Cathy don't let these morons get to you. Remember who you are." Dean said. It must have hit a note as she took a deep breath and seemed to pull herself together. "Now! What is it you want?" Dean asked.

In unison Dave and I looked at Cathy. "Well it may go someway to keeping us happy if Cathy was to take that dress off." I said

Cathy was stunned, her mouth dropped open and her hands automatically lifted to her chin. Her arms covering the ample cleavage she was showing in her posh frock. "No! Never. You go to hell" she said, shocked.

"You can't...." Dean started, "Can she leave the room while we discuss this. I need to say something....personal."

"No!" I replied, "But we can move over there if you like." I nodded across the large room.

Dean got up and Dave and I followed him. The distance allowed us to lower our voices and not be overheard. "You can't do this. She's innocent. She had no part in this. She was educated in a convent for Christ's sake. She knows nothing of men apart from me and believe me you wouldn't want our sex life. Why do you think I gamble?"

"Maybe we should let her decide?" Dave said

"What do you want from her. Is it just to ogle at her you perverts." Dean said realising he had raised his voice.

I put my face into his. "No. She can start by getting her kit off. I don't know about Dave but I fancy a nice slow blow job. The last time we met she used that mouth to sneer at us. Now we will see who is in charge."

"She wont do it." Dean said stubbornly.

"What? Never given you a blow job Deano?" Dave asked.

"It's not that....

"So she has then." I interjected.

"She's not very good at it and only does it to please me. I told you she was educated in a convent. She knows nothing about sex. We only do it once a week to keep me quiet. Her marital duty as she puts it."

"Well if it's a choice between you going to prison along with the ensuing social castration. Or doing what we ask she should have the choice at least." I said. Then I headed back across the room .All this time she had been staring at us, agitated. Now she shrank into the settee.

As we approached Dean whispered, "At east let me be the one to tell her what you want."

"That's ok with me." Dave said

"Ok Cathy. This is the situation." I said, "We have enough information on Dean to send him to prison for a very long time. Not only that but the social stigma attached, not only to the crime but him being in prison, will be with you for the rest of your life. You and your family, including of course your sister. As it was Deans brother Donald who received the goods will also go to prison. Do you understand the situation you are in?"

I had to give her credit. She took a deep breath and visibly pulled herself together. Sitting upright she said, "I understand. What do you want from us?"

"I will let Dean tell you that and you can make your own mind up"

Dave and I went across the room so they could be 'alone'. Her face reddened and I could see her shaking her head. After a few minutes serious discussion, in which it seemed Dean was the most agitated they looked over and beckoned us.

Dean sat silently. "I will do as you ask." Cathy said. "But Dean has told you that not...."

"Not much good at sucking cock. Yeah he said." I interrupted, "But are you willing to do it, and are you willing to be guided by us so that we can enjoy it more."

She hesitated and looked up at Dean. "I don't have much choice do I if that's what it takes to get Dean out of this predicament then I will do it."

"It will certainly go some way to ease your position." I said

"What do you mean? Some way?" Dean asked

"Well a quick blow job isn't going to make up for 30 years in prison let alone the rest of it." Dave said

"Dean!" Cathy said, "Please leave us."

"No! I think he should stay. We don't want him calling the police while he is out of the room do we?"

"You don't expect me to stand here and watch as you do....whatever to my wife do you?" he said angrily.

"Dean be quiet," Cathy said again, "If you hadn't been stupid enough to get us in this mess these men wouldn't even be here."

With that she stood up and lifted the halter neck over her head, she took a deep breath and with her eyes closed she dropped the posh frock to the floor. I could see she was shaking. Her bra was not what you would term a turn on, although half cup it was made of thick material

"Now the bra." I said. She did well, reaching back and unclipping it, letting it drop to the floor. Those tits hardly moved, a slight drop but no more. They stood out in front of her proudly. She stood for a second and then her upbringing clicked in and her arms came up, pushing those wonderful mammeries together in an attempt to cover her embarrassment. I walked up to her and lightly touched her arms. "Put your arms down, your hiding nothing." I said gently

Pulling herself to her full height, which was about five foot seven, she let her arms drop to her side. Staring straight ahead. As I ran a hand over her arms and then across her shoulders she closed her eyes. Screwing up her face as I moved down to her breasts, a shudder as I brushed her nipple. Dave had joined me by now and we took a tit each, playing with it gently, running a hand down her back to the waist band of her not so sexy briefs. I lowered my mouth to her nipple and felt her tense as my tongue brushed it, then tense again with a sharp intake of breath as I took it into my mouth. Dave never was very imaginative or inventive and just followed what I did, when I did it.

Cathy was shaking like a leaf and I could see tears in her eyes as she stared ahead, her eyes flickering. "Now I need you to go to your knees" I said. She complied without a word. I guided her through undoing my zip and lowering my jeans and boxers and told her to do the same to Dave. I told her to take each cock into her hands and talked her through how to manipulate them to the best advantage, using her thumb to increase pressure to the bell end as and when needed. Then I told her to focus on Dave and to use her spare hand on his balls. All this I did with a degree of tenderness in my voice and she didn't put up any objection, though she did try to turn her head to one side.

"Now I need you to open your mouth and put his cock in." She hesitated but slowly her mouth opened and moving forward she took him past her lips but no further. "That's it. Now slowly close your mouth and then move your lips from the top down to the bottom, all the time playing with his balls, and then back again."

She did as I told her and nearly choked as Dave's cock hit her throat. She took a minute to gather herself and then continued. Slowly I talked her through the refineries of cock sucking and I could tell by Dave's face that her technique was improving. All the while I played with her tits and ran my hand up and down her back down to her bum. I motioned for Dave to move back a little so that Cathy would have to lean forward, raising her bottom off her knees. This allowed me to run my hand over her bottom and between her bum cheeks to her inner thighs, I deliberately avoided her pussy at this time. As I brushed her inner thighs she gave a sharp intake of breath. She went to pull away but Dave held her head to his cock and I had a hand on her back, holding her still. Dean went to get up but I glared at him leaving him in no doubt that he only had one chance