Two for Two

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Two dads - Two daughters.
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Mattie and I were in the kitchen making the best hotdogs you ever saw and ever tasted. Big fat dogs, relish, mustard, ketchup, chili, and onions. A vegetable eaters dream. Except for the dog maybe but hogs eat vegetables too. You could eat our hotdogs by hand. A lot of hotdogs get soaked with the juices and fall out the bottom. Not ours. The buns were made so that didn't happen. Hot steamed buns and dogs. Sodas and chips. You gotta work them in slowly, chewing slowly. Enjoying the flavor slowly.

Mattie said, "Dad, sex."

"What about sex." I said.

She said, "You haven't been intimate with a woman for a long time. You're messing up my sex life. I want things to be more sexual. I want to tell Kate little stories about your sex life. Besides, if you're intimate with somebody you'll let me be kind of loose around the house. I haven't worn one of my nighties around the house since last summer. I want to take my panties and bra off and parade around in a see through gown. I want you to shake your finger at me in shock. Kate feels about the same way with Ted."

Mattie is my daughter. I'm Marc. We live here alone. Ted lives alone with his daughter. Her name is Kate. He and I got to be friends. Our houses are about the same. Our businesses are about the same. Our lives are about the same. Sometimes we vacation together. We're going to put our daughters in a nut house together.

Ted and I both know how lucky we are the girls decided to stay at home after they got out of school. They do have fun, mostly by driving me and Ted crazy. They have careers and take the courses they're interested in instead of college full time. I guess they don't want to quote poetry, like, 'Do not for the sake of strife love thyself less nor the waters more nor bend with the wind'. I think it came out that way because bend and wind rhymed. Otherwise it could be 'jump with a lump' or some such thing. I gave Mattie a nod or two which meant I would think about it which she knew meant I wasn't going to think about it.

The girls are both 20 and good looking, good figures and about 5ft7. They spent half their time in school together and never argue or even disagree that much. I'd speak more about her figure but I don't want to think that way. She does have a point and I'm sure the situation is the same with Kate. I was thinking on it.

I thought I would start us off. I didn't want her to get the upper hand. Later on in the evening I was ready for bed with just my t-shirt and briefs on and turned the corner and went to her bedroom and knocked on the door. She opened it and ran her eyes up and down with a smirk smile.

She said, "Hi dad. Would you like to come in?"

She wasn't all that dressed either with no bra and a gown but she did have panties on. I didn't look all that much. I got up on the bed and sat with my legs crossed. She did too. Her eyes stayed on my crotch a lot. I sort of let her.

"Mattie," I said. "About what you mentioned about being more sexual. I was that way so I understand. I don't know how far I can go so go easy when I'm obstinate."

"Thanks dad," she said. "Me too. Kate and I were talking about this. There's a ton of stuff we can do that's a major turn on without crossing the desert but no reason not to stop off at the oasis for a little feast as long as we don't eat an apple, so to speak. I'm thinking you don't want to put your penis in my vagina. Probably the same with Ted and Kate. Other than that we might as well give each other some fun."

Having to realize she's a woman isn't all that difficult and she surely deserves being treated like an adult. I guess I'm in dad trouble but she sure seemed to make a lot of sense.

We have a den type room at the back of the house. Open to the kitchen. Nice big windows to the back yard and patio doors, all with motor driven curtains that close off all the light for tv if we want. We have some exercise equipment scattered around. Not a lot. That evening Mattie came in with a top that was cut off just below her breasts. She had nipple impressions showing. When she raised her arm I could see the bottom rim of her breast. She also had on some kind of shorts that were white and so thin I could see dark hair down in front.

I couldn't help but look. She got on the exerbike and set the drag and got going. Her breasts swayed back and forth almost hypnotically and her legs were open for the pedals on each side and her shorts were moving with her legs. She smiled at me and sat back and held onto the edge of the seat with both hands and closed her eyes, feet going pretty good. She wasn't dead on pointing herself at me but I could see her crotch clearly. With the lighting off to the side a little I could see shadows in there every time she peddled.

It wasn't long before the center of her shorts started to work themselves down in between. I started getting hard but she couldn't see it. She certainly was getting things more sexual. Well, I did agree so I turned a little and picked up my magazine. I was pushing up in my pants and it was noticeable. I slid down just a little so the bottom of my top didn't interfere with her view. The next time she opened her eyes she smiled. I guess I was doing ok.

The doorbell rang so I went to the door so Mattie didn't have to stop. It was Kate. I said, "Hi Kate. Mattie's on the bike. Something to drink?"

"Yes, please," she said. "I'll get it."

She kissed me on the cheek and got a soda and we went to the den. Mattie slowed down and stopped and they chatted away. I went back to my reading but sat straighter in case I came up again. I went down going to the door. It wasn't long before Kate took off her exercise jacket and pants. She was dressed about like Mattie. Pure sex on deck. She got on the bike and did almost the same as Mattie.

It was a lot more interesting watching Kate. She has one of the best bed stomach's I've ever seen. Kate projected her sex a little more. Mattie sort of let hers flow at you. Both are great. Mattie came over and sat down beside me.

She said, "Dad. The reason we're dressing like this is for you and Ted. You don't have to look away or sneak a look. Nobody else can see us but us. Look all you want and enjoy it. We certainly like watching what we do to you."

It wasn't all that easy to just stare at their crotches or boobs but I'd certainly try to follow her directions. Kate's crotch was doing about the same as Mattie's. Sometimes she opened her legs more and her pants dropped in more. Since I could see a dark hair image underneath on both I was pretty sure neither had on any underwear. Kate slowly got into a swivel, left and right, peddling. It made her ridges more accented and uneven and moving. Both had mounds that came out so nicely.

When Kate finished biking they both lined up, facing away from me and spread their legs out and exercised. Twisting left and right and bending over reaching well back under their legs and touching the floor. Their pants were stretched tight right on their you know what with everything clearly defined. I got harder and harder. I was looking at both and Mattie got me going as much as Kate. Well, she said to look.

They both had my dick working itself crazy most of the evening until Kate left. Sometimes she spends the night and sometimes Mattie does at her house. Before we went to bed Mattie said, "You know you don't have to worry about putting your penis in her vagina, dad. Kate is probably going to tell Ted the same thing about me after we exercise at her house. I want to get you in bed, please. I need a few lessons. If you can't do something you can say so." She gave me a peck and I went to bed.

I suppose hugging with clothes on and hugging with clothes off is the same thing except you get turned on. I didn't see anything wrong with that. I could have an orgasm. She could have an orgasm. We both do that anyway. It gives her a chance to extend her feelings. Extends mine too. I wasn't sure what to think about her showing Ted what she showed me. Kate sure did a thing on me and I wasn't all that reserved or worrying about Ted. If Ted got a little of Mattie he probably wouldn't be all that reserved or worrying about me. I could see where this was going.


The next evening Mattie and Kate were out at a concert. I was hoping they would be trolling for boys but I didn't think they would yet. I was at Ted's house in his hot tub. His house is about two blocks away. It was a big one, we weren't sitting that close to each other. We didn't mingle feet. Lights were low. We had wine. The water was only body warm, not hot or steaming. Lots of bubbles. All the seats had bubble nozzles right where a crotch would be. My balls were being bubbled and my dick was hard. We could sit and play with our dicks and the bubbles prevented seeing down in, particularly with the low light.

Ted said, "I guess the girls are doing to you about the same thing they're doing to me."

"From what they're saying I'd say so," I said. "I don't know what to do about it. They don't seem to want to hook up outside. Sooner or later they will. I'm afraid if I don't come across she'll move out. I'm not trying to hang on to her here but I'm hoping she won't go until she's ready, not because of me."

"Exactly," he said. "About what I was trying to put into words. If Kate takes me I suppose it would be ok. Her decision. I think she wants me to give her the opportunity. I guess I could do that. She can't get pregnant. Easies my mind a little if she takes me but it's the same thing."

"Exactly," I said. "The other thing is swapping us. What do we do about that?"

"Marc, there's no way this is going to come out right but I'll say it and we can change our words and thinking until it works," he said. "They're working together on this. Kate is displaying Mattie's wares along with her own. Mattie isn't related and I understand she can't get pregnant either. It isn't easy to walk away from that. Lot of natural desire. If my Kate wants to jump your bones I know she'll enjoy the experience and learn a lot. Maybe that's her point. Hard to argue against that just because I know you."

"Swap the names and it sounds like what I'd say," I said. "Neither one of us is particularly after the other's daughter and neither one of us is particularly after our own daughter. We're at this point probably because we didn't go out and find another woman. We're going to pay the price but the girls will get the experience they want, or need, to move on eventually. That may be the best we can hope for and I'm happy with that and I'll do the best job I can."

Ted said, "Sir, I think we are in agreement. Thank you and good luck to both of us."

"Yes, I agree," I said.


The next evening Mattie brought supper home. I loved her when she did that so we didn't have to cook. While eating she said, "How would you like to romp around in bed tonight?" She sat, waiting for an answer.

I said, "Ok but we should try for some limits."

Between bites and chewing she said, "Ok but what if you're really close. Can you hold off?"

"Yes," I said.

"Ok, but what if you're right there. I mean right at it, touching. Can you hold off?"

"Yes," I said.

"What if I swiveled my hips around because it felt so good and I happen to make you penetrate a millionth of an inch. Could you hold off?"

"Yes," I said.

"What about nipples. Are they taboo?"

"Of course not," I said. "They're just nipples. Everybody has nipples."

"So, I guess butts are like nipples. What about clits?"

"Clits are a special case," I said. "You have to ask."

"Ok," she said. "What about a penis?"

"Same as a clit," I said.

I was giving her something to think about but if her clit was in play I was absolutely going for it. Playing with clits is one of the things we live for. If she wanted my penis to play with I'd tie a red ribbon around it and present it as hard as I could and do my best to enjoy every little finger and breath.

"What are you going to wear?" She said.

"I'm going to wear a pair of boxers with the slit up the front so they're going to be worthless and you might as well take them off," I said. "You dress accordingly."

"I'll have to wait until supper settles down," she said.

"I don't blame you," I said. "I'm going watch the news and take a shower and relax some."

She wasn't smiling all that much but a little. I think I had the upper hand and it was starting to get real. I could hold off like I said. If we got in that position I knew she was going to play chicken with me. She may get me in her a half an inch or so. I could live with that. Maybe a little more. It would be hard to tell but I did have experience. I would have to get in my mind how it feels in there a half an inch or a little more. I was sitting there under the table while chewing thrusting my hips to get the right distance. She couldn't tell. I didn't want to give her a preview. It felt like I was out of my boxers.

I heard Mattie taking her shower earlier. I was fidgeting so I went to bed. Big bed. Bed side lights on and I was reading on my tablet, sitting up. I liked that better because my screen kept flipping sideways when I was on my pillow. I left the bedroom door open. I had on boxers. I was calm. Mattie came in. I wasn't calm anymore. She had on a gown about as see through as you can get. Boobs and nipples clear and no pants. Dark tuff right there in front.

She said, "I figured it would be dark or we'd be under the sheets so I didn't wear all that much. Besides, I like my nipples rubbing on my gown. Keeps them up."

She walked around the bed and climbed in. Her breasts swung around so erotically they almost pulled me away from looking at her tuff. She got right on the edge of her pillow near me. It was jammed up against mine. I got rid of my tablet and slid down facing. She got her arms around my neck and got close enough to get me on three sides. I was already hard.

"Oh," she said. A few moments went by while she adjusted a little. "Pardon my American but that's a very fucking erotic feeling." I guess we both bore in and enjoyed the feelings together. It was that kind of feeling. She said, "Dad. I know you're just as nervous as I am. I'm hoping to get to where we're more intimate. Lifelong intimate. A special relationship, even after I'm married, assuming I will be. I don't want it to ever stop. We'll find a way, find the time. I want you to live with sex. Me or Kate. Kate wants the same with Ted."

"Just so you know Kate is probably doing the same thing with Ted right now that I'm doing with you."

While she was talking she was pushing my boxers down and down and down. Her gown was up around her waist. That's all she had on and it wasn't really on. With my boxers off she bore in again. I could feel her tuff tickling my dick head. It was bare as soon as my foreskin did a drag race down below my ridge when she came in the door. I got rid of some semen early this morning but I knew I was full again.

"Can I get on top," she said.

Actually I would have preferred to keep kissing. She was a great kisser. Not ok or pretty good. She was great. She knew all the tongue moves and lip moves and twists and turns and what and where to push her body against me in concert with the kissing highlights. Where did she learn all that? She was back to kissing but pulled her upper body back and took off her gown without moving my dick except for some wiggling, which was earth shaking.

How could I answer if she didn't stop kissing. I finally turned over on my back and pulled her waist, up and down, and she was on. My legs were closed and hers were out beside mine and she moved up on me. My dick was getting lower. It cleared her crotch and she moved back down and I got jammed in down there. I couldn't tell where. I didn't care where as long as I was down there.

She said, "Thrust a little. For play. For fun. For sex."

Mattie was trying to influence me, convince me. I thought it would be good for her, suspense, anticipation, accomplishment, conquering, satisfying. All those others. I would feel the same things. I thrust until I got into her somewhere. She adjusted and reached down and got her hands under my buns.

Marsha used to do that. Sometimes we called her Marsh. Her mom. I reached down on her buns and swiveled both hands down under down in between her thighs and spread my fingers a little on her lower ridges and pulled outward. They were already open a little. I felt around down in until I knew exactly where her entrance was and worked the head of my dick right in. I held it at about half a head's worth and let go and got back up on her buns. It was normal copperplate with Marsh. Mattie was working me the same way. How does she know all this? It can't be happenstance.

She got her lips on mine again and began pulling my buns upward and over together. My dick went ahead. At the same time I started working her vagina with her buns, pushing down and over. My knees came up some, spread out just a little, my feet planted for leverage, my thighs not impeding. Her body and breasts kept me in position. She had me where she could fuck me silly.

She kept working my buns and I kept working hers. I was up in about two or three inches. She was open enough near the entrance. She seemed to be a little tighter the further we went and we didn't go that far each time. At about four or five inches she was more active. Marsh was that way when her G-spot got going. Mattie was pulling me almost out each time. She was whimpering a little when I started back in each time. She had fingers from both hands down in my butt crack getting squashed when I squeezed and thrust up and over.

If I wasn't as hard as a rock blocking it off I would be peeing all over her, or in her. I got my fingers, both hands, in her butt crack and she was squeezing mine too. It was very erotic her moving her chest around kissing me one way then the other. We finally got where I was pressing into her clit each time she grounded me into her crotch hard. She had my whole eight and a third inches and whatever she could get from pushing my sack down lower and stretching my dick skin down.

The last part of her vagina was starting to open up a little more making it easier. She had lube on. It was really smooth going in. That's why she got me in first thing. She didn't want me to know she was already lubed and ready. The mechanics was almost more than I could bear. She was fully down my body and moving her hips along with pulling me up into her. With me thrusting, the total action between me and her was stunning. The emotions off the wall. Where did this come from with her? I didn't know if I should ask.

She went at a pace to hold off orgasms. I thought she might go until she couldn't fuck anymore, until her mind got filled up. Ted and Kate flashed through my mind. I could image Kate where Mattie was at and doing what she was doing and I got harder and thrust a little more. Mattie must have notice, she picked up her pace. Maybe she thought I was getting into an orgasm. If she kept this up I would be fairly soon. I was starting to get cross-eyed.

We stopped kissing so we could get enough oxygen in through our mouths. It was getting to be a frenzied fuck. She got faster and she was starting to pinch my buns as she pulled me up. Her breathing was fast. I was looking right at her when her eyes came fully open and wide. Her mouth was open and her nose was flapping with breathing and her head was back. Her mouth closed suddenly and she smiled downwards like a mean person and started a loud continuous hum.

She stopped pulling me into her but I didn't stop thrusting and pushing her down. It was too much. She let go of my buns. Her hands stayed there under me. She was collapsed on my chest and about that time I shot out a stream of semen at the top of my stroke and stayed there a split second and pulled back and kept doing that until I couldn't anymore. I collapsed under her.