Two Girls in Tokyo Ch. 01


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"I just remembered something," I said. "My mom has some unmarked videos stashed in her bedroom. I bet they're porno."

"What's your mom doing with porno?" Nobu asked.

"Her loser boyfriends like it, I guess," I said. "Anyway, let's find out."


I came back with six videos, and sure enough they were porno. The girls in most of them were familiar. That is, we'd seen their faces on posters advertising their videos, and in magazines some of the boys had. One of them, her name was Aiko ("Love Girl"), didn't have much of a body for a girl of eighteen or nineteen. She had bony hips, a hairy pussy, and small, though fairly nice looking tits. I'd seen her picture a lot, but since I was so attracted to Nobuko's round curves and fuzzy mound, couldn't figure out her appeal. Later I learned she had more than a dozen titles to her name.

I laugh now because I don't look much different, though I have a much better ass. In fact for someone who's skinny, I have a really great ass. Anyway, it's an effective look for a dominatrix. For some reason being skinny makes me look more threatening. And besides, from her videos I learned that having a so-called "good body" had nothing to do with being good at sex. She fucked like a wild animal, and I took my cue from her. After I started doing porn, I got the chance to thank her personally, even though by that time she'd retired. She said that she'd been fucked enough to last two life-times, and besides, she'd made a ton of money and now had her own business, backing amateur porn. "And now I get to decide who I fuck," she had told me with a smile. We sure had fun, but that's another story for another time.

None of the videos were very extreme; just your basic fuck flicks, showing positions that are uniquely Japanese. Nothing like what I would later make, but they were certainly explicit enough to give a couple of horny virgins an education. Thanks to those videos, once we got our hands on a guy, we'd know exactly what to do with him, even if that first guy we had didn't. It would have saved us a lot of trouble if mom had had at least one lesbian video, but we figured anything a guy could do to a girl, we could do to each other. Well, almost, since we didn't really know about dildos, and had not yet seen a strap on. We talked about using a cucumber or something but decided we didn't want to give our cherries to a vegetable.

We watched one of Aiko's videos and one of another girl who had a "much better" body but not as much enthusiasm as Aiko. Or maybe we just weren't really watching. Shortly into the second video we started to pay more attention to each other (remember, we hadn't bothered to put anything on after coming out of the bath). Whenever the girl started moaning loudly we'd look up from our fondling, but we obviously were more interested in each other. We figured that we'd seen enough and went upstairs.

We went to my bedroom and laid out the futons. Then we spread out the covers, but instead of getting under, we just fell on top of them, our arms and legs entangled, kissing like we couldn't keep our lips apart. I wanted to absorb her, and that night I learned most of what I ever needed to know about a woman's body. We rolled around, intertwined like that for awhile, until I was lying on top of her. Taking my cue from one of the videos we'd seen, I straddled her belly, my ass resting lightly on her hips. Then I pinned her arms and just stared at her, taking in her beautiful round face. "What?" she asked. I answered by attaching my mouth to hers.

I lowered myself, pressing my nipples against her beasts and moved off of her mouth to explore her ear and neck with my tongue. I moved my legs in between hers, placing my weight on her and grinding our mounds together. I let go of her wrists to steady myself, and moved my tongue down her neck-line to between her breasts. As I licked them, her body began to shake slightly, and when I finally applied my lips to her nipples she arched her back in response. I cupped her breasts, one in each hand, and licked and sucked one nipple, then the other. She now had one hand on my head, fingers gripping my hair, while she pushed the other between us to get to her pussy.

I gave her nipple one last little love-bite, then licked and kissed my way to down between her legs. I didn't plunge in immediately, but instead just lapped at the tiny folds of skin at the top of her legs. This was not because I knew what I was doing, or I was trying to extent her pleasure, though I did notice what it was doing to her. No, I just wasn't sure I wanted to carry this to its logical conclusion. Could I actually put my tongue in there? What would it taste like? The videos weren't much help because in the videos the actual contact is blocked out by a computer generated mosaic. Even with the censorship it was obvious what was happening when the girl had the guy's penis in her mouth, but when the guy went down, it was not so clear. Then I figured, 'why would a girl suck a cock if she wasn't getting some of the same?' and dove in.

First I applied my tongue to the apex of her slit and felt her body shiver slightly. I moved up and down the length of her crack, getting a slight taste of what was inside. I slipped my tongue in and found pure honey, and all trepidation about what I was doing left me. I had licked her all over and I loved how her skin tasted, but that pleasure was nothing compared to the nectar glistening on her virgin labia.

I probed deeper, exploring her interior, then started sucking on her clit. Nobu's body reacted with a shutter, and she lifted her ass into the air, as if to get my face deeper yet. I lifted her legs, and held them over her body (more help from the video). Her dripping pussy was now pointing straight up. She hooked her arms behind her knees to hold her legs in the air. This put her anus into full view as well, and if I'd been thinking, what I did next never would have occurred to me, but I was so hot and so into the moment that I easily passed my tongue into her cherry star. Nobu shuttered again, and almost dropped her legs.

"Hold my butt," she managed to get out. She seemed to be having trouble breathing. I stopped what I was doing and put my hands on her lovely round ass. She stuck a couple of pillows under the small of her back, and settled her weight on them. Then she grabbed me by the hair and forced my face back into her muff. I also could hardly breathe, but her scent and her taste were so intoxicating that I hardly noticed. I was sucking on her clit with a whole new intensity, and her body was soon convulsing from one long earth-moving orgasm. When she finished she seemed to just melt on the spot. I moved the pillows and lay down next to her. She put her head on my shoulder and her leg across my hips. She was a little heavy, but that was fine.

"I'll do the same for you in a minute," she said, mindlessly squeezing one of my very hard, very erect nipples. I was already getting wet with anticipation, but I would have to wait. Nobu was fast asleep. I was a little disappointed, but just lying next to her had me wet, so I fingered myself to an easy climax, and fell into a deep sleep myself.


I dreamt of swimming naked in a vast calm ocean of carbonated water, the bubbles caressed my skin, keeping me at the edge of climax. I wasn't on the surface, but somehow I could breathe. Tiny fish would swim up and suck on my nipples. Then something wrapped itself gently around my ankle and pulled me to the ocean's floor. I settled into the soft sand and stretched out. A giant octopus had my ankles, his arms moving up my body. Far from being afraid, I raised my ass off of the sand to offer myself to him. He attached his sucker mouth to my vagina, his eight arms exploring the rest of my body. (There is a print by a famous Japanese artist of a woman and an octopus entwined as in my dream, and I now have a reproduction of it on my wall. My friends always ask its significance, but I just say that I think it's kind of interesting). The octopus's mouth became like a vacuum, and the orgasm it produced would have caused a tsunami had we really been in the ocean. It was enough to wake me up. I looked between my legs to find not an octopus, but Nobuko. She was smiling and wiping her mouth.

"Good morning," she said. Given the context, this seemed like a really idiotic thing to say, and I think that Nobu thought too; she was grinning quite foolishly.

"That was great," I said.

"Yes, it was," she said, going down once again. She didn't engage in any of the preliminary licking that I had applied to her, though she may have while I was asleep. Instead, she just dove right in, driving her tongue deep into me. She lifted my legs, almost pinning my knees against my shoulders. I put the pillow under me, but she held my legs there, shoving her face deeper into me. I thought that the first orgasm I had had that morning was so intense because of the dream images, but I soon discovered it was Nobu's natural skill. She'd feel me close to climaxing and lift her head. Then she'd start working with her tongue, moving from my clit to my anus and back again. I grabbed her head and forced her face hard against me. I didn't let go of her until the last flutter of my orgasm had rippled away.

Nobu moved the pillows and climbed on top of me, attaching her mouth to mine. She hadn't wiped her mouth this time, and I got a good taste of my own juices. It made me wish I could lick myself. We laid there for awhile kissing, fondling, embracing, and this is when Nobu told me that she loved me. At that moment I loved her too, even in the same way that she meant it, and I was just getting ready to go down on her again when she noticed it was getting light out.

"Don't you think that we should get up?" she said.

"Why?" I asked. "It's Sunday."

"What about your mom?"

"She's asleep," I said. "If she'd checked on us, we'd have known about it already." My mom may have been a bar hostess, but she was still rather conventional; I doubt she would have approved.

"Okay," she said, and began kissing me.

We made love one more time, and fell asleep in each other's arms. When we woke up it was close to noon.

"I'm hungry," she said. Marathon sex is taxing.

"I'm sure we can find something in the kitchen," I said, "but I'd rather get out of here while mom's still asleep." We put the bedding away, got cleaned up, and reluctantly got dressed.


"We need a boy," I said on our way to the station as we talked and laughed about last night's adventure.

"What do we need a boy for," Nobuko replied. "We have each other."

"Sure, but I don't want to be a virgin forever," I said. "Or even for another week. Don't you want to know what it's like to feel a cock inside of you? Aiko sure seemed to enjoy it."

"Of course I want to try it. I just don't want some boy coming in between us."

"No boy, even when we have boyfriends, will ever come between us," I said.

"Okay," she said. "Now, let's go eat."

We ran the rest of the way to the station, and we were still laughing when we ran into McDonald's. In fact, we were laughing so hard that we had to order by pointing at menu on the counter. The counter-girl looked confused, and the manager eyed us disapprovingly, but we managed to get what we ordered.

"So how are going to get a boy?" Nobu asked while we were eating.

"I don't know yet," I said. "Maybe we could ask Rie." Rie was an older girl at work.

"We don't really know her," Nobu said. "She'd probably just shine us on."

"Probably," I said. "Maybe we could ask some the gang girls from high school. They've all been laid and I see some of them around sometimes."

"No," Nobu said. "All the guys they hang out are greasy assholes."

"Good point," I said. "I want to fuck. I don't want to get raped."

"The boys we see around school are always reading those nasty comics," Nobu said. "One of them must want to do something besides just read about it."

From the window of the restaurant I could see the station platform. "I've got an idea," I said, watching the people get on and off the train.

"What's that?"

"Aside from school, where do we usually see them reading those comics?"

"I don't think I want to do it with a guy from our school," Nobu said.

"Neither do I. So where else? On the train, right? So, we'll just ride on the train, checking out the guys who are cute, then if we can get one who's by himself, or better yet, a pair of them, we'll just ask them."

"Ask them? Just like that? On the train?"

"I guess we'd have to say hello first," I said sarcastically.

"Very funny," Nobu said.

"We have to find' em first, anyway," I said. "Tomorrow, after school."

Nobu just frowned.

"Let's at least try it," I said, and Nobu agreed. I really didn't know the first thing about meeting boys, but since I was trying to have sex with them, it couldn't be that difficult, right? I mean, everybody knows that most boys are sex crazy.

During the next week, as soon as classes were out, we'd head for the station and ride around on the train for a couple of hours. There were always a lot of boys, but almost always in groups, or with their girlfriends. We did see a few loners, but they were never cute. By Friday we gave up and went over to my place to "play."

I'd figured out that most of the girls that we knew that were no longer virgins (and this meant most of the girls I knew) had achieved that blissful end with the aid of their boyfriends. Wasn't there some other way of doing this? I really didn't want a boyfriend, hanging on me, treating me like I belong to him, expecting me to make his lunch box. Fuck that. And Nobuko was even more set against having a boyfriend than I was. I didn't want to fall in love; I just wanted to get laid. I mean, what's a girl gotta do to get fucked anyway?

I thought about getting a guy, and faking the whole girlfriend thing until I got what I wanted, but I couldn't get any of the guys I was interested in sleeping with to even look at me. Those girls with the "good" bodies were getting everything I wanted, and it pissed me off. I doubt that I could have articulated it at the time, but it was then that I decided that I would be the best fuck any guy ever had.

So, at school everything pretty much went on as usually, except that I spent a lot of time plotting ways to snare me a one-time boyfriend. Nobu didn't like my plan at all since she just wanted to make love with me. Of course, I was always willing to comply, and we would sneak away whenever possible to make out. We knew what classrooms were empty when and for how long, for every class period during the day. Mostly we just kissed and groped each other through our clothes, but one of my hands usually found its way up her blouse, and one of hers was always under my skirt and down my panties. To make thing a little easier, Nobu started wearing snap-in-the-front bras, and I switched to skimpier panties. We took huge risks, but we didn't care. Besides, we were in junior college, so what's the worst that could happen? In fact, I don't think we ever really thought about that much. At least I didn't.

What I did think a lot about was how to unburden myself of my virginity. I was in college and I couldn't believe that I was still a virgin. What a fate. It wasn't so much that I wanted to be rid of it, but more than I just wanted to feel what it was like to have a dick inside of me. Nobuko, however, seemed to be perfectly satisfied with the way things were.

"But don't you wanna know what it feels like?" I said one Sunday morning after she had stayed over at my place.

"All I want to feel is my tongue in your sweet pussy, and your tongue in mine." She had a point. That was the morning that discovered six-nine, though we didn't know that it was called that. That first time we were just fooling around on the futons, naked of course, and found ourselves lying together, facing each other's pussies. Nobu was on her back, lying with her legs a little open, and I had my head on her thigh. I just leaned over and started to kiss her slit. She moaned and this encouraged me to apply my tongue with a little more vigor. With that she rolled to her side, lifting her leg. I took hold of her ass and scooted closer. I alternately tugged lightly at her labia with my teeth, and probed her interior with my tongue. This was driving her wild. She wrapped her arm around my waist and roll onto her back, pulling me on top of her.

I suspended myself above her, my knees on either side of her head, my arms resting on her legs. This allowed me to get more serious about licking her pussy, and I drove my face deeper into her sweetness. I found this position gave me better access to her clit, and I sucked on it as I never had before. Her body jerked and she dug her fingers into my ass. Given her fascination with my pussy, I should have known what she had in mind when she moved me into this position, but I was too busy to think. Until she started to lick the space between my anus and my pussy, that is.

She had her arms around my waist and was holding her head up to get to my cunt. When she moved to lick my inner folds, I mirrored her, doing the same thing. Whatever she would do, I'd do, and it felt as if I were eating myself. My pussy convulsed, and in response she pushed tongue deep inside of me. My knees went out from under me, jamming my pussy against her face. She responded by grabbing me around the waist in an attempt to dive even deeper, so I planted my lips even firmer against her and drove my tongue into her as far as I could.

I climaxed first, gripping her head between my legs. I felt that she was close so I took her clit lightly in my teeth and sucked. This did the trick, and she exploded, leaving me with the taste of her warm sweetness in my mouth. I stayed on top of her and turned around, kissing her deeply so we could both get a taste of our own juices. Then I collapsed at her side and fell asleep. Once again I dreamt about getting fucked, a reoccurring dream in those days.

I woke to Nobu lightly fingering one of my nipples. She was leaning on her elbow, looking at me with that dreamy look. "I don't care if I ever have I boy. I just want you," she said when she saw that I was awake.

"I think that everything we do together is wonderful too," I said, "but I've just gotta know. Don't you too?"

"Not really," she said. "I just want you."

"Okay, how about this? After we lose our cherries, we can get some toys, and then we won't need the boys any more." We'd recently got our hands on magazine that told us all about sex toys.

"Why do we need the boys?" she argued. "Let's just get some toys and do it to each other."

"You really want to do it that way? With some piece of plastic?"

"Better than with some dumb guy who could care less about me or even if he's hurting me or not," Nobu said.

"It's suppose to hurt," I said. "I mean the first time."

"I know that," she said, a little annoyed. "I love you, Yuki. I don't want to see you hurt."

"Maybe it's good to be hurt," I shot back. "Maybe hurting the first time is part of the pleasure." I guess I was angry at her because I'd made up my mind that the first time was going to be with a boy, and now she was trying to talk me out of it.

"Maybe it will hurt no matter what," Nobu said. "It's just that the idea of doing it with some guy who doesn't care about me kinda makes me sick." This revelation was a complete surprise to me. Since I was into everything we'd been doing to learn about sex and to feel the pleasure that comes with that learning, I assumed Nobu was in the same boat. I didn't know that she was such a romantic. Was she a lesbian? Was I? Was that the road we had unknowingly started down?

"You see the way men look at me on the street?" Nobu said.

"Of course I do," I said. "I wish that they'd look at me that way."