UCLA to Big D Ch. 05

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Black bull puts devious wife-thieving scheme in motion.
18.5k words

Part 5 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/17/2018
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This story is posted on the Literotica website and the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. There are 18 chapters to this saga and I strongly encourage you to read them continuously (at least the first time around). I think you will find it fun and funny at times, but don't be misled; this is not a warm and fuzzy romance novel. This story contains nefarious characters whose sole purpose is to get laid, regardless of whom they hurt in the process. The themes of non-consent, reluctance, and betrayal are woven throughout the varying topics of interracial sex, lesbian sex, and wife thieving. If these things appeal to you, I expect you will enjoy it very much, if they don't, you should read a different story. My hope is you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I encourage you to stay with it all the way through the epilogue as just about everyone gets what is coming to them in the end...

Any references to celebrities or real-life people or places are purely fictional. Any and all sexual situations regarding these individuals are consensual.

The saga now moves to modern day...Ryan and Jenna Nielsen have been happily married for the past 8 years.


8 Years Later

"Are you almost ready?" Ryan asked as they readied themselves for the party.

"Just a few more minutes, I still feel a little funny attending a swim party for adults," Jenna replied as she applied a little more blush on her cheeks.

"I know, especially for us. It's almost a certainty Cole is going to sell the compound when he moves to Dallas. I hear he's already building a new place down there. I can't imagine he won't use us again to list this place. I have it comp'd at about $26 million. That wouldn't be a bad little kick-off commission for our summer, but let's talk business only if he brings it up. Otherwise I'll call him early next week." Ryan suggested. They both agreed.

He continued, "I'm confident we're in the driver's seat to get the listing, but maybe it wouldn't hurt our cause if you showed him a little cleavage to help cement the deal!" Ryan joked.

Jenna laughed, "I thought you thought he was gay?"

"Fuck if I know, but it'd be hard for any warm-blooded guy to not want to get a better look at those amazing tits of yours."

"Oh is that all, why don't I confirm it one way or another by taking him upstairs and offering a blowjob!" She replied with a laugh.

"If he's not gay, I'm guessing that would definitely get us the listing." Ryan replied with a big grin on his face.

Jenna said more seriously, "I still feel a little funny wearing a bikini to the party of the guy whose home I'm trying to sell in a couple of weeks."

"Cole wants this to be an off-the-hook bash to celebrate his new contract with the Cowboys. The party is supposedly all going to take place outside in the estate grounds and he's encouraging everyone to bring their suits. I'm sure we're going to get an eye-full of some fucked up, low morality folks at this shindig." Ryan said jokingly.

"Yeah, remember that Halloween party we went to at his place a few years ago?"

Ryan laughed and said, "Yeah most of the people were dressed up as drunken naked people. Hey, I heard Snoop Dogg might perform tonight. That would be awesome wouldn't it?"

"Sounds like fun as long as we all don't go streaking down at the quad afterwards!" They both laughed. Aside from her gorgeous looks, smoking body, and superior intelligence, comments like that typified why Ryan loved this woman so much. Jenna was very hip and had a great sense of humor. Not many women besides his wife would reference a hilarious scene from a guy's movie like Old School.

"I hear there are going to be quite a few celebrities there as well," Ryan commented.

"Anyone in particular?"

"I know he is really well connected to folks in the music and film industry. You hear about all those rumors of relationships he's supposedly had in Hollywood and around the world. Personally I'm not convinced, I'm still not sure he isn't gay. You never hear of confirmations of actual sexual relationships with these women. They always seem to be just rumors; he has supposedly hooked up with Britney Spears, Julianne Hough, Erin Andrews and Scarlett Johansson among others! I personally think he would prefer to stay home on Friday nights and study his playbook than explore what's on the inside of Scarlett Johansson's shirt." Ryan said only half-jokingly.

"Oh listen to you Mr. Expert on all things Hollywood. Just because you would rather see what's on the inside of her shirt doesn't mean you know whether he would or not!" Jenna replied as she smiled and slapped him on the chest playfully.

"Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black? You'd like to nuzzle that rack just as much as me; you told me as much last week when we watched that movie Don Jon." He reminded her.

"Guilty as charged..." she said with a smile.

"Speaking of big tits, I'm a little horny seeing you in that sundress, maybe we can take a few minutes for me to explore what you have inside of there before we go!" He said as he came up from behind and grabbed her ample breasts.

"Keep it in your pants big boy, we are running late already. Maybe if you get me drunk tonight you can have your way with me later!" She said as she pushed his hands away turned and puckered her beautiful lips and fake-kissed in his direction. "We need to go."

"You can count on it, tequila girl!"

On the way to Cole's estate Jenna said, "What makes you think Cole is gay anyway?"

"I don't really know if he is or not, but it was weird how he never dated at UCLA when he could have had just about any woman he wanted." Ryan said. "And I've never actually seen him with a woman at any of the parties we've attended."

"He's been connected with a lot of women in the entertainment world. I've seen lots of pictures in the tabloids with him and many of these same women at award shows and parties, etc." Jenna reminded him.

"Shit, Travolta is married to Kelly Preston and that hasn't kept him from being a butt-pirate all these years!" Ryan joked.

"You're impossible!" She said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

A few minutes later Jenna asked, "So how much is he worth anyway?"

"Who? Cole?"


"I read somewhere it is in excess of $200 million. He was the 3rd player drafted in 2010 draft. His first contract with the Chargers was for $20 million. He renegotiated in 2014 and they paid him another $38 million. This deal he just signed with the Cowboys came with a $48 million guarantee and the contract is worth $80 million total.

"No shit?" Jenna asked incredulously.

"You've also seen him on all those commercials for Nike and Coke. They say he earns at least twice what he earns on the field, off of it in endorsements. Aside from the taxes, being a superstar athlete in Southern California has its advantages!" Ryan said. "Playing for the Cowboys won't hurt his marketability either."

He continued, "I've heard he has an incredible public relations and financial management group that keep his public image pristine while making him multi millions of dollars in investments and endorsements."

"Poor guy," Jenna said jokingly, "well we should drink lots of his booze and eat raw oysters to our heart's content tonight. I think he can afford it!"

"Now you're talking Mrs. Nielsen. Not to mention both make you horny." Ryan said loud enough for the Uber driver to hear.

Jenna slapped him on the arm and feigned an embarrassed look on her face.

The drive from Pasadena to Pacific Palisades was only 25 miles, but it took an hour in Friday night traffic. The UberSelect bill was over $100, but worth every penny. Neither Ryan nor Jenna would ever consider driving under the influence. They had made a pact to each other a long time ago, agreeing to never drink and drive.

As they pulled off the street into the long cobblestone driveway, the cars were already backing up. Limos, Porsche's, Mercedes, & Bentley's filled the long circular driveway. As they made their way to the front entrance, they saw several professional athletes including Kobe Bryant and Mike Trout. Jenna recognized several musical performers including Sean Diddy Combs, Drake and Miley Cyrus. "Wow, this is going to be some kind of party!" Jenna whispered to Ryan.

"Yeah, let's go find the bar!" Ryan smiled as he took her hand and led her into the house.

The "house" was an amazing place. Ryan and Jenna had been there before and while they were both accustomed to entering palatial estates in their line of work, this place was unlike many they had ever visited. Huge picture windows overlooked the massive pool complex. Large trees and rain-forest landscaping surrounded the meandering half-acre sized pool. The Pacific Ocean was visible further to the west. Large tents and loud music could be seen and heard on the 2 acre lawn area to the south end of the property. The mouth-watering scent of red meat barbecuing nearby wafted into their noses as they stepped out the arched French doors onto the imported marble patio.

Ryan estimated there were already 350 people in attendance. As they walked through the crowd to one of the outdoor bars, they both pointed out several celebrities to one another. They bellied up to the bar and the bartender poured them a shot of Don Julio 1942 tequila. They both downed the smooth Mexican liquor and ordered another. After drinking both shots, Jenna ordered a tequila sunrise and Ryan ordered a Dos Equis. In his best Spanish accent Ryan said, "I don't always drink beer...but when I do, I like to drink it with hot looking real estate agents in sundresses who are getting fucked up on tequila!" They both laughed and Jenna slapped him on the arm.

Ryan and Jenna walked around looking for celebrities in the crowd; they eventually worked their way around to the pool. Lots of people were already hanging out in the shallow end of the massive pool drinking and laughing. The three separate hot tubs fanning off of the main pool were filled with partygoers. "This is the land of the beautiful people," Ryan said to her. There were a lot of gorgeous tanned women and muscular guys hanging out in the pool. Large breasts were everywhere.

"Did you expect any different?" Jenna said with a smile.

"Nope," Ryan replied quickly, "you want to go for a dip?"

"Sure," Jenna said, "I'd rather go now than after it gets dark!"

They approached the huge temporary cabana that had been installed for the party. There were attendants on site to give them tickets that identified their clothes after they emerged from the changing rooms. The attendant gave Jenna a ticket for her sundress and shoes as well as Ryan's pants, shirt, and sandals. Jenna said, "I don't want to get my hair wet, let's just go in one of the hot tubs for a little bit."

"Sure," Ryan replied, "hopefully we can still find room."

Ryan and Jenna circled the pool before finding a tub with space; they set their towels down and Jenna removed her cover-up and they both kicked off their footwear. All the guys in the tub checked Jenna out as she dipped her feet in the hot water before she and Ryan climbed in with drinks in hand. It was quite a party in the spacious hot tub; there was a large mix of people sharing the hot swirling Jacuzzi with them. They didn't readily recognize anyone in particular, but Ryan suspected some of the guys were professional athletes. Lots of gold chains and expensive jewelry adorned the bodies of both the men and women. Most of the guys in the tub were black, but the women were mostly white. There were two other all-white couples in addition to Ryan and Jenna.

The Nielsen's struck up a conversation with one of those couples sitting nearby. The guy was a former strong safety with the Chargers named Trent Lawlor who Cole had played with in San Diego. Ryan remembered his name, but that was about it. Trent had 4 good years with the Chargers, mainly on special teams, but called it quits at 27. Trent and his wife were now living down in Newport Beach; he was coaching at UC Irvine. His wife Lisa was a pretty brunette with nice C-cup sized tits. The guys talked football as the women laughed and pointed out all the celebrities they had seen at the party. The server came by and took their order for another round of drinks. Ryan ordered a bourbon on the rocks and Jenna a Grey Goose and tonic. After everyone ordered, Trent nodded to the server and quietly told her to bring four shots of Patron. Everyone feigned anger at Trent when the shots arrived, but they downed them all and continued having a good time.

As Ryan and Trent discussed the state of the current NFL, one of Ryan's former teammates at UCLA JJ Riley walked by, Ryan yelled out to him, "JJ Riley is that you?" The former Bruin's receiver came over, they high-fived and talked about how long it had been since they had seen each other. JJ said, "Hey we are playing some Bocce over on the courts across the way, you guys ought to come over and join us. Your ladies are welcome to come as well." He looked over at Jenna and said, "It's been a long time Jenna, how are you?"

Jenna responded with a friendly smile, "I'm good JJ; hopefully things are good with you too. Ryan and I miss hearing all your female conquest stories!" Everyone laughed. Jenna and Lisa thanked JJ for the offer but told the guys to go play, they were going to hang out and talk. After the guys left, Jenna said, "This is such a great party, I didn't expect to see so many celebrities."

"Cole is connected in so many circles, I'm not surprised," replied Lisa, "he has so many friends in Southern California; I'm sure they all wanted to come and wish him the best for his move to Dallas. Plus you know, everyone is always looking for a good party in LA; this is the place to be for the rich and famous on this Saturday night!"

"You could say that again, but how is he so well connected in Hollywood?" Jenna asked.

"Oh you know the whole movie star, music industry, professional athlete connection. Everyone is rich and good looking, lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll! It's always been that way and it will be forever. When Trent was playing, we got invited to some of the craziest, inappropriate parties." Lisa laughed as she was reminded of them.

She went on, "As for Cole Steele, the man is a magnet for beautiful women. He's great looking, famous, loaded, and built like a Greek God. What woman wouldn't want to bone him?"

"So he isn't gay?" Jenna asked.

"Gay, where did you get that idea? Haven't you seen the magazines? It seems he is with a different Hollywood starlet every couple of months. And whether you believe those rags or not, I have a girlfriend who dates Cole's personal limo driver, she tells me some incredible stories about his sexual exploits. Can you promise to keep a secret?"

"Of course," Jenna replied, gaining interest.

"His driver says that most of the rumors about women that Cole dates are true. Britney Spears, Julianne Hough, Erin Andrews, Scarlett Johansson and many more have all had the pleasure of being fucked by his massive cock. I've heard it's nearly 12" long. Can you imagine that?"

Jenna feigned surprise, but she'd never forgotten what Ryan had told her about Cole's cock many years ago. "I'm surprised his relationships have been so brief. Why would women want to give that up?" Jenna asked with a nervous laugh as she tried to envision it.

"I don't think it is the women who break things off, my understanding is he doesn't want to be tied down and he likes being single. Even from a woman's perspective, it's hard to blame him."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Jenna said. She was getting horny just thinking about all the great sex those women must have had with the NFL star.

"Cole obviously likes to play the field, but I heard he especially likes blondes with large breasts...I'm sure he'd be partial to you Jenna!" Lisa said with a laugh.

Jenna let out a small giggle before her face turned red.

Lisa went on, "My friend also told me that he doesn't only date one woman at a time. Her boyfriend speculated that he can't imagine any one woman being able to satisfy Cole's insatiable appetite for sex! She said a couple of weeks ago that Cole had Alexis Knapp, from the Pitch Perfect movies, and the blonde actress from that show, Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco in his limo for a ride up to Central California wine country for a weekend trip."

"Wow, those girls are both beautiful and certainly have the boobs, but isn't Knapp a brunette?" Jenna asked.

"Oh he prefers blondes but he will fuck brunettes. But Knapp floats back and forth and according to the limo driver, she had a beautiful blonde head of hair that day...that is until they got to the private country inn in Paso Robles. My friend's boyfriend said when the three of them got out of the limo, the girls both looked like they'd just finished a long workout at the gym. They had been dressed to the nines when they entered the stretch limo in LA, now they were both wearing only satin baby dolls, they were covered in sweat and their hair was a mess. He was pretty sure he could see cum in Cuoco's hair, he was sure he could in Knapp's!"

Lisa continued, "After he took their luggage from the trunk into the main house, he returned to the car and couldn't believe what he found. There were four empty bottles of Dom Perignon in the bar alcove as well as a mirror with some sort of white residue on it. Clothing items including bras and g-strings were scattered about and the seats circling the inside of the cabin were all covered in cum stains; it took him nearly an hour to clean up the mess on the seats, the carpet needed a full shampoo. He said he thought one or both of the girls must have been, what do they call it... 'squirters'? Her boyfriend had cleaned up after his boss on many occasions, but there was simply too much mess on the seats for any other explanation!"

Jenna embarrassingly thought to herself that in addition to blonde hair and large breasts, she had something else in common with at least one of those beautiful actresses.

"I guess my source for the gay rumors about Cole was way off base!" Jenna said laughingly.

"Yes, I can guarantee you he is not gay. Jenna I'm obviously pretty drunk and I blabbed a lot of stuff to you. I promised my friend I would not tell anyone the stuff I told you; please promise me you won't tell anyone any of this...including Ryan. Cole's PR group works very hard to keep his image pristine and his personal life out of the tabloids. If they found out who leaked some of these stories, my friend's husband would lose his job!"

"You don't have to worry about me Lisa. Mum's the word." Jenna said as she made a zipping gesture across her lips.

"Thank you Jenna, hey you want to go get something to eat?"

"Yes, I'm starving; my mouth has been watering for some of those oysters and sushi I saw on the way in."

They got out and dried off. All the black dudes in the hot tub checked them out as they slipped on their cover-ups and pool shoes. One of the bigger dudes asked, "Are you sure you girls don't want a ride on one of the hot water troughs before you leave?" Neither Jenna nor Lisa knew what he was talking about, so they politely declined. All the black guys laughed.

Ironically, one of them would later learn what he meant.

The two pretty women made their way through the crowd over to the huge buffet. They grabbed a plate and were wandering around looking at the amazing spread when they ran into Cole Steele. Jenna and Lisa were speechless; the football star was walking with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.