UCLA to Big D Ch. 14

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Smokin hot USC coed fucks her way into the sordid affair.
11.8k words

Part 14 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/17/2018
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The story takes a significant turn in this chapter. A new character is introduced who will ultimately have a very profound impact on the lives of Jenna and Ryan Nielsen.

As has been the case in previous chapters, this one will make more sense if you read the story from the beginning (or at least chapter 11 thru 13), but also like previous chapters, it is not a necessity and you'll enjoy it as a standalone story too.

This chapter starts off the morning following Jenna's long night in druglord Carlos Juarez' sanctuary of sin and her subsequent limo ride to her current location with Police Chief Steve Jones...


Captain Sayers entered Ryan Nielsen's cell, "I trust you got a decent night's sleep. Mr. Nielsen, I'm releasing you down to the showers where you'll find toiletries and towels. Shower quickly we need to get you something to eat and have you out of here in 60 minutes. When you're done, one of our uniformed officers will provide you some breakfast and deliver you to the venue; you'll be briefed about what will be expected of you when you arrive.

Ryan's heart beat quickly in his chest, "Am I really going to follow through with this?"


Twenty miles away, Ryan's Nielsen's wife walked nervously through the double doors into a smartly decorated waiting room of sorts. The beautiful blonde was greeted by a well dressed woman in her early 50's. The woman was strikingly pretty for her age; she possessed a very comforting smile which helped ease Jenna's frayed nerves.

The woman introduced herself as Lisa Anderson and said, "You must be Jenna?"

Jenna felt embarrassed that she was dressed in only lingerie and heels while Ms. Anderson wore much more conservative business attire. "How do you know my name? And what is this place?"

"We have been waiting for you Jenna. And I must say you are even prettier than we had heard." Lisa said as she eyed Jenna from head to toe.

"Heard from whom? And what this place is, why am I here? I was supposed to be on my way to Cole Steele's mansion in Pacific Palisades!"

"Jenna I don't know anything about your itinerary," Lisa lied, "but rest assured we will take good care of you during your visit."

"Visit? How long am I going to be here?"

"As I said, I do not know the details of your stay Jenna. Please follow me; we don't have a lot of time."

"Time for what Lisa?" Jenna shouted.

"You will find out soon enough," Lisa responded as she opened a set of doors and led the leggy blonde down a long corridor.

Jenna had no idea that she was walking through the spacious Beverly Hills compound of LA's most infamous Madam. The property belonged to Madam Balough who had risen to the top of Hollywood circles when her mentor Heidi Fleiss' reign came to an end in the mid-1990s. Lilly Balough had been one of Fleiss' top call girls when her empire crumbled. She was only 22 at the time, but Lilly had learned everything there was to know about the business and what mistakes to avoid. Following Fleiss' downfall, Lilly stealthily picked up many of the pieces and within a couple of years had built a burgeoning business of her own.

Now, two decades later Lilly Balough stood at the pinnacle of her success. Powerful men and women from all professions were her clients and her little black book dwarfed the famous version once owned by her mentor. Balough's estate was more like a castle and the activities that took place within its walls made the goings on at the Playboy mansion look like a 2nd grader's birthday party.

Lisa led Jenna into a large room filled with a dozen women dressed much like her. Jenna could tell that most were in their early 20's but a few were pushing 30. They were all strikingly beautiful with bodies that most other women would die for. She did a quick count and noted there were 3 other blondes, one with black hair, 3 brunettes, 2 redheads, and 2 Asian girls.

Two guys that looked like Chippendale models walked amongst them handing out glasses of champagne. Jenna reluctantly took one as the young hunk said, "You need to drink that baby, I'll bring you another in a couple of minutes. That one needs to be finished when I do!"

Jenna could sense there was a lot of apprehension in the room. All of the women appeared to be nervous and very few spoke with one another. She turned to speak to Lisa but she was nowhere to be found. Jenna slowly moved over near one of the windows and gazed out on the lush grounds.

"It's a beautiful place isn't it?" A female voice said from behind her.

Jenna turned to see a very pretty young redhead smiling shyly at her.

"Yes, I guess you could say that, but I have no idea where I am."

"That makes two of us," the girl replied before introducing herself as Brooke.

"I'm Jenna, nice to meet you Brooke. So you don't know where we are either?"

"I suspect we are somewhere in the Hollywood hills, but that's about all I know."

"Is this your first time here too?" Jenna asked.

Brooke hesitated for several seconds before she said, "I wish I could say that Jenna, but I've been here a few more times than I would prefer to count."

"I'm very confused, what is this place?"

"Jenna I can't say for sure, I just know it's a place where sex acts take place and we are the main performers."

"What? Are you serious? But I'm married Brooke, I can't...I mean I won't have sex with other men!"

"You aren't the only one Jenna," she said as she showed Jenna her wedding ring, "Most of the girls in here are married too."

Jenna looked around and saw that nearly all of the girls wore rings on their left hand.

"I'm still so confused, why are we all here?"

"I can't speak for all the girls, but those that I know are here because someone sent them, most by their husbands. It's why I'm here."

Jenna looked at her uncomprehendingly, "Your husband actually sent you to a place to have sex with other men?"

"And women..." Brooke replied quietly.

"But why?"

"It's a long story Jenna, but it was his form of payback for something I did," she replied before sadly dropping her eyes.

"I'm sorry Brooke, I guess it's none of my business, but why would he do that to you?"

"I made a huge mistake and I've been paying for it ever since. It happened about a year ago after our third child was born..."

Jenna studied her more closely; she couldn't believe Brooke could have such a phenomenal body after 3 kids. Jenna figured she couldn't be more than about 24.

She wasn't too far off, Brooke was only 22.

"John, my husband, had taken a new job that required him to travel a lot. I was going through a lot of mental anguish in trying to care for three kids without a lot of help. Meanwhile I was wrestling with the fact that my body was not recovering like it had after the first two. I was going stir crazy in the house. Finally, several weeks later after my niece came home from college, she agreed to watch the kids three days-a-week. Having her coverage allowed me to join a local gym to help with my mental and physical well-being." Brooke started to get tears in her eyes, "That's when everything went wrong."

Jenna reached out and held her hand, "You don't have to say anything more if it hurts too much Brooke."

"You are sweet Jenna, but telling my story helps me cope with my situation and will hopefully help other women from having to go through what I've been through."

She continued, "After a couple of days of fruitless activity at the gym I met a guy named Laughlin who was a personal trainer. We worked out together a couple of times and I hired him. He was amazing and within a few weeks he had me in better shape than before my first was born." Brooke hesitated again as the tears began to reflow.

"I was so stupid. One night while John was away on business and the kids were at my mom's I agreed to meet Laughlin for a drink. One thing led to another and we ended up back at my place. It all happened so fast, but before I knew it we were in bed together." Brooke really poured on the tears this time.

Jenna gave her a hug.

After nearly a minute Brooke pulled away and said, "My husband came home early from his business trip. He walked in just as Laughlin and I were nearing another climax. I didn't see him at first as my face was down in the sheets, but Laughlin told me afterwards that John just stared when the two of them made eye contact. Laughlin took that as a sign of approval so he continued pumping into me from behind while looking right at my husband. I was moaning loudly and begging him to make me cum. A minute later we both climaxed together. It was only at that point as I looked back over my shoulder that I saw my husband standing in the doorway."

"Oh my God Brooke, what did you do?" Jenna asked.

"It was awful. I threw on my little cover up and ran down the stairs after John. He was standing in the kitchen just staring out the window over the sink when I came up behind him. I put my hand on his shoulder and begged him to forgive me. Finally he turned to face me. He had a very angry look on his face."

"You fucking bitch, how could you do this to me? He said. I told him how sorry I was and that it was just a really stupid mistake. He asked who the guy was and how many times we had fucked. I swore to him it was the first time and it didn't mean anything."

"He then said, you can say it didn't mean anything Brooke, but you sure enjoyed it! I've never heard you sound like that when we fuck."

"I didn't know what to say...he was right, but I still begged for his forgiveness."

"He then said, I hope you were at least smart enough to use protection Brooke? I stared back at him with a blank look. Unfortunately at that moment a big glob of Laughlin's cum seeped from between my legs and splattered on the floor. John looked down and immediately recognized what it was. He then slapped me in the face."

"My husband stayed in town the following week, but we hardly talked. Finally one night after he got home from work he brought me into the living room and sat me down on the couch. He said Brooke you know I can never trust you again and I'm very tempted to divorce your ass and take the kids. You know how well connected I am in the legal circles here in Southern California. You won't stand a chance in court."

"I was obviously devastated and started to reply, but he told me to shut up and listen. He then said that while he was crushed that I cheated on him, he had actually derived a sense of arousal while watching the personal trainer fuck me. I just stared at him in disbelief. He then said that I had two choices: I could either, accept the divorce and give up the kids or I could satisfy his new found fantasies and fuck other men while he watched."

Jenna looked at Brooke in amazement.

"I begged him to reconsider, but he wouldn't have it any other way." Brooke said. "So for the past year I get picked up once a month and brought to this place and I have sex with other men and women while my husband watches from behind a two-way mirror. I never see him, but I know he is there because we talk about my experiences when I get back home."

"Oh Brooke, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through, it must be humiliating." Jenna interjected.

"Yes I'm so miserable, but I grit my teeth and bare it, but I hate every second of it!"

Jenna thought to herself that Brooke had obviously fucked up and her husband had every right to hate her for it. But based on what he was making her do, she thought he must be a monster for putting his remorseful wife and mother of their three children through this ordeal.

Jenna had no idea that Brooke's entire story was a made-up bunch of bullshit. The beautiful redhead wasn't married, she had never had any kids, and she certainly had sex in this place a lot more often than once a month. In fact her name wasn't even Brooke, but she went by it here at work.

This young woman was one of Lilly Balough's most successful girls.


Ashleigh (aka Brooke) McMichael had taken her fair share of acting classes prior to arriving on Lilly Balough's doorstep two years earlier. She was a promising USC student with eyes on an acting career following graduation. However, unlike many of her sisters at the Alpha Phi sorority, she hadn't been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her dad had walked out when she was 6 and her mom worked two jobs to put food on the table for her and her two sisters.

Ashleigh earned lots of financial aid, but after two years at SC, she was having trouble securing classes while paying huge tuition fees. She was already up to her ears in debt and staring at the prospect of three more years to graduate. Her mom was having health issues and was unable to work long hours. She needed money badly.

One night at an acting school mixer she met a guy named Todd Klent who gave her his card and asked if she'd ever done any modeling. He said he could get her into some modeling opportunities and possibly low budget films if she was willing to take off her clothes in front of the camera. He told her she could make some really good cash if she did it.

Ashleigh was taken aback by his questions and said she wasn't interested.

About six months later her mom fell at work and broke her hip. Ashleigh faced the very real prospect of having to drop out of school and return home to care for her mom and sisters. That night she searched through her desk and found the photographer's card. She remembered the conversation and the opportunity to earn some quick cash for nude modeling work. She called and Todd immediately remembered her. They set up an appointment at his studio in San Bernardino.

Ashleigh nervously stepped into his office the following day. While the studio had lots of expensive looking photography and video equipment she had a strange feeling about the place. The idea of taking off her clothes for someone she didn't even know made her noxious. But Todd had seemed like a pretty good guy and his assistant Simone who'd she just met, seemed genuinely sincere in calming Ashleigh's nerves.

They brought her in and sat Ashleigh on the couch in Todd's office. Simone sat down beside her and Todd rolled his desk chair over in front. Ashleigh thought to herself that Todd, while being in his mid-thirties, was cuter than she remembered from the mixer. They made small talk for several minutes before he said, "So you've had a change of heart about doing some nude modeling?"

Ashleigh told him she had some family issues going on and she really needed the money. Todd subtly looked over and exchanged eye contact with his assistant. Simone returned the glance with a subtle devious smile.

"Well Ashleigh I'm glad you called, I think you will find this to be a very good opportunity to make some really good money in a short time. I do a lot of photography for the more well known adult magazines like Penthouse and Hustler," Todd lied.

Ashleigh responded, "Oh no Todd, I am a college student at USC and I'm in a sorority, I can't do a high profile magazine like those, everyone will recognize me."

"But Ashleigh, those are the mags that pay the kind of payouts we are talking about."

"I don't think I can do it Todd."

He looked over at Simone before looking back at Ashleigh. "We've had a couple of other models with the same concerns and we were able to convince at least one of the magazines to do the shoot using a masquerade mask. What do you think about that?"

She thought about it for a minute. "Yeah I think with a mask I would be up for giving it a try. But before I do anything, how much can I earn if they use my work?"

Todd laughed, "Oh yeah, I guess you would want to know that. I can't pay you for the initial shoot because we have no guarantees they will use them. However, if they turn out really good, I can use my connections to get you a really high profile spread and a great payday!"

"How much are we talking about?"

"It depends on a lot Ashleigh, but if they do an entire spread you could easily pull down 5 figures!"

"Five figures...that's a pretty wide range. Can you be more specific?" She asked apprehensively.

"It's not a perfect science Ashleigh, but we won't know until we try. You are looking at $10,000 at a minimum, but let's get some stuff in the hopper and see where it goes from there. If the photos are really good, which I expect them to be; we could have a contract in your hands in a week or so!"

Ten thousand wasn't a ton of money, but it could certainly help with her mom's rent payment and living expenses for her two little sisters. Ashleigh nervously agreed.

"Simone why don't you take Ashleigh back into the bathroom and help her out of her clothes."

The two of them walked out of the room. Todd rubbed his semi-hard cock and smiled to himself; he wondered how so many naïve women could fall for his act. He'd really outdone himself this time however. He had a thing for redheads and this college co-ed was one of the hottest cock-rockets he'd seen in a long time.

The truth was Todd had no connections at Penthouse or Hustler and was really only a part-time photographer with loose ties to a few porn industry producers. He had no intention of getting Ashleigh into magazines...his only real objective was getting into her pants.

Todd used the photography ruse to get women to come to his "studio" and take off their clothes. He would then use one of his many stories to coerce them into having sex with him. Sometimes his fuck buddy assistant Simone would get in on the action too.

Moments later Simone came back into the studio, "Fuck Todd, you've raised the bar this time...she is absolutely flawless. We've never had a girl who looked so good naked here before!"

Todd got a big grin on his face, "Okay what the fuck are we waiting for?" He reached for one of his cheap knockoff cameras. It was digital but he was too cheap to replace the SIM Card and it was already full. He did however, flip the switch on his array of video equipment. That turned out to be a very good decision.

Just then Simone led Ashleigh into the room wearing only a robe.

"How are you feeling about this Ashleigh?" Todd asked.

"I'm nervous."

"I know it can be a little nerve-wracking the first time, but I promise I won't ask you to do anything you aren't comfortable doing." He lied. "Simone can you help Ashleigh remove the robe and we'll do some standing shots first."

Simone moved closer and gave Ashleigh a trusting smile.

"What about the mask?" Ashleigh asked.

"Oh yeah that's right," Todd mumbled as he eyed her. "Simone, there should be one in my desk, please get it for her."

Simone rummaged around in his desk before returning with a Mardi-Gras style masquerade mask with an elastic band. She slipped it over Ashleigh's head and pulled it down over her eyes. She then reached forward, untied the robe tie and slowly pulled it off the sexy coed's shoulders.

Todd nearly shit himself.

Ashleigh's 20-year-old body was spectacular. Her large round D-cups were impossible to take his eyes off as they hovered proudly over her flat stomach. He had purposely turned the temperature down in the studio and her nipples were already rock hard.

He knew immediately that it was a mistake not having memory on his camera to photograph this amazing specimen. "At least I'll have video..."

He ogled the rest of her amazing body.

Simone noticed that Todd was staring uncomfortably, so she broke up the awkwardness, "Todd, why don't you tell Ashleigh what you'd like her to do."

The first thought that crossed his mind was, "I want her to suck my dick!" Then he finally snapped out of his trance and said, "Ashleigh, you have a very pretty figure, I think if we get a good spread, the magazines will be falling over themselves to use your stuff." He then thought to himself, "But I can't wait to use your stuff first!"