UCLA to Big D Ch. 16

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Blonde wife binge fucks BBC after husband cheats.
11.7k words

Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/17/2018
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In this chapter, beautiful blonde wife Jenna Nielsen has just witnessed her husband Ryan Nielsen performing disturbing sex acts with a couple of redheaded MILF's at the Beverly Hills mansion of Madam Lilly Balough.

As has been the case in previous chapters, Chapter 16 will make more sense if you read the story from the beginning (or at least chapter 11-15), but also like all previous chapters, it is not a necessity, and you'll enjoy it as a standalone story too.


The cop car exited the brothel mansion driveway. The ride to Pacific Palisades would take nearly 45 minutes. As Jenna sat in the back blindfolded and handcuffed, she played out all that had happened in her life over the past week and beyond in an attempt to try and understand how she hadn't see any of this coming.

Tears filled her eyes as she thought back to some of her and Ryan's stressful discussions and disagreements in the recent past regarding their fertility issues. She wondered if she had been too hard on him and if that could have been the trigger to start him on his path to infidelity, "Could he have felt smothered working and living side by side all these years? How long has he been living this secret life? How had I not recognized any of the signs?"

Her thoughts then turned to the very recent past and a thousand new questions popped into her mind, "How could he have agreed to give me over to Cole? Did he know that Cole and I would eventually have sex? Is that what he wanted? Did he really sign that fucking contract willingly? Did he do it to somehow relieve his own feelings of guilt over his infidelity? Did he somehow know that I had had fantasies about sex with a black man and that I might succumb to them if given the chance? Why didn't he come back with my stuff that next day as he said he would? Is he fucking that little whore from the club while I'm gone?"

The image of Brooke riding Ryan's cock while staring up at her with that smug look on her face kept re-entering her mind. She began to cry once again...

The cop car pulled up at Cole Steele's mansion around 2:30 p.m. Cole waited anxiously under the large circular drive foyer for her. The cop moved around and assisted her from the back seat. The uniformed officer removed her handcuffs before reaching up and releasing the blindfold.

Cole started towards her. His attention was quickly drawn to the collar and chains that descended into her lingerie. He played it off, but he felt a jolt of anger coursing through his veins.

Jenna quickly became aware of where she was. A huge sense of relief came over her as she realized that she was no longer under Steve Jones' control...that asshole finally kept his word and returned her to Cole Steele.

The two of them came together in a relieving embrace. They were excited to see one another, but the circumstances were awkward as Jenna's emotions were understandably conflicted, while Cole, despite his feelings, didn't want to display too much affection.

In spite of her emotional state, Jenna felt a rush of security and excitement as Cole's strong arms wrapped around her tightly.

When the embrace ended, Cole led the beautiful blonde wife into the house. The large black man walked her through the foyer and great room out to a covered area along the massive pool deck, not far from where she'd sucked his dick while her husband watched unknowingly from inside only a few days previously. Cole's maid brought them iced tea as they sat down on an outside patio sofa.

"Jenna, I'm glad you are back. I've been trying to locate you for a couple of days since I got back from the fishing trip. I have to apologize for Mr. Swenson's hasty decision to call the cops when you reached out to your husband on Friday, but he was only following earlier instructions. I should have done a better job of clarifying my expectations before departing on the trip. I would gladly have given you permission to call Ryan had I been here," Cole lied.

"Really?" Jenna asked surprised.

"I never intended to hold you against your will Jenna; in fact I was...um..." Cole's voice trailed off for effect.

Jenna could tell he was conflicted about something. "You were what Cole?" She asked.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Jenna nodded, now nervous what he was going to say.

"Jenna...I was only doing what Ryan asked of me." He lied again.

Jenna got an incredulous expression on her face, "Wait, Ryan asked you to keep me here?"

"I didn't want to tell you before, but the whole thing was your husband's idea. When I received your letter with the money and watched the surveillance video, I was conflicted as to how to handle the situation, but out of respect for Ryan, I thought he should know."

"You mean he knew about this before we came to your house that night?"

"I'm afraid so, I told him the previous week. As you can imagine, it was a difficult conversation to have with him. I felt bad enough telling him about the money theft, but spilling the beans that his wife...well you know...had masturbated while fantasizing about my big black cock. It was gut-wrenching to convey to a friend."

Jenna cringed internally as Cole stated it so matter-of-factly, but the next thing out of his mouth took her breath away.

"Surprisingly Jenna, he actually sounded relieved. I couldn't believe it when he went on to tell me about all the problems the two of you have had trying to get pregnant, and that you had become obsessed with his infertility issues. He told me he didn't like the person you'd become as a result."

Tears formed in Jenna's eyes. "I thought it meant as much to him as it did to me..." she sobbed.

"Jenna I know this is hard, but I thought you would want to know."

She nodded acceptingly.

"Do you want to hear the rest?" He asked, now sensing the opportunity to put the final nails in the coffin.

"The rest, you mean there's more?" Jenna asked, eyes wide.

Cole continued, "I'm afraid so. Ryan then said that perhaps a little time apart would do you both good. He told me that besides a few shared experiences, he believed you had always been faithful to him. He said he wished he could say the same. He told me about a young server from his golf club that he's been hooking up with lately. Ryan said he had been taking her to one of the vacant houses he's currently listing and they've been...uh...doing it like rabbits every chance they got!"

Jenna stared at him in shock. She would not have believed any of this if not for what she'd just witnessed earlier in the afternoon. "Are you serious, she's like 21!"

"Evidently she has some kind of youthful exuberance that really turns him on. You don't want me to go on do you Jenna?"

She struggled to compose herself, "It hurts to hear Cole, but I have to know."

Cole took a deep breath, again for effect, "After telling me about the experience with the 'spinner redhead' as he called her, he then turned the subject back to this idea of having you live with me as 'punishment' for your mistake. I told him I wasn't comfortable with it, but he insisted that I consider it. He said he thought the experience might make you guys appreciate each other more."

"Appreciate him more? That fucking cheater will never get another ounce of appreciation from me!" Jenna spat in a wickedly pissed-off response.

Cole's confidence swelled as Jenna ripped her husband. He took the opportunity to pile on, "Jenna I'm not bragging, but it's rare that any woman appreciates her guy more after being with me...I tried to tell Ryan that, but he didn't want to hear it. I got the impression it was a turn-on for him to imagine you having sex with a black man."

Jenna looked at Cole with tears running down her face, "No offense, but I'm learning my husband has some pretty disturbing fantasies..."

"Has he ever asked if you would be interested in sex with another man?" Cole asked not knowing whether Ryan had or hadn't, but figured he had nothing to lose in asking the question.

Jenna hesitated, "...sometimes when he's really drunk during sex he's teased me if I would ever want to experience a...you know...a really big cock."

Bingo! "Well apparently Jenna he was more into it than he led on. As I said, he seemed really excited for you to get some black dick!"

"Cole, this is all just so much for me to contemplate."

"I understand Jenna," Cole replied but he didn't want to stop driving the wedge further, "Anyway I told Ryan I needed some time to think about his proposal. I have always been attracted to you Jenna, so I was really conflicted between stabbing a good friend in the back and stabbing someone as beautiful as you. When he sent over the contract, I nearly died. I couldn't believe it, but I realized at that point that he really wanted this to happen!"

"Wait, are you telling me Ryan wrote that contract?" Jenna asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, every last detail on page one...I was stunned at how specific he was about what he wanted us to do. I mean, of course I was excited at the thought of experiencing all those things with you. What warm-blooded guy wouldn't want someone as beautiful as you to pleasure him first thing each morning? But I still felt guilty. Eventually he talked me into it and asked me to come up with some responsibilities for page two; you know the bullshit stuff about polishing my cue stick and picking up my laundry."

"But what about the conversation that you guys had in your study that night, he clearly looked like he'd been crying?"

"That was all staged. He asked me to have my housekeeper deliver some onions to my office. He brought them up near his eyes to give the impression he'd been bawling. In reality he could barely keep from laughing."

"That son of a bitch!" Jenna blurted.

"After he said goodbye and took your phone, when I walked him out to his car he asked if there was any need for him to come back the following day. I told him it was up to him, but that we probably had everything you would need. He seemed relieved as he mentioned something about taking a drive up the coast with the redhead and a road hummer."

Jenna sat in stunned silence.

Cole let her stew on all the lies he'd just told her. "Jenna, I'm sorry you had to hear all this, I know you've had a pretty rough 48 hours yourself. Again, I have to apologize for Mr. Swenson's overreaction. He said he tried to reach me several times before calling the cops, but there was no reception out on the boat and he couldn't get through to me."

Jenna then got a perplexed expression on her face, "Wait, if this was all Ryan's idea, why did this whole episode with my arrest and 48 hours in jail take place? You must have been satisfied with all the sex..."

"Of course I have Jenna, but that was another stipulation your husband brought to the agreement."

"Why the fuck would he do that?"

"I have no idea, but apparently he had worked something out with a buddy of his, the guy is actually the Chief of Police in Pacific Palisades...his name escapes me at the moment." Cole lied.

"Steve Jones?"

"Yeah that's it. Anyway, Ryan was very specific that he and the chief had worked out a plan that if for any reason you broke the rules at my house, we were to call the chief and have you arrested."

"Oh my God this can't be possible..." Jenna muttered under her breath. Countless new thoughts now raced through her mind, "Did Ryan know what Steve Jones had planned? Worse, did he actually coordinate this with him? How could my asshole husband be that fucked up?"

"Anyway Jenna, I reluctantly agreed to the stipulation, I then asked Ryan why he would even want you arrested? I was surprised when he laughed and said that it would teach you a lesson about doing something so stupid in the future. He also said something under his breath about a bet he'd lost to his buddy. I never intended from the very beginning to ever have you arrested. Unfortunately, I mistakenly never conveyed that detail to Mr. Swenson and when you made the call to Ryan while I was on the boat, he simply abided by the original agreement. When I finally got close enough to shore on Friday afternoon he called and told me what happened. I immediately told him to find out where they had taken you and to get you released ASAP! I told him I would pay any bail or do whatever was necessary to get you out of there immediately."

Jenna sat listening to Cole's story, still struggling to understand why Ryan would possibly put her in Steve Jones' perverted hands.

Cole continued, "Mr. Swenson called that Jones guy to see about getting you released; the chief told Carl he would look into it for him. Jones called Carl back a couple of hours later and said that he had located your whereabouts, but that you were already in processing and would need to spend 48 hours in lock-up until this could be straightened out. He told Carl it would be impossible to get a judge to grant bail on a weekend. I have been sitting here feeling bad about it, and worried about you ever since Jenna. Jones called Mr. Swenson this afternoon and said that he was finally able to get you out. I asked that you be brought straight here."

Jenna stared at Cole in shocked disbelief. She realized that all the threats and sex acts she was forced to perform for Jones were all just ploys to get her to submit to sex. Jenna now felt sick to her stomach. She was now torn between telling Cole about what Jones had put her through and keeping it to herself. She opted for the latter, "What good would it do to tell him?"

Cole then said, "I hope you were treated okay in there?"

Jenna held back tears as she nodded her head slowly.

Cole finally broached the subject, "I see you are wearing some new accessories, can I ask what those are all about?"

Jenna quickly contemplated, "Oh fuck, what am I going to tell him about the collar and nipple piercings?"

"Um yeah, some of the girls in that place decided I should wear them." She responded quietly.

Cole knew this was Jones' work, but played along, "You mean they put them on you against your will?"

"You could say that Cole. They told me it was a first-timer thing." Jenna lied.

"Did they hurt you in any other way Jenna; can you identify who did this to you?"

"Cole it happened at night and there was a group of them, I really don't want to talk about it. It's over now."

"Okay Jenna, I understand how you feel, but I think it should be documented just in case something comes of it later."

"Cole I don't think that's necessary."

"Hang on, let me make a quick call Jenna."

Cole dialed Carl Swenson's cell phone. "Carl, yes she's back here at the house and she's been through a lot. Say, she got a welcome party at the big house..." He went on to tell Carl about the collar and chains etc.

Cole hung up and said, "Carl has a lot of experience with these sorts of things and says that we should get visual documentation of any injuries or defacing of your body. These things have a way of coming back later..."

Jenna knew that Steve Jones would never be held accountable for any of this, but she didn't want to raise any more red flags with Cole regarding how she'd just spent the past 48 hours. "If you think it's necessary..."

"I trust Mr. Swenson on this sort of thing; he's been in law enforcement for 35 years."

"What do I need to do?"

"Let me get a picture of this collar thing and then if you'll remove the lingerie so I can get a couple more photos."

Jenna gulped nervously.

Cole used his phone to photograph the large gold collar before Jenna slipped the straps from her shoulders and let the lingerie fall below her gorgeous breasts. Cole's blood nearly came to a boil as he observed Steve Jones' initials dangling from her big nipples.

"Oh shit Jenna, those bitches pierced your nipples without localized pain medication? I can't imagine how much that must have hurt."

Jenna just nodded at him again as she fought back more tears.

"Now I really think it is important we document this, you could develop some sort of infection or worse yet, something like HIV. I'm sure that needle wasn't sterile." Cole snapped a couple of pictures of her tits. He was thinking to himself that aside from Jones' initials, Jenna looked pretty fucking hot with the collar and chains. Her big fucking nipples looked especially suckable distended from the platinum barbells on her sexy tits.

"Did they make any other marks on your body Jenna?"

"Only this," she said as she slowly let the lingerie fall to her ankles.

Cole again suppressed his anger as he observed the shaved image of Jones' initials in Jenna's pubes. He also took note that her formerly blonde pussy was now Auburn colored.

"Do you know the significance of these "S" and "J" markings Jenna?"

Jenna stuttered for a moment before she answered, "I heard them say something about a gang or something like that, but I really don't know..."

"I'll have to ask Carl if he knows anything about an LA women's gang with those initials. Perhaps that will help if we ever want to track down the people who did this to you Jenna. Are there any other marks or injuries on your body?"

Jenna shook her head.

"I know this was very difficult, but you did the right thing letting me photograph them. I will have Maria take you back up to the room and help you get cleaned up. She can assist in removing the collar and chains and stuff. Again Jenna I'm sorry you had to go through what you've been through, but it's over now and hopefully you can relax and get some much needed rest."

She slipped her lingerie back on, "I'm just really tired Cole."

He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "After Maria helps you get cleaned up, she can find a room for you to get some rest."


Cole walked into Carl's office and handed him his cell phone, "Look at what that bastard Jones did to her body! I have a mind to kick that fucker's ass the next time I see him."

Carl Swenson thumbed through the images, "I'm not sure you're going to get that chance Boss..."

"Oh why is that Carl, did he move out of the state or something?"

"No, I just got word that he has been arrested." Carl replied.

"Arrested...for what, being a total asshole?"

"Actually, based on what I was told, Chief Jones is in a shitload of trouble. From what I understand, they had a roadblock set up on his route from Madame Balough's back to his house in Pasadena. It seems that after he dropped off your girlfriend at the brothel, he went from being in the back of a limousine to the back of a squad car in about 20 minutes."

"Are you serious, what did they get him for?"

"Remember when I told you that some of my buddies at the Bureau said they've suspected that Jones and that drug kingpin Carlos Juarez have been in cahoots for quite some time. Well come to find out, they and the boys from the ATF, have had an ongoing two-year investigation into that relationship."

"Two years?" Cole asked in surprise.

"Yep, and they have so much dirt on the good chief that he may never see the light of day again. He's been accused of everything from drug trafficking, racketeering, money laundering, human trafficking, prostitution to police payoffs. When they arrested him and informed him of all the charges, they said he cried like a little girl!"

"It couldn't happen to a nicer...uh girl!" Cole laughed. "What about Juarez?"

"He's much smarter than Jones. Supposedly he got a tip and was halfway to Columbia by the time the chief got busted."

"Wow, I guess it's a good thing I'm moving to Dallas, I would have had to break in a new chief," Cole joked and they both laughed.


Maria finished removing Jenna's collar and the chains connected to her nipple barbells. She asked if Jenna wanted her to remove the barbells too. Jenna studied them in the mirror and told Maria to only remove the dangling letters. "Go ahead and leave the piercings for now." Truth was, Jenna thought they looked kind of sexy on her chest.