Unbelievable Pt. 01

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Family helps to bring John out from the darkness.
11.2k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/06/2019
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Thanks to WAA01 for the edits and proofreading.

Here you are AlternativeAnon.

Note: There isn't a lot of sex in this one. If that's what you're looking for I suggest you look elsewhere, that being said, enjoy the read.

All characters are over 18+


Johnny (his given name John), Masters stood in silent shock as he witnessed something that would forever change his life as he peered through the crack in the double sliding doors that led to their den. There was his mother (Katherine), on her hands and knees as his brothers Bill (eldest), and Ray (second born), spit-roasted her. Ray's girlfriend was beneath his mother, her head pointed at Ray while her ass was pointed at Bill. A moan caught his attention, his green eyes glanced to its source. His father (Brandan), laid on his back, Bill's girlfriend straddled his father's face while his sister (Annie), bounced on his father's cock. He wondered how she didn't put her eye out as her 46DD breasts bounced.

"Yes Daddy, make me cum," Annie moaned.

"I thought Katherine was joking about your skill," Ruth moaned lightly, "so glad to be proven wrong."

"Told you baby you would enjoy this," Bill said, blowing his fiancée a kiss.

"Put that cock back in me," Wanda said, hungrily.

"Enjoying my brother's cock?" Ray asked, peering down at her.

"Oh god yes, you did an excellent job teaching your boys how to fuck Mrs. Masters," Wanda said, before her mouth was stuffed with Ray's cock.

"That is what a mother does," Katherine said, blowing her eldest son a kiss. "We need to hurry before John gets home."

"Don't you think it's time to bring him into this Mom?" Ray asked, before returning his cock back to his mother's cunt.

"No," Katherine said, shaking her head. "You know your brother, he's not ready for this. I doubt he ever will given his state of mind."

"Yeah Ray, you don't want to push Johnny into this, you remember his break down when he was thirteen?" John rolled his eyes at his brother. Bill thought just because he was majoring in psychology that he knew him. Bill knew nothing!

"Yeah, but that's because Mom accidently ran over Buster, and you know how he loved that..."

John heard enough, it was true he did love Buster he was the only friend he could tell everything to without being judged as a freak or being carted off to the ward like his mother had done. He had spent two long years in that horror show as the doctors tried to diagnose him. Since his return home he no longer looked at his parents as he had once done. Sure, they had come to visit him, even when he told them not to, yet they would always silently sit staring at one another, them always trying to get him to open up. That wasn't going to happen - Ever! - he learned that lesson the hard way. Silently walking up the stairs, blocking out the noise as he reached the second floor. Entering his small room, being the youngest child he didn't get a choice of what room was going to be his. Tossing his bag onto his single bed that was nestled tightly into the wall in the corner to save on space; what little there was with his dresser, and his desk taking up most of it in that six by nine room. Shutting his door to permanently shut out the noise.

Pulling out his wallet lining it up perfectly with the edge of the dresser's top. Lining up his spare change from smallest to largest along the left side of the dresser. He never spent it; it was his routine. If it didn't count up to fifty-six cents... it would be a bad day. That was how much money he had when his dear friend died. Tapping the frame of Buster's photo three times, his eyebrow twitched when the other frame was a skewed from its position. Grumbling that his mother couldn't leave his room be as he straightened out the photo. He could clean his own room well enough. He didn't need her coming in and ruining everything. Telling his old friend how his day was as his thumb ran down the frame. Telling Buster that the drugs they had him on didn't make him feel like himself, it felt like he was always in a zombie-like state. Then again, he didn't want to be put back in that ward. So, he took the Prozac, the Seroquel, and the Concerta they had him on all to keep from returning to that place.

Releasing a huff of annoyance as he noted his precisely neat stack of comics on the corner of his desk had been rifled through. Cursing his mother, he wondered if she did this on purpose? Breathing out a sigh once the stack was once again in alphabetical order and neatly aligned.

"Fuck!" Johnny shouted so ending the guise of his silent presence in the house as he saw the yellow sticky note on his computer screen. Ripping the note off, crumbling it once he read his mother's foolish note. Narrowing his eyes at the residue that it left on the glass. Throwing open his door, ignoring their frantic voices and the panicky noises from the floor below as he stomped down the stairs. Mumbling to himself as he marched into the kitchen. Bending down in front of the sink, taking out his favorite brand of glass cleaner, which he had to buy himself since his mother always got the wrong one. There had to be no streaks on the glass and any other brand would never measure up.

"John when did..." Katherine began to speak as her hands falling from the belt of her robe. A chill ran up her spine at the look in her son's eye as he rose with the bottle in his hand. "I'm sorry John..."

"Save it," Johnny said coldly, as he ripped two paper towels off of the roll.

"Son, I am..."

"Don't care, go back to fucking each other," Johnny said, indifferently, as he moved passed his mother. The smack across his face caught him off guard splitting his lip in the process.

"You do not speak to me like that!" Katherine yelled. "Shit," she hissed to herself as his hemophobia set in as Johnny saw the blood on his fingertips. "John, relax..."

"Don't touch me!" Johnny growled pressing the paper towel to his lip as he ran to his room.

"John!" Brandan called out as his son ran up the stairs.

"It's going to be a bad night," Katherine said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Want me to go talk to him?" Brandan asked, he didn't want his youngest son to ruin this night.

"I'll do it," Bill said, putting on an air of arrogance.

"What's going on?" Wanda asked.

"Right you haven't met him yet, that was crazy..." Ruth quickly shut her mouth as their eyes quickly shot to her.

"You might have a nice pussy and all, but don't ever call my son that!" Brandan snapped.

"Whatever," Ruth said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't!" Bill hissed. "You might not understand him, you have no right to judge him," he whispered as he stood before her.

"Sorry Bill," Ruth said, apologetically.

"Just try to be more aware of what you say. Johnny didn't ask to be like this, alright?" Bill said, placing a kiss on her forehead when she nodded.

"Since John knows, let's finish what we started, it'll give him time to calm down," Katherine said undoing her belt.

Half an hour later...

"It's just blood, it's just blood. It's not going to hurt you," Johnny muttered as he rocked himself in the corner of his room. "See?! It's stopped. No need to worry," he said reassuring himself. He knew he had to learn to do this himself. Soon he'd be on his own. Smacking his cheeks, slowing his heart, centering himself before getting to his feet. Walking over to his chair, grabbing his bag, unzipping it, pulling out his notebook setting it aside so he could type out his report.

"John," Katherine said softly, after she had bathed in her son's and husband's hot shower of semen along with Annie, Wanda, and Ruth.

"Go away!"

"Baby, I'm sorry, I should have remembered about the note. I know how you like your room; I'm going to come in," Katherine said, pushing the door open. She heard his aspirated sigh as she inched the door open. Over the past three years she had seen how distant her son had become with them. She tried to be a good mother but taking care of John was a strain on their family. Not that she didn't love her son. She didn't blame him, how could she? It wasn't his fault that he was like this. However, she did hope his medicine would have brought the boy she knew back to them. Yet she had seen how he closed himself off to them when they put him in the hospital. "John?"

"What is it?" Johnny asked, not bothering to look up at his mother. His eyes moving over the paper as his fingers worked over the keys.

"We're going out for dinner..." John's head instantly dropped he didn't want to go anywhere. He had work to do. He needed to get this report done so he could keep up his grade point average. "To the Olive Garden to celebrate Bill and Ruth's engagement."

"So? What does that have to do with me?" Johnny asked, he didn't like Ruth. He knew what she thought of him. He had heard her plainly tell one of her many friends what she thought of him when she was over last.

"Because John, Bill is your brother, you should be happy for him," Katherine said, in a motherly voice as she stepped into the room.

"And you want me to eat with someone that thinks so poorly of me?" Johnny asked, finally looking at his mother. "No thanks, I'll pass. Plus, I have to get this report done, and I can't do that there."

"The report can wait John. So, get ready, and I don't want to hear one word out of you," Katherine said sternly. His doctor told them they needed to be forceful with John to get him out of the box he had placed himself in. "What's this?" she asked, noticing the leaflet for Duke university. "John?"

"What does it look like?"

"You can't be thinking of going to a school on the other side of the country," Katherine said, her blue eyes falling on her son.

"Why not?" Johnny asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Baby, you'll be..."

"Alone, I know, and that's the point," Johnny said, crossing his arms.

"John have you really thought about this? If you go and have one of your... break downs, who's going to be there to calm you down? How will you afford your medicine? College is expensive, and very, very different than what high school is like," Katherine said, walking over to his bed. Making her son turn to look at her. "People there might not be as understanding of your..."

"Say it mother," Johnny said coldly.

"Your condition," Katherine whispered.

"Ashamed of your insane son? Want to keep me hidden?"

"What?! No, I never have... have never been ashamed of you baby. How can you think that?" Katherine asked, trying not to be hurt by his words, however, that was easier said than done.

"Uh-huh," Johnny said, not believing a word. If she wasn't then why did they leave him in that place for two long years. Then there was her unyielding hold on not telling him where his friend was buried. Always telling him it was for his benefit that he didn't know so he wouldn't have the same break down that led him to that place.

"Then it's settled you aren't going to Duke," Katherine said, tearing up the leaflet as if to say the matter was settled and there wasn't going to be any more talk on the matter. "If you want to go to college then you can go to the one your brothers and sister go to, or a trade school. But you aren't moving across the country," she said sternly, putting her foot down.

"I don't think you'll..."

"You forget baby, I'm your mother; and I trump everything," Katherine said, with a prideful look. "So, I expect you to be ready in ten minutes," clapping her hands, "or I'll come in here and dress you myself."

"Yeah, that's what I want - for you to see me naked," Johnny muttered underneath his breath.

Katherine pretended that she didn't hear him as she walked out of the room. "Do keep this door open," she said, turning back to her son. Keeping her smile hidden as her son gazed wide eyed at her bare tits. "Remember you have ten minutes, or I'll dress you like I used to do when you were a baby."


"So, you're the brother I haven't met yet," Wanda said, leaning against Johnny's doorframe. "Hi I'm..."

"I know who you are," Johnny said indifferently.

"Wanda, what are you doing?" Ray asked nervously, knowing how his brother didn't like unwanted guests.

"Introducing myself to your brother," Wanda said, looking to her right, "he doesn't seem very..."

"He isn't," Ruth said, joining the conversation, "he's a rude little..."

"Ruth!" Bill said sternly.

"What? He is," Ruth said, in an aspirated sigh. "Why does he have to come?"

"Hey, go," Johnny said, shooing off the woman, "no one's keeping you here."

"John you aren't helping," Bill said sternly.

"What's going on here?" Brandan asked, walking down the hall.

"It's our night Bill, I don't want him ruining it," Ruth said, drawing the line in the sand.

"I didn't want to go in the first place. Why would I want to have dinner with someone that downplays ones insanity," Johnny said, looking hatefully at her.

"You didn't," Bill sighed shaking his head at Ruth.

"How was I to know the little frea..."

"Enough!" Brandan barked stomping down the hall. "Bill take your... on to the restaurant, Ray take your girlfriend and wait in the car."

"Come on Wanda," Ray said, taking his girlfriend by the hand.

"John, could we have one night..."

"Sure, you can, I got things to do," Johnny said, sinking down into his desk chair.

"Fine, if you don't want to celebrate this with your..."

"I don't," Johnny said coldly.

"Annie! Katherine! We're leaving! I hope you understand I'm not bringing you anything..."

"Don't care," Johnny said, turning back to his computer. "I learned to survive on my own for two years. One night without you all under foot won't kill me," he said, powering his computer back on.

"Just for that your grounded, I want the kitchen spotless before we get back."

"So, you can fuck Annie all over it?" Johnny retorted his eyes cutting to his father.

"That's two weeks, want to make it three?"

"You're tongue work, could use some work," Johnny said, going for broke.

"Keep talking and you'll spend all summer in this room," Brandan said sternly, trying to keep his temper in check.

"Oh no, whatever am I to do. To spend all summer in a cell," Johnny said, feigning shock.

"I don't know what's going on with you today, but whatever it is it better be gone by the time we get home. I still want that kitchen cleaned. Come on," Brandan said storming off.

"The kitchen is clean just stay in your room unless you need dinner," Katherine said, shutting his door.

The moment his family was gone, Johnny stripped out of his clothes. Neatly folded them on his bed, his sock covered foot tapped the floor as his fingers turned the volume up as The Phantoms "Watch Me" came on. His arms were outstretched to keep his balance as he slid over the floor. Practicing the dance moves the highly delusional girl he befriended (although she always referred to him as big bird - Why? - he didn't understand.) Busting out into funk as James Brown came on. Nearly losing his balance as his feet worked to slow his slide as his mother stood in the door. Her arms crossed along her chest, her hip cocked out, her foot tapping the floor. The anger filled look burned in her eyes as she stared him down. A smirk graced his lips causing his mother to arch an eyebrow as he resumed his dance to James Brown's 'Super Bad'. He didn't care he was already in trouble they couldn't do anything more to him. So, he danced like his mother wasn't there staring him down. The blast of the horn caught them both by surprise. His ass pressed against the edge of the dining room table as his mother stood less than a foot away from him.

"We'll discuss this later," Katherine said, her eyes ran down her son's bare chest. Silently noting the bulge in his underwear, wondering what it looked like when it was hard. "However, first, if you're going to dance to funk," she said, turning around bending slightly over so her jeans would become taut along her ass. Her hand running up the back on her right leg, giving her right cheek a little spank. "You got to put a little soul into it," Katherine said, quick as a snake taking her son by surprise. She kept her shock from her face at the fact her son had to be four inches soft as it brushed against her leg. "Relax baby," she purred slipping her other hand into his underwear so Johnny couldn't escape. "I thought so." The fires of her lust burned in her eyes as the palm of her hand ran up and down his nine-and-a-half-inch cock when it reached full mast. Yanking down his underwear and moving to the side as she jacked him off. "This is your punishment for not staying in your room like I told you to," Katherine purred as her hand moved along his shaft rapidly as she held her son tightly to her so Johnny couldn't run away. Watching his cum shooting out in an arc before striking the floor. Running her finger along the tip of his cock gathering up the remainder of his cum. "Now clean that up and get back to your room. You don't want to know what I'll do if I catch you out of it again," she said, taking the coupons from the wooden pocket they always put coupons in. Sucking her finger clean as she walked towards the door.


The next day after school and to avoid returning home. Johnny snuck away from school during his free period. If he got in trouble he didn't care. All he would have been doing was stuck in a room with people he didn't care to know.

The doorbell jingled overhead as Johnny entered his favorite comic shop. Comics where his escape when his parents had placed him in that ward. He was a fan up to the point where Marvel gave Wolverine back his adamantium, where Spawn killed Malebolgia, and before DC went to that 52 disaster. Ever since then comics have steadily gone downhill in his opinion. Glancing over at the college age girl that worked behind the counter when old man Peter was off. He liked the old man better, at least with him he could actually talk to him about the Golden Age Flash, or the Silver Age Superman. Not this PC crap that has been making its way into the worlds which takes him away from his troubled mind. Grimacing when Johnny saw the woman pulling out her phone. Another reason he didn't like her. She was also friends with his sister, and in turn his mother would know he was here.

"No one likes a snitch you know," Johnny muttered under his breath.

"Then don't skip school," the woman said, incensed, that he would dare call her a snitch.

"Please," Johnny rolled his eyes, "like you and my sister didn't constantly do it," he shot back. Smirking in triumph as she couldn't say a word, glaring at him as he walked towards his favorite corner.

"Where is he?" John sighed heavily and loudly at the sound of his sister's voice as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall.

"Why do they constantly have to butt into my enjoyment? Why can't they just leave me alone? What's wrong with being alone?" Johnny asked himself as he turned the page of the Spiderman comic he was reading.

"Thanks Julie," Annie said, after sharing a quiet whisper with her. "Johnny..."

"Why are you here?" Johnny asked, not bothering to look up from his comic.

"Mom sent me to take you to your appointment," Annie said, crossing her arms underneath her heavy hanging breasts. "You shouldn't have cut school John..."

"That's rich coming from the person who made it a personal mission to do just that very thing," Johnny retorted.

"You're grades..."

"Haven't dropped since mother and father carted me off," Johnny said coldly. "And my appointment isn't until Thursday," he said, smiling as Spiderman laid the beat down on Doc Oc.

"Mom thought after last night they needed to increase your sessions. Now come on or you'll be late," Annie said, staring down at her brother. She couldn't understand why John hated them so much. How were they to know the hospital their parents had put him in would be shut down due to the neglect and cruel treatment by the staff there. They didn't learn of the full extent of the poor care until the trial and lawsuits where spread all over the news.