Unbelievable Pt. 05

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Family helps to bring John out from the darkness.
9.8k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/06/2019
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Unbelievable part 5



Before you read this tale, be forewarned you will cry. So don't let it be said that I didn't warn you.

Thanks to WAA01 for the edits.


Black Sabbath's 'Changes' sang by Charles Bradley blared through the speakers of the Alexa base unit as John Masters stood in the sun room after he had his shower. Julia's face filled his mind as he swayed to the beat. Tears rimmed his eyes as he thought about the last day he ever saw her. His mind took him back just after his fourteen birthday. His feet pounded on the floor as he raced through the halls to escape the orderly that was the main one that liked his torture. His heart raced as he peered over his shoulder as those hateful, cold eyes burned into him as the orderly chased him. John didn't know how Julia got out of her cell as his back pressed against the back wall of the room the orderly had cornered him in. He knew they liked to keep them locked up so when they wanted to inflict their wicked pleasure upon the patients they wouldn't be mobbed when they dragged whoever was their victim for the day into whichever room to delve into the delights of their cruelty. John watched Julia jump onto the man's back. Her hand reached over the man's shoulder taking the pen that was clipped to his front shirt pocket and jammed it into the left side of the man's neck. John saw the shock and fear in the man's eyes as Julia ripped the back half off the pen. Causing the man's blood to jet out in a torrent, splattering the right side of Julia's face.

Staring, unmoving, at the now dead man at Julia's feet, or that's what he thought when he came out of his shocked state. He saw how Julia was biting on her nails, something she only did when she knew she was in trouble and unable to figure out how to get out of it as her eyes held the realization of what she had just done. John didn't see why she was like this, the man got what he deserved, at least to John's mind. He remembered how his arms trembled as he tried to lift the man off the floor to hide the body. He wasn't about to allow her to get into trouble because of it. They all deserved to die! Screaming as the man's hand grabbed hold of his wrist as John dragged his body over to the vent. His feet beat rapidly on the man's face causing his ID bracelet to be ripped from his wrist before his hand fell away and laid lifelessly on the floor. John's chest heaved in fear, shaking it off, he knew he had to hide the body. He wasn't about to let Julia get into trouble for this. Remembering the sound of his grunt and the way his fingers were sore and throbbed in pain as he replaced the vent cover. Honestly, he couldn't remember how he had stuffed that man's body in there. John was just glad it was big enough. The man deserved to rot there for eternity for his crimes.

When he looked up Julia was gone. He raced around the ward looking for her yet found no trace of her. That was when he saw something falling. His scream filled his mind as he gazed upon Julia's broken, bloody body. Then he felt something as someone embraced him from behind.

"Its okay Johnny," Annie cooed sweetly as she rocked her brother. "Grief is just love with nowhere to go," she said, lightly pressing her cheek against his back. "I'm sure if Julia was still alive she'd be so happy to know that you still care for her," Annie said, trying to keep her jealousy from her voice. She hoped that someday John would care about her like he did for Julia. And so, as those warm rays bathed them Annie held her grief-stricken brother in her arms. "It will get better in time, I promise," she whispered lovingly as she held his face in her hands. Her was heart breaking as she saw the sorrow in his green eyes. "You must have really loved her?" Annie asked, as her thumb brushed away her brother's tears.

"Y-yes," Johnny said, between sniffles.

"When you two were together what did the two of you do?" Annie asked softly, as she gently caressed his face. Seeing her mother, Ruth, and Wanda peeking from around the wall that led to the living room from the corner of her eye.

"We... danced," Johnny said bashfully, dropping his chin.

Gently lifting up his chin, "Then dance with me, let me take Julia's place for today. So that I can pay homage to the one that was able to protect my li'l brother when I couldn't," Annie said, her lip trembling as she watched as a tear ran down John's right cheek. Bringing his head down, resting it on her shoulder as her hands slowly rubbed his back as she held him tightly. "Shh. It's going to be okay Johnny. As long as you remember her in your heart Julia isn't really dead." She couldn't stop her own tears as they glistened in her own eyes as her right hand gently brushed along the back of John's head. She could see how her mother wanted to rush into the sun room as her hand gripped the wall, and the way her lip trembled, like hers, as she looked at Johnny. Placing a lingering, sweet kiss on his right cheek, his hands ran along her hips as he pulled away. "Now, how about that dance?" Annie asked, casting her brother a loving smile as her thumb brushed along his lower lip.

"Alexa, play playlist J," Johnny said, with a trembling voice.

Annie arched an eyebrow as Nathaniel Rateliff's 'What A Drag' started to play. Shaking it off, if this was the type of music he listened to, she wasn't going to make him change. Her eyes went wide in shock as her brother spun perfectly on his heels before coming to a stop in front of her. Her eyes watched as his fingers snapped along with the song, slowly dancing before her. Her smile lifted the corners of her lips as her hand slid into his. Her raven hair whipped through the air; the hem of her blue sundress, giving those that were spying on them a view of her matching lace panties, lifted as John spun her into him. Swaying her body against his, resting her hand over his as it laid on her. Rolling her hips in time with his, feeling her chest becoming flushed with heat as the pads of his fingers of his left hand ran down her left arm before taking hold of her hand. Feeling her cheeks heat as John sent her spinning. Her heart raced as John led her around the room. Mouthing the words 'Oh my God' to the three that stood spying on them. She had no idea her brother could dance. Smiling coyly at him when she moved his hand to her ass.

Their movements sped up as Marvin Gaye's 'Heard it through the grapevine' started after the last song faded out. She hoped she was doing it right yet she didn't know any of the moves he was using. That was until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Mind if I cut in," Katherine said, smiling at her children.

Backing away gracefully, Annie would let her mother have this victory. The moment they were alone she was going to get her brother to teach her those dance moves. She wasn't about to be left out again as she watched her mother keeping up with John's moves.

"Damn," Wanda whispered once Annie joined her and Ruth. Her hazel eyes watched the way John's body moved wondering if he was thinking about Julia.

"I know, who would've thought he could dance," Ruth said, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around her left index finger.

Annie could only nod in agreement, she was totally taken by surprise. Sensuously biting her lower lip, as her eyes watched as John's ass shook. Noting how his eyes might be dry and his face might not hold the sorrow that once marred it, yet she could see it in his eyes. Resting her head on Wanda's shoulder, wondering if Julia would always hold some part of his heart that she wanted for herself.

"I'm going to have to sit the next one out," Katherine said, her chest rising in quick succession. She hadn't danced like that in a long time.

"We'll fill in for you," Ruth and Wanda said in unison as Stevie Wonder's 'Superstition' took over for Marvin Gaye.


Brandan pulled his son's car up behind his. His mind dwelling on what they had found while they were exploring the place that had turned his son's life into a living Hell. His thumb rubbed along the ID bracelet Bill had plucked from the mummified remains of a man they had found in a vent. It was the smell that drew them to it. He didn't know what to do. Had his son killed the man and hidden his body? If so, he was going to have to put him away again, this time for good, as much as that would hurt him. He had to protect the rest of his family given what happened the other day. Brandan knew if he did that it would break his son. Looking over at his oldest son as Bill placed a hand on his shoulder. They both knew they had to know the answer.

Walking into the house, arching an eyebrow when he was greeted by the sound of music filling their lake house. Brandan stood frozen as he watched his daughter slow dancing with John before Wanda cut in. How he hated to interrupt this yet he had to do it.

"Alexa off!" Brandan said, raising his voice cutting off Disturbed's 'Hold on to Memories' that they had been dancing to. "Get away from Johnny," he said, darkly. Noticing the perplexed look on his son's face.

"Honey?!" Katherine was confused by the sound of his stern voice and the look in her husband's eyes.

"Mom, Wanda, get away from Johnny right now!" Ray said, worryingly.

"What's wrong?! Why are the two of you like this!" Annie huffed as her father pulled her behind him.

"John Daniels, you care to explain why we found this on a dead man, stuffed into a vent," Brandan said, holding out his hand in it his son's ID bracelet laid. Listening to the gasps behind him, praying that his son wasn't a killer.

"I wondered where that went," Johnny said, offhandedly.

"Answer your father John, did you kill that man?!" Katherine asked, worryingly. She saw the walls going up in his mind once again. Seeing all the work they were making over the last few weeks going down the drain.


"For the last fucking time. My name is Johnny!" he growled. "The boy you knew as John -- is dead. He's been dead since the moment you tossed him into that Hell. You don't like the shadow that crawled out of that pit?! Too fucking bad," Johnny spat. "Nothing, and I mean nothing," moving his arm through the air, "will ever bring him back, you personally saw to that," he sneered at his mother and father. "Figures you all would take the side of a sadistic rapist and think the worst of me," Johnny said, knocking the bracelet out of his father's hand as he narrowed his eyes coldly at them. Watching his father moving his mother behind him as John stepped up to him. "For your information," looking at each and every one of them, "I'll say this once. I didn't kill him. Not that I didn't think about it every single damn day that man would chain me to the ceiling and whip me with a metal coat hanger. Where were you two when that was going down huh?" Brandan felt his son's hate as those green eyes bored into his.

"I'll tell you where. In your comfy beds, uninterested in the pleas of children that cried out for help. Out of sight, out of mind, isn't that the truth of it? If you two got it through your damn heads that I needed help that we needed help, I wouldn't have had to listen to Julia being raped every night. To her screams as they did to her what they did to me. But no! You didn't give a damn about any of that now did ya?!"


"Shut up! Can't you see I'm talking. You all want the gory details well I'm giving it to ya!" Johnny snapped at Bill, condescendingly. "See. Unlike anyone of you," straightening out his father's collar to pause for effect, "Julia was there for me. Protected me as I protected her as much as I could given how I was only thirteen. What's a boy to do when the adults don't give a shit about the pleas he tells them? Oh I know, they go vacation! How was the beach, the mountains, how were all those vacations you had while I was getting my brain fried, tortured at their hands huh?! It seems to me you all enjoyed yourselves immensely at my expense. Now you see, it was on one of those vacations that man thought he could have his little fun, I'd wrestled out of his grip. Running for my life, yet really where could I go? My so-called parents didn't give a shit about the warnings I gave them. I knew they'd be no damn help. The cops were out of the question, if one set of adults didn't believe me, why would another?" Johnny asked accusingly, staring into his father's eyes.

"So there I was, trapped in that very room, knowing that my punishment would be ten times worse since I'd made him chase me. I don't know how she got out of her cell. I'm glad she did, unlike you, she actually protected me even with everything they were doing to her. Jumping onto his back, taking his pen and stabbing the bastard in his neck..." Stepping closer to his father his nose almost touching Brandan's, "finally killing the man who'd been raping her, yet you care more about a rapist than anyone of us. So I hid the body, so what?! That fuck needed to die if I had my way it would have been slowly. Yet I was a frightened boy, I mean with everything they put me through you can understand, surely you can?! Then..." Johnny bit on his quivering lip knowing what came next, "Julia took her own life to stop the pain, since not one adult believed a damn word we said, and I lost my best friend, my family on that day. And so, I had to suffer alone for another year until someone got it through their damn heads that something wasn't right at that hospital. But you go on believing I killed that man; you didn't believe me then you won't believe me now!" Johnny seethed before stomping towards the door that led to the outside world.

"Johnny!" Annie yelled as she tried to push her way through.

"Stay the hell away from me!" Johnny snapped as his green eye peered over his left shoulder. The windows of the sun room rattled as John slammed the door.

Brandan hung his head as he felt his wife weeping against his back. Knowing all the headway they had made with their son was gone. Why had he thought the worst? Why didn't he give his son the benefit of the doubt? He would have with anyone else, yet with John he jumped to the worst possible scenario.

"We'll go find him Dad," Bill said, placing a hand on his father's shoulder.

"I don't think that would be a good idea right now," Wanda said, speaking up as they turned to look at her. "I might be the new girl here, but from what I just heard. He blames everyone of you for Julia's death, didn't he say he loved her?" she asked, looking over at Annie who nodded. "Well..." Scratching her head, she really didn't know what to do; yet she knew they couldn't allow John to wander off, "Ruth and I can go look for him, just to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or..."

"Loved her?!" Brandan felt his legs wobble at the news. What would he do if his wife was... and no one was there to help him save her?! He couldn't even imagine it. Yet his son had lived it and his words fell on deaf ears. Too ignorant to listen to him when he spoke the truth.

"Didn't you see it in his eyes?" Ruth asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Go quickly before he gets an even bigger lead on you," Katherine sniffed as she dried her cheeks. "I'll call Ms. Ginsburg and have her keep an eye out for him," she said, she had so much hope for this week. Yet it seemed they were always taking two steps forward and three steps back when it came to her son. Looking up as she saw Annie running to her room crying as she did.


"Katherine?!" Janus answered her phone in surprise.

"Is Johnny over there?" She could hear the worry in Katherine's voice. Quickly sitting up in her lounger, feeling her heart racing wondering what had happened.

"I don't know, I've been sunbathing on my back porch so I'm not getting harassed by little boys," Janus said, with scorn.

"If you see him, please keep him there and we'll come over..."

"What happen?!" Janus asked, her worry laced her words. Walking hurriedly down the steps of her porch knowing she wouldn't be calling her if they could locate Johnny. She hoped and prayed he hasn't done something to himself.

"Johnny... stormed out. Ruth and Wanda can't find him on the property. Ray and Bill are searching the road for him. I don't know where he could be." Taking a dry swallow as she heard Katherine sob over the line.

"Don't you dare hurt yourself Johnny!" Janus said to herself. "Oh thank god!" Releasing a pent up sigh when she saw the top of Johnny's head through the bushes as she walked down the path she had made to their private beach.

"You found him! We'll be..."

"Let me talk to him, smooth out whatever is troubling him," Janus cut in.


"Trust me, me and Johnny have a rapport, don't ask me how or why, it just happened. He talks to me..."

"H-he talks to you?!" Janus heard Katherine's voice trembling; she knew that must have cut deep.

"Some how I can relate to him to a point," Janus stated, watching how Johnny was just staring at the surface of the lake. "Give me half an hour and I'll call you," she said, ending the call before Katherine could answer. "Johnny..."

"Did she call you?" Johnny asked, coldly.

"Your mother... everyone is worried abut you," Janus said, in a warm, caring voice. She didn't like the 'Hmpf!' that answered her. "Johnny," her hand lightly touched his shoulder as she lowered herself down beside him, "tell me what happened."

"I told them the truth," Johnny said, plainly.

"About what?"

"The day Julia died," Johnny said, looking over at Janus. He could smell the coconut of the sunscreen she uses. Her green eyes held concern in them as she gazed at him. Her blonde hair was held up to keep it from getting oily. Looking away when her dark red areolas and her blond thatch flashed in his mind.

"Oh Johnny," Janus muttered. "That must have been so hard for you," she said, inching closer to him as her arm slid along his shoulders. "But that's not all of it, is it?" Janus asked, as he nodded. "Do you... okay Johnny," seeing him shake his head, "but I'm here if you want to talk about it. You know you'll have to go home..."

"Do I have to?!" Johnny inquired hoping he could some how get her to let him stay the night. He really didn't want to be around them right now.

"Johnny... where would you stay?" Janus asked, her mind racing. Of course, she wanted him to stay with her. Then that would give her a chance to ride that cock of his all night long. Yet she couldn't come out and tell him he could stay with her. That would be improper and his parents would think she was taking advantage of him. Now if he was the one that asked her, well then, then she could tell his parents that he could stay with her so he can have a chance to cool off, and they would know that their son was safe and within reach should something happen. They simply wouldn't know that she would be helping her son in lots of different positions.


"Yes?!" Janus cooed tilting her head to the side.

"Would you mind if I stayed with you tonight, I just don't want to be around them right now," Johnny said, trying not to notice how her 36D breasts jostled in her red bikini top. Taking a dry swallow as Janus slowly crossed her legs as she leaned back. Biting on her fingernail as her right elbow rested in her left hand. Looking down as the side of her foot brushed up and down his left shin.

"One condition."

"O-okay," Johnny stammered feeling like he was looking into a predator's eyes.

"If I let you stay over, you have to sleep in my bed. I don't think I'd be able to keep my hands to myself if you stayed with me," Janus purred hungrily. "The question for you, Johnny is: can you sleep in the same bed with me and not slip that hard cock into my eager pussy?"

"I don't think any man can," Johnny admitted truthfully.