Uncle Jason Lives with Us


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I hate doing this to him I really do. But there just isn't any other way. I am fighting to keep our family together and since John isn't some wimpy cuckold submissive, he needs to be beaten into line swiftly and without mercy. I knew what I had to do was wrong but I am convinced I'm justified in my actions because over time John would see the good in what I was doing. So I gave a deep sigh and patiently waited for John to come out of the bathroom.


I had to pull myself together. I can't believe the shit Gina hit me with. I have to get to the bottom of this. She isn't the same women I married. She can't be the mother of my children. Something else is going on and I have to find out. Yelling and screaming at Gina isn't going to help me figure this out. All these thoughts were a jumble in my mind as I rinsed my mouth out and splashed cold water on my face. I have to go back out and calmly have a discussion with her about this insanity. I'm fairly certain I couldn't live with Gina fucking some dickhead, but the asshole living in my house wasn't happening in any case!

So I took a deep breath and just before I left the bathroom I thought to put my phone on the record mode. I'm not sure why, but it seemed like a good idea. As I exited the bathroom I saw Gina sitting serenely at the table eating her dinner.

As I approached I calmy stated, "I'm sorry Gina, but your words shocked me. I feel better now and would like to try and have a conversation about your statements."

"No John, we aren't going to have a conversation. Sit down and be quiet and I will explain the two options you have. The first option is for you to do exactly as I say over the next few minutes, and number two is for you to file for divorce." In a sense Gina was bluffing. She certainly didn't want him to go for the divorce option, but he had to understand the ramifications of his actions even though she wasn't sure she could actually go through with her threats.

"Here is what is going to happen if you take option two. It is important for you to know that I have already had divorce papers drawn up. They are dated a couple of weeks ago. If I don't get your cooperation here tonight, I will have them formally served on you tomorrow. They will detail what I am about to say to you.

"I will of course deny this conversation ever took place. I have already planted the seed among certain parties that you have become verbally abusive towards me. I have let some people know that I am starting to become concerned for my physical safety as well as the children's. I will get a restraining order preventing you from coming to the house our having any visitation with your daughters. I will get custody of the girls and work diligently to turn them against you. I will spare no effort to usurp whatever visitation schedule the court would work out until they simply forget who you are." Gina stated this with conviction and without taking a breath.

I was completely dumbfounded. "But Gina you know those things aren't true!" My voice was rising. "I have treated you with love and respect throughout our marriage. You know I would rather die than hurt our daughters, how could you?" My rage was building to a crescendo.

Gina waved her hand at me and said dismissively. "You know John that doesn't even really matter. You say you aren't being verbally abusive, but I say you are. At the end of the day, even if the abuse allegation can't be substantiated, the divorce would stand. We are a no fault state but I would get custody and alimony for at least nine years because you make much more money than I do. You would be paying child support for 10 years. I would get the house and you would still be paying your share for it. My lover would be moved in anyway and he would be having sex with me every day instead of what I am proposing."

"You wouldn't really do that to our kids?" I said with incredulity.

"Yes John, I would, I promise you!" Replied a poker faced Gina. "And, I will certainly make your life miserable regarding your relationship with the girls. Do NOT doubt me on this!"

I sat there stunned. I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. If she followed through on her threats though the outcome probably wouldn't be much different than what she said it would be.

While I certainly hadn't made up my mind I was still seeing divorce as the only possible option. I had my fingers crossed that the phone recording mode was picking up this conversation. Even if it was I wasn't at all sure that it would matter much in a divorce.

In not much more than a whisper I asked her that I was thinking a divorce was the only choice, but asked her how she saw option one working?


"I'm glad you are being reasonable John. In fact with my plan our life doesn't really change much at all. My lover, and his name is Jason by the way, would move into our guest room ostensibly as my nephew from back east."

"Your nephew!" shouted John. "How old is he anyway? John had his head down into his folded arms.

"He's 19 and a student at the local JC. We simply tell the girls that he will be staying with us while he goes to school out here."

"Why does he have to move in? Why can't you just meet him in cheap ass motels or the back seat of your car like the other sluts do? Into our house, really?"

"John calm down. I plan on having sex with Jason for years to come and there would be no other way to keep it a secret for that long. Neither of us can afford to have our 'situation' become public knowledge. Most importantly should my activities be discovered, the ramifications for our children would be unacceptable."

"What if Jason flaps his big mouth? What 19 year old isn't going to brag to his friends that he is fucking a 43 year old MILF? Have you thought about that at all?" said John.

"Jason is a very discreet and subordinate young man. He knows that if he breathes one word of this to anyone I will cut him off so fast his head will spin! He also knows that he will treat you with respect or he's out."

"So I am just supposed to put up with this bullshit for the next several years?" He whined. John was holding his head in his hands without looking at me. I could tell he didn't believe what he was hearing, but I continued on.

"Sweetheart please don't use crude language. You and I will continue to live together as man and wife and loving parents. I will spend every night with you in our bed, but four or five nights a week after the kids are asleep I will go to Jason's room and spend an hour or so with him before returning to you. It's important that when the kids wake up we are together as we should be."

I could see that John resolve was waning so I softened up my language somewhat.

"John please be reasonable. You don't really want to destroy your daughters' world. Our sex life would continue....."

"Do you think I am going to continue to have sex with you after what you are proposing? You're insane!" screamed John.

"Lower your voice please. Yes John, you and I are going to continue to make love two nights a week lige you are so comfortable with. What I am going to do with Jason is just sex, it is just a physical release that I need, nothing like the reverence that I have for you. I know you don't see it right now, but I do care deeply for you and need you to be with me intimately as we always have been.

"If you refuse me sexually or do anything to upset the scenario I am proposing we will simply get divorced under the circumstances I have laid out. It goes without saying that you will not mistreat Jason in any way. Honestly John, you don't have a choice in the matter.

"However, in the interest of fairness I have taken the liberty of setting up an appointment for you with a family law attorney tomorrow. Can you believe some are actually open on the weekend? And no, this isn't the attorney I used to draw up the divorce petition. I want you to be able to get an unbiased legal opinion as to what the outcomes would be should you choose divorce. Your appointment is at 10:00 AM and you will be there."

Tears were running down John's cheeks. At this point I knew I had won. But, unless I worked diligently to build John back up over time, it would be a hollow victory. I did feel the pangs of guilt but this is how it would have to be.

John got up from the table and silently headed upstairs.

"John I know you won't feel like making love tonight, but we will be sleeping together and I expect to wake up in the morning with your arms cuddled around me as usual. Are we clear in our understanding?"

He just nodded without stopping or turning around as he continued up the stairs.

As he neared the top I stated in a clear voice. "And John honey, Jason will be moving in next weekend." There was no response from him. "And, there is a lot for you to do before that happens."

I felt good that it was working out so well. I even felt that over time John would really come to like Jason. After all Jason was a very polite and thoughtful young man. When I had discussed my plan with him he had immediately inquired as to the impact the plan would have on John with genuine concern. I thanked him for his concern and told him that there would be an adjustment period for sure, but that John was a decent and loving father and husband and I was confident that Jason wouldn't have any problems with John.

I had talked at length with Jason about the cover story of him being my nephew. I had of course told Jason if he said or did anything untoward to my daughters I would cut his dick off and shove it down his throat. I was smiling when I said it, but left no doubt that I meant it.


I was thinking, This can't really be happening. Please god, let my phone have picked up her vitriolic words. I took it out and with my hands shaking, hit play back. Thank god, it was all there and her diatribe was clear as a bell. Oh yeah, I will be in that attorney's office at 10 sharp tomorrow morning!

About twenty minutes later Gina knocked on my office door and entered.

"John, I'm sorry to interrupt you but I need to go over the things with you that need doing before Jason moves in." She started speaking as if she was going over a shopping list with me.

  1. "You need to replace the guest room door with a solid core door so sound is muffled.

  2. "You need to install a lockset and keyed alike deadbolt on the door that has ONLY two keys that are different from the rest of the house.

  3. "You need to install some decorative sound deadening material on the walls too.

  4. "You need to install some extra slats on the bed frame for support and to quiet the bed down.

  5. "And finally I want you to buy new bedding and pillows for the bed."

She continued on. "This needs to be done by Saturday afternoon. We need to explain to the girls about Jason living with us. We will do that beginning Monday. I WILL do the talking while we are explaining."

"You seem very confident Gina that I am going along with this madness. When I see the attorney tomorrow, my plan is to file for divorce, but we will talk more when I return."

"John, I'm quite sure you aren't going to divorce me. Once Jason and I settle into our routine, you will see that our life together isn't going to change at all."

I snorted and asked her to close the door on her way out, but she wasn't done yet.

"Don't forget, I expect you in our bed shortly. No juvenile games please," she admonished me.

I did plan on sleeping in our bed. I wasn't going to let her chase me out of my bedroom just because she had gone insane, besides I wanted her to think I was going along with her plan at least until I could talk to the lawyer.

I came to bed about an hour later and we did spend the night together, but I got as far away from her as possible. Remarkably I fell asleep right away. I don't know how she slept, but she was curled around me when I awoke in the morning. She proceeded to try to arouse me by stroking my dick, but it wasn't happening. I jumped out of bed and hit the shower. I hurriedly got ready and left the house without further acknowledging Gina's presence. As I was driving away I saw Gina standing at the doorway with a smirk on her face. She just shook her head and turned away.

I stopped at Jack's, one of the girls' favorite breakfast stops. They are well known for their chocolate chip waffles, but I didn't think my stomach could handle anything close to that. I just ate a couple of scrambled eggs and headed over to the lawyers office.

I had punched his address into the GPS and was at his office door in fifteen minutes. The place looked deserted but the door was unlocked so I walked in. A voice from the back called out to me and told me to take a seat and he would be with me shortly.

As promised in a short time a large jovial looking light skinned man with definite Nordic features came to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself as Ansel Adams, esq. We went into his office after he locked the door behind us and waved me to a seat. "Now Mr. Bishop what can I do for you?"

I explained my entire situation to him and he listened patiently without interruption jotting down a few handwritten notes along the way. When I was finished he quickly asked me a couple of clarifying questions. When he asked if there were anything else I played my tape for him. Again he listened quietly, although he did raise his eyebrows at more than a few of Gina's statements.

When the tape concluded, he gave a deep sigh and asked how I got the tape? I explained it to him and he said that he wasn't sure that it could be used in court in a criminal case because our state was what is known as a 'two party state.' That means both parties have to be aware of the fact that the conversation was being recorded. There are some exceptions as it relates to criminal law, but the standard of proof is very hard to meet. And he told me that to use it in criminal court I would in essence first have to admit that I had committed a crime. He opined that it probably could be used in family court when trying to determine custody issues. When he said this I became very excited and for a moment it looked like there might be a way out of this for me.

I was quickly dispelled of those thoughts when attorney Adams told me that my wife might be able to overcome it by saying she didn't really mean it. She was just very distraught because of the abuse I was subjecting her to. He reminded me that adultery was not a crime or grounds for divorce/custody in our state. When he asked me about Gina as a mother I had to tell him the truth; she was a great mom to our daughters. He just kind of shook his head sadly and gave a harrumph.

At the end of our hour long meeting he told me that he felt I might have about a 50-50 chance of getting custody of our children based on the tape. He looked me in the eye and asked the $64,000 question. "Do you want to risk it?"

Now it was my turn to sigh. I told him I didn't really know the answer to that question. I just couldn't be a part time dad, I just couldn't.

He was having trouble looking me in the eye when he said, "you sound like a great dad, but I see great dads getting screwed over in family court everyday. When no fault laws came into vogue, the intent wasn't to screw over husbands and fathers, but it resulted in that just the same. He tried to lighten the mood a little by adding, "That's what we get for letting lawyers make laws.

"If you don't want to be another statistic, can you find a way to live with your wife's ultimatum?" He stammered a bit more, looked around furtively and quietly said, "You know, you might be able to use that tape to your advantage against your wife." He seemed very uncomfortable but continued. "If you made her listen to it and then told her that everyone she knew would hear it......."

I barely heard the rest of what he said, because he gave me an idea. I asked him about post-nups, and he confirmed they were done all the time. He admonished me that the family court wasn't bound to honor a post-nup, but if it wasn't harmful to minor children and not too one-sided the courts generally abided by the terms. He also gave me a referral for a private investigator that he recommended. Lawyer Adams and I talked for sometime and at the end of our conversation, I wrote him a check to retain his services.

He and I shook hands and he promised to complete the post-nup contract we agreed to by mid week. He told me he was sorry that he couldn't have been more help, but it seemed like I had a good plan under the circumstances. While it wasn't ideal, it would keep me a full time Dad and able to experience my daughters lives as they grew up.

I am sure Gina was waiting at home anticipating my capitulation to her plan. But I couldn't go home yet. I had to contemplate my actions further and I had to do it in peace so I decided to spend Saturday night in a motel with my phone shut off. I didn't want to go off half cocked. After all Gina had months to develop her plans and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours yet since my life went to hell.

I knew I would have to tread carefully. I had some doubt that Gina would actually go through with her nuclear option of a bitter divorce because I was confidant that she loved our daughters as much as I did. But if I told her to go fuck herself there was no telling how she would respond.

I decided to send her a text. "Gina, I am finished at the attorney's office and he found your ultimatums and willingness to use our daughters as weapons unconscionable, but he confirmed that essentially what you told me, would in fact, be the most likely outcome in a divorce scenario. I have to decide if I want to accept your proposal or just file for divorce and destroy our family. I will return home late Sunday morning to discuss it further with you."

That should make her sweat a little anyway. I checked into a mid level chain hotel. One of those places that served a free breakfast. The food probably wasn't the best, but it wouldn't leave me heaving it up in the bathroom either.

It was obvious that my only choice was to live to fight another day. I guess the only thing left for me to do was to implement the imperfect and risky plan that Attorney Adams and I had discussed. At that point I fell into a troubled sleep.


John's text was not a good sign. He should have come back with his tail between his legs. Maybe it was just a childish pout and tomorrow morning he would capitulate. Once that happened I was sure that I could back down from my harsh rhetoric and start to smooth John's transition into accepting the lifestyle I deserve and need. Still, he didn't come home. I was puttering around the house when a thought struck me like a lightening bolt. The girls, he might have gone to my parents and run with the children!

I quickly grabbed my cell phone and nervously dialed my parent's number. My mother answered and all seemed well at their house. I asked to speak with the girls for a few minutes. They told me they were having a great time, so I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

After hanging up the phone I felt better but still was worried about John's refusal to cooperate. What had that lawyer told him? My lawyer made it perfectly clear what the outcome would be. Of course I had lied to her about John being abusive. Well anyway we would clear it all up in the morning and then I could get on with my plan. I was a little concerned that time was growing short and John had a lot to do before Jason moved in.