Unexpected Pleasures

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Blindfolded, I am led to the fullfilment of fantasy.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/21/2018
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As I felt the car stop my sense of excited nervousness seems to crawl up my throat, making me clench my shaking hands on my lap. Were we here? Wherever here was, was I finally going to find out what was going on?

I clenched my hands harder, wanting to adjust the blindfold over my eyes as my ears strained to hear over the music for some hint to where I was. The whole day had been a buildup of tension to this point and now that is was happening I still felt like I was dreaming.

My husband, Cory, and I had been together for 5 years now, after dating for a few years before. As with many couples over the years the strains of work and life in general had forced us apart. Well not forced so much as drifted apart until we were more roommates, one of my friends called us brother and sister as if her special world was any better.

I was the quiet one in the relationship, Cory more outgoing and the extrovert by far. It worked out well for the times we did go out and I have to admit it was always fun watching him in action. Tonight though was something different. I knew he was up to something for a bit now with odd questions and some things he kept bringing up.

The discussions about sexy fantasies was one he had been mentioning for a while now and though I downplayed it, I really found it exciting! I played along of course, the things he brought up were certainly fun sounding and he surely knew my buttons. Apparently better than I did.

Today was interesting. I'm not used to him actually giving me orders so directly but he seemed so into the game I felt compelled to play along. Taking the time to have a long scented bath and shaving everywhere, then working my hair like I was going to a wedding seemed a bit much but like I said he was so insistent!

As I looked in the mirror while finishing my hair I had to admit I did look pretty good. I'm pretty tall at 5'9 and while a bit heavier certainly carried it well. I mean yeah I could lose a few pounds but who couldn't right? I enjoyed swimming and managed to hit the pool a few times a week or went for lots of walks. My dark red hair, down to mid back right now, nicely curled flowed over my shoulders and down my front.

My chest was what Cory described as fun sized, more than a handful for sure and he always seemed to enjoy it almost as much as I did. Pausing with my curler I turned sideways to catch a view of my nicely rounded butt. Whatever he had planned I was going to look good doing it.

He had picked out a light blouse for me and a short skirt. Bit shorter than I was used to or felt comfortable in for a while but like I said, insistent. The lack of stockings was a bit odd and I felt the cool air on my legs which was actually refreshing in my nervousness. When we left he had me put on a blindfold, which I thought was weird and probably looked odd as we drove from the house in the evening. Luckily it was dark so I just rested my arm on the window and used my hand to cover my eyes.

We drove for several minutes before we pulled over. The tone of his voice was odd, like he was excited but nervous. He told me to get out and get in the backseat and that some people were going to be getting in. I was a bit pissed about this and went to pull up the blindfold before he stopped me. Trust me, he said. The other order was odd, to say nothing. Be quiet, no questions. Finally I submitted and opened the car door unsteadily, almost tripping on the soft grass by the curb. A hand steadied me, I flinched with surprise but kept my mouth shut as I was told.

The hand directed me to the sidewalk and I pulled back as we started walking. Only the sound of Cory's voice kept me walking, the surprised tone as I heard him getting out of our vehicle, then following behind.

We walked several meters before I was directed to another car, the interior warm with music playing. My stomach felt like it was clawing up my throat now and the hand holding mine felt the tremor. The gentle squeeze was unexpected but welcome as he, it was definitely a man's hand, guided me into the car.

I wiggled in the backseat and felt people get in on either side of me. I started trying to speak but a firm shush from a woman beside me stopped me before I started. I heard someone get in the front seat, relieved when I heard Cory's sigh as he settled in the seat.

I thought it weird when he started speaking as the car pulled away. But with the same insistent tone him telling me to relax and that I needed to play along. Play along? I bit my lip to stay quiet, wanting nothing more than to pull the blindfold off and ask what the hell he was playing at. But at the same time I was excited, curious with his odd game.

I flinched when I felt the woman's hand on my thigh. Nothing big just resting there. The gentle warm squeeze on my smooth leg was probably just to relax me but did the opposite. I sort of knew by this point this was going to be something sexy but having new people in the car suddenly made it real. We drove a bit more, me in darkness feeling the presence of the couple beside me. Music played and everyone was quiet which was driving me crazy!

Finally after a bit we stopped. Doors opened as I forcefully unclenched my hands and shuffled out of the car. The man's hand waited for me and guided me up a driveway to a set of steps. A soft voice warned me before I stubbed a toe and I managed to climb the stairs and enter the house. My heels clicked on the hardwood floor as I was led down a hall and turned to what felt like a large room.

I could her whispers fade as we walked in, my nervousness soaring to new heights as my heart pounded in my chest. What the hell was Cory up to!

"Mrs." a woman's voice," You have been brought here with your husband to experience pleasures you have only dreamed of. Before we begin, are you here of your own consent?"

What the fuck? My mind races at what the forceful woman's tone is saying. Do I want to be here? I mean it's not like Cory was going to hurt me, or let anyone else hurt me. I had to admit, in lightning fast reflection that I was enjoying this. The mystery, the excitement was intoxicating.

"Yes," I whispered, not even realizing I was speaking.

"We have very strict rules, you must not speak of this anywhere. This is a private club and privacy is essential. You do not give your name or ask for others names. You are here for the experience and when you leave you take memories and nothing else. Nod if you understand."

I nod jerkily, the woman's voice is so intimidating with its intensity that I feel myself curling up inside myself.

"Good. Let's begin."

I feel my blouse being unbuttoned and flinch my hands to stop them. What the hell!

Hands hold my wrists, not hard but enough to get the point across so I force myself to relax. They work quickly and I feel air on my chest with the lacy bra Cory had picked for me. My blouse is pulled from me and I feel so exposed with who knows how many people watching me! As they unfasten my bra my mouth opens and I move my arms again, their grip tightens on my wrist as the woman beside me whispers in my ear that I am safe to just go with it.

She lifts the blindfold from my eyes and I blink at the bright light over a bed. I try looking around but the shadows hide whoever else was in the room. I notice a tall powerfully built redheaded woman with short hair standing at the edge of the light.

She stares at me with an intensity I find unnerving but keep myself still as the couple beside me remove my bra. I look at them in turn, the woman is taller than I am with the same build at the redhead. I figure quickly she must have something to do with the fitness business or sports or whatever because rounded shoulders like that just don't happen. The man beside me is even larger with shoulder length back hair swept back to his broad shoulders.

As they remove my blouse and bra, her hand rubs my back while he rubs my belly. The sensation of two people touching me is new but enjoyable. I have never felt this and I look desperately in the shadows for Cory. Is he there? Is he watching this?

Does he like this?

The last thought jars me physically. Is Cory watching other people touching me and getting off on this? Is my submitting making him happy?

I see motion at the edge of the light and two women ease themselves on the bed before me. One of them with dark hair, maybe shoulder length and styled back from her face. Her eyes as she glances my way are captivating in their exotic seductiveness and I feel myself being pulled forward. On the other side of the bed another woman settles on the sheets, her hair pulled back with mischievous eyes looking my way that makes me feel even more excited with my surrendering to the moment.

Both women are slim and probably shorten than I am but my eyes fixate on one feature for both.

Their breasts.

I have always been into breast play. I didn't even know it was a thing until Cory showed me a video one night in bed. Women with their breasts bound and teased with fingers, tounges, clamps or feathers. When we had sex that night visions of those videos filled my mind as he thrust into me. I never told him how much it excite me, but he could tell and found more videos. I hinted to him I wanted to try these things but never really got the intensity I wanted, I needed for it. These women I guess did.

Both women eased themselves on the bed with a comforting familiarity I found reassuring. They lean back on the pillows and stare at me standing there topless as a strange woman and man rub my belly and shoulders. I'm lost in the moment staring at the two of them, feeling myself get more excited with each breath.

Both women lay back with rope wrapped around the base of their breasts, thrusting them forward like beacons of desire. The tight skin is obvious in the bright light, along with the firm nipples. Oh those nipples. I've always wanted Cory to play with my nipples, pull them twist them! But he never really got into it as much as I wanted, needed, and I could never tell him more!

As the women settled on the bed they leaned into each other for a passionate kiss. The lighter haired woman resting her hand on the darker haired as their lips met. I had seen video of course, but the reality was so different. Everyone in the room was watching them kiss, the lighter haired woman caressing the others arms, their bound breasts meeting between them. They both smile as they brush their nipples against each other then glance at me again. Their hands caress each other's bodies, avoiding their breasts for the time as they warm to the moment.

After several breathless moments the light haired woman lay on her back with her hand sliding between her legs, while the dark haired one teases her bell with her nails. I stare spellbound as she moves her hand in slow circles, a smiling deep breath as the dark haired one starts to tease her breasts with her finger tips.

The couple beside me start exploring me as I watch. Her hand cups my breast, squeezing gently before brushing over my nipple. I let out a gasp at the sensation, biting my lip to stay quiet. The man moves lower to cup my butt. They pause in playing with me to undo my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. Wiggling the panties down is more awkward and the three of us have a quiet chuckle at the contortions while I try to keep watching the two on the bed. Now that I am naked their hands roam freely, making me twitch and giggle nervously as they brush over me. When her hand slides between my legs to cup me I let out a little squeak of surprise but do part my legs, the feel of her fingers on my freshly smooth and sensitive skin making my hips twitch forward with each caress.

The two women on the bed watch them touch me. The dark haired one pulling a feather from under the pillow and teasing the others nipples delightfully while her hand continues its own movement. Her eyes lock on mine as she squirms on the bed under her friend's attention. Her friend leans forward and also looks at me as her tongue touches her before sucking the nipple past her lips.

The other two are driving me crazy watching. Her hand doing its own motion has my hips pushing hard against her fingers while the man behind me massages my breasts, occasionally tweaking my own nipples. I let out my own moan, not even caring who may be watching by now I am so into this. The woman beside me whispers in my ear, jarring me back to reality.

"Join them."

Join them? I mean it's one thing to watch, ok while being groped, but to get in the bed with these beauties? The moment of hesitation is fleeting as her fingers dip into me and I realize I'm just being silly. After all this is what I'm here for isn't it? The entertainment of the evening?

I step forward and place a knee on the bed. The two roll to the sides and wait for me with smiles, they can likely feel the excitement radiating from me. They reach out their hands and guide me to lay between them, my hands fluttering on my belly as I settle. They both laugh kindly at my confusion and the dark haired one lays her hands on mine with a gentle squeeze. Her friend curls a finger on my chin to turn her way, her soft lips meeting mine as I return her kiss wide eyed.

They place my hands to my sides as they start to caress me, cupping and squeezing my breasts or slipping between my legs. I open my legs slightly for them and am rewarded with both leaning forward to start licking my nipples. My head rocks back at the sudden sensation, feeling so good coming from so many ways. My hands turn to grab them, holding their legs as they start to pleasure me.

I let out a moan, unable to contain myself as I feel so overloaded. I open my legs more and both their hands start to play with me, opening me for all the watchers in the room. Was Cory enjoying this now? I feel a wave of pleasure approaching and start to breathe faster, my hips pushing as hard as I can against them, when suddenly they stop!

I lift my head thinking I did something wrong as they adjust their position. Seeing the look on my face the dark haired woman caresses my cheek and brushes over my lips to let me know everything was ok. Then they take my hands and hold them against their own bound breasts. He feeling is amazing. The skin so tight and from their expressions really sensitive! I brush their nipples while the light haired one gives a naughty eyebrow raise with her smile. My fingers tease them while they sit beside me, caressing my own body for a few moments before they motion me to sit up.

I roll to my hands and knees when they stop me, the dark haired woman starts to caress my butt and we all giggle as she gives me a few light slaps. I spread my legs for her as the caresses start to slip down and her hand moves to tease my clit while her thumb rubs a slow circle rimming me. Her friend kneels in front of me, guiding my face to her chest, pulling me close and moving my hair out of the way as I lick her nipples. The tight skin tastes amazing and I feel her body shake with pleasure, while her friend teases me close again before leaving me short.

After far to brief a time we sit back and the dark haired woman reaches under the pillow and pulls out a section of rope like they have bound themselves with. My eyes widen with excitement realizing what is happening and I sit up higher for them. They work quickly as they raise my arms for the first few loops, starting the rope at the base tight enough to be firm but not painfully so and letting me move without pulling to tightly. It is so exciting watching them work and the feel of the rope on me. My breasts jut forward, my nipples already tight with their constant teasing and feel so full!

Once they are done we spend a few minutes just playing. Brushing our breasts against each other while our hands touch each other all over. I reach down between both their legs, my fingers moving quickly teasing their clits. They each grab a hand and hold themselves against me, rotating their hips with me. The lighter haired girl is apparently a bit more sensitive and I push harder, letting my fingers slide inside her as she shudders through a surprise orgasm. The sound of her moans so loud in the room that I'm sure some of my watchers likely lost it at the same time! I have a fleeting thought of Cory, what was he doing right now? Was he being pleasured like I was right now? Maybe some lady here was working his cock like these two were delighting me?

Now I focus on the dark haired woman, my hand rubbing hard against her as her hips twist against me. Her friend leans over and starts licking her breasts, bringing her quickly to an even louder orgasm. Dropping her head to my shoulder as she grinds against me.

As my new friends settle we all share smiles before they push me down on the bed again. My breasts look funny with the pink rope and sticking forward, the pale skin looking a bit darker and my pink nipples an angry red. They take my hands and put them over my head, over top of the pillow. Shifting the pillow to the side she pulls out two cuffs and they quickly secure my hands. My nervousness returns as they sit back but it's not like I can pull away now! The feeling of helplessness is odd. As they start to caress me again I twist side to side, trying to get more but depend totally on what they want. It is odd but I realize quickly I like it!

Their nails trace across my chest, even more sensitive than usual making me moan in pleasure. Such an intense feeling as they tease me it is almost unbearable. Then they both pull feathers from under the pillows, twisting them in their hands in front of me with mischievous smiles.

I start to speak, to say no as the feathers dance along my chest. The gentle back and forth feels unbelievable and my words slur to nothing but pleasurable moans. I open my legs to their other hands, rolling side to side as they tease me, bring me close to the edge before easing back again. I can hear heavy breathing in the room around us and I know others are getting off while watching my torment. I moan louder, starting to beg them to release me, to finally let my body have the orgasm it needs before I go crazy!

Then the dark haired girl sits back and I feel hands on my ankles. Her friend is still rubbing me slowly, my mind numb in pleasure, as she moves away then sits back down by my hips. I feel restraints on my ankles pulling me wider when a familiar buzzing sound fills the air. I groan loudly as she moves closer, finding my sensitive spots so easily. My hips move quickly, drawing her toy in for me as her tongue touches my clit. Finally I explode, my head back in a silent scream of pure bliss as my friends draw out my orgasm deliciously. I feel like I must be rocking the bed my body contracts so tightly before falling back limply.

The feeling of excitement in the room is amazing. I hear chairs moving as people stand, feeling very conscious of being bound to the bed with the two women still touching me. Expecting to be let free I'm surprised when I feel more hands join theirs and I realize that my night may not be over yet.

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WinterSolsticeWinterSolsticeabout 4 years ago

I absolutely love your use of detail and the way you combine the character's emotional and mental experience with her physical sensations. So erotic.

Thank you!

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