Unexpected Threesome Ch. 16


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Yet my knowledge of her insecurities was gained in a private conversation with her. I had to be discrete about how I pushed her on the issue. Certainly she had mouthed the words above that downplayed the significance of the girl's appearance, but I hadn't convinced myself her heart was in it. It might have been; but I just wasn't sure.

I decided I needed to come back to the issue the girls had raised but too quickly passed over, even though I felt uncomfortable even saying the words.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with the girl's appearance?"

The question was asked to both of them; but Amy's and my eyes were completely focused on each other as I spoke. She can't help but have known the question was really directed at her. Her eyes bore into mine as she answered.

"Ned, you're going to have a lot of fun fucking her. But there are things that come with a body like that which I know are not really what you find obsessively attractive.

She's got a tidy little tummy bulge and you don't get hips like that without have a half acre of butt flesh and neither of those really accord with your preferences. I think Ellen and my tight little butts and trim figures won't have any trouble competing with her."

I was pleased that Amy's answer had been well framed. "Obsessively" and "competing" went to the core of our discussions. Amy had clearly understood the direction of my question. "Tidy little tummy bulge" had not meant to be a compliment, even if Tash's was both tidy and little. It was meant in contrast to Amy's own plank flat one and Ellen's nearly equally trim one and Amy knew they drew my eyes like a magnet.

And while "half an acre of butt flesh" was a gross and quite unfair exaggeration, it made the point. Both Amy and Ellen could rock a thong in a way that might have you telling Tash to put hers away. I was never a fan of the Kardashian butt displays and while Tash's wasn't nearly as bad as that, Amy understood that Tash in a thong would not be to my taste.

So it seemed that Amy had found her equilibrium on the issue and I was happy that she'd found it on solid ground. When the girls decided we should invite her aboard, I concurred.

A few days later we picked her up in our tender from the German yacht. I was pleased to see the warmth of the farewell she shared with the owners of it. It was clear her departure was on good terms and regretted; even if necessary because of their plans. I will admit I was also a little pleased to see her wearing the same cut away yellow one piece under a pair of tiny white shorts. Because they were dry, they were no longer as transparent. But they created an impact just the same.

No sooner was she aboard and her bags stowed then she emerged into the main cabin where the rest of us were and put a letter on the table.

"Issie told me I should come equipped with this."

It was a letter from the medical clinic. I'd seen several in identical terms before, so even if my French was only passable, I knew what it was about and what it said. She'd had herself tested for STI's and got an all clear. It did make me wonder if we'd ever be completely free of Issie's hand. Her influence on the running of the boat just kept popping up; usually for the best.

For maybe half an hour the four of us sat around the cabin table learning more about each other before Amy got up to start preparing dinner and Tash retired into the centre cabin to unpack her bag. Ellen and I moved across to the starboard settee where we were going through her navigation notes for the next part of our trip.

"Shit. What happened to the frozen chicken we had in here?"

I turned around to see Amy with her arms and head buried deeply in the freezer, her cute butt blocking the passageway. It was Ellen who replied.

"I used it two nights ago."

"There's no meat at all in here."

"There's a few other things I know we're short of. Why don't we do a quick run ashore for some emergency supplies?"

"We'd better hurry. I wanted to marinate the chicken first. Hay Tash! We have to do a quick trip into town. Anything you want?"

Tash's voice emerged from the centre cabin.

"No, I'm good."

Within minutes Amy and Ellen had donned a pair of shorts over their bikinis and the sound of the outboard motor could be heard starting up and driving away; leaving me to go through the notes alone.

Almost immediately Tash emerged from the centre cabin, minus the shorts which until then had covered the bottom half of that teasing one piece.

With a...

"I'll take these..."

She took the notes out of my hand and placed them on the table behind her. Then she straddled my thighs; kneeling on the settee facing me with her legs spread wide either side of mine while her crotch was thrust aggressively forward enough that it pinned my until then flaccid cock under it. She leaned back, a hand on each of my shoulders, the relative height she gained by being over my lap ensuring the neutral view I had of her was straight down the front of her swimmers.

"They'll be gone for at least half an hour. Why don't we take the chance to get to know each other better? To break the ice so to speak."

The way my cock exploded into hardness, trying to burst through her and my swimmers as it pushed firmly into the crotch which covered it risked more than ice being broken.

How do you reply to such a confident come on? I've never been someone who could just go...'sure, let's have a fuck.' By nature I'd be someone who feigned ignorance at the true nature of the invitation while I recovered my composure or at least some semblance of equal bargaining position.

But Issie had given me some practice at coming out with a less defensive reply; although it always took my brain just a few moments to process it. And since Tash had almost immediately started rocking herself back and forwards, rubbing her crotch on the swollen object she was straddling, feigned innocence wasn't going to cut it anyway.

Anyway, her mere presence so intimately close to me simply overwhelmed me. I hadn't notice before her feint feminine perfume which teased my senses, but that was nothing compared to her visual impact at such close quarters and with the prospect of sex so imminent. Her breasts spanned half the distance between her leaned back torso and my face. Her swimmers may have been dry, but they still strained to accommodate their contents creating a void down her cleavage and clinging tightly to her under-boob in a way that seemed to beg you to assist in their supporting of them.

The tapering of her waist, the flare of her hips, the perfection of her thighs, the beauty of her skin. I felt I didn't have enough hands to touch her in the way I wanted to. I wasn't just hard. My cock was straining at the very flesh that covered it.

Even as I replied, without any knot in the drawstring, her rocking had peeled my erection out of my swimmers and released it from directly under her. It now stood exposed as a rigid mast between our torsos. Tash had angled her crotch to rub herself slowly and gently up and down its hard naked flesh, engulfing half its circumference into the crease down the front of her swimmers.

I took a quick look down between our bodies and saw the base of my shaft engulfed within her warm crease; wrapped in the thin strip of pale yellow spandex that separated her flesh from mine. She rocked upward, the length of visible shaft shortening before only the bell was exposed, with a droplet of pre-cum squeezed from the tip before she slid back down again.

"I think it would be more comfortable in my cabin."

Tash dismounted me, offering me a hand to get up and using that to lead me back to the master cabin. As soon as we were inside it, she knelt down to peel my swimmers down my legs.

"Hey, you're circumcised. I've never had one of those. The only one I've even seen was dad's when I walked into the shower on him and that wasn't standing to attention like yours."

"Yea, well most Aussie men of my generation were probably circumcised. It was just done in a way it's not now."

"It makes them look bigger. That's quite a display you've got there Ned. I can see why Issie said you're a bit of a stud."

She licked up its full length twice, before playing her tongue around the bell.

"Hmmm, it tastes of Amy or Ellen."

I shuddered a bit at that. It was actually both of them from this morning's romp. It had been a busy day and there'd not even been time for a swim since.

But she wasn't looking for me to tell who. Almost immediately she stood in front of me, her arms outstretched to the side.

"Do you want to do the reveal, or will I?"

I took the hint and slipped both shoulder straps off, taking a moment to cup each breast and lick each nipple as they were exposed as her swimmers fell away from them. Then I pulled her swimmers down the rest of the way and slipped them off her leg. I was surprised at the strength of the tan lines she displayed. Her natural skin was almost a milky white; not surprising really given the blondness of her hair. But that colour was in stark contrast to the light brown tan she carried on the rest of her body. The tan suited her, indeed, added to her stunning appearance, but you did have to wonder about the damage to her skin in achieving it.

Even more I had to wonder about the bikini she wore to imprint that pattern. At the front, it was nothing more than three small triangles of radiant white skin. Those over her breasts barely covered her nipples and certainly must have showed a lot of underboob. I suspected I'd be seeing a lot of that bikini soon enough.

Immediately she moved onto the bunk, turning towards me and kneeling on it as she extended a hand to have me join her.

As soon as I moved onto it, she wrapped me up in her arms and toppled us both over so that we were flat on the bed, side by side and intimately intertwined. In a way I was hoping she'd make the first move to let me know what she liked. But she just snuggled her head into my shoulder and lay there. While I wasn't in a hurry, the pregnant pause went on just a bit too long for my comfort, so I broke first.

"What do you like?"

"Do you mean, how do I like being fucked?"

"If you want to put it that way."

"I like it a lot if it's done right. But to answer your question, I'm good for just about anything. My g spot works a treat, I like getting head and I don't mind a good pounding. The only thing out is anal. But you know, the first time I just like to get fingered before you have your turn."

Well, I could hardly just start tickling up her clit. It needed a bit of foreplay first, so I untangled my head enough to kiss over her breasts while I ran my fingers up and down between her navel and the bottom of her mound. That was enough to drive Amy crazy, so I hoped it worked for her.

"You didn't ask why."

"Why what?"

"Why I start by getting you to finger me."

"OK, why?"

"Because I'm sick of guys going off before they get anywhere the first couple of times they get to play with me. A pair of big boobs and they go off like a cheap cracker. I've had them ejaculate on the bed while giving me head and not one has got more than half way in the first half dozen times without shooting his load. So I figure I'll take my pleasure before it happens. I know you might be different, but it's best to cover all bases."

I smirked into her cleavage at the frankness of her description of her past experiences. It confirmed my impression she had tags on herself. She knew she was a stunner. But the tags weren't unreasonable and the package was delivered with good humour. It was little more than a well justified confidence in herself and that was exactly what had appealed to me about Issie no less than it did Tash.

Anyhow, fingering her gave me ample opportunity to have a good play with those breasts. Hands, lips, tongue, even the top of my nose all made sure her nipples got a good touch up. And there was just something about cupping the under-breast in my hand as I ran my thumb across the nipple projecting from the top that was enough to drive a man wild. She reacted nicely to the nipple play too. It was clear she was enjoying it and it was getting her quite excited.

I decided it was time to explore further. Running my fingers down her torso yet again, I dragged my middle finger into her crease and around the turn of her mound. She let out a little hum of delight as I first drew my finger across her now wet and swollen bud.

Having established that first contact, there was little point in playing games. I continued to rub her little nub of pleasure with all the tricks I'd learnt from pleasuring the other girls; enjoying the way her rising excitement communicated itself both through her body and her groans and moans. She was no screamer, but the sound of genuine arousal was unmistakable. But it was also clear this girl had techniques of her own.

The way she squirmed about in her excitement might have reflected a release of her own building feelings, but they were just as clearly designed to excite me as her partner. It flaunted her body at me, throwing her breasts more firmly against the lips that were pleasuring them and turned and lifted that taut little stomach and feminine hips in a way designed to seduce the eye and brush against my body as she stroked her fingers through my hair. All the while her thigh was brushing up and down against my hardened manhood. It was lightly enough not to squash it, firmly enough to excite it, as if she'd got the calibration worked out to a fine degree and using whatever combination of sweat, pre-cum drawn down from the tip and her own juices leaking down her leg to produce a silky smooth slide. I was starting to understand why her former lovers might have gone off prematurely.

It was time to test her g spot. Leaving my thumb to take over from my forefinger in rubbing her clit, I slipped first one, then a second finger into her receptive sex, testing along the front wall of it for a reaction. At first I couldn't detect any over and above what my thumb might be producing. I increased the pressure, raking firmly along the full length of the area it was likely to be. I'm no cock sure lover; always feeling a bit uncertain at this point. Ellen was kind enough to say 'there', Amy's screams told me everything I needed to know. Maybe it was working and I couldn't separate the effect of my clit rubbing from her g spot?

She was still growing increasingly aroused, so I just kept at it, figuring something was working and nothing seemed to be holding her back. Then suddenly her thighs tightened against my hand and she let out a deeper groan. It wasn't an orgasm; I'd triggered the spot.

As she relaxed her thighs a bit from that first reaction, I applied a little more pressure to the spot. The build of her orgasm accelerated noticeably. The soft moans turned to groans as she squirmed and played her body even more seductively against me in a way that was clearly intended to also set the pace of my stimulation of her.

It was only a minute later she climaxed. Her body tensed and her hand came around the back of my head and pushed my face deeply into her cleavage as she lifted her hips and held them there. Almost the moment she brought her hips back to the bunk she seemed keen to have me penetrate her; like she wanted her contractions to bear against my cock. She turned toward me and used her hand to push me into a shallow penetration, then bore firmly down on me

Immediately I understood why so many of her lovers went off prematurely. She was tight; really tight. She was well lubricated and her body was clearly ready for me. It was just her body was gripping me like a too small spandex tube. It was more than her tightening her pelvic floor muscles - which I can generally feel like a hard - although quite pleasurable - washer at the entrance to the girl's sex. No, this was the whole of the immersed length. And as she started bouncing to push me in, it didn't open up any further. All it did was start to sensitise my cock to the point I knew I was in danger of following the path of all her previous lovers.

I slid my upper thigh between her legs and slipped it right under until I could feel it pressing on my own balls. That let me reach down and pull her upper leg over my hip; opening up her crotch. It helped, softening the pressure a bit and I suddenly found it easier to achieve a deeper penetration. But I still wasn't all the way there and she was still bouncing. And now I could feel she had tightened her pelvic floor muscles.

It occurred to me it might have been a point of pride for her to have her new lovers shoot their load prematurely. For a moment I was just inclined to let it go; to feed her ego by not breaking the unbroken record.

It was partly selfishness that held me back. I knew my own orgasm would be a dud if I released that quickly and in that position. Even just a few full length thrusts from on top looking down on that body would be enough to let me blow a really good one, so why not go for it. But it was also a sense that I wanted our sexual relationship to get off on a firmer basis than just being another premature releaser. Besides which, Issie had given me a reputation to live up to.

I pushed her over on her back and mounted her with my legs between hers, lifting her hips up just enough that I could draw my legs up and slide my thighs under hers; something I couldn't do with losing my penetration of her. Tash recognised what I was trying to do, but seemed to have her own favourite version of this position. She used her legs and shoulders to start arching herself up high enough I could just kneel upright and guide my shaft back into her.

She was still tight, but with her legs spread wide to surround my hips, I went in much easier than before. This was a position I often used with Amy and she loved it; very much playing to the sensitivity of her g spot while giving me a great view and a chance to play with other parts of her. But she was only 50 kg and it was little effort for me to hold her hips up where I needed them.

Tash was a bit heavier, but whereas Amy slumped her body down and let me carry the weight and do the work, It quickly became evident I didn't need to worry about whether I'd have any issues about supporting Tash.

Instead of slumping down, she held the arch up. And instead of letting me do the thrusting, it quickly became evident what she really wanted was for me to just hold still and let her play my shaft against her g spot; letting her adjust the angle, speed and depth of penetration to suit her desires.

Once she got started, she quickly tilted her head back so that the centre of her chest arched up too and the weight of her upper body was supported by the top of her head and her upper arms laid flat along the bed. Which meant my view of her terminated with this pair of massive breasts thrust upwards on arched back shoulders; wobbling vigorously as she moved against me, crowned by their hardened nipples pointing skyward.

Instinctively I started fingering her clit and reached forward with my other hand to tweak one of her nipples.

All the while my eyes are transfixed by the sight before me. The glorious flawlessness of her youthful beauty. Curves sculptured into a degree of exaggerated feminine perfection that no artist would dare to emulate for fear of idolising and objectifying women's sexuality. Skin impossibly taut and translucent and glowing in sun kissed colour. And those breasts; Himalayan peaks of astounding enchantment, standing proud and dominating the scene laid out under me. And all of it animated in sexually provocative undulations as she satisfied her needs on my rapidly sensitising shaft.

I looked down and just under my fingers teasing her obviously swollen bud, my shaft disappeared into her body; slipping in and out of it with her every movement, glistening with her juices.