Unexpected Threesome Ch. 24


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Given our late start and leisurely pace, it was 10.30 by the time we left the breakfast area. Emily was due to arrive in the RIB a bit before noon. I was almost scared to go back to the room. With Amy in her present mood, I wasn't sure we wouldn't end up back in bed. And while that of itself can never be a bad thing, what I really felt like was a nice sit down and a read of the international papers scattered around the foyer and poolside area of the hotel.

As we walked arm in arm away from breakfast, I tested out the idea on her. She stopped us, came around in front of me and gave me a faux stern mocking look.

"Don't you want one last fuck?"

My mind raced to deal with the question; especially since it left no easy escape. Was she serious or just teasing? Was I up to it anyway? Was I really going to say no to a fuck with Amy if that's what she really wanted? I'd never had this much sex before in my life. Twenty years ago it might have been a dream fantasy come true. Now I just wasn't sure; especially with my lingering guilt about the differences in our age.

"I'm not sure I'm up for it yet, if you know what I mean."

She looked me up and down; including a good study of the bulge already in my pants. Then looking at her watch, she offered me a deal.

"I'll tell you what, we can sit around the pool for a while as long as we're back in the room by 11.30."

With my arms on my hips, I grinned at her impertinence; and maybe at her optimism.

"OK, deal."

I stripped down to my swimmers and took up a nice armchair under an umbrella by the pool; finding myself a recent edition of the Financial Times. Amy slipped off her shorts and immersed herself in the pool; coming over the edge frequently to flirt with me in whatever way took her fancy.

After half an hour, she got out, dried herself thoroughly and lay down on a lounge she'd pulled up tightly against mine, sunning first her back and then rolling over face up. As she rolled face up, she slipped her arm across to my lounge, teasing with one finger the bulge in my swimwear. That, combined with the sight of her body laid out on the lounge next to me - which even a desire to read the paper couldn't stop me from being distracted by - got a reaction.

She felt it, subtle though it initially was. One finger became a more determined multi-finger fondling which caused the reaction to grow to enough prominence that I needed to hide it with the bottom edge of the paper I was reading.

"I guess you might be up for it Ned. We'll need to go back to the room soon."

"How do I stand up in my present state?'

She moved her hand down to my upper thigh.

"Put your t shirt on. That'll hide it."

She sat up, reached down to the ground and tossed my shirt onto the offending bulge. I put it on, pulling the front down as far as I could as I stood up to slip on my shorts. Carrying her shorts in one hand, Amy got up, took my hand in the other and started leading me back to the room. As we cleared the crowded pool area, she leaned against me; snuggling her head against my shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I've been a bit too pushy and demanding while we've been here Ned. This date thing really has done my head in. You've been incredibly good to me in the way you've indulged me."

I thought it was time I expressed the thought that had crossed my mind so often.

"Actually Amy, I'm incredibly proud of the way you've come to display such confidence in yourself. Not just the way you've used that to get more sex out of me, but generally. You've blossomed. You've learnt how to control your world. It's fantastic and a credit to yourself. And while I don't really want to bring everything back to appearance and sex, you're all the more attractive for it. It really suits you."

"Thanks Ned, but I've really got you to thank for that. You're the one who gave me that confidence."

I thought instead of deflecting her words by continuing to trade compliments with her, I'd let that slide. There was some truth to it, even if I really thought she'd got there largely on her own efforts. But sometimes saying less is more. A moment of silence passed.



"The reason I wanted to have you one last time was because, in a way, there's one aspect of the sex we've had that I still feel the need for and that we haven't really explored."

"What's that?"

"I suppose you might call it intimacy. I don't really want you to worry about touching up my clit or my g spot or nipples. I don't want you to think about giving me a climax at all. Nor do I want any acrobatics or pounding. I just want to have you in me while we really feel the heat of each other's bodies. Is that OK?"

I knew what she meant. We have shared moments like that in the past and I always thought they were special. Maybe they didn't result in the best orgasms, but they were some of the best memories. It was a good way to finish the date.

"Yes, I think I know what you want and I'd like that too."

As we came in the door and I put the security pass on the dresser, Amy pulled down my shorts; leaving my speedos on. A moment later she'd pulled the t shirt over my head and was pulling me towards the bed; climbing on it and then pulling me down on top of her.

I'd learnt with Amy that it was worth actually asking her what she wanted, even if it was a new experience for me to do so. For most of my past life I'd left myself guessing, however keen to please a woman I might have been. But this was one peculiarity of hers I could never be sure of what the answer was.

"Did you want this to be bikini on sex?"

"No, but we can finishing undressing each other in the heat of our foreplay."

That suited me. There was a certain excitement about getting to pull a bikini off Amy's body as my passions got up. Timing was the thing, but I generally just waited till she exposed me as a guide to what she wanted.

Amy wrapped me in her arms and instigated a deep and passionate kiss. While our lips were joined she started rubbing her body against mine as she squirmed about under me. I willingly imitated her; pushing one arm between the small of her back and the mattress to give me a better grip on her.

She slipped my right thigh between her legs, where I could feel it rubbing against her crotch as she wriggled about while she, in turn, rubbed my cock against the flesh of her hip. The feeling of her body against mine was electric. Very quickly there was a towering and very sensitive erection pushing up the material of my speedos, the whole length of which was now being rubbed on her hips.

It might not be intended to be about stimulating her nipples. But I'm a man. With my lips still connected to hers and one arm behind her back as I was writhing about on top of her, I had one free hand. Where I compulsively wanted that hand to be was on her breast. I cupped her still bikini covered breast, instinctively tweaking the nipple between the two fingers it pushed up between as I held it there.

My passion was certainly up; to the point that the way my speedos were being rubbed against my shaft was becoming a bit too stimulating.

I brought the hand behind her back up so I could pull the lower bow on her bikini top; enjoying the sensation of the previously tightly drawn top popping off her breast as I pulled the string loose. I separated our lips long enough to pull the bikini top over her head.

Amy took the hint and slipped her hand down inside my speedos to undo the drawstring; separating my cum weeping shaft from her hips long enough to let her peel the stretched material of my swimwear off the hard flesh of my shaft. Then she eased my pants onto my thighs were she dexterously lifted her leg up high enough to hook a toe under it and pull it off over my feet.

It was time. I wasn't going to pop a hip joint trying to imitate Amy. I started pulling at the waistband of her bikini, edging it down over her delightful bottom, until she took the hint and lifted her hips to let me drop it around her upper thigh. Then I separated my lips from hers long enough to let me bend down and slip the pants off the full length of her shapely legs.

Reluctant to waste the beautiful view I had of her mound and gloriously flat stomach as I extended my arm to her feet, I smothered the turn of her mound and her navel in kisses before doing the same to her nipples as I brought my head back up to hers.

Even before she had her tongue back in my mouth, Amy had wrapped my shaft in her hand and was guiding it into her sex. I gave a little sigh as my aroused manhood entered the warm embrace of her accepting body.

There were no acrobatics or efforts of great physical exertion in what followed. In a way we were pashing like a couple of innocent, fully dressed teenagers might; sort of dry humping each other without being too obvious about it. Our bodies moving against each other; revelling in the sensations of being so intimately close with a member of the opposite sex; the softness of her body, her womanly shape and the feminine aroma of her arousal.

The hand I had around her back pulled her lower torso in tightly against me; our navels kissing each other. Every time we writhed or squirmed against each other I felt the delightful sensation of her ever so suggestive breasts slipping across my chest.

But of course our arousal was brought to a whole new level by critical differences between us and the innocent teenagers. We were naked. It was Amy's delicate, perfect flesh brushing against my body, and we were joined in that most intimate manner of having my own sensitive flesh and blood immersed so deeply and delightfully inside the temple of her body.

And depth was what Amy seemed to desire. Her hands were on my butt, pulling me into her as if my penetration could somehow be made deeper even after my pubic bone was grinding against her mound. Maybe that was what was driving her so patently wild as she squirmed under me like a woman possessed. Maybe it was her clit she was grinding against me.

The nipple between my fingers had swollen to the point it was now the firm engorged flesh of her areola I could feel between them; the hard tower of the tightened nipple itself projecting above them. It beckoned me.

Escaping the embrace of my lips by hers, I kissed across her cheek, down her neck and craned my own to bring that glorious breast within my vision and to my lips. As my hand moved up to stroke her hair, my tongue flicked across the nipple, teasing its hardness, before taking it into my mouth and delighting in sucking upon its womanly uniqueness.

My eyes were turned in their sockets; entranced by the sight of her other breast - its nipple extended - wobbling and brushing against my chest as Amy's body still moved against mine.

Sucking her nipple seemed to bring her to a new height of arousal. She was moaning as she bucked under me. Now she had an arm around my neck, pinning my head against her breasts as the other hand pulled me against her mound. Her hips were thrust up; grinding ever more firmly and faster against me.

You could sense her suppress her usual exuberant cry as her body tightened, her hips lifted even higher and her body was overwhelmed by her orgasm. She held me in the air, her sex contracting against my hardened shaft, and the arm around my neck tightening its grip to the point of almost suffocating me, until the peak of its power passed.

She relaxed down onto the bunk, pulling my lips back against hers and thrusting her tongue into my mouth as she squirmed and writhed even more passionately. But amongst the seeming randomness of the movement of her body under me, there was one recurring action. Her sex had tightened its grip on me and her hips were being jerked back and forwards.

The amount of movement was constrained by my weight bearing down on her. It let my shaft move mere centimetres out of her before thrusting it back in. But it was unrelenting; her tightened sex constantly stimulating every nerve ending in the full length of my aroused manhood as it lay inside her.

I didn't want to come yet. The whole intimacy experience of this type of sex was too good to want to exchange for a mere orgasm. It was as if, for this magic moment, we had become one; a singular being consisting of our aroused merged selves. I'd had felt her orgasm as if it was mine. Even now I could feel another building with her. As far as my mere male brain could tell, a woman's orgasm seems to build passion - it certainly did Amy's - but a male one definitely drains it, and I wasn't ready yet for mine to be drained.

But Amy's action was unknowingly unsympathetic. Those tendrils of sensitivity were multiplying; filling up the surface of my whole shaft. I tried telling myself not to cum; that I'd blown so many loads in the last 24 hours that surely I could hold on longer. But it wasn't working. I tried unpleasant distracting thoughts; but being distracted from the shear eroticism of the experience was to miss the whole purpose of hanging on.

There comes a point when release is inevitable and something in your body automatically cuts in to make it the best one possible. Resigned to it, I gave Amy three hard and fast thrusts before the glorious sensation of my shaft pumping out my seed flooded my brain with pleasure. Then I groaned and shuddered on top of her until my body decided it had nothing more to give.

For once it was Amy who brought our interlude to a premature end. Glancing at the clock she exclaimed...

"It's noon. Emily will be here."

She rolled me off her and leapt out of bed; leaving my still rigid erection to flop against my stomach as it slipped out of her sex. By the time she'd finished putting her bikini on, I was still lying on my back on the bed; my hands under my head as I watched her.

Amy straddled me and lowered her body flat onto me; squashing the residue of my erection, in a not unpleasurable way, under her mound.

"Come on old man. Why aren't you in a hurry?"

"That clock's 10 minutes fast. Anyhow Emily's not going to blow a fuse if we're a few minutes late while I enjoy watching you get dressed."

With the pressure of the momentary time panic suddenly off her, Amy seemed to just melt on me; going coy and serious.

"You know Ned, the hardest part of handing you over to Emily for the next 24 hours isn't knowing that you'll be banging away at her like you have at me. It's just that you won't be near me. I'm going to miss you terribly. We've never been separated for that long before."

"The time will go quickly. Look how quickly our time together has passed. But, let me assure you that the sense of absence will be mutual."

Amy lifted herself off me.

"Well, we'd better go and surrender you to her."

Amy put her shorts on over her bikini bottom and packed the rest of her gear in her back pack while I got dressed. As we walked hand in hand to the resort jetty, we could see Emily steering the RIB between the lines of bungalows towards it.

By the time we'd got there, Emily had secured a line to the jetty but, with the RIB dancing about in the chop against a pier not really designed for anything that small, hadn't yet climbed out of the boat. We arrived just in time to offer her a steading hand.

It looked like it had been a choppy trip. As we had for our initial trip, Emily had donned one of the boat's high waisted oceanic wet weather pants; although with her tall slender modelesque figure, it only came up to the bottom of her rib cage, held there by the shoulder braces that supported it. Normally that would be more than enough protection against the slop that comes aboard the low freeboard RIB in the sort of light chop you'd expect in the lagoon.

But from the neck down she was dripping wet and although her long blonde hair was reasonably dry, it was now very windblown.

Her first action as we leant in to greet her was to hold up a hand.

"Just a sec."

She then started to strip herself out of the dripping wet pants. But even as I'd helped her out of the RIB, my eyes couldn't help but be drawn first of all to the top she was wearing.

It was a very pale blue, loose fitting, crop top with a deeply curved sweetheart neckline. Soaking wet and plastered transparently to her breasts with nothing underneath, it left little - no, make that nothing - to the imagination. The bare flesh of both the top and bottom of her breasts was exposed; the top down the front of the neckline and the bottom as an underboob under the bottom edge of the very short garment. But that mattered little because everything else could be seen through the top anyway; from the tan line imprint of her normal bikini top to the colour of her projecting nipples.

She instinctively pulled the material away from her skin, which reduced the area of transparency a little; but only a little. As she let it go, most of it reattached itself with the same result.

As she peeled the pants down her leg, it revealed she was wearing her white mini A line skirt; the one she'd worn her first day on the yacht. I'd never forgotten how stunning she'd looked that day in it; especially as several gusts of wind had revealed she was wearing a delicate lace thong underneath.

Between the bottom of the crop top and the top of her low slung mini skirt was a tower of slim, finely sculptured alabaster skinned midriff.

As she lifted her leg to step out of the wet weather pants I got a delightful glimpse of the gusset of that same lace thong; not to mention what lay in plain sight underneath its fragile lace material.

Finally, freed from the wet pants, she grinned at us...

"It was like a millpond where the yacht was anchored. But by the time I'd turned the corner to come down the west coast the wind had come up and there was a fair bit of fetch to let a chop develop."

Grinning a bit more widely as she held her arms out, she added...

"I might still be a bit damp for an enthuastic greeting."

Damp or not, I pulled her in for a full body hug, letting her wet top imprint on my shirt, before finishing with a kiss on her lips. Amy followed with a hug of her own before putting her mouth to Emily's ear and whispering in a voice I was clearly not intended to have heard...

"Oh god it was great. I rooted the cock off him. I hope I haven't worn him out for you. Go get him girl."

I watched Emily's eyes popped as she heard the words before her face turned to the now familiar grin.

After giving me a goodbye kiss, Amy tossed her backpack into the RIB and started to follow it; still dressed only in her bikini top and shorts. I couldn't help asking...

"Don't you want to put the pants on?"

"I'm dressed to get wet anyway and I'll be going with the worst of the chop. I'll just chuck the pants over my backpack as a cover for it."

Emily and I watched as she motored back out into the lagoon and disappeared around the corner.

"OK Emily, will we drop your backpack in the room and give you a chance to get changed before we go to lunch?"

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JoanmcarthyJoanmcarthyalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Accidental change of name

Sorry. A long break between stories caused an unintended change of name. It is fixed a few stories on.,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Why the name change?

Yeah. How did Ellen suddenly become Emily?

desertratazdesertratazover 5 years ago

Was it a tease or intentional to switch the name Ellen with Emily?

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 5 years ago
Artfully done, of course...

But it's a simulated Male Voice.

Yours is full-on authentic! :+))

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