Unintentional Betrayal


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When I felt the familiar tingle starting in my pussy I wanted to put my arms around my husband but I couldn't seem to move them. My eyes were closed as I felt his tongue licking my pussy, his finger was moving in and out of me as his tongue alternately flicked my clit. I could see flashes of light through my closed eyelids as my body began to tremble with an orgasm. His body was on top of mine as he parted my legs with his knees and entered me, slowly at first but then with more rapid purposeful thrusts.. I think I was moaning as my body responded to the pleasure. As I was reaching a crescendo I detected several more flashes and remember listening for the thunder that would accompany the lightning.

When I managed to open my eyes slightly, I saw a face with blue eyes staring into mine as he continued to plunge into me.

"Not Joe! Not Joe! My mind was screaming but no words escaped my lips as my mouth opened and my body was wracked with another powerful orgasm.

My orgasm still had not subsided when the eyes above me shut, the face contorted and a groan of pleasure preceded the feeling of his release inside my vagina.


At 5AM after several more unanswered calls I finally laid on my bed, fully clothed and fell into an exhausted, fitful sleep, certain of the knowledge that our marriage was over. Short of a catastrophic event there could be no excuse that I would accept nor any forgiveness for this blatant betrayal.

Just after 7AM my phone rang and thinking it was Eileen I was tempted not to answer it since there was nothing she could say to undo the damage she had caused. However, looking at the caller ID I saw that it was a number that I didn't recognize so I hit the accept button and groggily said Hello. The voice on the other end asked"

"Is this Joe, Joe Sullivan? As I acknowledged that it was I got a sick feeling in my stomach that maybe someone was calling to advise me of that catastrophic event that I hadn't seriously considered just a few hours before. The voice continued: "Joe, This is Terry Connor, remember me?

Terry had been one of the newer patrol officers under my supervision when I had retired. He was an ex Marine and a good cop, more savvy and street wise than some of his peers that had not seen military service.

"Of course, Terry I replied, the worry obvious in my voice, what's the matter"?

"He seemed to hesitate but finally asked, "Is your wife home"?

I started to fear the worst when I answered:

"No she went out to dinner with a colleague and was supposed to be home by eleven last night. I have been unable to reach her, all of my calls have gone to voice mail. "Is she alright? I asked in a shaky voice.

"Yes and No, Joe. She's at Mercy Hospital. She came to the ER of her own accord claiming that she had been sexually assaulted. I caught the call but all she would tell was her name and that her husband had been a cop and she wouldn't talk to anybody but you. She doesn't have any visible physical injuries but the Doc's did some blood tests and a rape kit on her. I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell but I think you should get down here as soon as possible. I'm going to have to call this in to the dick's but I wanted to give you a heads up. How long before you can get here"?

"Fifteen minutes" was my terse reply.

"OK, Joe I'd normally have to go back on patrol once the dick's arrived but I'll stall for a while so you can get here before they do."

"Thanks Terry". I said sincerely, "I'll get there quick as I can".

My first thought was: "I'm gonna kill that motherfucker". I didn't want to wake Tommy but I couldn't have him wake up in an empty house not knowing what was happening. I went to his room and gently shook him awake, saying:

"Listen Son, wake up".

His rubbed his eyes and seemed disoriented but I continued quickly, since I had very little time: "Tommy, mom was involved in a minor traffic accident. She's OK but is being checked out at the hospital as a precaution so I have to go down there with the insurance information. I just didn't want you to wake up to an empty house. Like I said she's fine no cuts, no broken bones, so don't worry. Go back to sleep. I'll be back soon. His face had a look of concern but he mumbled, OK Dad, and laid his head back down.

My hands were shaking so much I had trouble putting the key in the ignition.


When I woke it was because of an urgent need defecate but I was still confused and disoriented. The room was dark with the only dim illumination emanating from the bathroom night light. I slipped out of bed and made my way towards the light. My brain was starting to clear, enough so that I knew that I was not in my own home.

Sitting on the bowl I realized that it wasn't an urge to go that woke me, it was pain in my rectum.because when I wiped myself I saw traces of blood on the toilet paper and that's when I realized I had been fucked in the ass.

As I continued to sit on the bowl images of the previous evening started to trickle into my consciousness and the thought of what I had probably been subjected to made me nauseous and I started to wretch. I barely had time to spin around and fall to my knees as the vomiting began.When there was nothing left in my stomach to spew into the bowl I stood naked leaning on the bathroom vanity staring at a woman I hardly recognized. My eyes were blood shot, there bite marks on both breasts and my hair was matted and stiff in places that could only be drying seamen.

The shame and guilt washed over me as quickly as a rogue wave at the beach can knock you down and pull you under. I couldn't bear to look any longer, at the woman in the mirror. She didn't reflect the image of the confident happy wife and loving mother that should have been staring back at me. Still leaning on the counter my head sagged and my tears began.

When I was finally able to look up again at the ugly image before me I knew that my naive stupidity and intractable stubbornness had cost me my own self respect; the loss of my husband and probably the respect of my son. If I had had a knife or a gun at my disposal I would have killed the son of a bitch that had stolen my life for his selfish sexual gratification.

How could I have gotten this drunk, I thought. But as I ruminated about what the things I could remember I recalled that I had only had three drinks, two in the restaurant and one in the club. Maybe that was enough for a little buzz but certainly no enough to make me loose control. THE BASTARD DRUGGED ME, I said out loud. the rotten bastard had put something in my drink!.

I knew what I wanted to do when I entered the room and saw him there sleeping naked on his back with his semi erect instrument of destruction sticking up. Thoughts of clawing his eyes out, ripping his balls off and biting his penis off ran through my mind but I knew I didn't have the physical prowess to accomplish that. That's what I wanted to do but suddenly I knew what I "had" to do and I quickly and quietly set out to accomplish it. I got dressed quietly and with a last look of utter hatred at a monster that I had once admired, I slipped out of the room.


It took me just under fifteen minutes to arrive at the emergency room and true to his word, Terry was waiting for me. Due to the early hour there were very few people in the waiting room. "Where is she.? I almost demanded as I strode towards the curtained cubicles.

Terry immediately stopped by putting a firm hand on my chest, saying"

"Hold on, Joe, she's asleep. They gave her a sedative to calm her, she was pretty hysterical. The detectives will be here in a few minutes, use the time to get your story straight".

"Story Straight! I said angrily , what do you mean, story straight".

Terry still had the look and build of a Marine and despite my own decent physical condition he was fifteen years younger and obviously stronger as he put his hand under my arm and squeezing my bicep, led me to a corner away from any inquisitive ears.

"Listen Joe, I'm on your side here, he whispered, I don't know your marital situation and I don't want to know. What I do know is that at 4:15 this morning your wife arrived here by cab claiming that she had been raped. They are going to want to know where you were, how it was that she was not home with her family, who she was with and how it was she came here obviously dressed for an evening out on the town. She wouldn't answer those questions when I posed them, all she would say was - I won't talk to anyone but my husband. Out of respect for you I didn't peruse the questioning but the dicks certainly will. So all I'm saying is that you should have your thoughts together in order to possibly minimize the fall out to you and your family".

Before I could thank Terry two things happened simultaneously, two dicks arrived and the ER Doc was approaching us. One of the detectives was male and the other a female who I did not recognize. The guy I knew because we had been at many a crime scene together. His name is Harvey Berg and he was an "old school" cop with about 30 years on the job. When Harvey saw the doctor approach me he held back and when the female cop kept walking he put a hand on her shoulder and said something in a hushed tone. She did not look happy but she stopped. The doctor asked if I was the patients husband and it did not escape my notice that he did not refer to me as "the victims husband." Terry had patted my back and was headed for the exit and then the doctor spoke with a slight mid eastern accent;

"Mister Sullivan, I am Doctor Nadall, your wife has no visible injuries, per se. I say visible because there was some tearing of her rectum but that will not require surgical intervention and should heal fairly quickly. There are some bite marks, usually referred to as Hickeys, on both breasts but they do not require treatment either.

My heart sank and a wave of dizziness washed through me as I pictured Elaine being fucked in the ass and her tits mauled by that low life bastard.

"We did a rape exam, the Doc continued, and there was seamen in both her vagina and anus. There was also dried seamen in her hair, indicating recent sexual activity. Blood was extracted to test for alcohol or drugs but those results are not back yet. Of course the evidence of seamen in both cavities suggests recent sexual activity and until the results of the blood tests are in that is all I will be able to tell you or the investigators".

I was getting pissed off with his use of words which suggested to me he was not convinced of the lack of consent. "Sexual Encounter" was a far cry rom "rape" or "sexual assault" but he continued:

"Your wife has refused to answer any questions regarding the incident other than claiming that she was drugged and raped and insisting on speaking only to you. At the moment I don't see any reason to admit her but I would like to delay her release until the blood work up is complete.until Then I will be in a better position to make a final decision. She has been given a mild sedative to reduce her agitated state but she is awake now and you may see her. Do you have any questions, Mr Sullivan"?

I shook my head and uttered: No.

"Well, he added, if any questions should arise you can have me paged. I expect the results to be back In about an hour and I will consult with you then."

Without so much as a condolence or word of sympathy, he departed. I started toward the cubicle area when the female detective, a short brunette with a pinched face and close set eyes stepped in front of me to block my path. My first instinct was to push her skinny ass out of my way but before I could react, she said authoritatively:

"I'm sorry Mister Sullivan but my partner and I need to speak to your wife first. For now-----this is a criminal investigation and we need to take a statement".

I turned to look at at Harry who was approaching shaking his head in frustration but said to her firmly:

"Let it go Anderson, Joe can go in to see his wife for a few minutes then we'll do the Interview".

Embarrassed at having been over ridden, her face reddened and she responded indignantly:

"Harvey, you know the rules. If we let the husband in he could taint the case by coaching or collaborating with his wife about her statement which may later be used if there is a trial".

I later learned that her name was Sandra Anderson, 27 year old college grad with less than 5 years on the job, less than one year in the detective division but with a very big hook in the way of an uncle who was the Deputy Mayor. When I was new on the department there were only a handful of female cops but one very rarely saw one since most, not all, had been taken under some superior officers wing and put into clerical jobs that kept them out of harms way. It may sound sexist but I know of several plush assignments given to female cops in exchange for sexual favors.

One such case involved an officer in my precinct whose wife upon graduating the academy was immediately assigned as an aide to a deputy chief. She was a very attractive blonde with big tits and why her husband was never suspicious was beyond me but it turns out he thought that the chief was trying to do him a favor by keeping his wife off the street. One day, several months into to her assignment, the husband/cop was detailed to drop evidence off to the police lab which was located in the basement of our headquarters building. He thought he'd surprise his wife by taking her to lunch. When entering the bosses 4th floor office he was disappointed to see her desk empty and figured he had missed her. However, he decided to check with the chief in case she was just somewhere else in the building. Entering the office he saw his wife in a passionate embrace with the chiefs hand inside of her open blouse and her hand stroking his erect penis.

Unfortunately, his first response was to draw his weapon and threaten to kill them both. Fortunately, he was smart enough not to pull the trigger and instead clubbed the chief over the head and then slapped the shit out of his wife. When the dust settled, the husband was forced to resign in lieu of assault charges, the deputy chief was forced to retire and unbelievably the wife was reassigned to another division and a year later was promoted to detective.

But that was then and this is now when "sexual harassment " in the workplace is the popular catch phrase. The influx of woman on to the force has increased exponentially and although the blatant sexual liaisons have ended, women are, for the most part, receiving the lions share of the plainclothes and detective assignments.

Harvey replied sarcastically:

"Look, Anderson, I was making felony collars before you were born and as lead detective I'll call the shots. Joe Sullivan is a colleague, retired or not, and deserves some professional courtesy. If that ruffles your feathers you can wait for me in the cafeteria or just go sit in the car and if you want to report me, feel free, I need a reason to retire anyhow".

With that Detective Anderson turned and walked away. When out of ear shot Harvey muttered to no one in particular:

"God damned affirmative action. She couldn't find a gambler at a poker game. Go ahead Joe, I'll give you fifteen minutes while I finish up some paperwork from our last call".

When I pulled back the curtain to Elaine's cubicle she turned her head and upon seeing that is was me, turned away and began to sob. Pulling up a chair I sat silently and allowed her to regain some control. Of course, I felt sympathy seeing her in such distress but honestly I still felt more anger than empathy. She had deceived me by carefully not referring to the bastards gender and allowing me to answer the door, assuming that by not telling me she would minimize the amount of time for conflict and the time to dissuade her from her folly.


I couldn't look my husband in the eye so I snapped my head around and just began to cry. I had wanted so much for him to be by my side but now I didn't know what to say. How do I apologize for ignoring his objections and concerns and having wound up being used by a sexual predator like a piece of meat. In the light of day I realized that it was a date, no matter how innocent my intentions were I had gone out to dine and dance with a man who was not my husband. Several times while lying here I had considered how I would have reacted if the situation were reversed and Joe had told me he was going out with "Andy" and Andy turned out to be "Andrea," a younger more attractive woman who he wanted to reward for some reason or other. I knew the answer and it terrified me.

Joe's voice stirred me from my horrible recollections when he said matter of factly:

"Elaine, the detectives are going to be in here shortly to take a statement from you so you so you should be prepared that some of the questions will be embarrassing and intrusive. However, if your claim that the sex was due to your mental incapacity because of drugs or or excessive alcohol you should just answer truthfully.. I have to tell you Elaine that if you try to deceive them in any way, they'll know. The lead detective has over 30 years of experience and is a skilled interrogator, he'll see right through any attempt at deception".

He spoke in such a detached manner that the only words that resonated with me were "CLAIM' and 'POSSIBLE DECEPTION'. And aside from that he had not even touched me, there was no sympathy in his voice and he sounded more like a damned lawyer than my husband. Even through my tears I felt my anger rise and finally looking at him I snapped:

"Joe, you sound like you don't believe me. I wouldn't talk to anyone until you got here because you have known me for over twenty years and know that even though what I did was stupid I never Intended to have sex, much less expected to be raped, by someone I respected and considered a friend. Damn it, Joe, I wasn't seduced by that monster, I was drugged and raped. I guess you don't see it that way though, so why don't you just leave and go be with your cop friends."

I turned my head away too angry even to cry as I heard his chair scrape against the tile floor and without another word I heard the privacy curtain open and close. I knew he was gone, probably for good.


When I went back into the waiting room Harvey looked up questioningly, his indignant partner was sitting on the other side of the room with her arms folded over her meager chest with a petulant scowl on her face.

"Thanks Harvey, I said sincerely knowing he could get jammed up for what he just did for me, you can go in now, but just for the record, I intentionally elicited an angry response from her and I believe she is telling the truth".

He nodded and with a non verbal signal to his partner she reluctantly trudged in behind him to the cubicle. About forty five minutes later Harvey and his partner had still not emerged when I saw Doctor Nadell looking around the now crowding waiting room. When he saw me he signaled for me to follow him and we entered a small exam room down the hall from the ER.

After we both were seated he addressed me in a less clinical tone than earlier saying: "The lab tests have come back and they showed a significant amount of Rohypnol and ketamine in her blood. As I'm sure you know as a former police officer, these are commonly referred to as, date rape, drugs and in combination have the effect of both lowering inhibitions and increasing libido but also somewhat paralyzing the body's communication ability between the brain and muscles. This makes resistance difficult if not impossible. I have explained this to the detectives and gave them a copy of the chemical analysis. I have started an IV to help expedite the purge of her system but she will be able to be released in about three hours"