Unintentional Nudist Pt. 02


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That was something of a revelation to me. No, that was quite a revelation to me.

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, really. I wasn't always this old."

"No, it wasn't an old thing. You're not old at all. It's just you and Dad... He never seemed... So I thought..."

"It's true your father wasn't exactly the adventurous type but he was a very good man. Not to gross you out, but he was also damned good in bed. I miss him...for a lot of reasons. It's been a long while."

That brought about an awkward pause that was finally broken by Lisa.

"Well, this has taken a rather gloomy turn. You go on with your evening and I'll clean up in here. There's not much to do since we just had salads."

I was happy to escape. It had been a very odd conversation. It wasn't just the topics of discussion. Lisa and I had never spoken like that. She had always been just Dad's wife and only marginally at that. They had never seemed like a real couple and now I was just beginning to think of her as a person on her own.

Lisa and I didn't see all that much of each other as we mostly kept different schedules. Between her work schedule and my baseball practices we just weren't home at the same time all that much. About three weeks went by and we'd shared a few meals and had a number of conversations but nothing more. One of those infrequent conversations happened on a Monday. We chatted about pretty mundane things for a while but then things got interesting.

"Have you heard of a nude beach out on the coast?"

"Yeah, I'm familiar with it."

"So you've been there?"

"I've been there a few times."

"What's the crowd like out there?"

"It really depends on when you go. There are always more guys than women. It's more crowded on weekends. There aren't a whole lot of young people out there that go nude but there's a young surf crowd that hangs out from time to time. I guess the waves are often better there than other places on the coast. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you know I used to visit nude beaches but I haven't been to one here. You dad wasn't into that sort of thing and I haven't found any of my friends that are open to it. Your interest in naturism has got me thinking about it again."

"You should check it out. It's a pretty nice beach."

"I'd like to but I'm really not comfortable going out there by myself."

There was a pause before Lisa continued.

"And like I said, none of my friends have seemed open to going."

I wasn't about to say anything. I thought I knew where this might be leading but I didn't want to suggest it.

"Do you think maybe we could...I mean, would it be too weird if..."

I don't think I'd ever seen Lisa blush and she was always so confident. She seemed quite vulnerable and I found it appealing. It was appealing enough for me to bail her out and put myself out there for a change.

"Are you saying you'd like me to take you to the beach?"

"Well, yeah...I guess I am. I'm fine with it but I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable."

I hadn't ever given any thought to this possibility. I really didn't consider Lisa a mom figure at all anymore. I hadn't for some time. The fact that she really didn't look like a mom helped me get past that. Okay, that didn't come out right. Lots of moms are very sexy. It's just the stereotypical mom... Oh, hell...You know what I mean.

"I guess I wouldn't be much of a nudist if I had a problem with anyone else being at a nude beach. Sure, we could go to the beach sometime."

"How about we go Thursday? I'm off from work and you don't have practice, right?"

Wow. I thought I was agreeing to the abstract notion that some day we might go. I wasn't really thinking we'd go almost right away. Still, I couldn't think of an excuse not to go.

"Uh, sure...we could go Thursday."

"Great. This should be fun. It's been far too long."

So I had a couple days to think about it...and maybe chicken out. It occurred to me that I'd never even seen Lisa in a swimsuit. Somehow in the few years we shared the same home she was never out in the pool with us. In just a couple days I would be seeing her in even less than a swimsuit.The mind of a teenage boy can be quite active and now I had some real fuel.

Lisa had stayed very trim and looked more like she was in her mid-thirties rather than early forties. She never wore clothes that were terribly revealing but when she wore shorts I could see that her legs had very good tone. I had no idea what to expect when she shed her clothes but I had to admit I was looking forward to it.

Thursday finally arrived and we decided we'd leave the house about eleven. Lisa had our towels, sunscreen and some trail mix packed in her beach bag and I carried a small cooler with some drinks. There weren't too many people around as Lisa followed me towards the spot where I'd been with Jan. We arranged our towels and other things and then realized we'd run out of tasks to delay shedding our clothes.

It was easy enough for me to make the first move as I'd been naked in front of Lisa many times before. I dropped my shorts and stepped out of them and then tried to give Lisa a bit of privacy by looking away. I was trying to be respectful and she didn't need some kid gawking at her. I knew there'd be plenty of time to see her. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and some khaki shorts. Lisa pulled the shirt over her head and revealed a blue bikini top. Her breasts were firm and proportional to her petite form. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how toned her stomach was. One would never know given the way she dressed.

She untied her bikini top and dropped it on her towel. Her nipples were hard and stuck out like little eraser heads. It didn't register with me right away but she didn't have tan lines up top. She undid her shorts and stepped right out of them. Her bikini bottoms were brief...very brief. She made no move to remove them.

"It's going to take some time for me to get comfortable getting totally naked again. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all...do what you want when you want."

She then slowly turned around in a circle and asked me what I thought. There was hardly any material covering her ass and it was amazing. It was shapely and toned and again there was no sign of tan lines.

"You look great"

"For a woman my age right?"

"No, you really look great. There are no qualifiers to be added. Is it creepy if I say you look damned hot?"

"I suppose it would be kinda creepy if we were going to cling to the idea that a mother/son thing exists but we're not going to do that, are we?"

"I'm willing to try that."

We then settled down on our blankets and soaked up the sun for a good hour. The conversation wasn't provocative or anything and things seemed almost normal. Well, it was normal except for the fact that I was lying next to my nearly naked, not really my mom and I didn't have a stitch on. Other than that it was totally normal.

After that hour Lisa suggested we take a walk so she could see the rest of the beach. I agreed and then began to tell her what to expect as we started to walk.

"We'll likely find a fair number of people who go completely nude here. Mostly they'll be older guys. One thing that may surprise you is that there are often younger people that don't necessarily get naked. The surf is good here so there's a group of late teen/early twenties that come down here to surf. They don't seem to care one way or the other if people are naked."

So we headed north along the beach sticking to the wet sand near the ocean.

It was a very pleasant day with temps in the low 80s and just a hint of a breeze. We passed a fair number of what one would assume were beach regulars. They were all nude and there was not a tan line to be seen. None of them were terribly young. We were able to walk about three quarters of a mile up the coast before we turned around and headed back to our towels. About half way back I saw that a group of young surfers had arrived at the beach. They were setting up their spots and getting into their wetsuits.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Lisa.

She'd seen them and knew just what I was talking about.

"Sure, this should be fun."

Rather than hugging the waterline, Lisa led us onto the dry sand and closer to the group of surfers. There were four guys and two girls. Their preparations for the surf slowed as we grew nearer. The guys tried to be cool but they made sure they got a good look at Lisa. She was certainly worth checking out.

The girls gave me the once over as well but they were much more circumspect. I still got a real charge out of it. Lisa gave them a wave and said hello as we passed. They returned her greeting and I waved as well.

Once we got out of earshot Lisa let her feelings be known.

"God, that was fun. I haven't done anything like that in years."

"I know the guys sure appreciated it. The ladies they typically see here aren't as young as you and not nearly as hot."

"You think I'm hot?"

"Well, I could try to be coy and cool but the fact of the matter is that you're very sexy, Lisa."

"Thanks. It's good to hear that I can still get a rise out of guys."

"There is no still. You're a very good looking woman."

We got back to our towels and had a drink and a small snack before returning to our prone positions to soak up more sun. After another hour or so Lisa suggested we go for another walk.

"We can do that. I suppose you need to decide what you want to do though."

"What do you mean what I want to do?"

"Are you going to lose those bikini bottoms for this walk?"

"I hadn't given that any thought."

"Really? You hadn't considered being totally naked for those young guys?"

Some color was starting to rise in her cheeks as she realized that I had guessed what had been running through her head as we lay in the sun.

"No, of course not."

That's what she asserted but there was a hint of a smile on her face. I suspect she'd thought of little else since we passed those guys.

"Suit yourself."

And so we started our walk along the waterline again. When we reached the part of the beach where the surfers were we found all four of the guys sitting on their boards out in the water waiting for a suitable wave. As we passed their attention was less on the water and more on the shore as their eyes followed Lisa. Little was said as we continued our walk until we reached the spot where we'd turned around before. Heading back towards our towels we could see that the surfers had ridden waves into the shore and were returning to the girls waiting with the towels and such.

"You know they got out of the water just so they could get a closer look at you, don't you?"

"You're crazy."

"Am I? Look at those waves. Conditions are still great."

"Do you really think so?"

I don't know where my boldness came from. All my confusion about Lisa being in a pseudo mom role was gone. I was just thinking about Lisa as a woman...and a very sexy one at that.

"When they get home, each one of those guys is going to masturbate thinking about you and they want to drink in every image of you that they can."

"They probably all have girlfriends. They don't want to jerk off thinking about some old lady."

"They won't be jerking off to some old lady. They'll be remembering the extremely hot lady they had the good fortune to see on the beach today."

We were getting closer to them and you could see that they were all looking in our direction. We young guys are not the most subtle of creatures. We had gotten to within about thirty yards by this time.

"Take off those bikini bottoms and give them to me."

"You're nuts. I'm not going to do that."

"You want to. And when we get home all you're going to think about is missing the opportunity to be naked in front of them if you don't."

"If I did that now they'd know it was purely for their benefit that I stripped off."

"Right. And can you imagine how hot that would be for them? And if you were honest with yourself you'd admit how hot it would be for you, too."

"I don't know..."

It was interesting how she had moved from no way to I'm not sure. I don't know how I sensed what she was feeling but I knew she wanted to do this but didn't want to admit it or make it seem like it was her idea.

"Those guys are dying to see you naked. They want that for their fantasy. Just picture them lying on their beds naked, stroking their hard cocks and thinking about you the whole time. How often do you get to help someone's fantasy come true. Make this happen for them. Let this happen for you. Give me those bottoms."

Still she hesitated but she didn't say no. She was looking at them and they were looking at her. She turned to me and I just nodded in encouragement. She looked back at the guys and then slowly hooked her thumbs under the strings of her bikini and slowly slid them off her hips and let it fall to the sand. With her bottoms removed I could see that she did have some tan lines but it was just about the smallest triangle you could imagine. She kept a short landing strip of pubic hair that was very sexy. She stepped out of the bottoms, reached down and picked them up and handed them to me.

You could see the jaws drop. The girls looked from her to the guys and back to her. Their faces registered the anger that Lisa had grabbed all the attention but they were powerless to do anything about it. Now that Lisa was naked we continued our walk and passed close to them. There was a bit more sway to her walk and you could see that she was enjoying the attention. Nobody said a word.When we got back to our towels, Lisa finally spoke.

"That was amazing. Let's go home. My work here is done."

Conversation on the way home centered around the reactions of the guys and how empowered Lisa felt by the effect she had on them. When we got back to the house we unceremoniously dumped everything in the garage and walked into the kitchen. I was pretty uncertain what would happen next. Lisa was in front of me but stopped and turned.

"Are you as horny as I am?"

I was pretty shocked by that question. It was logical that we'd both be feeling that way but I never thought it would be acknowledged. Since she brought it up I figured I'd go with it.

"I don't know...I'm pretty horny."

Lisa began to slowly remove her clothes. Being the "resident nudist" you would think I'd strip as well but I was frozen.

"Are you going to be one of those guys that lies on his bed and strokes his cock thinking about what he saw this afternoon?"


"I've got a better idea. How often do you get the opportunity to help someone's fantasy come true?"

"Er, what fantasy is that?"

"Take off those shorts."

I hesitated a bit. I'd been naked in front of Lisa before but I was halfway to a full erection. Still, I complied with her instruction.

"Now I want to see you stroke that cock until you're big and hard."

I couldn't believe Lisa was saying that but I was powerless to resist. It took about two and a half strokes until I was as hard as I'd ever been. Lisa closed the three feet separating us and raised her lips to kiss me as she grabbed my dick. The kiss was soft and tender at first but soon became hard and passionate. Lisa then slowly dropped to her knees and began to kiss and tease my cock. She looked up at me and made full eye contact as she explored my dick. A woman that makes eye contact as she blows me is one of my favorite things in all the world.

I was determined not to cum until I'd given her an orgasm so I reached down and guided her to a standing position. I then began kissing her and advanced on her until she'd back up to the kitchen table. It was natural to help her up onto the table so I could kiss my way down to her tits and tease her nipples before reaching her pussy. I loved teasing her with kisses and licks and probing fingers. It didn't take long for her to tense up and shudder as she climaxed. I just had to fuck her though.

Seeing Lisa lying on her back with her legs spread beneath me was incredible. I positioned the head of my cock at her entrance and ever so slowly penetrated her until she'd taken every inch of my cock. It was amazing to watch the look on her face as I entered her. I took it slow as our hips joined again and again. The height of the kitchen table made things awkward so the next time our hips met I stopped and lifted her off the table and we sort of tumbled to the floor. It was not the most graceful move in the world but it got us to a place where we could more easily screw each other's brains out.

Lisa made a noise and stopped us for a moment. She turned over and got on her knees so I could take her from behind. This was great fun, too. I couldn't believe this was happening. As we continued she began to lower her abdomen closer to the floor and stick her butt higher and higher in the air.

There I was taking her from behind and staring at that little rosebud. I took a chance, licked my thumb and began massaging her asshole. I didn't go for it right away. I tried to make it seem like accidental contact at first but when she didn't object I'd massage it a bit, move away and then return to it a bit later.

"You'd better be careful." I finally said.

"Careful about what?"

"I'm getting a hell of a view back here."

"I don't mind."

"I don't think you understand. If you keep sticking your ass in the air like that I'm going to want to shove my cock in it."

Lisa chuckled.

"I don't think YOU understand. I want you to shove your cock in my ass."


"Yes really. Get the vegetable oil out of the cupboard. I've got lube in the bedroom but I can't wait to feel you in my ass."

I had no idea that Lisa was this nasty. For that matter, I had no idea I could be this nasty. I'd certainly never done anything like this before.

I grabbed the oil and started by pouring a bit on her asshole and my thumb and then went back to fucking her pussy while I slowly worked my thumb into her ass. She was incredibly tight but she relaxed more and more. Finally I pulled out, oiled up my cock and prepared to take her ass.

I edged in a bit, backed out and then worked in a bit further each time. Lisa let out a deep moan as I got deeper and deeper. After I'd gotten a ways in I stopped and let Lisa control the tempo. She thrust herself back and forth on my cock. I couldn't believe the sensation as she was so tight.

"I'm having a hard time holding off. I'm going to cum pretty soon."

"Go ahead. You can come inside me or shoot it on my back. Do what you want."

I was trying to decide which was the more respectful way to approach this, which is an odd thing to consider when you already have your cock in your step-mom's ass. The decision was taken from me though as at the end of a thrust my dick suddenly erupted in the most intense orgasm of my life. Lisa let out something like a cross between a squeal and a moan. We then collapsed on the kitchen floor and tried to catch our breath. I was the first to speak.

"I sure never expected that to happen."

"Me neither but I wanted it to ever since you started running around here naked."

"If I'd known that I'd have become a nudist long ago."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The writing became much better, all around, esp in the latter part of this section.

SkinTicklerSkinTicklerover 4 years ago
It's shameful

to leave this story hanging out here just barely started. I sure hope you continue it.

mammoetmammoetover 5 years ago
Loved it

some more chapters please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Anal out of the blue

This belongs in gay male

chanchitochanchitoabout 7 years ago
Great story

This is great. Well written and combining my favorite topics. Any chance for more chapters?

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