Unique & Complicated


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"Please tell me that you didn't let that asshat do anything else," I said, as gently as I could.

"Yeah, I did," she sniffled. "Mom put me on the Shot, a couple months ago. I thought I wanted it, but he got upset when I said I wasn't ready. I... I gave him a hand job, instead." Her voice dropped to a whisper as she admitted her indiscretion. I felt relief mix with the rage inside me, though.

"That's good," I sighed in relief. "I never thought for a second that he'd changed his ways. It's a good thing you didn't let him take your virginity. I know Mom would be ok with it, but still. You deserve better."

"I know, and I should've listened to you," she replied, sniffling and sobbing a bit more.

All I knew for sure, in that moment, was that we weren't going to solve anything while sitting in my car in the student parking lot. I had to get her home. I had to get us home, so I could find out the whole situation. If she was willing to tell me, that is.

"Alright. Let's go. Buckle up, Sis. We need food, and then we need to go home and talk. Ok?" I said, hooking my seatbelt.

She looked at me, eyes bloodshot from crying, and nodded. She reached up for her seatbelt, hooking it in, too. "Carl's Jr?" she asked, reading my mind. I had to grin at that. She knows it's my favorite fast food burger joint.

"You really had to ask?" I smirked at her as I drove us to the parking lot exit. She smiled in spite of herself and shrugged.

Hey, Track season was over, and I wouldn't have to practice until the fall when we got to UCLA. So yeah, I like my burgers. I also keep in shape, working out in the home gym we have set up in our basement.

We pulled into the drive-thru and I reached over to her. She put her hand in mine, and I squeezed it reassuringly. She smiled wanly, squeezing my hand back. We shared a sad smile, and then the car ahead of us moved forward, and we could order our food. I pulled up to the speaker/menu and ordered for both of us. I know what she likes from CJ's, so it was a no-brainer.

After paying for the food, I drove us home in silence. I didn't even turn on the radio or iPod, this time around. A moment of silence for the death of Caity's relationship with the douchebag.

I pulled into our half-moon driveway, and noticed that Jazz's Prius was gone. I figured she just had to go to the store for something, so we got out and I unlocked the door.

Caity seemed a bit better when we finished lunch, so we retreated to her bedroom to talk. With Jazz not around, I was the only one she could talk to about the whole mess.

"Ok," I said, taking a deep breath as we sat on her bed. I took her hand in mine, and squeezed it reassuringly. "From the top. What happened today, after I left you two alone in the parking lot?"

"We talked for a minute about the last day of Finals," she said. Then she took a deep breath of her own, before continuing. "We took our two Finals for the day, which didn't take me as long as it took him. I waited for him each time. Then after we finished, I had to use the restroom.

"I'd just pushed the door open, when I overheard Sandi Johnson and Carrie Price talking. Sandi told Carrie that she had a date with Chris, after Graduation. I didn't think anything of it, since she might have meant Chris Simmons. Then Carrie asked her, 'What about Caity? I saw them together in the parking lot this morning, and it sure didn't look like they were broken up, yet.'

"Then it hit me, Cole," she continued, as the tears welled up in her eyes again. She took a shuddering breath and calmed down. "Anyway, Sandi told Carrie that Chris had fucked her on Tuesday, and that he was going to break it off with me after school today. She let it drop that Chris had changed his mind and was going to USC in the fall, too. I mean what the fuck?! I couldn't go in after that, so I walked to the next restroom over and did my business. Then I walked out to the parking lot. That asshole actually smiled when he saw me. He didn't see the slap coming, though! The asshole asked me: 'What the fuck, bitch?' So I told the asshole that I knew he was a cheating bastard! I told him we were through, and threw his 'promise ring' at him. He said that he was glad I found out, so he didn't have to dump me. What a fuckin' asshole! He almost took my virginity on Monday, my birthday, then goes and fucks that ho Sandi on Tuesday! What the fuck?!"

"Don't worry about that shithead," I said softly, hugging her tightly as she broke down in sobs again. At least he wouldn't be with us at UCLA, which was good. Then I wouldn't have to go to prison for killing him. "He doesn't know what a wonderful woman he gave up."

"You're just saying that because you're my brother!" Caity laughed softly, smacking me lightly on the chest.

When I didn't reply immediately, taking a shuddering breath of my own, she leaned back slightly and looked into my eyes. She saw my expression of longing and gasped. Then she pulled back and I let my arms fall from around her.

"Cole, what does that look mean?" she asked, looking at me.

"No," I said quietly, looking her in the eyes. "I'm not just saying that because I'm your brother."

Surprise and realization made her jaw drop. "Colin, what do you mean by that?" That was not good. She never called me Colin. Caity seemed like she was on the verge of royally freaking out.

I lowered my head and shook it slowly. This was the part where I tell her how I really feel, and she runs screaming from the room. Either that or she starts hitting me until I leave the room. Either way, she would never look at me the same way again. Then she'd probably tell Mom, or at least Aunt Jazz, who would have to tell Mom. Yeah, I was well and truly fucked... and not in a good way!

Fuck it, as they say. In for a penny, in for a pound. Right? Something like that.

"I'm not going to tell you not to freak out, Caity," I said evenly, looking her dead in the eyes. "I know that what I say right now is probably going to kill our relationship, judging by the look in your eyes.

"I love you, Caity," I continued. "I don't mean just as a brother loves his sister. I mean that I'm In Love with you, like a man loves a woman. I can't even apologize for that. Mom always says to never be sorry for how you really feel. Well, this is how I really feel."

Caity blinked several times in rapid succession, as her mind processed what I'd just said. I mentally... and physically braced for impact.

Her expression reflected pure shock, at first; eyes wide and mouth open as she breathed heavily. Then she steadied her breathing, closed her mouth, and cocked her head to the side. I recognized her preferred "thinking mode" expression. Now it was my turn to be surprised. I didn't expect this. I'd hoped she wouldn't kill me or rat me out when Mom and/or Aunt Jazz got home, but that had been a slim hope at best. This, though. This was something else, entirely.

"Do you really mean that, Cole?" she asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Yes," I replied in the same soft voice, still looking her in the eyes. "I'm in love with you, Caity. I'm also in love with Mom and Aunt Jazz. I know. I'm sick, right?"

"No," she whispered, her voice even softer than before. "I don't think you're sick, Cole." Then she looked down, and I saw that pretty blush again. "Because if you're sick, then I must be sick too."

"Umm, what?" I asked, my turn to be shocked. I know. I really need to work on the snappy comebacks.

"I tried to put it out of my mind, Cole," she said, putting her hand on mine. "Even before I saw your cock this morning, I already had feelings for you."

Now my mouth dropped open, and my eyes widened in surprise at her revelation. She continued before I could say anything, though.

"That's why I threw myself into being Chris's girlfriend," she explained. "I thought that my feelings for you were wrong, so I did everything I could to substitute Chris for you in my heart. It... it didn't work."

"Huh?" I, the wannabe master of snappy comebacks, asked.

"After seeing your big cock this morning, I'm surprised that you didn't smell how wet I was on the way to school," she continued. Then she looked down and blushed again. "My panties were soaked."

"Wait a sec," I said, getting my mind around her declaration. "How long have you had these feelings for me?"

"Almost five years, now," she admitted, smiling wryly as she looked me in the eyes. "I've always loved you as my brother, but that changed when we were snuggling together to comfort Mom after Dad died. Then, when I first saw you with Sherri, I got soooo jealous, especially since I didn't even know you liked black girls."

I had to laugh at that, until I saw the hurt in her eyes. I explained quickly. "Caity, how would you have taken it, back then, if I'd declared my love for you? I must have done a great job of hiding it over the years. I've been hopelessly In Love with you, Aunt Jazz, and Mom since about a year after Dad died, too. Sherri was my outlet, just like Chris was yours."

It all made sense, now. Most guys and girls at school couldn't understand why Chris and I hated each other. We kind of looked alike, and we were both jocks. Jocks were supposed to be cool to each other. We were both lettermen, so we were in the "In Crowd."

I'm not sure why Chris hated me, but I told everyone that I didn't hate Chris. That was a lie, of course. What was I gonna say? I'm in love with my sister, but Chris is dating her? Yeah, that would've flown like a lead balloon.

"You're right," she said, looking me in the eyes. "I would've totally freaked out. I mean, you're my brother, even if we aren't genetically related. What do you mean you're in love with Mom and Aunt Jazz too, though?"

"I mean that I'm in love with all three of you," I replied with a shrug. Then I saw the skeptical look in her eyes and continued. "I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. It isn't all about lust. I love you all, and I can't help the way I feel."

"Why?" she asked, simply. I knew what she meant, though.

"Mom has had one blind date since Dad died, and that went nowhere," I pointed out, starting my explanation. "You have to admit, she's gorgeous, too! She deserves to be happy, but I'm pretty sure she still hasn't gotten over Dad. She loved him with everything she had, but he's been gone for almost six years, and she still hasn't moved on. We all feel his loss, every day. She feels it even more than we do.

"Aunt Jazz, too," I continued, before she could get a word in edgewise. "She dates guys occasionally, but we've never met any of them. She never gets serious with any of them. After what her ex-husband did, I don't think she trusts them.

"Then there's you," I said with a smile, starting my wrap up. "I didn't like that you were with Chris. In fact, I hated it, since I saw what kind of asshat he is. I knew I could do better than he could; that I could do right by you. He never deserved a wonderful girl like you, Caity. What I want to do, more than anything in the world, is to make all three of you happy."

After making my heartfelt declaration, I saw Caity's eyes soften. Then a smile started across her luscious lips. "How did you get so wonderful, Cole?"

"I'm not that wonderful," I said and chuckled. "It's true that I want the three most important ladies in my life to be happy. However, that includes me making love to you, as often and for as long as I possibly can."

"So you want all three of us to yourself?" Caity asked, but her smile widened slightly. That surprised me a bit.

"Yeah, I do," I replied truthfully. "I know it sounds selfish on the surface, but that's what I want. I love you, Caity. I love Mom, and I love Aunt Jazz too. I can't see the rest of my life without all three of you in it."

"Cole, you are crazy!" Caity laughed. Then she lowered her voice and gave me a smoldering look. "I guess it's a good thing that I love crazy. I love you."

I couldn't think of a reply to that, so I took a chance, reached up to the back of her neck, and pulled her lips to mine.

Caity was surprised for a split-second, but then she moaned as she threw her arms around me. Her lips parted for my questing tongue, and soon our tongues danced hotly together. We fell back onto the bed together, and I rolled her onto her back with me on top of her. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I want you to make love to me, Cole," she gasped out first, before I could speak. Then she shook her head slightly. "No, I need you to make love to me!"

"Do you want me to use a condom?" I asked. Then I remembered I didn't have any, yet. If she said yes, I'd have to go to the store to get some. Then I remembered her saying that Mom put her on the Shot. That was when I realized that all the blood that should've been in my brain was in my little head, instead.

"Nevermind," I said, shaking the lust-addled cobwebs from my head. "Forget it. No blood in my brain, right now.

"It's ok, baby," she giggled. "I want to feel you inside me, not some latex covered version of you."

My cock hardened even more at her declaration. It throbbed in my shorts, and since it was pressed against her thigh, I knew she could feel it too. I just smiled and kissed her again, with even more passion than last time!

She moaned into my mouth as her hands roamed down my back. She grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled upwards, running her hands along the skin of my back. I moaned and kissed her hungrily, as I felt her soft hands on my bare skin. She broke the kiss, this time. "Get naked, Bro."

"Anything for my sexy Sis," I grinned as I moved off of her, sat up on the bed, and quickly pulled the t-shirt off over my head. She cooed as she saw my ripped abs and pecs, running her hand over my chest. Then she reached down for the hem of her tank top, and seconds later undid the front clasp on her bra.

"Oh my God," I moaned as I saw her naked tits for the first time. They had to be high B-cups, at least, and her dark nipples were already hard. Her areolae were about as big around as nickels, and I felt like I had to suck on them. She welcomed me into her embrace as my tongue found her left nipple and I sucked greedily. My hands massaged her breasts as I suckled, loving the taste of my sister's tits.

"Mmm, baby," Caity moaned in lust, as I sucked and nibbled on her beautiful boobies. I twisted one while sucking the other, making her moan and squeal in glee. "That's it, baby. Suck my titties. Suck 'em, Cole. Suck on your sister's tits!"

"Mmhmm," I moaned in the affirmative, sucking and nibbling to my heart's content. I could've spent all day sucking her heavenly breasts, but my cock had other ideas. It needed to be inside her body, and I was more than ready to give her what we both wanted.

Caity rolled me over and straddled my waist. She undid her shorts and moved off of me as she pushed them and her panties down. As she stepped out of them, my eyes widened when I saw she was completely shaved down under, perfectly smooth. I saw her pussy lips glistening, as she reached for my shorts. She undid the button, pulled down my zipper, and I raised my ass to help her. She grinned mischievously and pulled them off over my shoes. I reached down as she moved back onto the bed, removing my shoes and socks quickly, then turned to gaze upon dark, sensuous perfection.

As much as I wanted to ram my dick into her sopping cunt, I wanted something else, first. Well, two somethings, that is. First, I needed to taste her!

"I want to eat your pussy, Caity," I said softly, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Are... are you sure, Cole?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Why would you doubt me on that?" I asked, smirking a bit.

"Chris wouldn't do it," she said softly, blushing.

"Chris is a toolbox," I snorted in derision at her ex-boyfriend. "I thought we already established that fact."

Caity giggled in reply. "Ok, baby. Eat my pussy. Do you know how?"

"Lesbian porn on the internet," I winked.

"Mmmm, do it then, Cole," she leaned back and winked at me. "Eat my pussy, Bro."

"You got it, Sis," I grinned and kissed her hungrily again. Then I kissed my way slowly down her neck and chest, down over her breasts. I stopped there for a few long moments, sucking each tasty nipple again. Then my lips and tongue wandered downward, across her flat toned tummy down to her bellybutton. She gasped and moaned, running her hands through my hair, urging me onward and downward.

I smelled the sweet scent of her aroused pussy, and that was all the invitation I needed! My tongue moved downward to where her legs spread open for me. She gasped again as I kissed her pussy lips, and I couldn't stop myself from plunging my tongue into her hole. I gave her cunt a deep French kiss, and her taste exploded in my mouth. Sweet, musky, aromatic, and I was hooked! She moaned louder as I swirled my tongue as deep inside her as it would go. My nose pressed against her clit, while my tongue delved into her most sacred place. Her fingers tightened in my hair, and she started breathing heavier.

"Oh fuck, baby!" she gasped as I removed my tongue from her cunt and flicked it quickly across her clit. I slipped a finger into her as I took her nub between my lips. I sucked gently and lapped it lovingly with my tongue.

"Mmmmm," I moaned, losing myself in her pleasure. It sent feelings of pride through me, that my first real time eating pussy had such an effect on my Sis. She arched her back as I moved my finger inside her and sucked her clit harder. I'd found her g-spot!

"Eat me, baby! Eat my pussy! I'm gonna cum, Bro! Oooooohhhhh mmmmyyyyyyy GODDDDDDDDDDDD!" Caity screamed as she bucked her hips up, pushing her pussy into my mouth as much as she could. I felt her tense up. Then she started shaking, as her orgasm swept through and over her like a tidal wave. She arched her back up off the bed, trembling, screaming wordlessly, and shuddering in the throes of her climax.

As I tasted her sweet girl cream, I knew I was instantly addicted. She creamed on my tongue, and I swallowed it all down, greedily.

"Oh... oh my... oh my God, Cole," Caity gasped as she came back down to Earth. I raised my head and grinned at her, as her eyes slowly regained focus. "Where the fuck did you learn that, again?"

"Like I said, lesbian porn on the internet," I grinned as I moved up over her, kissing her sweet lips again. "Would you suck my cock, Sis?"

"Mmm, you want your sexy sister to suck your cock, my handsome Bro?" she asked naughtily. Her eyes flashed with mischief, and her lips curled up in a lascivious smile.

"Yes, please," I smiled lustily back at her.

"Since you asked so nicely..." she giggled, leveraging me over and kissing me deeply. She grinned again as she broke the kiss, then kissed and licked her way down my chest. Similar to what I'd done, she actually licked and sucked my nipples. I didn't realize how sensitive they were, but she wrapped her dark lips around each one and sucked as she licked. Oh fuck, that felt good! I let out an involuntary moan.

"Mmmmm, you like that, baby?" she asked with that sexy smile still in place.

"Fuck yeah, I do," I moaned, but she just grinned as she backed up some more until she grabbed my big hard monster.

"Holy fuck, you're huge," she said, awe filling her voice as she looked at my cock with wide eyes. "I swear you're bigger than those porn studs on the internet!"

"Don't know," I shrugged. "I've never measured it."

"I'll get my tape measure later, baby. Right now I need to suck my brother's big hard dick!" Putting words into action, she took the head of my cock into her mouth. She licked the head inside her mouth, and then opened wider to take more of me inside. I groaned in pleasure as my sister gave me my first blowjob.