Unlimited Power Pt. 01

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A man bequeathed a strange treasure.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/27/2022
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Throughout all of known history, there have been things that human beings didn't understand. Whether it was the sun setting, gravity, or disease; mysteries abounded. In ancient times, some of this was attributed to gods or other supernatural forces. As the human race evolved and came to better understand science, most of these things were explained, if not always fully.

But what if some of the myths and legends were true?

Adam Raleigh was by all accounts a typical, American man. He grew up in the middle-class, small-town boy; graduated high school and college and had a good job at an engineering firm. Even his appearance was fairly average. Six feet tall, medium build, good-looking, but not to be confused with an underwear model. Just another average "Joe" living his normal life.

Only a few aspects of Adam's life were extraordinary. One was his supposed family history. There had always been speculation within his family that they traced their lineage back to Sir Walter Raleigh, the famous English explorer. Adam had heard the stories from his grandfather, but he never truly gave them any credence.

The other extraordinary item about Adam's life was his girlfriend.

Laura was like something out of a dream. She had been a gifted student all her life in whatever subject she had studied. She found her passion in medicine and had just received her doctorate, about to begin her residency. Not only did Laura have the brains, but she also had an unbelievable dose of beauty. Five foot nine inches with dark complexation thanks to her partly middle eastern heritage, flawless skin, large D-cup breasts, and an ass that had gotten looks of lust from the straightest of women.

Many men, and even a few women, were jealous of Adam for winning this goddess. Adam himself was usually stunned by the love she had for him. He had many thoughts in the year they had been together that she could do far better than average old him. But she always just brushed such talk aside, showing him complete love and devotion. He was actually getting ready to propose to her, having secured the reluctant permission of her mother, when tragedy struck.

His beloved grandfather, who had raised him and been his only family, died suddenly. He was too young to remember the train derailment that had taken his parents and grandmother, not even one year old. It had always been just the two of them, but Adam had never once felt deprived of any love or affection. The news hit Adam like a bullet while Laura was there to console him as best she could.

They flew up to New England together for the funeral and to settle his grandfather's estate. The family home was on a lake in New Hampshire where Adam had spent the vast majority of his life. They arrived to find the house in typical pristine order, only the debris left by the paramedics being out of place. It felt eerie to Adam to be there, knowing that his grandfather would never been there again. Laura came up from behind Adam and wrapped her arms around him.

"How are you doing?" she asked with her typical, loving concern.

"I really don't know," he answered truthfully, trying to take everything in. "It just feels so odd."

"I know, honey," she said turning him around to give him a proper hug. Laura's hugs always made him feel warm inside and this was no exception.

They drove over to the morgue so Adam could do the formal identification. When they got there, the family doctor Dr. Harper was there to meet them. He gave Adam a warm hug as he had known him since he was a small boy.

"I'm so sorry, Adam," the doctor told him during the hug. "Tuck was a good man, salt of the earth."

"Thanks, doc," Adam said releasing him. Dr. Harper than saw the woman with him.

"You must be Laura," he said extending his hand in greeting. "Tuck certainly wasn't lying about you being a real beauty," he added with a smile. Laura had gotten complements about her looks virtually all her life and was very used to them by now.

"Thank you," she responded politely. "Did you know Mr. Raleigh well?"

"Nearly 40 years," Dr. Harper said proudly. "I've been his doctor even back when he and Ethel started dating," referring to Adam's grandmother. "I hear you're joining the profession yourself." Laura nodded her head as they went into the body storage area.

The medical examiner opened one of the vaults there and pulled out a body on a tray, covered by a sheet. Adam had known that he would have to do this and steeled himself to it as best he could. The ME pulled back the sheet enough to show Adam the face of fallen grandfather. Adam could only nod in reply, not wanting to see his grandfather like this. The ME put the sheet back and placed him back inside. Laura gripped his hand in support as Adam looked up to Dr. Harper.

"Do you know how..." Adam said with everyone clearly knowing what the question was.

"Massive heart attack," Dr. Harper replied. "He was already gone by the time the medics came."

"Were there any warning signs?" Laura asked putting her doctor "hat" on.

"None," Dr. Harper replied solemnly. "He'd just been in for a physical only last week. He was in excellent health for a man ten years younger," he said forlornly. "It was just one of those things."

Adam signed the paperwork he needed to so that the body could be sent to the funeral home. The funeral itself was a nice service and well attended, half the town seeming to make an appearance to pay their respects. Adam was courteous with all the attendees, but still withdrawn. A local lawyer was also there and asked that Adam come to his office the next day, as he had his grandfather's papers. He told him he would be there.

The next morning, Adam and Laura walked into the offices of Bernard Eccles, ESQ. Mr. Eccles greeted them warmly and invited them back to his office.

"Mr. Raleigh, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your grandfather. He was a wonderful, friendly man."

"Thank you, Mr. Eccles. He was indeed."

"So, to the matter at hand," Mr. Eccles said, settling in. "As your grandfather's sole remaining relative, naturally everything was left to you."

Adam nodded knowing that was part of his will.

"This includes the house obviously, the stocks and bonds, access to his bank accounts and so forth." Adam was nodding his head hearing nothing out of the ordinary.

"There's really only one or two items that bare some scrutiny," he said still going through the papers on his desk. "The first is the family trust."

"The what?" Adam said sitting up a bit more.

"Your family trust," he said more clearly. "Where all your family money comes from."

Adam was truly confused now. His face gave it away.

"Surely your grandfather talked to you about the family trust," Mr. Eccles said with a slight smile.

"Sir," Adam said trying not to look like an idiot, "I don't know anything about a family trust. My grandfather had a pension, but I don't know about anything else."

Now it was Mr. Eccles turn to look puzzled.

"No," he said looking through more documents, "no, your grandfather had no pension. He drew all his money from the trust since the 1990's."

Adam's face went back to one of confusion.

"What trust?"

"Your family's trust," Mr. Eccles said again, "your family has had significant wealth since before the Civil War and it is currently in a trust."

Now he was completely in the weeds. It's true that Adam never really wanted for anything he needed, but he and his grandfather never spent much money.

"So, you're saying my family's rich?" Adam asked still trying to get clarity.

"Very," Mr. Eccles stated. "I'm shocked that your grandfather never discussed this with you. Oh, I know most of the people in town don't know, but I'd would've thought for sure he would've gone through all this with you."

"Not once," Adam told him. "Money was never something we talked about."

"I see," Mr. Eccles said starting to look at Laura. "Um, would you prefer we talk about this in private, Mr. Raleigh?"

"I don't have any secrets from Laura, Mr. Eccles," Adam said almost sternly. Laura looked at him, smiling as he told the lawyer to continue.

"All right," Mr. Eccles said resigned. "Inside the trust are liquid assets and non-liquid assets. The liquid assets are in the neighborhood of five to six million."

Adam's eyes went wide at that point.

"Non-liquid assets fluctuate of course, but an estimate on them would be about $45 million."

Adam was close to asking for a paper bag, so he didn't hyperventilate. Laura grabbed his hand.

"That's amazing, isn't it, Adam?" Laura said. All Adam could do in response was nod as the lawyer continued.

"The liquidity of the trust is propped up by the non-liquid assets of course," Mr. Eccles continued. "The net is about three to five million a year. Your grandfather drew from it once a month to pay bills and anything he might need. Once you sign all the documents, we can set it up for you."

"I see," Adam was able to get out.

"Also," Mr. Eccles said going back to the papers, "your grandfather left this for you," he said handing over a letter to Adam. "His strict instructions were that it be opened when you were alone at least a week after his death."

Adam took the envelope but didn't pay it much mind. He head was still swimming with his newfound wealth. Once all the documents were signed and taken care of, Adam and Laura left the lawyer's office still in a state of shock.

"Are you ok, baby?" Laura asked with her classic concern.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to take in," Adam said still swimming with the idea of all the things his grandfather hadn't told him.

A week had come and gone. Laura had to go back so she could prepare for another year of residency, leaving Adam to go through the house and the rest of his grandfather's papers. He'd gotten everything with the estate set up and made plans for the preservation of the property. He was leaving tomorrow to go back home and deal with his real life again; not to mention finally proposing to Laura.

He was resting in his grandfather's study, drinking a brandy that his grandfather left behind. He looked over at the desk and saw it. The envelope his grandfather left behind. He then looked at the date on his watch and realized it had actually been a week. He got up and opened it, taking in the contents.


If you are reading this, then I've finally joined your grandmother and parents. Know more than anything how much they & I loved you and how proud I've been of everything you've accomplished.

By now you know about the family trust and that I've kept it from you. Please know that I avoided this conversation, not because I thought you couldn't know the truth, but because it brought up emotions I had long since repressed.

You have all my confidence that you will handle the family money wisely and leave some for the next generation that comes to pass (wink, wink). But now I must tell you more about the family then I had been willing to in the past.

You are well aware that our family is rumored to go back to the 16th century and the explorer Walter Raleigh.

This is fact. We are among his descendants. He was able to travel the globe far and wide, coming across many wonders and atrocities. A trunk of his belongings is in the back of my closet. It contains an item that seems to be from the middle east. Family legend is that it has some great secret, but no one has ever been about to discover it.

You are by far one of the smartest men I've ever known. If anyone can unlock it, it's you.

I love you very much, grandson. You were a constant joy to me, and I know you will do great things.


Adam was touched by the letter, smiling as he pictured his grandfather writing it. He then decided he had to see that chest. He went to his grandfather's large closet. He'd been in there before, but really didn't remember ever seeing a chest. He looked at the back of the closet and suddenly saw it.

An old sea chest made of what looked like high-quality material. He saw the last name "Raleigh" spelled out on the top of it. He tried to lift it out, but it was damn heavy. He was slowly able to slide it out of the closet, into his grandfather's bedroom.

He was surprised to find that the chest was not locked and opened it up. Adam was astonished. There was an old spyglass, compass, various letters and trinkets sprinkling around it. He then found a small box inside, figuring this to be the object that had been mentioned in his grandfather's letter.

He opened it found what looked like round orb with many intricacies and grooves in it, as well as other markings. It looked ancient, far older than a few hundred years ago. He then looked and saw a small leather book in smaller box. Adam picked it up and started going through it.

As he read it, he realized that it contained the attempts and methods that various men in his family had used to try and "open" the sphere. It also contained the translation of the inscription on the sphere.

Whose essence opens the sphere will create paradise for himself.

Adam had no earthly idea what the fuck it meant. He just looked at the sphere and read the notes.

Once Adam was back home, he started to feel better. Laura also made sure to use all her arts to put him at ease. She really had a knack for it from everything from the physical to the emotional. After a few days, he was dealing well with his grief and retuning back to work.

Relaxing at home one night, Adam was home by himself. Laura was working all night at the hospital as part of her residency, so Adam had their place all to himself. He watched different sports on the TV, a sitcom, and even a documentary news program; none of them catching his interest. Adam was just sitting around, tossing around the strange sphere from his grandfather's belongings.

He hadn't really been trying to open it, was just playing around with it mostly, like a tennis ball. He eventually set it on the couch and decided he should take full advantage of having the house to himself. He proceeded to his "secret" place and found an adult video, placing it into the player. It's not that Laura was "anti-porn" or anything, she just preferred the more sensuous "female friendly" versions and not the harder stuff that most men are into.

Adam quickly found a scene that he like with a guy and two busty women slobbering all over the guy's dick. Adam pulled his shorts down and went to work. He lasted far longer into the scene then he thought he would considering Laura and he hadn't been able to be intimate much lately due to her schedule. The man was pounding hard into one of them while the other girl was giving him a rim job when he finally released.

It was a far larger load then he'd thought it would be, spraying a bit on his shirt and the couch. He also managed to get some on the orb next to him. Adam didn't notice, but he definitely noticed that the orb starting emitting smoke. This got him up immediately, but with his shorts still around his ankles; he quickly hit the ground. Suddenly, the smoke enveloped him, and he was asleep.

Adam was groggy but slowly came awake. He looked at the time display on the cable box and saw that an hour had passed. He looked around a bit from the floor but saw no trace of the smoke that had been there previously. He felt his head and he wasn't in any pain. He started coming to the conclusion that he had hit his head on the ground and that he'd hallucinated the pink mist.

He sat up groaning as he tried to get his bearings, his head still in some pain. He looked at the orb on the ground and picked it up, embarrassed to find his splooge on it. As he cleaned it, he noticed it seemed lighter than it had been. He looked it over trying to figure out why.


Adam immediately shot up and looked over the corner where he'd heard the voice, dropping the orb on the ground. There he found a blonde woman in a what looked like a genie costume.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here?!" Adam said quickly while trying to find his phone so he could call the police.

"I am your djinn, Master," she said matter-of-factly, "you released me from my confinement."

"Lady, what the fuck are you talking about?! Confinement?! You broke into my house! Now tell me what the fuck is going on cause I'm gonna call the cops!"

The woman stayed on her knees looking confused. He started to wonder if she was drunk, but she wasn't swaying or slurring her words.

"I am a djinn, Master; what you would refer to as a 'genie'. You released me from the orb with your seed."

Well, that made everything clear, Adam thought sarcastically.

"Seed? Genie? Lady, I'm not in the mood for this crap," he said while rubbing his head. "Can you either get out or make sense or something? And how the hell did you know about this thing?" picking up the orb from the ground.

"Yes, Master, I am your djinn or genie. A genie is a being that can bend the rules of the physical universe in order to enact the desires and fulfillments of their masters. When we are created, we are placed in objects for our own protection until someone releases us from it. Once a human releases a djinn, we appear in our energy form as mist. We then infiltrate the mind of the person who released us so that we know what language, appearance, desire, and power would best suit them. We can then bind with our master or mistress. Once we are bound to a master or mistress, you will be able to ask me to provide anything that is within my powers or my specialty."

Adam looked at her like she'd just explained how the Space Shuttle changes orbit to dock at the International Space Station. He looked dumbfounded in every direction he could think.

"Do you actually expect me to believe," he said looking in every direction, "that you are a magical genie that was trapped in an orb and that I'm now your master?"

"It is the truth, Master. I am not allowed to lie to you."

Adam was still rubbing his head. He needed to put a stop to this and get this chick out of here before Laura gets home. He had to call her out.

"Alright," he said indignantly. "You wanna be a genie, ok, be a genie. I wish for a perfect martini right in my hand."

She didn't move a muscle other than closing her eyes and Adam knew he had her.

"HAH!" Adam said, thrusting his hand toward her.

It had a martini in it.

He saw the glass and started shaking, the drink rattling in his hand. His eyes went wide, and he looked at the girl who just smiled. The glass wasn't one of his and it looked exactly like a martini, olives and all. He put the glass closer to him and sniffed the liquid. Smelled like it too. He slowly and tentatively took a sip.

It was the best martini he'd ever had by far. He looked at her stunned.

"What the fuck is going on?" he said shakily.

"I am your djinn, Master and..."

"No!" he shouted. "I mean what the fuck are you??!!"

Now she was looking scared.

"I told you, Master; I am forbidden from lying to you. I am your djinn."

Reality and fantasy was colliding in a very scary way. Adam had no idea what to do now.

"So..." Adam said shakily. "This is real?"

"Of course, Master!" she said gleefully. "I am so happy to be your genie!"

Adam saw genuine happiness in the woman's eyes, and he really didn't know how to react.

"So, how does this work?" he asked carefully. "Do you grant me three wishes and then you're on your way?" She giggled at the comment.

"Of course not, Master! I am your djinn for life. Once we are fully bonded you will have an unlimited amount of wishes that it will be my pleasure to grant. Djinn experience joy and happiness in the granting of their master's desires. Freedom, as you would call it, would only hurt us or make us permanently unhappy."