Unlimited Power Pt. 05

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Confronting mother and sister with the truth...
7.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/27/2022
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The trio went on a honeymoon soon after, Jade joining them via magic so as not to tip anyone off. They drank, explored, fucked, ate, fucked some more, and slept. The night before they went home, the girls concocted an orgy with some of their favorite celebrities making appearances. Tulpas of Chris Evans and Chris Pratt had DP'd Laura as Adam was being pleasured by Jade, Kate Upton, and Kat Dennings.

When they got back, they tried to settle into "ordinary" life when Laura's mother announced she was still in town and wanted to see Laura. They agreed to have lunch together on a Saturday, Adam and Jade staying at home as Laura's mom wanted a private talk.

The two greeted each other amicably, the glow of the new bride still shining in Laura. Laura's mom was more subdued, ordering a martini with lunch, something Laura knew she rarely did. She took a big gulp before starting in with Laura.

"So, tell me," Laura's mom said hesitantly, but with conviction, "what's really going on with Jade?"

"What do ya mean?" Laura replied, not sure where her mother was going with this.

"I mean what's the real story?" Laura's mom asked again. "She's more than just a friend and I know you have some sort of weird relationship with her."

Laura really didn't know how to respond, not wanting her mother to know and also knowing she'd probably never believe the truth anyway.

"Jade's our friend," Laura said with shaky confidence.

"A friend who lives with you and seems to be around you two every moment," Laura's mom rebutted. "This girl just shows up in your life and suddenly you and Adam always have her around. It's strange, plain and simple. And I don't think it's healthy for your marriage."

"What?" Laura asked.

"A pretty young girl around the house and Adam," Laura's mother said, taking another big gulp. "She will try and seduce him."

"Mother," Laura said, trying to dissuade her, "Adam loves me very much. Jade loves us too and you're worried over nothing."

"I don't think so," Laura's mom insisted, "I'm not even gonna tell you what I thought I saw during the wedding."

"What?" Laura said now getting nervous.

"I imagined that you, Adam and that girl were..." Laura's mom trailed off.

"What?" Laura said, genuinely puzzled.

"Together," she emphasized, using her euphemism for sex. "On the alter even!"

Laura had a good poker face, but not that good. She was shocked about what she heard and needed to figure something out. She was fortunate that her mother had only imagined it and nothing more. She needed to douse this now.

"Mother, Adam and I love each other very much," Laura said sympathetically, "there is nothing wrong and you have nothing to worry about."

"Hmmm," Laura's mom replied, not at all convinced by her daughter's words. Something was going on and Laura wasn't telling her. "Fine," she finally replied. "But I'm telling you right now, Adam winds up leaving you for that girl, don't say you were never warned."

Laura tried hard to resist the urge to roll her eyes. What else could she tell her traditional, straight-laced mother? Yes, Adam was fucking Jade. That she was too, and that Jade was a genie.

Yeah, that would go over well, she thought.

They finished lunch and Laura immediately went home, telling the hospital that she wasn't feeling well.

She got home and surprised Jade, who was sitting naked on the couch watching a show. Adam was upstairs in his office on a conference call. Jade was startled to see Laura home so early.

"Laura, is everything ok?" Jade asked, getting up from the couch and hugging her lover.

"I think we have a problem," Laura said, sitting on the couch with Jade. She was so frazzled, she didn't even strip, like she normally would have. Jade had worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked, genuinely worried that she'd done something to displease her.

"I think mother knows," Laura said, still trying to figure all the pieces.

"Knows what?" Jade asked, still perplexed.

"I think she knows that we're all together," Laura said. "And I think she saw us at the wedding when we fucked on the alter."

"How?!" Jade said incredulously. "I froze time and I know I didn't restart until I dressed us back."

"She said she thought she saw something," Laura explained further, "and it sounded a lot like what we did."

"Laura, that is not possible," Jade tried to explain to her friend/lover/"wife". "She was frozen. I mean the only way she would've known anything is..." Jade said, thinking and realizing something while looking at Laura.

"What?" Laura asked her.

"Laura, when I first got released," Jade explained, "you knew about djinns and our history."

"Sure," Laura said, "my grandmother."

"On your mother's side?" Jade asked cautiously. Laura nodded and Jade thought. She figured there was only one way that this could've happened. "Laura," she said taking her hands, "I think your family may descend from djinn."

"What?!" Laura said, while Jade was trying to reassure her. "How is that even possible?"

"Djinn can have children," Jade said plainly. "Normally, if we do, we have a normal human child, but there were stories that some had at least a sliver of djinn power to them."

"Seriously?" Laura said, still stunned.

"If not powers themselves," she explained further, "at least a perception of power. An ability to resist the power of a djinn."

Laura couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was it possible? Did she descend from magical beings? She was almost paralyzed.

"I really don't know what to do," she said in frustration, putting her hands over her face. Jade tried to comfort her.

"Maybe we should tell her the truth," Jade offered. Laura recoiled in shock.

"You really think my mother could handle the fact that you're a genie and we all have hot, crazy sex with each other?" Laura replied.

"Maybe we do it gentler than that," Jade recommended. "We should ask Master when he's done."

"I'm done," Adam said, coming back down from his office, naked as usual. "Babe, what are you doing here?" he asked his wife.

"Master, we may have a problem," Jade said gently. Immediately, Adam got tense, thinking all of this new life was proving too good to be true. He sat down nervously next to his wife.

"Mother knows something," Laura blurted out.

"Knows what?" Adam asked, glad it was nothing he did.

"Master, she seems to have some sense that I'm not quite human," Jade explained.

"How?" Adam asked calmly, trying not show the panic in his voice.

"We think she saw a little of the "wedding"," Laura said in quotes, Adam being stunned.

"Oh, my God," he said mortified. "She saw us?!"

"She thinks she hallucinated it," Laura further explained. "But she's looking hard at Jade."

"Oy," was all Adam could get out.

"We were talking about maybe telling her the truth," Jade offered.

"Oh, man," Adam said, laying back on the couch in disbelief over all this. "How would we even do that? What would she think?"

"Babe," Laura said after having some thought behind it all, "we may have to."

"Why?" Adam said, trying to sort through all this.

"Two reasons," Laura said, "one because she won't stop until she knows everything. Two because..." she trailed off looking toward Jade.

"Master, she may have some latent djinn in her," she explained. Adam's eyes went wide as Laura picked up.

"It's possible," Laura said. "It would explain a lot."

"Uh..." Adam mumbled out, "but how..."

"Djinn can have children," Laura explained.

"Normally, djinn give birth to human children, but it has been known to happen that a child could have some djinn abilities or sensitivities," Jade explained to Adam.

"I mean, is there a way to test for it?" Adam asked, Laura looking to Jade, unsure of the answer despite being a doctor.

"Not really, Master," Jade admitted.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Adam asked his wife.

"I think we have to tell her," Laura said with regret. Jade looked a bit nervous about it too.

"And how are we gonna do that?"

"We invite her to dinner here and lay it all out," Laura replied.

"Do you think she will accept me?" Jade asked.

"She barely accepts me," Adam said, never really getting along with Laura's family, with the exception of Laura's sister. "What do we do if she freaks and storms out? What do we do if she decides to tell your sister and everyone else?"

Laura and Jade looked at each other and shrugged, neither one of them really knowing what to do.

A few days later, Laura's mom agreed to come over for dinner. She was leaving town the next day finally after nearly a month long stay and the girls decided that this was when they should break the truth to her. Adam was taking heavy sips of the wine while they all gathered around the table to eat. The tension was easy to see as Laura's mom looked at Jade and him suspiciously, Jade looking more nervous by the second. Adam sat next to Jade and held her hand discretely, trying to soothe her.

Dinner was on the table and Adam looked at Laura to kick this off, since it was her idea. Laura's mom beat her to it.

"So, Jade," Laura's mom said, almost startling the poor genie. "Now that these two are married, when do you think you'll get a place of your own?"

"Uh..." Jade said looking nervously at Adam and Laura. Laura stepped in.

"Mother, that's actually what we want to talk to you about," she said, taking charge. "Jade isn't moving out."

"Well when will she?" her mother asked pretty rudely. Adam decided to step in.

"Never," Adam said, startling Laura and her mother. Jade smiled at her master as he continued. "She's staying with us for good."

"Well, this makes no sense," Laura's mother said, throwing her arms into the air. "What is this?" she said flailing her arms wildly at all three of them.

"Mother, stop!" Laura said, clearly having enough. "I'll tell you everything if A: you stop and listen and B: this stays here in this house."

Laura's mother was taken aback by the forcefulness of her daughter. She'd never talked to her this way. She soon regained her composure, crossed her arms and nodded to Laura to proceed.

"This is going to be hard to believe and understand, but I need you to know it's the truth," Laura started.

"Let me guess," Laura's mother started, "Jade's Adam's live-in mistress and you tolerate it!"

"Hey!" Adam said, before Laura stopped him.

"Mother! Listen!" she snapped back, Laura's mother obeying. "Do you remember the stories grandmother used to tell?"

"Your grandmother told everyone lots of stories," she replied annoyed, "what does this have to do with her?" indicating toward Jade.

"The stories about djinn," Laura said, trying to get her mother to focus.

"Yes, your grandmother was an eccentric and believed all sorts of fairy tales. Again, what does this have to do with her?!" Laura's mom said, frustrated.

"Adam?" Laura said to her husband, Adam clearly knowing what to do.

"Jade," he said to her while still looking at Laura's mother, "I wish for four Rolex Submariner watches on the table, fitted to all of us."

Jade's eyes glowed and in an instant, in front of every individual at the table, laid a brand-new Rolex watch. Laura's mother jumped out of her seat, wide-eyed and nervous. She looked at all of us and then straight at Jade.

"How...how..." was all she could say, over and over again.

"Because I'm djinn, ma'am," Jade said in a demure tone.

Laura got up and stood in front of her mother.

"Do you understand now?" Laura asked her mother. Her mother just nodded, trying to regain her sanity. She picked up the watch that was in front of her and found that it was completely real and ticking. She threw the watch back on to the table with a thud and looked at Jade again.

"Where did you come from?" she asked.

"I was locked in an orb in what you would call ancient Persia," Jade explained. "A descendant of my master found the orb but wasn't able to open it. Only my master was able to, so I appeared."

"Who is your master?" Laura's mom asked. Adam raised his hand up slowly. Laura took over.

"Adam was able to unlock the orb and Jade appeared," she explained. "She's bound to him and to an extent me because I was part of the binding."

"This...this is impossible," Laura's mom mumbled out. Laura picked up the watch that arrived in front of her and held it up to her mother.

"Does this look impossible?" Laura said, trying to shake her mother out of her stupor. She than put the watch on and admired it, finding it fit her wrist perfectly. "Nice job, babe."

"Thanks," both Adam and Jade replied, cause a brief giggle from the two and Laura. Laura's mom was still stunned silent.

"Mother, there's more," she said as she led her back to her seat. Laura's mother was looking uneasily at Jade as Laura continued. "It seems it's possible that we are descended from djinn ourselves."

"What?!" Laura's mother said, shocked. "How?!"

"Djinn can procreate," Laura explained, "and sometimes it produces a child that has a perception of djinn and their powers. That perception is what led you to see what you saw at the wedding."

"Wait," Laura's mother said, raising her hand to quiet Laura for a second, "you mean what I saw at the wedding..."

"Happened," Laura said, while Adam's face went red. "Jade stopped time for a few minutes and somehow you were able to break out of it."

"So, that was real," Laura's mother said before darting her look back to Adam. "So, you are sleeping with her!"

"Yes, mother, and so am I," Laura explained. Laura got another confused look from her mother.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Jade and I are also lovers."

"WHAT?!" she said bolting out of her chair.

"Mother, please sit down," Laura requested.

"You're homosexual?!" her mother asked angrily.

"More bisexual," she explained. "Yes, I have been intimate with women before Jade."

"Did you know about this?!" Laura's mother screamed at Adam. Adam tried to remain calm, wondering privately what was more surprising to the woman, that we had a genie or that Laura was bi.

"She told me when Jade arrived," Adam told her. "I honestly don't have any problem with it."

"You wouldn't, would you?" Laura's mother sneered. "You can carry on with your genie whore and keep my daughter as a side piece!"

"Enough!" Adam said, finally having enough. The force of it was enough to shock both Jade and Laura, certainly her mother as well. Adam stepped right up to his mother-in-law. "I don't care if you're her mother or not, NO ONE talks to my wife that way, EVER!"

Laura was stunned, but also incredibly turned on at how forcefully Adam was defending her. Jade also beamed with pride at her master. Laura's mother looked flabbergasted, but Adam continued.

"I know you're processing a lot right now and I understand, but you need to know this. I love your daughter more than anything in the world. Nothing has changed regarding that. If Laura had said one word about not wanting Jade here, I'm sorry, Jade," he said looking at the genie, "but she wouldn't be here. My first priority is her," he said, pointing at his wife.

Laura smiled, seeing the love Adam had for her flourish. She looked at Jade, who didn't seem in the slightest bit upset by Adam's comments.

"Jade is here because Laura and I want her here. She's a part of our lives and every bit a spouse to us as we are to each other," Adam continued.

Laura was now on the verge of tears and Jade was resisting the urge to grab her master and squeeze the stuffing out of him.

"This is our life, and that is your daughter," he said, pointing again to Laura. "We told you because we want you to understand about us," he said, now taking a softer approach. "We love you very much and want you to be happy for us."

"We do love you, mother," Laura said, trying to soften her up.

"While you prostitute yourself with this magical harlot and this abuser?!" she snapped at her daughter. The look on Laura's face said she'd had enough.

"Mother," she said softly, "I think it's time you left."

"I'm not going anywhere," she said defiantly.

"You hurl insults at my husband, you hurl insults at Jade, and you insult me in my own home," Laura said defiantly. "I do love you, but if you're going to act this way, I need you to leave."

"Don't me stupid, I'm your mother," Laura's mother said dismissively.

"THEN ACT LIKE IT!" she shouted, startling Adam and Jade as well as her mother.

"I'll not be talked to that way," Laura's mother said indignantly while gathering her things, leaving the watch. "I'm leaving."

"That's fine," Laura said, opening the front door for her. With all the pride she could muster, she walked out the door. "And mother," Laura said, causing her mother to stop in the walkway, "don't come back until you're ready to apologize." Laura's mother just kept walking. With tears in her eyes, Laura shut the door.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Adam said going up to his wife to comfort her.

"I'm the one that's sorry," she said, more than a little emotional, "I'm the one who said we should tell her, I'm the one who invited her here and let her say all those awful things to you both," now forming clear tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Babe," Adam said grabbing and holding her as she started crying harder. "I'm sorry this didn't go how you'd hoped," he said, rubbing her back to reassure her.

"I am very sorry, Laura," Jade said joining the two in a hug. As sad as Laura was, she knew how lucky she was to have both these people in her life. She gripped them both tightly while starting to feel better.

"I am too," Laura said gathering herself up and getting a smile out. "But honestly, I'll be ok. My mother's been judgmental all my life, especially after father died and I always knew that if she found out about me being with women, she could do this."

"But it isn't fair," Jade said somewhat naively.

"No, but it is what it is," Laura said forlornly.

"Give her time," Adam said, trying to appear hopeful. "A lot got thrown at her today and she may just need time."

"Maybe," Laura said, "but I'm not going to apologize for our life together. I love you both so much and I don't regret anything about our lives together. If she can't accept it, I'll just feel sorry for her." She turned and looked at the two people she cared about more than anything and realized that despite her mother, she was truly blessed.

"Hopefully she'll come around," Adam said.

"Maybe," Laura said before shrugging her shoulders, "but until then, I have the best two people in the world there for me," she said with a big smile. "Now, let's dump these clothes and eat!"

A few months later, Laura's sister Rayna decided to visit the new couple. Laura's younger sister had always been the "wild child" of the family, normally getting the majority of the scorn of Laura's mother. Since the fallout with her mother, Laura had refused to call or communicate with her at all. Rayna knew all of this but hadn't pressed Laura yet, her mother sharing no details.

Laura was happy to see her sister, greeting her warmly when she arrived for her weeklong stay. While Jade and Adam greeted her warmly, they also were somewhat sad about not being alone. Adam, Jade, and Laura had established their house to be a utopia of love, sex, and nudity. Obviously, they had to tone it down when they had friends over or a party, but this was a week-long visit.

Rayna greeted Adam and Jade happily, having unlike her mother, she'd come to really enjoy her sister's new friend and she'd always found Adam to be funny and kind. Soon, they were all sitting in the living room while Laura poured everyone a glass of wine.

"So, sis," Rayna said sipping on her wine, "mom won't tell me what happened with you guys, are you gonna?"

"It's complicated," Laura said, sitting down next to Adam and Jade on the couch.