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My pussy, no surprise, was wet and ready, and I couldn't stop rubbing the insides of my thighs, a tale-tell sign I was ready for action. I slowly licked strawberry jam from my fingers, making sure I held her gaze as I did so. Old dog, old tricks. I couldn't help myself, but this time is wasn't for a man.

Kind of weird, but interesting.

Much to my chagrin, bizarre, alien emotions filled my heart and mind. I couldn't stop rubbing my thighs, thinking of us in various sexual positions, as she drove me home. Perhaps it was my frustrated desire, and the thought that I needed to hold back, saving it for another time. Thankfully, she broke the heavy silence.

"What about next weekend?" Her eyes remained on the road. Her simple, seemingly innocent question took me by surprise. I hesitated for a moment.

Jesus, please try not to act like a freak.

I grinned, turning to look at her profile, fighting to sound normal. "What about it?"

"Oh, you know, smartass!" She smacked my knee. I gasped, surprised at my body's response. Jesus, my crotch was a fondue pot and I prayed I wouldn't leave a wet spot on the seat.

"You okay?" Now it was she, looking at me like I was crazy, asking.

Silently, I nodded, fighting for control, my pussy roiling. I still had trouble believing it was Nancy who was eliciting this desire in me. Yes, lacking a dependable supply of cock factored into the situation, but I knew it was much more than that. There were so many reasons she was my intimate friend and confidante. At that moment, as she turned from Evans Avenue onto Sparrow Way, where I lived, I set myself to exploring this new dimension of our relationship, and god have mercy on my poor heart, mind, and soul.

"See you Monday, then?" She asked, all coy, and again with those eyes!

"Mm Hm." I swallowed, a lump in my throat from arousal. A few agonizing seconds passed as we stared at each other.

Fucking DO something and get out of her car!

I lunged at her face, pressing our mouths together. She whimpered softly as we kissed, my fingertips caressing her soft cheek. It was only for a brief moment before I forced myself to pull back. In a daze, I heard the car door slam as I made quick strides up the front walk onto my front porch.

The moment the front door closed behind me, I discarded all of my clothes, leaving a trail to the bedroom, where I splayed out on the bed. Massaging one of my breasts relentlessly and tugging at my left nipple, I frigged myself through a series of loud, sloppy orgasms, finally coming to rest as the last spasms of frantic pleasure wracked my body.

"Oh, god, Nancy," I wailed to the ceiling in tears. My emotions, already way off-kilter, had been slow to catch up, but now they returned in full force. "God, honey...my good girl, my good, fucking girl!"

So long ago was that encounter, according to my heart, but not much on the calendar. Thinking back on that time, I was amazed I made it through, but here we were, in the now, waking up in bed together, again, after a night of futility at the BP. Counting the times we'd been blatantly sexual, I had just used up all the fingers on my right hand. I giggled.

Nancy was still asleep and I, as my body again dictated out of habit, needed to pee. My wimpy bladder insisted I disturb this loving tableau, and goddamn that bright, pure sunlight! I squinted, moving my head to avoid the intruder. That was all it took to derail my best friend's breathing. She huffed, taking in several deep breaths, groaning. Turning away from me, she coughed a bit, taking more gulps of air as her level of consciousness rose to wakefulness.

"Oh, my," she muttered hoarsely. "Mmmm..." She stretched her body under the bedclothes like a languid house cat waking from a deep slumber, her arms rising in the air as I watched my lover come to life.

"Good morning, honey," I whispered, rubbing her bare shoulder.

"Goddamn, what a hard sleep that was!" She said, turning to wince in the sunlight. Raising her hand, she blocked the errant ray from hitting her face. "What time is it?"

I looked at the white, plastic Westclox on the nightstand. "Ten-thirty."

"Mmmm..." again, with her deep, somewhat sexy guttural noise as she returned to pressing against my body. "I slept like the dead. How 'bout you?"

"Uh-huh." I nuzzled her hair. "Good and hard."

Reluctantly, Nancy pulled away and, slipping out from under the blankets, placed her feet on the green, short-pile carpet. The next moment, she stood, pausing as she gained her bearings before plodding away. I watched her beautiful body until the bathroom door closed. In spite of our friendship and closeness, there were some things Nancy still wanted to do alone! I sat up in bed, the cover falling away as I sleepily rubbed my face.

Jesus, that was a satisfying night, even for one without a hard cock inside me.

Persevering, I held my protesting bladder as I heard the toilet flush a couple of times, then the shower turn on. Ten minutes later, Nancy came out wrapped in a towel, her hair all wet and tangly as she smiled at me.

"I left you some hot water," she giggled, sitting at the vanity as she wrapped a smaller towel around her head.

I wanted to kiss her before getting clean, but refrained. Why? Fuck if I know. The morning after always presented awkward moments, and I was getting tired of that feeling. We had done this several times, and when we awoke, it was pretty much like it didn't happen, just a brief encounter, mutual orgasms, then back to being best friends.

A heavy stream of pent-up urine cascaded into the toilet bowl. I exhaled with relief and it seemed to go on forever. The shower was quick and warm (she hadn't left me that much hot water!) as I tried to focus and quell my thoughts. By the time I returned to the bedroom, she had donned a bathrobe, again combing out tangles. I noticed she left the front of the robe open, allowing me to see her breasts and thick, dark pubis. I smiled.

Oh, how you tease me, naughty girl.

"Better, now?" She asked, watching me watching her in the mirror.

"Yes." My fingertips caressed the curve of her neck.

Guess what? I was ready for sex again, and was getting tired of this hesitancy that remained. Dammit, I could usually tell what Nancy was thinking, but this time, our mental bond failed me.

Then came the unexpected.

Lovely, demure Nancy stood, turning to face me. With a shrug, the robe dropped to the floor, revealing her luscious, nude body. The next moment, we embraced, holding each other tight for a long time. No words were spoken as she pulled back. Gazing into my eyes, she nodded.

The next moment, I became naked and we tumbled back onto the bed, kissing madly as I moved on top of her. I couldn't believe this was happening!

Oh, sweet Jesus, YES!!!

Nancy spread her legs as our pussies met. I moved against her, fur rubbing against fur, our bodies synchronizing as pleasure surged through our bodies. The orgasm came quick for me as I convulsed against my lover's body.

"Oh, fuck, ohhh..." Nancy joined me as the bedsprings squeaked with delight. We moved against each other languidly, trying to milk every last spark of pleasure from our union, until we lay side by side, gasping for air.

I didn't have time to think, or say a word, as Nancy rolled on top, pressing her mouth against mine. We necked like horny teenagers for several minutes, our tongues lashing together, deep and wet. Moaning with pleasure, she reached down to my glistening fur to slip a finger inside. Next thing I knew, she broke the kiss and slid down the bed, looking up at me, eyes filled with mischief.

"Ohhh, goddamn, honey."

Nancy pressed her face against my pussy. The same tongue that had plumbed the depths of my mouth now slipped into my love canal. I reached back to grip the headboard as she lapped at my juicy pinkness, trying not to thrust against her hungry onslaught. Again, she moaned as she teased my clit. Her hands, which had been gripping my hips, snaked up my ribcage.

I hissed as her red-painted nails dug into my thick nipples, massaging, tugging, torturing them, forcing sparks down to my clit. She knew when I was about to cum. Immediately she stopped, looking up at me, her face wet with my juices, pure deviltry in her eyes. Just as I was about to protest, she resumed pleasuring me.

Oh, that evil girl did it again and again, four times, always stopping when I was about to orgasm.

"Dammit, Nancy!" I sobbed, "Let me cum, for Christ's sake!"

Smiling, she went back down, her hands now avoiding my nipples, but massaging the soft mounds of my breasts in an attempt to delay the next delicious wave. Mercifully, she kept going this time, moaning against my pussy as the orgasm hit.

Nancy knew what she was doing. By denying me those previous times, I had the strongest, deepest climax within recent memory. Not even Dan-O, in his prime, was able to elicit that type of response. Piledriver? Well, let's talk about that later.

Holy fuck if she didn't hang on as I made my best effort to buck her face away. I almost passed out as pure ecstasy possessed my body.

"Uh...uh...unghh..." I grunted like a feral animal.

I must have fallen asleep, or unconscious, for my next sensation was Nancy resting her head against my breasts. Grinning like a fool, I stroked her hair as she looked up at me, smiling, my juices still glistening on her face. Again kissing her deeply, I tasted myself, licking her face like a mama cat as she sighed with contentment.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well?" She responded.

We both started laughing.

"Do you think the BP is history?"

"Well, I wouldn't go that far."

"I know. There's nothing to replace a good, healthy cock."

"Ugh. Let's not talk about that right now. Let's enjoy this." She nuzzled the smooth skin between my breasts. "THIS."

I felt another smile form against my skin as her oh-so-capable mouth curled up, happy and serene. After those powerful orgasms, and the joy of fulfillment that followed, we cuddled, dozing through the next few hours as the bright sun arced across the clear, blue sky. My eyes blinked open to the sound of voices from her neighbors next door, an elderly couple, and according to Nancy, always bored and nosey. She told me they, usually the wife, managed to knock on her door at least once per week.

From the proximity of the voices, they were right outside our window, most likely tending to the extensive garden they kept from spring to autumn. I was grateful the curtains were pulled closed enough to prevent them some seeing in, but still, the fabric was thin. Have mercy, how would they react to the sight of two naked women lounging, post-coitus, in each other's arms? Ha!

Nancy took a deep breath, stretching as she rose to consciousness.

"Fuck," she groaned. "They're just outside, aren't they?"


"I'm amazed they haven't knocked on the door for some reason or another."

"Honey, don't jinx it."

Of course, a feeble knock sounded from the front of the house.

"Son of a bitch."

"You asked for it," I giggled, tweaking one of her nipples.

"And they won't go away."

Nancy quickly slid out of bed, tossing on her slop clothes. I hated to see her dressed, but I knew it was only temporary. She disappeared for a couple of minutes as I heard muffled conversation. Nancy's lower voice register had risen somewhat to match that of what sounded like the wife. The front door shut and the next moment Nancy appeared with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

"Here." She placed it on my bare stomach, her face annoyed.

"Cookies!" I smiled, immediately grabbing one.

"I'll get some milk." She started back out the bedroom door, but paused. "Better yet, let's go to the back bedroom." Nancy eyed the curtains. Their voices had resumed outside. "At least they won't be able to look in, or at least I hope not."

I took the plate, feet caressing the carpet as I padded to the other room. It was considerably smaller and farther away from the bathroom, but no matter.

Once again naked, Nancy lie beside me on fresh sheets in the decidedly smaller bed, but it was fine for two lovers heady with fresh discovery. The cookies were so good, I forced myself to stop after three.

"What, we're not going to finish the plate?"

"Uh-uh, I'm plump enough as it is."

"No you're not." Nancy gazed at me with adoration. "I'm the one who needs to lay off shit like this."

"Oh, my love." I reached out to touch her warm, supple skin, my fingertips tracing along her collarbone, down between her ample breasts. "You don't know how appealing you are." I couldn't help but tug on a big, thick nipple, surrounded by a dark red areola the size of my palm.

Damn, girl, I so need to suck them.

Nancy pressed her tit against my toying fingers, biting her lower lip.

"We have to keep up our strength for..." She took the plate and laid it on the nightstand, taking my hand, sliding up against my thigh. Our noses almost touched. "This."

We necked lustily for several minutes and, again, her mouth took my breast, then the other. I hissed with pleasure as she pressed her fur against mine. Our bodies undulated together for another quick, sharp orgasm.

"AHHHggg..." I growled, cupping her sweet buttocks as our bodies spasmed. "Shit!"

Panting, Nancy smiled, nodding. "Uh-HUH!" She fell on top of my body, our bare, damp flesh melding, breasts mashed together as she nuzzled my neck and jawline.

"I'm sure that old fucker spies on me at night." By then, we sidled together, holding hands, staring at the popcorn ceiling. "Sometimes I can just feel it."

"Get thicker curtains, my love."

"Yeah, I know, I know." She fell silent for a minute. "But what other thrills does that old fart get?"

We both laughed at the thought.

"I mean seriously, you've seen them. Do you think they screw?"

"Honey, I don't even want to think about that."

"Neither do I, but I can't help it when she's standing at my front door with a plate of cookies in her hands. I don't get through a week without her asking why I don't settle down and get a husband."

"That's her generation, girlfriend."

"Well, ours, too, to an extent." Nancy sighed. I squeezed her hand.

"Men haven't treated us well, and I think we're both smart enough and independent enough to not marry someone we didn't love just to keep up appearances."


"And that old fuck needs something to masturbate to."

Nancy couldn't help but gasp. "Oh, you nasty girl."

"Well, you started it."

"That I did."

Night started to envelop the room, and sadness enveloped me. I didn't want to leave my girlfriend, but tomorrow would be Monday and the office.

"Call in sick tomorrow?"

"Ah, no." I frowned. "That report we have to work on. I don't want to pull a sick day with that looming over our heads."

"Yeah, but oh, my god." She rolled on her side, sliding a leg up over mine, pressing her fur against my thigh. "We gotta have more of this."

"You come over next weekend, and no BP." I kissed her face and lips. God, her mouth was so soft, warm, and inviting.

"Yes, Peach." She rolled on her back, grasping the headboard to let me know she wanted me on top this one last time. I obliged, at last taking her breast into my mouth as she whimpered with delight. Our bodies moved together in perfect union until she squealed out another orgasm.

"I don't have nosy neighbors, either." I whispered into her hair.

The hardest part was pulling away from her and getting dressed. The moment I returned home, the door slammed behind me and I, once again, made a quick trek to the bedroom, where I masturbated myself to sleep. Morning came reluctantly and I found myself short of patience. I had to get to work, but my body wanted something else.

God, I need to fuck. I need Nancy.

We were mindful not to touch each other at work. Oh, if they only knew two of their best stenographers were having a sexual relationship! I smiled to myself mischievously, completing my tasks as the week slowly progressed. Friday arrived.

"One more day." I murmured into my coffee, eyeing my best friend, who sat across from me in the café. The waitress, the same one who always served us, eyed us intently.

"You know she thinks about us fucking." Nancy whispered, quite matter-of-factly, when the old woman reached a safe distance away.

"Yeah, I know." I smiled, licking the rim of my mug. "Glad we could give her some masturbatory fodder."

"We can make some more memories tomorrow to share with her," Nancy snickered, crinkling her nose, the naughty girl.

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Sex_CrazedSex_Crazed27 days ago

Good story. It was kinda hard to keep a rhythm the way it bounced around in time.

pcman1950pcman1950about 1 month ago

Fun! I'm a wannabe lesbian.... especially after this romp.

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