Unusual Situation

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A sexy Indian woman gives him a very unique offer.
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***Loosely based on a true story of a couple of situations I've been in that I decided to put together for one larger story, but changed with some creative editing of what really happened.

***This story was posted last year but was removed for a rewrite for story improvements.



Alex was relieved to see he had finally gotten a good response for the furniture he was selling online. It had been nearly a month since he posted that listing of a recliner, a coffee table, two side tables, and two couches, one of which was a sofa bed. He was selling the furniture for his parents, who got new furniture and wanted to sell off their old stuff. They had no room in their garage to hold their old furniture, so he offered to keep it in his garage and sell it for them.

He chose to post the listing on the Facebook marketplace because, unlike other online commerce sites, he could at least see the profiles of those who were contacting him. If he was going to invite unknown people to his house, he wanted to at least get a good idea of who they were. He already had to turn down a few people who didn't have anything going on in their social media, which seemed suspicious to him. He knew people who liked to keep a low profile online, but he still didn't want to take the risk.

There were a lot more legitimate people who were interested in the furniture. Some changed their minds at the last minute, which annoyed him because he took time off from his schedule to meet him. A few others showed up, and either they didn't like what they saw after seeing it up close or wanted to offer him something far below the asking price. Alex was willing to negotiate, but he wasn't going to take any insulting offers.

The latest person who messaged him seemed quite genuine in her interest in the furniture. Her name was Disha, and from her profile, she was a very attractive, dark-skinned Indian woman in her early twenties. Despite the pictures she had with some of her more traditional female family members who wore saree's, she was dressed like most other women her age who grew up in America. She was also had an incredible body, and he couldn't help taking a peek at her bikini pictures.

Going deeper into her profile, he also saw that she mostly dated other Indian guys, but still had a few white boyfriends in the past, which made him wonder if he had a shot with her. Alex dated a few women of other races before; there were always a few cultural differences that came up, but they were still very good relationships. He wasn't going to immediately hit on this woman when she came over, but if had the chance to get to know her a little and the opportunity came up, he was open to the idea of flirting with her or even asking her out.

Disha came around noon, as promised. She showed up in a pickup truck driven by another guy, which disappointed him because he was sure he was Disha's boyfriend. She got out of the truck, and he saw that she was more attractive than her profile pictures. She had long dark hair, wore tight jeans, and a tight red t-shirt that hugged her D-cup tits and was low-cut enough to show a little cleavage on top. She also had multiple ear piercings and a nose ring piercing on her right nostril, which was very traditional for most Indian women.

"You must be, Disha. I'm Alex," he said as he put up his hand.

"Hey Alex," she replied, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

Alex could hear a slight Indian accent from her. It suggested that she was born in India but came to America when she was young and the accent was fading out.

"That's my boyfriend, Sam, in the truck," she said, referring to the man who drove her here.

"Hey Sam!" Alex called out to him. Sam was hanging back by his pickup truck, and he just nodded at Alex in his own way to say hello.

Alex opened the garage door and showed Disha the furniture. She was surprised they were all in good condition. He explained that his mother was a clean freak, and she was one of those old-fashioned women who liked to put plastic covers on furniture to protect it. She carefully looked at everything and even called Sam to come out of the truck to check it out. Sam was a tall, muscular man with buzzcut hair and several arm tattoos. Alex got a former military vibe from him, which made him realize he better not flirt with Disha unless he wanted to get a major ass-kicking.

Disha liked what she saw, and Sam agreed with her that they were good items for what they were worth. She asked for a slightly lower price on the items, which he agreed to because it seemed reasonable. The only thing he wasn't willing to drop the price too far on was the sofa bed. The rest of the furniture was in good condition but older, so he was giving her a fair price on that. But the sofa bed was one of the newer pieces of furniture his parents bought over the years, and the pullout mattress inside was still in very good condition. He was willing to negotiate for a lower price, but not as low as what Disha was asking for. Eventually she had to turn down the sofa bed, but she was glad that she at least got the rest of the furniture for a good price.

"Are you sure you can't go a little lower on that sofa? I can really use it," she asked in a sultry voice.

She smiled at him and gave him a seductive look. It almost worked; she was a very beautiful woman after all. But he couldn't go any lower just because he had the hots for her.

"I'm sorry, I'd like to give you a deal on it, but it's more expensive than the other items and I just can't do it."

"Ok, at least I tried."

Alex collected the money, and he helped Sam put the furniture in his truck. Afterward, they said their goodbyes, and Alex texted his parents about the sale, which they were happy about. He suggested they lower the price on the sofa bed because it was the only item left that Disha couldn't afford. They agreed to drop it a little, but not by how much Disha was asking for. The next day, he listed the sofa bed on its own and lowered the price. He hoped this would get Disha's attention, and maybe he could see her again. She may have had a boyfriend, but she was a pleasure to be around.


Two weeks later, Alex went to a baseball game with one of his friends, Jason. He was excited for the game; he had to miss out on two other games that season because of work issues and was excited to finally go to one. Unfortunately, the game wasn't just horrible, it was a complete embarrassment. At the beginning of the 6th inning, Alex's favorite team was losing 14-2. This was a total surprise to everyone in the stadium, considering how well the team had been doing the entire season.

After that inning was over, he had done something that he had never done before at a baseball game, and he and his friend decided to just leave early. They couldn't take the embarrassment anymore and decided not to stick around for any more of it. They weren't the only ones who thought that, as they saw more people in the stadium having the same idea.

Outside the stadium, on the way to the parking lot, a man was passing out flyers to the people leaving the game. They've seen that same guy at other games before passing out the same flyers to a local strip club; apparently, they waive the cover charge if you show them a game ticket.

"You want to go?" Jason asked, "We might as well salvage something from this night."

"Sure, it may help us forget this game ever happened."

Alex was not really a strip club person, only going a few times a year, but he agreed to go this time. The club was not far from the stadium, and it was on the way to the highway he needed to take to get home.

Alex had only been to that club two other times in the last several years. It was too far away for him to visit; if he was ever going to one of these clubs, it would be to one of the two others closer to him. He thought about going there after games before, but the parking lot always seemed too crowded with people visiting after the game, and he didn't feel like waiting in the long lines for a chance to come in. But tonight, he was lucky; since he left the game early, the place wasn't crowded as much as it usually is on a weekend night, and they got in easily.

It was a very decent place, not a dive like some of the others in the city. The bouncers, as big as they were, all wore tuxedos. They served a variety of liquor, and they even had an attendant in the bathroom handing out towels. They even had a wine list, and he saw a few customers drinking wine instead of beer. They had one long bar area around a large stage where three dancers were performing at once and a series of tables where men were eating dinner as they watched the show.

When they entered the club, they had to go through a metal detector, and a large bouncer had to hold on to their phones and keys as they passed through it. The bouncer then asked for the cover charge, but Alex and Jason showed him their game tickets, so he let them in with no charge, just like the flyer promised.

Alex and Jason were there for almost half an hour, watching a variety of women stripping on stage and having other dancers approach them for tips and ask if they wanted a private dance. Every time a new dancer showed up on stage, another one stepped off stage, and the other two dancers moved to different locations on the stage.

Jason eventually got a private dance from an attractive blonde with big tits and one arm covered in some very impressive tattoos. Jason was gone for the length of three songs before he came back; he told Alex how great the private dance was and suggested he get one as soon as he gets the chance.

Sometime later, one dancer on stage caught his eye. It was a busty Indian woman wearing a red-string bikini who went by the name Saphire. She looked awfully familiar to Alex, and it took him a minute to figure out where he had seen her before and got excited when he realized who she was. He didn't recognize her right away because she looked completely different from the fully clothed woman, he saw a couple of weeks ago. At first, he thought he might have been mistaken and just confused her with another Indian woman. But after getting a better look at her face, he realized it was Disha, the woman he sold his parents' furniture to. She was looking back at him as well, but he couldn't tell if she recognized him or was trying to recognize him. It could also have been that she noticed him staring at her and was just looking back at him.

"I know that woman," he told Jason.

"Who? The Indian girl in the red bikini?" Jason asked.

"Yes. I sold her my parents' furniture a couple of weeks ago."

"I remember you telling me about her. You didn't say she was a dancer, just that she was hot."

"I had no idea she was a dancer; I never even asked what she did for a living."

Around the second song, Disha took her bikini top off, revealing her perfectly round, dark-brown breasts to the crowd. Besides the ear and nose piercings, he could now see that she had both her nipples pierced with studs. Several men cheered for her and threw more dollar bills at the stage; Alex and Jason couldn't help but join in and throw some money of their own on the stage.

When she was done, she got off stage and went around collecting tips from the customers. She came by Alex and Jason, did a little twirl for them, and shook her tits. After she got her tip money from them, she moved on to the next customer without saying a word.

"Are you sure that was her?" Jason asked. "She didn't act like she knew you."

"Definitely. You can't forget a woman like that. She probably just doesn't remember me."

When she was done collecting her tips, she put her bikini top back on and left the stage area. Alex hoped she would come by him so he could talk to her, but she immediately took another guy by the arm and led him away. He figured she probably promised him a dance earlier, which meant he had to wait until she was done to come back around.

Half an hour later, they continued watching the dancers, and they watched the game they were just watching on the big screen as well. Their team lost, but at least they had the chance to get some more runs and lost only by 14-8. They were still glad they left; it would've been frustrating watching the game, and at least they got to see some naked women tonight.

A hand touched his shoulder, and a woman's voice welcomed him. He greeted her back and turned to see who she was. It was Disha, this time wearing a short, see-through blue dress that gave a perfect outline of her dark nipples and their piercings.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" she asked.

"I sold you furniture a couple of weeks ago," he answered with a big smile.

Her eyes flashed wide, and she had a big smile on her face.

"I knew I remembered you from somewhere; it was killing me," she told him. "I'm surprised to see you here."

"It was a surprise to see you too. From your profile, I didn't know you were a dancer."

"I keep that private; it's not something I want to advertise online about," she replied. "So, do you want a lapdance?"

Alex was surprised at how quickly she brought that up, but he understood it was her job to get as many dances as she could to earn more money. He agreed and left Jason at the bar alone. She led him to the back of the club, where the private rooms were. The dances were $25 a song, and he paid for two. But before they could go in, they had to wait until one of the rooms was available for them. So, they had to stand around outside by the bouncer, who was standing guard, until a room was available.

During this time, they had a little small talk. Disha told him how she loved the furniture she got from him and how it worked well for her new apartment, which made him glad to hear. She asked him how he came to this club, and he explained to her about the baseball game he was just at and the reasons he left early. She said she didn't really know much about baseball but understood that it didn't seem like a good game. She also asked why she had never seen him around this club before, and he told her it was too far out of his way to come visit. She said she understood; it was the reason she danced at this club because it was too far away from her home and she didn't want to risk inviting too many people she knew personally to see her dancing. It was something he realized a long time ago that most strippers do.

After a while of just talking with each other, a couple of people left the private rooms, and Disha led him inside. She took him to a couch in the corner of the private room, where he sat down and made himself comfortable while she took off her outfit and got naked again. She then sat on his lap and began moving around his body. He put his hands on her ass; they were nice and firm, and he could tell she goes to the gym a lot. He moved his hands up and got them on her tits; they were fantastic, and he could definitely tell they were real. He really also enjoyed playing with the nipple piercings, and she seemed to respond well to how he was playing with them.

"This is amazing," he told her. "This is the best dance I've ever had."

"Thank you," she replied. "By the way, I saw that you posted that sofa bed for a lower price."

She said this as she got her face really close to his face and pushed her tits hard against his chest.

"Yeah, my parents agreed to drop the price a little."

"I'm still interested in it. Can't you go any lower?"

He couldn't believe she was trying to negotiate with him about a sofa bed while giving him a lap dance. It was hard for him to concentrate on talking to her about it when she was grinding herself against his fully erect dick.

"I can probably go a little lower, but not for what you were asking for last time," he replied. "Like I said, I'm selling it for my parents."

"Ok, I understand."

She continued the dance, this time fully focused on getting him aroused instead of negotiating with him. She was getting him so excited that he was afraid he was going to cum in his pants. It had been years since he did that from a lapdance. He was lucky he was wearing dark-colored jeans in case it did happen.

When their time was up, he bought two more dances from Disha. It was a risk that she was going to make him cum in his pants, but he felt it was worth the risk to be with her like this a little longer. This time, she got her breasts up close to his face, smooshing his head between those beautiful mounds of flesh. He wanted to suck on her nipples, but every time he tried, she giggled and moved her breast away. Eventually, Alex got the hint and stopped.

When their time was up, she asked if he wanted to keep going, but he felt he had enough. She put her blue dress back on, and they left the private rooms, where he paid the bouncer for the extra time he bought with Disha and then gave her a very generous tip.

"Thank you," she said as she put tip money away in a little purse she was carrying around. "Will I see you again around here?"

"I don't know; it's too far out of my way."

"Well, maybe I can come to see you," she replied.

"Really?" he asked, very excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm still interested in that sofa bed. Maybe I can come by in a couple of days and we can talk about it some more."

Alex was a little disappointed to hear that was what she meant. But he agreed to see her in a couple of days; he still needed to get rid of that sofa bed, after all. They still had each other's numbers, and she promised to contact him about a good time to meet.

Alex went back to the bar, where Jason was still sitting. They talked about the dance, and Jason laughed when he heard she was more interested in buying a sofa from him than being with him.

Alex wanted to stay a little while longer, hoping to see Disha dance again, but Jason convinced him that they spent enough money there and it was probably time to go home. Alex agreed; he was getting tired anyway, and he figured it would be a while before Disha went back on stage again.

On their way out, he ran into Sam, Disha's boyfriend, who was standing guard by the entrance as a bouncer. He wasn't there when they came in, or else he would've recognized him right away. He greeted Sam, reminding him of who he was. Sam just gave him a nod and said, "What's up?" and that was it. Alex really hoped he wouldn't see this guy around when Disha came by to discuss the sofa.


Two days later, Disha texted Alex about meeting up to discuss the sofa. They agreed to meet up at a later time so she could get Sam to use his truck to move the sofa. He was disappointed to hear that Sam was going to be there again, but it was her boyfriend and he had a truck to use, so it was understandable.

The truck pulled up into his driveway at the exact time they agreed upon. Alex opened the garage door so that Disha could look at it if they finally agreed on a price. He was really hoping to finally be rid of that sofa. He had plenty of room in the garage, but he was really hoping to start parking his car there after it was gone.

Just like before, Disha got out of the truck to talk to Alex while Sam stayed inside. They greeted each other and had a little customary small talk. Disha was dressed in more revealing attire this time. She was wearing small, daisy-duke-like shorts that showed off plenty of her long brown legs and a tight t-shirt that showed plenty of cleavage on top. He could also see that she wasn't wearing a bra, as her nipples, including their piercings, were protruding through it. Alex wasn't sure if it was because of the warmer weather or if it was to entice him so she could get a better deal from him.

"It's so funny that you randomly came into my club like that," she said.

"I know, it's kind of a crazy coincidence," said Alex. "If my team wasn't losing so badly, I would never have left early and gone there."