Unusual Threesome


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Greg had initially been elated and hugely aroused when Claire said.

"Yes Greg, I will make love to another woman as you watch."

As he had also thought about the potential problems when she had explained that the other woman would be Sammi, so his elation fell somewhat. He was still very excited about seeing Claire and Sammi together and, in theory, extremely aroused at the prospect of having sex with Sammi, who he had fancied ever since they had met. As with most men, the idea of a threesome had tremendous initial appeal, but the potential problems and issues troubled him. How much enjoyment could he show when he and Sammi had sex? Might he actually be jealous when he watched his wife make love to her best friend? It was the aftermath that worried him most. It was all very well having a night of threesome sex, but he and Claire would have to confront what went on that night for the rest of their lives. That might be a good confrontation, but if things went wrong, it might have awful repercussions. He could even now here Claire saying. 'You enjoyed fucking Sammi more than me.'

The other, less significant and more 'technical' worry, was how do you actually go about a threesome? Should he kiss Claire, then turn to Sammi? Should he shag one completely until he climaxed then make the other wait at least half an hour or should he alternate, a few thrusts in Claire then several in Sammi? How would it work with protection? Claire was on the pill and he always went 'bareback' with her, how would that work with Sammi? God, it was so bloody complicated he had a few times thought of saying to Claire to forget it. The thought, though, of seeing Sammi and Claire having sex and then shagging the young blonde, were so appealing,he didn't.

Watching that scene from The Hunger with Claire had been one of the most erotic experiences of Sammi's life. Seeing Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve making such spectacular love seemed to capture everything she felt. To her they were not lesbian, not even bi, to Sammi it was just sheer beautiful sex. A sex the like of which she had never experienced. It had been watching that, which had made her so receptive to Claire's advance to her, both for sex together and for the threesome. But, she was also concerned about what might happen later. Just what would it be like having sex with, not merely a woman, but her best friend Claire? Would it ruin the friendship? What would they be like when they met after? Might they become full on lovers, with or without Greg being involved? How would it work in the future, would they kiss and fondle when they met? She was relatively relaxed about sex with Greg. She liked him and had he not been Claire's partner, she probably would have fancied him, but you don't do that with a best friend's partner do you? She was, though, concerned at how she would feel watching Greg shag Claire, what would she do? Do you just lie there or what? She had no idea.

Laughing, nervously, Greg asked. "Wine ladies or, maybe something a little stronger such as a Cognac?" They were standing in the kitchen, they had entered by the back door, of the cottage. "It might give us more courage?"

"Why do we need that?" Claire asked.

No one replied, it wasn't necessary.

"Actually yes Greg I will have a brandy," Claire said, "Sammi?"

"Yes ok, why not?

"Come on let's go into the lounge," Claire said opening the door to the compact, nicely furnished almost square room.

"Wow," Sammi said looking across the room. There were several candles dotted around casting a low and very romantic light. Their sweetish aroma and the line of nightlight- sized candles leading up the open staircase and onto the landing leading to the bedrooms added to the strongly erotic look and feel of the room.

"That's a clever boy," Claire said raising her brandy snifter to her partner who had obviously set it up after they had left.

Claire walked over to the four-seater, green leather Chesterfield. She sat one end and patted the middle part. "Sammi you sit here." After slipping his jacket off, Greg sat the other side. Sammi's pulse was racing and heart was beating, she felt very nervous. As usual, she tried joking her way out of it.

"What meat in the sandwich am I?" She asked them.

Claire put her hand on Sammi's arm and smiling said. "No luv, more like in for a roasting," using the modern term for two men having sex with a girl, but adding. "With a slight difference of course."

Greg also feeling and sounding hellishly nervous joined in. "Let's just hope the meat's nice and tender."

They sat in a line on the sofa, sipping their cognacs, which Greg refreshed, for a few moments, with each of them probably wondering just how the evening and night would pan out. In fact, Both Claire and Greg were also wondering just how the hell do you start a threesome? Claire, though did have a plan.

She clicked the remote control and the thirty-six inch plasma on the opposite wall lit up. One of the soaps came on. She fiddled with the remote control and leaned over the arm of the sofa. Sammi saw some messages on the screen indicating it was interfacing with a pc. The screen flickered for a moment or two and then the beautiful face of Susan Sarandon filled the screen.

"Oh my God," Sammi said.

"Ok Sam?" Claire asked holding her friend's hand.

"Oh yes, Claire" she breathed, her eyes taking in every detail on the screen.

She watched and listened with mounting excitement and anticipation as Catherine Deneuve played the piano to Susan who was seated, drinking a glass of red wine. Sammi had watched the clip several times since Claire had introduced her to it. So powerfully did it affect her, she had masturbated each time she watched it.

"Is that a love song?" She heard Dr Sarah Roberts, Susan, ask Mrs Miriam Blaylock, Catherine.

"Does it sound like one?" Catherine replied.

"Yes," Susan said quietly

"Then it is one."

Sammi waited the moment or two for Susan to ask one of the most erotic questions ever posed in a film, well certainly in her experience.

As she posed the question, "Are you making a pass at me Mrs Blaylock?" she felt Claire squeeze her hand. Involuntarily, yet with meaning, Sammi squeezed back.

Catherine's cool reply was one of the most amazing acts of underplaying one's hand there could be.

"Miriam, my name's Miriam."

It was then that Susan Sarandon spilled the red wine onto her white top. The way the camera zoomed into her left breast with the stain on its top and showed the rise of her nipple inside the material was fantastic. It implied so much. That she was aroused, of course, that she was interested, probably and that she was naked under the top, certainly. Catherine moved away, the stalker circling her prey. As their gazes met and the good doctor Sarah Roberts, Susan Sarandon, turned away from her temptress and towards the camera, Sammi felt Claire running her other hand up her bare arm as they continued squeezing each other's hands. As Susan took hold of the bottom of her white top, she felt Greg's hand on hers. He squeezed that and she squeezed back.

"Oh Christ," Sammi involuntarily groaned as Susan lifted the white top upwards, baring her breasts to the camera, but not to her potential lover, Catherine.

It was at this point that Sammi usually started to masturbate. This evening, though, that wasn't possible, but Claire had cleverly created the same needs in her friend.

"Jesus," Greg whispered, also squeezing Sammi's hand quite tightly, as the camera focused on Susan Sarandon's shapely breasts and erect nipples.

As the scene ended so Claire whispered. "Shall we all go upstairs?"

She pressed pause, knowing that the other control in the bedroom would start it up again for it was programmed and ready, waiting for Claire to press the right buttons; 'Just like Sammi,' she smiled.

But not yet. As they followed the candlelit path to the master bedroom with the modern, low and wide bed, so Claire used another remote control to start the stereo. It could only be set to play one thing. The Flower Duet from Lakme, by Delibes. The music that British Airways used to use in its ads, when it had pretensions to be 'the world's favourite airline,' the music in the scene where Catherine and Susan make love and the music, Sammi thought, to which I am going to be fucked by both Claire and Greg. It was an awesome sound. The fantastic female voices and incredible music, filled the cottage.

It seemed to be coming from everywhere, soaring up high and loud then low and quiet. The two girls stood by the bed looking at each other. Greg diplomatically moved to a chair in the shadows, as the beautiful sounds wafted round the old cottage.

The earlier watching of the scene from The Hunger when Susan Sarandon had bared her breasts to Catherine Deneuve and now hearing the awesomely erotic Flower Duet music that accompanied the two women making the most stunning on-screen love, had aroused Sammi. They had loosened her, they had released her inhibitions, relaxed her and had made her amenable to Claire's inevitable, yet subtle advance. She was now fully primed and tingling with expectation. The plasma on the wall facing the bed flicking to life and being filled by the near naked bodies of the two beautiful, mature women, did the rest. As Sammi watched Susan's long legs opening, Catherine's beautiful back bending and her lovely face moving towards Susan's deliciously hardened nipple she heard her friend say.

"Are you ok Sam?"

Her immediate, thought, with a slight smile was to say, as Susan had said the Catherine, 'Are you making a pass at me?" Instead she said

"Yes Claire."

"We can stop at any time you know, just say so and we will."

"I know luv, thanks."

"That's right isn't it, Greg?" Claire asked.

"Yes of course," he replied from the shadows.

Sammi got the answer to her unasked mimicking of Dr Sarah Roberts when Claire said

"If you're sure then Sam, why don't we take our dresses off."

Chapter 6

It worked as near perfectly as making love can. Everything seemed to happen as if planned and rehearsed. There were no embarrassments, no hesitation, jealousy or greed. Nobody domineered, no one was left out or ignored. It was very inclusive, very intense, very tender, very caring, very erotic and amazingly horny for each of them.

From the moment Sammi followed Claire's lead by undoing the buttons down the front of her dress as Claire unzipped hers at the back, the two girls were together.

"You look so beautiful Sam," Claire said as they looked at each other in their underwear: Sammi all black setting off the blondeness of her hair, Claire white accentuating the slight olive tone to her skin and darker hair.

"And you do too," Sammi whispered back as Claire took her by the hand and pulled her to the bed. They sat on the edge, Claire slightly turned so that her left stockinged knee pressed just above Sammi's right fishnet covered knee.

'Our first sexual contact,' Sammi smiled as she looked at Claire's lacy suspender belt. Sammi had never worn one and was fascinated and excited by the way it dug into Claire's hips making them more rounded and feminine. She found the elastic straps which stretched from the belt to the stocking unusually erotic. Two ran down across Claire's groins and thighs and two more circumvented her rounded hip adding emphasis to her womanly curves.

"I love the suspenders," Sammi was saying as her friend slid her arm round her shoulders.

"And I love these," Claire whispered placing her hand right on the lacy tops of Sammi's hold ups "They look lovely."

"And absolutely so fucking horny," they heard, from Greg in the shadows.

"You stay out of this and wait your turn," Claire said in a mock stern voice as she looked deep into her best friend's eyes.

God she was so lovely. She wondered why she had hesitated when Greg had asked to see her with another woman. But her sort of 'biness' wasn't like a man fancying a woman or vice versa. She loved Sammi as a friend, but somehow kept that love away from sex. They had been as good as naked together, they had sunbathed topless and had even slept in the same bed without sex rearing its head at all. Now, though, it was as if a new order had been formed. As she watched Sammi half closing her eyes, parting her lips and tilting her head to one side a little, as their faces moved slowly, but inexorably towards each other, she wondered how that new order would be in the future.

'It's happening, it's starting, she's going to kiss me,' Sammi was thinking as she stared into Claire's eyes, which despite the dim light, she realised for the first time were deep green. She was relaxed,it was what she wanted wasn't it? She wanted to be kissed by another woman, she had for some time, it was just the 'right' other woman had not until now come along. As Claire's, quite full, parted lips stopped just a few inches from hers, Sammi realised that after such a famine of fanciable, females she now had three. Three females who had given her the will to explore the curiosity which had been with her for so long. Three women who had provided the desire for girl to girl sex. Three women who had and were now arousing her so much. The film stars Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve and her best friend Claire.

It seemed to be the most natural thing in the world, something, it felt she had done so many times, but then in her mind Sammi had kissed many women, including her 'special three.' This time, though, it really was Claire's mouth on hers, Claire's lips opening around hers and Claire's tongue gently touching hers. It was Claire's arms round her and it was Claire's left breast pressed against hers.

Sammi was surprisingly calm, as if it happened every day. She wasn't fazed as she had felt she might be. Yes, her heart was pumping and her pulse was racing, but that was nice, not unpleasant. She was primed and ready, she wanted it, she wanted to give and to be taken. Yes, Sammi, realised as she and Claire began to squirm their lips more firmly together as the passion between them increased, she wanted Claire, her best friend, to fuck her.

She kissed back, firmly and squelchingly. She opened her lips wide and welcomed Claire's tongue into her mouth, around her teeth and gums, against her own tongue and deep into her throat. She pressed back with her tongue, licking inside her friend's mouth, licking along her lovely lips and gently sucking on them one by one.

Claire was amazed. Totally surprised, yet wonderfully pleased at Sammi's reaction, her most significant feeling was of relief. Relief that Sammi was so up for and, seemingly, into it, that she herself was relaxed yet immensely aroused and was able to lead her friend towards sexual fulfilment and that she felt comfortable being with another woman in front of her long-term partner, Greg. She had caught his eye a few times and was pleased to see the combination of joy, excitement and pleasure on his face. Momentarily it occurred to Claire that Sam must have been with a woman before, she was so relaxed about it, so in tune with it and so bloody good at it.

Greg in fact was more excited than he had ever imagined he would be. He had always fancied Sammi and would probably have tried something had she not been so close to Claire. Seeing his 'most fanciable' woman, kissing the woman he loved was amazing. And seeing both his partner and his, soon to be, lover, sitting on his bed in their underwear and their outrageously erotic stockings was beyond his wildest dreams. Individually they looked amazing, together they created a vision of beauty and excitement which was well beyond his descriptive capabilities. So he just laid back in the chair, enjoyed his raging erection and watched the glorious scene unfolding in front of him still to the accompaniment of the sumptuously, sexy strains of the Flower Duet.

Now that the ice had been broken, events began to unfold more quickly. Although not with undue haste, it was almost as if both girls wanted to go from tentative foreplay to serious lovemaking as soon as they could.

Claire found Sammi's left breast in the lacy, black bra. She squeezed it, Sammi moaned and pressed back. Claire lifted the modest sized, but beautifully shaped and gorgeous feeling orb from the confines of the cup of the bra. Her fingers found and rubbed the small, coral pink areola and pinched the already interestingly hard nipple. Although, obviously, the sensations from Claire's hands on her breast were similar to those Sammi had received many times from men, the emotional sensations were so different. That was because it was another woman doing it, a woman who would soon make love to her, a woman whose partner was watching and might well do that as well, a woman who was Sammi's best friend.

Kissing Sammi, Claire reached round behind her friend and deftly unclipped her bra. She let the straps fall apart and then slowly and gently she eased the cups away from her Sammi's breasts. She had seen them before, many times, but on those occasions, they were simply a pair of female breasts. Now, they were a pair of womanly tits, tits that were hers to use and arouse, tits to make love to yes, they were now sexual not friendship tits.

Claire's hands cupping her breasts felt wonderful to Sammi; she groaned, arched her back a little and pressed back against them.

'It is like riding a bike, you never forget,' Claire was smiling to herself as she stroked, rubbed, caressed and squeezed Sammi's boobs. All the feelings, the memories, the sensations and the pleasures of those stolen times when she was at university experimenting with her sexuality flooded back. 'God, sexually at least," she thought to herself pinching her friends extended nipple, "I could be lesbian.'

"Lay back Sammi," Claire muttered pulling on her friend's shoulder. Sammi lay in the middle of the bed, Claire sat on the edge staring at the young blonde. 'She really is gorgeous,' she thought her eyes taking in the golden blonde hair cascading onto the bed over Sammi's slightly tanned shoulders with a few strands falling onto her right breast. The pretty face with the sparkling, half-closed eyes and full, immensely kissable lips, which were slightly parted. The small, beautifully shaped breasts that were wobbling a little and going up and down as Sammi breathed, clearly rather heavily. The modest sized, coral pink areola and the fuller, nicely erect nipples. The flat tummy, the black thong snugly cuddling, or so it seemed to Claire, Sammi's seemingly rather prominent pubic mound. The patch of white skin, between where the vee of the black, lacy, silk thong reared up the maddeningly flat tummy and the beguilingly arousing tops of the black, fishnet stockings. Sammi's gorgeous legs made to look even longer and slimmer by the black hosiery, were invitingly, slightly parted.

Sammi saw that some of Claire's hair had fallen down from the comb and large clip, which had been holding it up. A few strands fell across her face and some longer ones onto her shoulder. They looked very sexy, Sammi thought, quite revelling in lying back in just her thong and stockings as her friend visually fucked her, or so it seemed to her. Sammi was also acutely aware that Greg was an onlooker to all of this. She wasn't quite sure, though, just how that was affecting her and just how she was responding to the unseen watcher.

Claire was smiling, not a beamingly, wide one, but a small grin, one of pleasure and anticipation as, indeed, she did visually fuck Sammi for she was imagining her mouth and hands all over her friend's most intimate places. The white of Claire's, more basic, but nevertheless still quite sexy, bra was low cut and totally see-through, underwear contrasted beautifully with her darker skin. Excited, far more than she had ever imagined, Sammi could see the dark shadows and large bumps inside the diaphanous, thin net, bra. She had seen Claire's dark areola and large nipples several times and such sights on others countless times, at the gym, the tennis club, in changing rooms and when she and Claire had undressed for bed, but never had she had a reaction such as this. It was as if she was about to see the Holy Grail. It was as men are, when they position themselves to get a 'flash of pink' and being so disproportionately excited when they do. Claire's nipples took on a whole new meaning as Sammi now looked at them as objects of sexual release and not just pink blobs on a little mound of flesh.