Val - The Game Begins Ch. 04 - GOTM

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Cultists capture Val & her friends at Halloween frat party.
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NOTE: This is NOT Game of Thrones fan fiction. The Game of Thralls stories are part of a mythos of my creation called the Game of Thralls Mythos (abbreviated as GOTM, but pronounced as if saying, "Got 'em!"). They are set primarily in the modern day, though there could theoretically be flashbacks, visions of the future, and time travel since magic and the supernatural are treated as real. The stories feature names and concepts inspired by the hit TV series Game of Thrones, but the stories contain NO SPOILERS for the show and NO COPYRIGHTED CHARACTERS.

This particular story is an erotic fantasy set in the modern day featuring nudity, non-consensual sex, tentacles, and a few relatively mild choice words. It is not meant to approve of the actions depicted. This story is pure fantasy and does not portray reality in any way. It was written solely to please my own tastes while hoping that others may enjoy it as well. I have previously put three of my friends into Game of Thralls stories -- with their permission, of course -- and figured it was time to take a dose of my own medicine while explaining the origin of the Game of Thralls Mythos.

WARNING: This is your last chance to avoid being offended. Nudity and tentacles and non-consensual arousal lie ahead. Turn back now or forever hold your peace. Remember, this is only a fantasy! *smiles*

PLEASE READ: This is Part 4 of a four-part story. The previous part was entitled "Val - The Game Begins 3 of 4 - GOTM." It is meant to be read in order.


Val - The Game Begins 4 of 4 - GOTM

by Val R.R. McJames

"Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but what matters in the end is how you play The Game."

Lance reached his hands out to caress along my legs, from my feet to my calves to my thighs. All around me I heard my friends moaning and speaking words of defiance to the Lord of Lust, much as I had done. I knew they would all soon experience that moment of knowing they could not get away and he was going to savor taking them. I hoped that the fact they were not alone would make it easier for them to bear. Then Lance brought me back to focus on him as his hands began caressing my inner thighs.

"You are so pretty, so vulnerable, and so defiant. I will show you the way, Val," Lance promised, "I will free you to feel Lust and burn with passion." He hovered over my body and began to lower himself down. Instead of entering me with his flaming man-sword, he laid it on top of my lower body by my clitoris.

I watched in horror, tensing up as I expected to feel searing pain at the touch of his flaming manhood. But instead it gave off waves of stimulation instead of heat, and its touch was pure erotic ecstasy. He lay down on top of me and rubbed his flaming shaft against the outside of my body as if he were humping me with it.

"AGGHH ... OHHH ... UHH ... NOOO ... get it off me ... UHNN ... stop ... please take it away!" I pleaded as I felt surging arousal in my loins with every second his flaming shaft was in contact with my skin. But he knew he had me and was not going to let up. "I have you now, Val. You can't get away. Give in, say you will be mine forever!" he whispered in my ear.

I was thrashing around beneath him, arching and trying to throw him off, but he was strong and heavy, and I was exhausted. He rode out my feeble attempts, enjoying my slowly waning strength that I nonetheless expended every last ounce of to resist him. I couldn't believe he had just declared us the property of the Lord of Lust and now he was whispering for me to agree to be HIS.

"UHH ... UHH ... UHH ... BASTARD ... I said GET OFF ME!" I used all my strength and bucked hard, but all I did was cause him to lift up a bit and then settle back down on me, his well-muscled chest rubbing my sensitive nipples and sparking more flames of arousal to burn within me. His hands were wandering all over my naked body, exploring ever curve as if they were his to do with as he pleased. He was enjoying how I defied him despite being unable to stop him. I didn't know what to do. If I gave in, he won. If I fought him, he still won, and he savored what he would call "taming me." It was the same sheer frustration as I experienced with the Lord of Lust.

"Val," he whispered again, "You could be mine if you wanted. I could take you away from all this. I could have you all to myself. Let yourself go! Give yourself to me!" I was in shock and whispered back, "You lying bastard, I know you serve your stinking Lord of Lust. I don't believe you!"

"Do you remember in the game room," Lance queried quietly, "I pushed your chair closer to the desk and told you I might pull your leg?" My eyes shot open wide, remembering that clearly. I responded so only he could hear, "Do you mean you wanted me to be closer to the desk so that my leg could kick out at the tower and do something to stop the game? Why? Why would you do that?"

"I told you already," he answered into my ear, "I said you were the prettiest girl I've ever seen. You're beautiful inside and out. I knew you would be the perfect First for the Lord of Lust, but you would also be perfect for me."

"How?" I asked back into his ear, "How would you get all my friends and me away from here?" But he shook his head, replying softly, "I only meant you, Val, I can't help your friends. I only want you!"

Then I knew that I would never accept his offer, and rebuked him quietly, "Then go to hell, you selfish bastard! I do not belong to you or your Lord of Lust. I would rather stay here with my friends than be with you!"

He finally lifted off of my body, and I gasped for breath now that his weight was off me. His face was clouded by disappointment. He said normally, "Then so be it! If this is the only way I can have you, then I will have you completely before you are shared around and enjoyed by all."

I looked at him with a mix of fear and anger as he propped himself up with his left hand and used his right to direct the tip of his flaming manhood to rub up and down my slit. The feeling was exquisite! I arched slowly as my head fell back, and he didn't stop but kept teasing me. Up and down, up and down, up and down, he rubbed his flames of Lust against me continuously. He wanted a response, and I could not stop myself from playing into his game.

"AGHH ... get that thing away from me!" I demanded and squirmed to make his task harder. "You can't have me!" He only smirked at my feeble attempt and savored my defiance, which he promptly overcame despite my best efforts, which was exactly what he wanted to do to "tame me." He laid his hand on my tummy and pressed down, slowly feeling my strength give out as I was pressed down and my struggles were stilled. I gasped for breath, glaring at him, knowing I could not do anything as he pressed his shaft into me.

Oh my gosh! He was finally entering me with his burning shaft. I had tried to resist, to fight him, but he was too strong. Now his flames touched the petals of my flower and seared me with sensual stimulation that was lighting up my insides like never before. He controlled my body now, sinking deeper and deeper, inch by inch, savoring his inevitable victory. His hand wandered from my tummy to my boobs, scooping my left and kneading it, then teasing the nipple with his fingertips. All I could do was lay there and take it, deeper and deeper, the flames touching me all over inside, especially my g-spot.

He released my breast and shifted to brace his body over mine as he sank into me, sheathing his shaft inside me just as he had promised. I was helpless as he finally drove in to the hilt and held there, letting me feel his full girth and length throb and burn inside me. My juices gushed as if trying to quench his flames, but instead coating his rod like lighter fluid.

"AGGHH ... UHHNN ... UHNN ... NOOO ... Get out of me! ... Do you feel proud taking me when I'm naked and helpless and exhausted? You're a real man, all right."

"OOO ... Val ... you are feisty!" he exulted, "And that is the only way to take you so I can tame you fully and completely. And it's time to do that." He began to pull back his shaft, rubbing the flames around inside even more. He stopped short of pulling out and reversed direction. His thrusting had begun.

He felt me start to buck my hips as if to dislodge him and he let his weight down on top of me again. I was pinned under him and he began to freely thrust back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He slipped his hands under my upper back and then up over my shoulders so he could pull himself down into me with even more force.

"OHHH ... AHHH ... AHHH ... AHH ... OOOO ... GRRR ... NOO ... STOP ... AGGHHH!" I had no effective way left to fight him except in words and willpower. I was essentially bound hand and foot, totally helpless beneath him and he was having his way with my body. I had to try to deny him some part of me. But his flames stroked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, stoking a flame of Lust inside me that I feared would have me crying out and begging him to take me.

The flames of his Lustbringer were so intense! As my body's nectar enabled him to slide more easily, his thrusts picked up greater and greater speed. My body's innermost depths yearned for his plunging sword to be sheathed to the hilt within me. His shaft seemed so thick and long and full of veins and bumps and ridges that rubbed me in all the right ways. The tightness of my love tunnel was slick with my juices, and I kept gushing more for him with every thrust, encouraging him to take me faster and harder and deeper. Why was my own body betraying me right into his hands, playing his game, and pulling me down beneath him in defeat?

His thrusts went on and on and on. I was fully impaled over and over and over again. He was reveling in his victory, savoring my defeat, taunting me, "Val, UHNN, you are so tight. MMM! YESSS, I've got you now. You are mine for the taking. Your body wants me. YOU want me. Take me all the way! UNGHH!" He drove in to impale me and held there, pressing down into me, pushing, pushing, and pushing some more. His flames licked and lapped at my innermost recesses. I felt him throb and pulse with desire to claim me as his own. He was toying with me, making me feel how much I yearned to be filled so fully and completely. He was winning. How could I hope to resist?

"OH GOOD HEAVENS!" I finally cried, "Please stop! PLEASE STOP! Have mercy! NO, NO, NO! I don't want you inside me like this. Get out of me! GET OUT! I can't take it anymore. No more, please, NO MORE!"

But that was what he had been waiting for, the sign that the flames of his Lustbringer had kindled my arousal into a raging inferno that was consuming me with desire. He knew he had me now; I was his sex toy to play with however he desired. And he desired more.

"Here, Val, my love," Lance voiced his words so convincingly I almost believed he cared, "Let me give you more, even more!" He looked over to the laptop which was emanating the tendrils taking my poor, sweet Amy and making her squirm in ways that unwillingly turned me on just by watching her. "Lord of Lust, join Val and Amy together. Let them taste the union that only you can give!" A tendril extended from each laptop above our heads but crisscrossed over each other to the person they had no contact with, Amy's laptop tendril reaching to me as my tendril reached out to her.

The two tendrils entwined around our necks, like collars or leashes, but only exerting the minimum amount of force needed to maintain constant skin contact, not enough to restrict breathing or blood flow. At the moment both our necks were entwined, I felt a rush of sensations, my mind and body flooded with images, thoughts, and feelings.

My dearest Amy was thinking how she had failed me. She was feeling utter dejection and despair at failing to save me by making me cum first. She was trying to resist the Lord of Lust, but he was slowly convincing her that she deserved this, to be taken and used because she was such a failure. She thought she had failed to love me enough to save me from this torment even though she had tried her very best.

The weight of her anguish drove me nearly to despair myself. "Amy," I cried out, "Amy, no, don't think that you failed me. You loved me so completely I could not help cumming for you. I know you tried not to cum too, but that damn tentacle was inside you. You can't blame yourself for not holding out. Neither of us could resist watching the other one orgasm. It's okay. We are in this together!"

Amy's tearful face looked over to me and I don't know if she spoke or thought the words but I heard her clearly, "Oh Val, I love you so much! How can you still love me when I failed you?"

"Amy," I responded, "I love you because of who you are, not what you do. We didn't fail each other; we loved each other enough to sacrifice ourselves for each other. We both won the battle to love each other no matter what anyone else -- or anything else -- thought or said or did. I love you!"

"I love you!" Amy immediately replied. I felt her spirit lifting. She was getting stronger again. I turned to face Lance and smirked before taunting, "Hah! I don't know what you thought you were doing to us, but we will show you that love is stronger than your stupid lust."

He just ground his impaled man-sword into me harder and I gasped. I immediately heard Amy utter a similar gasp and we both turned to look into each other's eyes that were wide open with surprise. The Lord of Lust used his two tendrils on Amy's breasts to suck her nipples hard and she moaned, "OHHH!" I immediately felt my two buds receive the same sensations, and also moaned, "OHHH!"

Lance smiled down at me, saying, "So you think your little love fest will matter in the end? It will only intensify how deeply attuned you are to each other's thoughts and feelings. You will only fall into Lust that much quicker as you share all your bodies feel now. Welcome to the world that only the Lord of Lust can create. Taste the future that will inevitably become real for our whole world. Welcome to paradise!"

And then he ground into me hard before he started thrusting again. I saw Amy arch at the same time I arched in response to Lance. "Oh no," I thought, "Now we will both not only feel our own arousal, we will each feel other's arousal too. We barely had any hope of holding out before. Now we will dance to their tune and entertain them with how easily they can manipulate us. How can we ever escape?"

Then I felt a tiny, whispering thought in the back of my mind. I tried hard to focus on it despite the pleasure my body was lost in. It was Amy, tentatively reaching out because she had just heard my thoughts. "Val?" Amy thought to me, "Can you hear me like I heard your?"

I thought back to her, "Yes, I can hear you." Amy replied, "I don't think we will be able to talk much when the feelings get overwhelming. Already I am so turned on that I can barely think straight, but I wanted you to know you just pulled me back from totally giving up. I don't want you to give up now either. Even if I am so overwhelmed with arousal that I can't think like this to you, I will still be loving you and fighting to survive this to be with you. Okay? Hang on! Let's hang on to each other. Even though we will cum for sure because we are being double-teamed by sharing our pleasure, and we can't stop them from taking us, we can know that it is OUR pleasure we shared and hang on to each other. Deal?"

I smiled in my thoughts back to Amy, "Deal! I'm hanging on to you, Amy, and I won't let go!" I felt her smile back to me, then she convulsed in pleasure as the tendrils almost forced her to orgasm. I, too, suddenly arched hard, overcome by experiencing both our feelings at the same time. My attention was forced back to Lance, who was now moving slowly inside me, keeping up the stimulation of my g-spot over and over again. I instantly knew he had me. I was feeling the same closeness to orgasm that Amy had just felt. The fact we shared the arousal meant we had no hope of resisting. But we could revel in the fact that at least it was each other's pleasure we shared.

That is, until Lance revealed that he had noticed our little meeting of the minds. He looked up at the laptop above my head and said, "Lord of Lust, we thank you for giving these two new toys a taste of what they could experience if only they would join us willingly. Let them now experience union with you instead."

Amy and I both hastily thought the words, "I love you!" to each other before the tendrils around our necks pulled away and went over to the opposite person. The tendril from Amy's laptop wrapped her throat and the appendage from my laptop encircled mine. Our direct union was severed. I somehow sensed that if the Lord of Lust chose to do so, he could conduct our thoughts to each other. But for now, we would only feel the pain of so quickly loosing the intimate bond we had just shared with one another.

In the place of such a potentially comforting union, we both now became more directly linked to the Lord of Lust. I heard his thoughts inside my head as I felt Lance continue to slowly and thoroughly tease my g-spot. "Val, my First, I feel everything that Lance is doing to you. Isn't it glorious? You simply can't resist, and yet you scratch and claw at any slim hope of holding out. Your defiance is delicious! And the way you strengthened Amy when I almost had her wailing in despair. Thank you! Now I get to savor holding her down and slowly making her exhaust her last ounce of strength against me before I thrust in and take her with my own lance of Lust. You've served me well to give me the pleasure of overcoming her defiance."

"YOU SICK, PERVERTED ABOMINATION!" I mentally screamed at the Lord of Lust, "We won't ever serve you willingly! Amy doesn't belong to you and neither do I. We will fight you to the bitter end, not because it pleases you to conquer us so thoroughly, but because we are being true to ourselves. We won't give you the satisfaction of just giving in. You can take our bodies, but you will never take our wills!"

"My dear," Lust calmly replied, "You still don't understand that I don't want your wills until you choose to freely lay them at my feet. I would never TAKE them from you. I will only RECEIVE them from you as a gift. Until then, I want to enjoy The Game. Oh, look, I think Lance is getting ready for the final lap. Get ready to explode my precious First. He is going to blow your mind! Hahahaha!"

"GRRRR!" I growled in frustration at the Lord of Lust, but he was right. Lance had been working me over slowly and thoroughly, but now he sensed it was time to press home all of his advantages. He smiled at my squirming and moaning before saying, "Val, Amy, Kim, Lana, you will now witness the power of Lust. It may seem impossible to you, but all four of you will now share your orgasms through the tentacles of Lust." At that moment, the tendrils from Lana's and Kim's laptops wrapped their necks as well. He looked into my eyes and then leaned in to kiss my neck, then my cheek, and then he forced his lips against mine.

"NO!" I thought, but I could not twist or turn away from him. He forced me to take his hungry lips and satisfy them with my own soft, full lips that he could taste for as long as he pleased. He was now grinding his Lustbringer into me as we kissed. I simply could not get away from him. There was NO escape! I felt myself growing more and more aroused by how he was dominating me. I was his to toy with, and my body seemed determined to betray me into enjoying every second of my subjugation.

The Lord of Lust now added his own chilling news, "Val has already been gifted this way, but once I take a toy and shoot my seed into her, you are marked for life. No longer do I need a separate conduit to enter your world, though, of course, I may still use them. YOU become the conduit. The merest thought of Lust will bring to birth in your reality all manner of fantasies. When you wonder why your dreams seemed so real, it will be because they were. Will you dare to indulge a flight of fancy while in the shower? Suddenly you will not be alone, and I will assume one of many forms to visit you. Such is the power of imagination. But for now, let this round of the game end, as always, with my victory!"