Vanessa's Vocation


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'Sam?' I asked.

'Sam's with the other team, but will fly up from Rio on Friday – he can be spared then.'

'But, Rafael, I don't have any experience of the shows – and don't know what to do,' I protested.

'Alicia is sure you will cope,' he said, 'the main thing is that everybody isn't just acting. Don't forget these are Reality Shows, and the audience senses that.'

He was looking at me with intensity when he said, 'Look, my dear, this is really important. I could talk to you about money, but it goes beyond that, and, anyway, after the show, the four of you will be free to spend four or five days in New York, doing whatever you want, before you return here.'

I didn't know what to say, except to ask what more he thought I needed to learn. For an answer, he picked up his phone and called Alicia, who appeared in a few moments, as if she had been expecting the call. She had put on a tight leather miniskirt, and even tighter jersey top over the corset, and wore spike-heeled thigh-boots.

Rafael relayed my concern to her, and she told him that I had just started wearing the first size butt-plug, but that I had seemed to take to it well – I was not too sure about that, as I squirmed uncomfortably on the sofa.

'Let's have a look,' he said, and lifting one of my legs up from the seat, he stripped the harness deftly down over my hips, then pulled the plug out with an audible 'plop.' It left me feeling oddly empty, but relieved. Before I knew it, he was gently massaging my anus with expert fingers. He nodded to Alicia, who fetched a tube of lubricant from a drawer she must have been familiar with. Next, she helped him by holding my legs wide apart, and pulling me bodily towards the edge of the sofa. He worked his fingers deeper and deeper within me with a tenderness I never thought possible, and I hardly knew it when he told me he had three fingers the whole way inside me. But he talked to me the whole time, and his words brought me to a surging climax, juices oozing from my cunt as his hand invaded my still-virgin arsehole.

'I think it's a cock you want in there, isn't it, Vanessa? A hard cock to fill you, tear you, fuck your arse, make you cum, again and again – I'm right, aren't I?' – and so on, as he worked on my anus with his insistent fingers. After a time, he rammed a vibrator into me, and set it in motion. I came again, this time with Alicia flicking at my clitoris with her tongue, while the vibrator buzzed inexorably, filling my rectum.

'She's ready for a bigger plug,' said Rafael, 'she's not really all that small, you know.'

Alicia found a slightly larger butt-plug, and I was soon fitted with it. It wasn't too uncomfortable having it put in place, but walking about, and sitting down, was sheer hell, and I longed to have it removed.

The rest of the day, however, passed uneventfully enough, though I was unable to walk very far, and spent much of it in my bedroom.

The next morning, Thursday, Alicia had told me that I was to see Rafael again at lunchtime. After a quiet morning, I presented myself to him in the dining room, as requested. He was sat at the dining table, with a young man of about eighteen, slightly-built, nice-looking, with dark curly hair.

'This is Fran,' he said, 'I'm afraid he speaks no English, but that has a certain advantage, as it happens. I have explained to him that he is to take your anal virginity after lunch.'

My mouth must have fallen open, because Rafael laughed and said, 'Don't worry, he'll do it very well, and he's much smaller than me, or Nikolai. I chose him for you.'

I really didn't know what to think, and decided it was best not to think at all!

I ate lunch in a sort of trance, and Rafael left me taking coffee mutely with Fran, who smiled a lot, but we could find very few words in common. I took the initiative afterwards, and led him up to my room, where he sat rather nervously on the edge of my bed. I joined him, and kissed him gently on the lips. He reacted immediately, his hands seeking my unfettered breasts under my silk blouse. I like having my nipples touched and they hardened instantly, and then I felt for his manhood and was far from disappointed. Rafael had said he was small. Maybe, but he was rock-hard within his trousers, and begging to be released. I obliged him, and soon had his rampant, throbbing young penis in my hand. He, in turn, was eager to get under my tiny miniskirt, something he rapidly achieved, and grinned with pleasure when he found the lack of panties.

'Un momento,' I said, in one of my few Spanish phrases, quickly divesting myself of the butt-plug and harness. I thought he must have had this explained, because he showed no surprise at this, and quickly resumed stroking me eagerly, investigating my shaven mound and massaging my slit with enthusiasm. I was getting very warm, and damp, to say the least. I would dearly have liked him to plunge his shaft into my moistening vagina, but knew that could not be, and pushing him gently away, I spread my arse-cheeks wide, glancing at the mirrored wall as I did so. I saw to my satisfaction, not the tiny puckered hole I used to have, but a dark, beckoning, mysterious cavern. The plugs had done their work.

Fran needed no further encouragement, but had obviously been told to be gentle with me, because, showing patience beyond his years, he smeared lubricant around his stiff, raging erection, before he started, infinitely slowly, to invade my now eager portals.

I watched, fascinated, in the mirror, as the head of his young cock wriggled and forced its way into the velvet tightness of my nether sheath. It hurt a lot – more than I thought possible - as I lost my last virginity, but when the knob of his shaft passed my sphincter, I felt my muscles relax, and the pain was joined by a pleasure so intense I thought I should die from it. I screamed as a towering orgasm took me by storm, then instantly felt another one building deep within me. I knew then that there would never be a substitute for anal sex – not for me – and that I was going to need much more of this. I clutched at his arse as he strove to drive his rod further into my very bowel, and, as I dug my fingernails into his flesh, he cried out something I didn't begin to understand. But I knew what he meant when his whole body stiffened, and he came in a hot stream, deep within me. I thought I had never before experienced sex.

That evening we all sat down to a very nice dinner at Casa Fontana, and I asked Rafael a little about the show we were about to give in the States. He was, I thought, a bit evasive, but said, 'Alicia and Nikolai know what to do, and they will tell you what your role is. Sam is also well aware of his part in it. I know you're going to like Sam. Now enjoy your meal, and enjoy the trip – you'll be fine.'

The next morning was Friday, and we slept in, having been told that our luggage would be taken care of, all except personal items. I felt like royalty when we were picked up in a limousine after lunch and swept off to the airport. We were booked business class to New York – a far cry from the cramped charter flights I was used to. After watching the film, Alicia told me about the show, which I found out we were doing the next day, Saturday. What she told me made me nervous, to say the least. Apparently the show was a mock medieval scenario, with the two men dressed as monks, and we were to be their prisoners. I should be tied to a cross and whipped, while Alicia was made to watch, whilst being stripped by one of the monks, then fucked. I should then be taken down and fucked in the arse. She told me there was more to it than that, but they were the basics. 'You'll enjoy it,' she said. I was far from sure.

For the moment, though, we went on being royalty, as a limo met us at JFK, and whisked us off to an exclusive hotel north of New York City, up the Hudson River.

Sam was waiting in Reception, and embraced Alicia, then was introduced to me.

He was black – that is to say, African-American, but not coal-black. He had a twinkle in his eye I found instantly irresistible, and Rafael was right – I liked him!

Tired after the long journey, we slept well, but I awoke early, and went for a long walk in the grounds of the hotel before breakfast. We spent the day pleasantly enough, chatting and preparing, then we had a two hour drive to the Country Club where we were to give our show. On the way I quietly asked Alicia which of the men was assigned to fuck me. She smiled, and said, 'Are you sure you want to know? They'll be in monks' habits.'

'I think I might just be able to tell,' I suggested, pointedly looking from the blond head of Nikolai to Sam's cropped black curls.

'Mmmm, I suppose so,' she said, 'but I'll leave you to figure it out.'

When we arrived, a uniformed flunkey opened a huge wrought-iron gate, and we drove in, parking beside a side entrance. Two assistants came dashing out to help us in with our copious amounts of luggage.

I was trembling with nerves as we entered the palatial dressing rooms. I had never appeared in public before in my life, and here I was, making my stage debut – and I was going to be publicly whipped and sodomised. I was on the point of turning tail and running for it, when Alicia put her arm around my shoulder, saying, 'I know how you feel, darling – we've all had a first time.'

A head poked around the door, and a voice said, 'An hour to go, folks!' It was our cue to get ready.

The time dragged, but then a bell sounded, and Sam and Nikolai walked into our room, looking massive in their monks' robes, though both still were without their sinister hoods, which would effectively conceal their identities. Alicia and I had donned simple long white cotton robes, tied at the waist with tasselled cords. I had my hair pinned up, while Alicia had hers loose, in a wild, unkempt-looking cascade falling down her back. Alicia, who slipped on a pair of stilettos ('not very Medieval,' I said, and she laughed, 'no, but sexy!') helped me shackle my ankles, putting on heavy metal anklets, joined together by a short, heavy chain, then she cuffed my wrists in similar fashion, behind my back.

'Come on,' she said, 'let's give them what they want.'

Before I had a chance to think about it, she led me through the door onto the stage, where we were still separated from the auditorium by a heavy red velvet curtain. The two men joined us, now covering their heads entirely with their hoods, so that they looked out through tiny slits.

A drum-roll announced the start of the show, and some ethereal, vaguely religious-sounding music started playing, filling the whole ambience. The curtain slowly rose.

One of the men – I really wasn't sure which, as they were both of a similar height, and he was behind me anyway – grasped my wrist chain and propelled me forward past the plane of the curtain, whilst the other, I could see out of the corner of my eye, had Alicia by a handful of hair and was dragging her bodily beside us. Applause rose from the audience in a respectful wave.

My captor threw me to the wooden floor, and I saw that I was placed on a kind of turntable, out of which sprouted two metal rings. As he bent down to fasten my ankle restraints to the rings, I felt sure it was Sam, as I caught a glimpse of a brown arm beneath his voluminous sleeve. Then he pulled me roughly to my feet and, as the music swelled, he ripped off the cord of my dress and pulled it over my head in one movement. The audience started to make a noise something between a cheer and a whoop – a peculiarly American noise – and single voices could be heard above the mob, 'Fuck the bitch,' 'Give her a good whipping.'

I felt my wrists being released, then my hands were pulled above my head, where chains were waiting to take my wrist-bands, so that I was effectively restrained from above and below. Sam, for I was now sure it was he, stepped back, and the turntable began to revolve, very slowly, so that the audience could all see me from every angle.

Meanwhile, Nikolai had torn Alicia's dress off her back, and she was naked a couple of metres away across the stage. The music changed, and she knew her role. She got slowly to her feet, running sensuous hands over her lovely body, playing briefly with the nipple-ring and showing the audience the secret chain which ran through her pink slit. She stepped lightly on to my turntable and fingered my breasts. My nipples, despite my predicament – or because of it – turned to rocks in an instant. She took one in her lips, and passed a hand over my hairless mound, through my crack, flicking my clit for just a second. 'Relax, darling,' she whispered, and was gone, as Nikolai pulled her brusquely away, and threw her onto a divan nearby.

The two men left me alone for a moment and Nikolai pushed a cushion under Alicia's arse, making sure she was displayed to the audience at large, her ring glinting in the footlights.

The audience gasped collectively as Sam's robe fell apart and he knelt by Alicia's

Head, so that she could take him in her mouth. He was huge.

Meanwhile Nikolai was preparing to plunge an equally impressive cock into Alicia's waiting cunt, but this activity gave me a chance to look around at what I could make out of the auditorium. It was quite large, and seemed to consist largely of sofas, on which were arrayed couples, who appeared to be in evening dress, though many seemed to be already at least half-undressed, and some were openly engaged in sex.

It was my turn, and Sam, his cock projecting from the folds of his robe, approached me with a huge whip in his hand.

'This isn't half as bad as it looks,' he whispered.

It certainly looked pretty terrible, but the truth was that I was, by now, anticipating a good whipping, and wanted Sam to hurt me. I thought my look probably told him so.

He stood back, and took aim, then the whiplash snaked across the stage and struck with a sharp, stinging crack, at the small of my back. I cried out, more for the audience than anything, and it merged with the theatrical moans that Alicia was producing as Nikolai fucked her with great enthusiasm.

Sam lashed me again, this time across my flank, and I could see a red line appear as the pain subsided. He was hurting me, and I knew it was what I wanted him to do. The

whip now fell across my tender buttocks, and the audience seemed to like that best: 'Thrash her ass,' they cried, and 'whip the dirty whore.' So Sam concentrated on the area.

'Can you take three more?' he asked quietly.

'Yes,' I said, 'hurt me, Sam,' and his erection seemed to grow as he continued to apply the punishment.

But then it was over, and he threw down the whip, calling for Nikolai to help. The two of them unfastened my bonds, and took me down, then Sam carried me to the divan, where I replaced Alicia, who had left the stage to riotous applause, just as I was being released.

Sam pushed the cushion under my stomach, and I whispered to him to try to avoid my welts. He laughed quietly, and said, 'Open wide, or this will hurt more than any whipping.'

I forced my legs as wide apart as they would go on the divan, and tried to relax my anus as much as I could, but Sam's crown was insistent as it thrust against the portals of my arsehole, and I felt certain he would tear me beyond repair as he forced his brutal way into my tender, newly prepared hole. I gasped and groaned, then screamed out loud as he invaded me. It was the most intolerable pain I had known, but also started merging into the most consummate pleasure, as Sam gave me an arse-fucking I could never forget, as long as I lived. His huge shaft filled me to my very core, and he must have felt the pain of the tightness himself, but he was true to the audience, and pulled out before he came, in huge, creamy spurts, right into my face.

I wiped myself down on my dress, which lay in a crumpled heap, and levered my painful body up off the divan. We were joined, then, by Nikolai and Alicia, to take the audience's applause, and a curtain-call. They had had their moneys-worth.

We went back into New York, and I spent four days being shown all the sights by Sam, who proved attentive and good fun – we may even become an item when we know each other better – we certainly like the same things. I guess we'll just have to see what happens when we get back to Madrid. But as to what my parents would think, well, there's another thing altogether.

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secretfreak0728secretfreak0728almost 18 years ago

i want a job like that too!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I can see why he would be picking up girls

A Reality, actual BDSM show for paying guests would use up a lot of girls very quickly. How many times can they be branded, bull whiiped etc??

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayalmost 18 years ago
MMMMMMMMMMMM.......very very

hot and damn it!! where do i find that type of job??? *smile*...great story and well written, realistic and just damn hot...Thanks for the new story and first chapter i look forward to readin on. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

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