Vegas Baby: Three of a Kind

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A tall shemale looks to play with some ladies and wins!
11.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 01/01/2009
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I was trying to get this out in time for Christmas, but a 2 week bout of writer's block hindered that situation. That said, I hope this leads to a Happy New Year for you and yours. First, allow me to say that Brett Lynn is a pen name, and that I disclaim any connection to any persons who have that name in real life. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights, and please do not read this is you are under the age of majority in your country or if otherwise prohibited. You may check out more stories at my profile. Without further ado, let's get on with this new series!


"Ah! Vegas, baby!" Miss K said as she stepped onto the casino floor, raising her rose-tinted sunglasses as she looked out into the cacophony of lights. "My kind of town!"

"OK, Sammy," Tracy said as she shot her a look that could kill. "Cut the crap, or I'll remind you of that mushy-ass trip you had your last go-round here."

Miss K uncrossed her arms from under her bulging cleavage, then moved like she was dusting off her ivory-colored tailored men's suit, shifting her weight off of one of her high-heeled sandals. "Alright, Trace. Let's hit the floor and blow some of my capital gains for sport."

"I got you, K" Tracy said with a laugh as she pulled her shades from the front pocket of her own navy blue tailored suit and straightened her matching bowler hat on her head. "Besides, it'll be fun."

The twilight from the front doors quickly receded as the walked onto the casino floor at the Wynn Las Vegas. The various gaming pits were built out of nice, solid cheery wood, while the carpet matched and forced your eyes up at the flashing lights without being too scary on the eyes. Miss K the slight chill of the AC hit her tits as she glided across the room, watching what tables had which action. Over in the roulette tables, she noticed a woman winning big, bouncing around with joy. Looking closely at her, she noticed her bottle-blonde hair and fake boobs spilled out from over her top. Intrigued, she walked over for a closer look.

Miss K took a perch on the table rail, with Tracy right next to her, and pulled out a couple thousand worth to buy-in with chips. She gathered her chips near her on the table, flipped a $20 chip to the dealer, and decided to do some table watching. Along with the blonde that drew her attention and her oh-so- loyal sidekick, she noticed a scruffy looking Eastern European guy, a young couple with the husband apparently calling the bets and a polished business type apparently fresh off of some convention floor. She took a survey of the attention, then turned her eyes on the bouncing ball on the roulette wheel. When the ball settled into the 4 spot, the bottled blonde reacted again. She noticed more of what the girl was wearing now: a small denim jacket along with a little glittery dress that hawked its owners' fake tits and tight buns like they were going out of style.

"OK, we have a number!" the dealer announced, marking the winning number, checking all of the bets and paying them out as needed.

"Hey K! You can stop staring at her tits and place a bet, ya nut!"

"Hush," Miss K replied as she mulled where to place her bets. "Besides, it ain't like you wouldn't do that if you had the chance."

"Alright," Tracy said as she unbuttoned her jacket and revealed her round, perky breasts quickly to the table before shrugging her suit jacket back on unbuttoned.

"Hey! Your friend has some nice tits there," the blonde said as she stared right at Miss K's chest.

"Well, I like to do my flashing in less public confines," Miss K said as she mulled where to put some chips. "Though you have a nice pair yourself..."

"Candy," the blonde said as she placed some chips on top of Miss K's. "Maybe you'd like to have a...pillow fight with me later."

"I thought you were going to play with me!" the European said as he placed out his chips.

"Well," Candy said as she leaned towards him, just about letting her tits fall out in the process. "Let's just see how the ball bounces," as she flashed a wink.

"Will you stop looking?" the wife groaned.

"C'mon hun. I can not look, or not bet. Whatcha want from me?"

"OK, let's go!" the dealer said as he spun the wheel and shot the ball around.

"You know K, I don't have to be on top to play," Candy said as she was waiting for the roulette wheel.

"Oh, really now? I see you pay attention."

"Well, I see you're a big girl, and I like playing with your kind. All the little games that one could play."

"Really now?" Miss K replied. "What do you think about this?"

Tracy shot Miss K a knowing smile and a subtle headshake. "You're incorrigible. In-freakin'- corrigible."

"But you love it honey," Miss K said as she bent down and gave Tracy a firm French kiss, letting their lips linger on each other.

"Can I play with you girls?" the European asked, and the reply was a stern glare by Miss K over the businessman's and Tracy's head. "Why me?" he muttered to himself.

"OK, we have a number," the dealer called out the winning number and paid out the winning bets. Miss K evaluated her winnings, picked her chips off the table and got ready to distribute out a fresh set of bets.

"So, K," Candy said as she leaned over the table towards her and placed a bet on a number. "Do you really want to play on top?"

"Of course I do," Miss K replied in following her lead and placing a chip on top of Candy's.

"Are you sure?" Candy continued, placing a chip on a number far away from the first, causing her areolas to pop out of her dress.

Miss K smiled to herself and did her own little lean, revealing the chocolate areolas under her own suit jacket, to play her next bet. "Oh I'm really sure."

"Dam, do we still have to place bets? This is more entertaining!" the husband said.

"I feel ya man!" the businessman concurred.

"Pig! I didn't come out to Vegas to do this!"

"But you married this pig, didn't ya," the husband said as he reached over and gave his wife a kiss.

"Ah, shut up."

"Hey, do you want to get out of here, K?" Tracy asked. "I don't think you'll bet much more."

"You with us Candy?"

"Sure!" Candy squealed. "I don't mind some girl time from time to time."

"Then it's settled," Miss K said as she gathered up her chips. "I'll cover the cab and come back to cash in later. Let's get out of here."

Miss K stashed the chips in her purse and walked through the tables to the main path out of the front door, with Candy and Tracy close by. When Candy pulled along side of Miss K, she took a gander down at the cleavage, wondering how sensitive those nipples were.

"Hey there, K," Candy said as she squeezed an arm around Miss K's waist. "Nice shape you got there. I see you got the Black girl booty right? By the way, what's K short for?"

"Oh, it's Kayla," she replied. "What's Candy short for?"

"It's just Candy, believe it or not. I guess my parents knew how sweet I'd be," she continued, taking care to bounce her hard and tits a bit as they kept walking. "So where are you staying?"

"Circus Circus."

"That dump?!"

"Well, since they're so focused on kids and young families there, I don't get harassed by casino types looking for the next big whale, and if I wanted to be a whale..."

"'d gorge yourself at the casino buffet," Kayla finished. "Yeesh. That story is old. Get a new one."

"Right after you get me some E," Miss K shot back.

"OK, Miss Huggyboo."

"So do you guys roll now?" Candy interjected as the automatic doors opened. "I mean, I'm always down for some fun."

Kayla shook her head as the second set of doors opened to give her a blast of dry air from outdoors. "I try to keep clean these days. Besides, that was a fucking trip, wasn't it Trace?"


"Are you ladies looking for a taxi?" a voice called out from one of the taxis in the driveway. Spotting the car, Tracy opened up the door for Candy and Miss K and followed in behind them into the back seat.

"Could you take us to Circus Circus, and stop at the Walgreen's on the way there?" Miss K asked the driver.

"Sure, ladies, not a problem."

Tracy pulled up to Miss K's ear and whispered, "Don't tell me you're running low on condoms again!"

"Eh, don't worry Trace," Miss K replied in the open. "I'll work it out."

"Why the stop at the drug store?"

"Just some personal stuff, Candy."

"Oh, OK. So where are you guys from?"

"New York!" Miss K replied in an exaggerated accent. "And yourself?"

"From Orange County. What brings you out here?"

"Taking advantage of pretty girls like you and, failing that, having a good time in Sin City," Tracy shot back. "Me and my road dog here just like to have a good time."

"Oh, really?" Candy said. "I just like playing all sorts of games, and boy do I play hard."

"Hey Miss! Didn't you want to stop at Walgreen's?"

Miss K looked up in front of the car and saw that she'd pulled up in front of the store. "Excuse me ladies, but I'll be right back."

Miss K stepped over over Candy, making sure to cop a feel, then balanced herself on her high heels and walked into the store. Thankfully, the store crowd was sparse, with nothing but a few fellow tourists milling around the aisles. She glided over to the euphemistically named family planning aisle and spied a nice 36 pack of Magnums for her usage. She grabbed it and high-tailed it to the counter, bumping into a man along the way when she took note of the cashier. She had shoulder-length black hair, olive skin, a decent amount of endowments filling out her blue shirt and hazel eyes that were scanning up and down her body.

"Can I get your box, ma'am?"

"Oh, sure," Miss K said as she placed the box of condoms on the counter. She felt the cashier's hand linger a bit on hers, then took the box and scanned the bar code. "That'll be $32.19, ma'am."

Miss K opened up her purse and handed the cashier a couple of 20s.

"Gee, you're a tall drink of a woman there," the cashier joked. "How tall are you?"

"Six-five when I'm not in these heels," Miss K said as she took her change from the cashier. "Don't worry. I get asked that all the time," she chuckled.

"Hey, can I see your other hand? I want to get another look at your nails."

"Sure," Miss K said with a smile as she showed off her cream-colored well-manicured talons and enjoyed the cashier's touch. "You like them? I've spent a lot on them, ya know."

"Cool," the cashier replied. "Listen, um, I hope that this doesn't come off too forward or weird or anything, but I do have to ask, OK?"

"Sure, go ahead," Miss K replied as she looked into the cashier's eyes and saw them scan from her cleavage to her crotch. "I know who'll be sucking my dick tonight," she thought to herself.

"Are you, like, one of those transsexual types?"

"Yes I am," Miss K said as she lifted up her sunglasses. "How did you guess?"

"I see a few come through from time to time, and they're so tall and pretty. The one way I can tell is by their hands, though I don't they'd be interested in hanging with me. I mean, they like men, right?"

"Well, I do have to run, but give me your number, and I'll show you something a bit...different."

The cashier bent down underneath the counter to fish out a pen and a post-it pad to job down her name and number, placing it on top of the change she'd given out. "Thank you! Come again!"

"Oh, I will," Miss K said as she put the change and number back in her purse, then walked out the store to the waiting cab.

"Hey, K! What took ya so long?" Tracy asked as Miss K crawled over Candy to get back in the car.

"Eh, nothing. Besides, traffic is light, and we'll get to the hotel soon, OK?" Miss K as she settled back in.

"Cool, Kayla!" Candy interjected. "Besides, I can't wait to see what you got in that suit of yours. How big did you get your implants?"

"Oh, just some triple Ds. How about yourself Candy?"

"Double Ds. I would have gone bigger, but they look huge on my frame as is."

"Oh, you can say that again," Miss K said as she took a look at Candy through her glasses. As she looked up ahead, she saw the cab getting ready to turn into the lot as the lights were starting to come up on the Strip. Looking at the hotel in the gloaming, Miss K thought about the pretty blonde next to her, her hand idly touching the inside of her thigh. She was wondering if she had some time to play with her....

"That'll be $7.50, ladies!"

"Thanks driver!" Miss K said as she pulled out a $20 for the fare. "Keep the change."

As the three ladies stepped out of the cab, Miss K let Tracy and Candy step in front of her, enjoying the view of their two shapes in front of her. They all walked up to the elevator, then got on for the ride up to the hotel room. On the ride up, Miss K couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath that tiny little dress or up those lithe, tanned legs. She knew it wasn't much, especially as short as the dress was.

Just as the elevator came to a stop, Miss K had her purse slip through her hands and drop to the floor. Bracing her cleavage with one hand, she got down on a knee to pick up a purse, getting a nice glance to the smooth, juicy peach that lay between Candy's legs. She licked her lips, feeling herself get hard all over, then stood up to walk towards the hotel room. When Tracy opened the room up for everyone, the room was cast in a warm glow as the sun began to set over the mountains. The room had a decor more befitting QVC than a high roller, but it was comfortable and clean and very spacious. As Miss K walked into the room, she placed her purse on the dresser and watched as Candy eyed her and Tracy at bit nervously.

" do we get this started?" Candy asked looking back at Miss K and Tracy.

Miss K took off her glasses, tucked them into a jacket pocket and took off her coat, baring her huge tits to everyone as she tossed her coat on the dresser. She then confidently closed the distance between herself and Candy and stuck her hand between Candy's legs, feeling the wetness as she picked her up and tossed her on the bed. She spread her legs and lapped up the smooth skin of her inner thighs, making Candy tickle a bit. Even as she smelled the wetness bubbling up from inside Candy, she took her time licking away at each thing, getting Candy warm inside. She rubbed her tits against Candy's cooch, letting a sheen cover them as Tracy carefully took off her jacket and pulled the straps down on Candy's dress to reveal her perfectly round orbs. As Miss K swirled her tongue around Candy's taut belly button, Tracy began to nurse on one of Candy's breasts, gently palming it as she went.

"Oooh, that feels nice..." Candy laid back and felt Miss K's tongue dance around her lips and Tracy's lips around her nips. She felt the wave start to hit her as her clit was licked in a slow, steady rhythm, with her huge fake tits being pawed at with such little hands. She felt her high heels dangling over her shoulders as her legs were thrust back, the sucking on her clit becoming more insistent as she felt a tongue snaking though the toes of her now-bare foot. She felt a flicker on her clit that made her squeeze her hips as the sole of her foot was licked and her free leg collapsed over a shoulder. As the flick on her tongue kept going in the vacuum, she reached out to a head of braids as that hurricane sucked the breath out of her and made her explode, the tongue on her foot like static as she felt herself gush out pure moisture. After feeling her toes sucked into a mouth and her body recoil from another touch of tongue to clit, she felt the head between her legs slide away.

"Wow, girl! You're good there," Candy panted as she managed to sit her wobbly body up.

"Thank you very much, Candy."

"Now to play with those boobs of yours, Kayla!" Candy said as she bounced up on her knees on the bed, leaving Tracy to watch wistfully. She rubbed her tits against Miss K's and began to playfully kiss Kayla, their tongues wrapping sensuously around each other. Candy squeezed Miss K's tits in her hand, pinching their nipples began reaching down to suck on one. As she swirled her tongue around the hardening nipple, she used a hand to unbutton and unzip Miss K's suit pants, then pulled them down as she began to suck off of her areola into her mouth. She then reached to finger her transgendered companion when she grabbed on to something familiar.

"Is that you??" Candy said as she grabbed and pulled on the shaft.

"Ouch! That is attached to a human, you know," Miss K said in reply.

"I can't believe this shit!"

"What the..."

"I knew it! I knew it was too good to find a cute tall chick with huge boobs to play with! You're a he- she, a tranny, and you're probably a..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch your language there missy!"

"Shut up, with you and your little fag hag friend! I knew I was right for voting Propostion 8! You're trying to take my man, huh?"

"What the hell?!" Tracy interjected. "How did we get this far?!"

"Well, don't all men who get surgery to look like chicks wanna get fucked up the ass!" Candy screamed. "I knew it! You just want to use me to pick up some cute guys! Fucking liars!" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Calm the fuck down, OK!" Miss K said as she plopped down on the bed and grabbed Candy's shoulders. "Just calm down, alright?"

"But, you're a boy with boobs! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

"Gee, you picked a winner here, K!" Tracy sarcastically complained.

"What about when I met you?"

"Hush, ya tranny ho!"

"Fish!" Miss K shot back, sticking out her tongue at Tracy to punctuate her point.

"Wait! What's going on here?" Candy said as she signaled a time out with her hands. "This makes no sense. I mean, you're a transsexu-whatever..."

"And she's my girlfriend," Miss K replied.

"And I got the pussy to prove it," Tracy said as she laid back on the bed, pulled her pants off and spread her legs, revealing her bare shaven cunt. She ran a finger between her labia and tasted it. "Wow, after all of this, I'm still wet. Wonders never cease, eh?"

"That's 'cause you my ho," Miss K said with a kiss of the cheek and a playful twist of a nipple.

"But...I thought the whole point of all that surgery was to pick up guys, right? I mean, why go through all of that to get with women?"

"Because," Miss K said as she stood up in front of Candy, "doesn't this look like a pure sex object? I mean, think about it. You did the same thing with your body with that lovely shape you have." She then rocked her hip out to one side, then turned away from Candy and turned her shoulders back towards her, framing her tits and arching out her big round ass with her feet hip width apart. "Besides, doesn't this look nice?"

Candy looked reluctantly at first, then started piecing together everything in her mind. She stuck out one, then the other hand. "Damn you have a big ass," she said as she rubbed it, playfully smacking it to watch it jiggle. She then jerked back and sat up straight. "Wait a second. I mean, this is weird right?"

Miss K sat back down on the edge of the bed and spread her legs as wide as possible, with Tracy perched behind her on her knees. "Come between my legs, Candy."

Candy locked into Miss K's piercing stare and got up to stand between Miss K's legs.

"Now, you're weirded out by the whole chick with a dick thing, right?"

"Yeah, because you got a dick," Candy said with a nervous laugh. "

"Well, if you think anyone with a dick is a man, think of me as one if it makes you feel better. Forget the braids and the breasts and the hips and all that. Take a look at it for yourself. Tell me if you like it."

Candy got on her knees and looked at the hanging member dangling off the edge of the bed. She got a good look at the veins pulsing through it, even though it was limp, and the mahogany-colored skin. She noticed the smooth tip and the heavy set of balls underneath. She grabbed the dick with one hand, feeling Miss K's heartbeat through the skin, and hefted her balls.