Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 06


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"Suck on it baby," he encouraged.

He gently eased his hard shaft back and forth between her lips. Carly knew she could not have helped herself had she tried. And she certainly didn't want to try. She took hold of his cock and began to slide her mouth up and down the hardness. She felt her own juices beginning to flow her from the way. The submissive position was quite a turn-on.

But continuing to surprise her, he pulled away. In a split second, he eased around into a sixty-nine position.

Fuck, this bastard was every bit as good as Joshua! She fed him back into her mouth, her lips covering his entire sensitized crown as her hands dropped to his heavy testicles.

Parker moaned as she fondled him. The excitement was building.

As he began to lick along her inner thighs, she opened her legs wider to accommodate him. He took the cue, sliding his mouth to envelop her clitoris. His fingers stroked the back of her thighs as he gently took it between his teeth. Her hips bucked as he sucked down hard, coating it with his saliva.

Electricity shot through Carly's body. Her arched back was designed to allow him to take her to orgasm but it seemed as if he had read her mind. He pulled away and switched position again, kneeling over her. Gently, he rubbed his throbbing manhood against her lower stomach.

Damn, this man was good, Carly thought again.

She moaned as he edged his long shaft down to her centre. Teasingly, he eased his cock along her heated furrow, careful not to penetrate. She could take no more. With a quick undulation of her hips she attempted to force him inside. He was a little too quick for her.

He pulled back and only when she calmed did he ease her back down again. His hardness slid down through the dark curls covering her inviting pubic mound. This time Carly made no attempt to force him to penetrate her. She waited breathlessly.

They both knew he was fully in control.

Leaning forward, he took her right nipple into his mouth. He ran his tongue around the hard tip as he sucked it inside. Bobbing his head, he did the same with her left rose bud.

Carly could not help herself. She eased her hips towards him but again he eased back a fraction.

"You bastard," she moaned.

He smiled and slid his head to hers. Their tongues urgently entwined until he ran his mouth to her ear.

"Want it that much, huh? Told you I was going to tease you."

He slid his hands to hers and pinned her arms either side of her head.

"I don't want you to tease me," she responded. "I want you to fuck me."

Her attempts to pul her arms free were futile. Parker was too strong. He grinned down at her.

"You are so fucking hot, baby. You've just got to appear in one of my films!"

Her ears pricked up again. "Films?"

He slowly nodded as he eased back. He lowered himself onto his elbows. Sliding downwards again, he left a trail of wet kisses on his way to her inner thighs.

"You'll make a lot more money than you make at The Club," he breathed.

Despite the intense sexual excitement, Carly needed to hear more.

"Tell me..."

Parker's tongue stopped her as it found its objective. Her entire body jerked at the intimate contact.

She eased her legs further apart and then wrapped them around his broad back. With a moan, she locked her feet together. Holding him in position, her hands clasped his head. She pulled his mouth tightly into her needy sex. At last. At fucking last!

The brunette thanked her lucky stars that the club was closed today. Yesterday's murder had some use after all.

She abandoned her quaking body to his skilful tongue. With each lick, she thrust her hips towards him. Her loins were on fire. As her orgasm arrived, she screamed out. The much needed sexual release shot through her. As she squirted, his mouth accepted her gushing tribute.

His continued sucking brought a second powerful orgasm firing through her. This had been worth the wait!

Even as she struggled to regain her breath, Parker was on the move again. He had somehow slid his body underneath her, pulling her up by her arms so that she was sitting on his lap.

He roughly lined himself up with her wet opening and thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth. His fingers dug into her bottom as he penetrated her in one clean movement. The brunette immediately responded. Carly rotated her hips in circular motions, feeling him glide along her tight walls. It was her turn to dominate.

"Fuck, baby," he gasped. "That feels good."

She pulled his head up into a long, deep, urgent kiss. To emphasise her control, her teeth captured his lower lip and pulled down on it. His head flopped back to the pillow as she slid her hands to his chest. Wasting no time, she began to power herself down on him.

His hands tried to slow her. She had no intention of allowing him. Instead she fucked him faster. Her tits bounced in front of his eyes. An erotic dance of lust. They were breathless. The sweat dripped down their bodies. Apart from their panting, the only sounds in the room were that of their bodies slapping against one another.

Parker was the first to climax. He had no choice. All his efforts to slow down the bucking temptress had failed. He surrendered to her and gripped her hips as his seed burst from his testicles. As he began to ejaculate, Carly increased the speed of her downward thrusts. She was determined to find another orgasm.

"Keep fucking, you bastard," she spat out.

Her teeth reinforced her need by pulling on his earlobe.

Parker continued his upward thrusts, ejaculating further as he did so. The feeling of his spurting inside her was delicious but so was the way his shaft rubbed against her clitoris. The need to cum consumed her.

"Keep fucking," she gasped, seconds before she stiffened in orgasm.

Her honeyed nectar poured from her. It covered them both and the bed. Her body shuddered as the powerful electrical sensations radiated through her and her series of long moans were unstoppable. When her breathing eventually began to return to normal, she grabbed his hair. Her lips found his. It was a long, kiss.

When she pulled back, her almond coloured eyes stared into his.

"Now then, mister. What's this about films?"


Holly had enjoyed a solid day. There had not been any alarms. No difficult moments. Just quiet attrition. Her chip stack had continued to increase without incident until one moment changed the entire atmosphere.

Mike 'the mouth' Matusow joined the table.

"I know you've done well this year," he told Holly, immediately targeting her. "But luck can only go so far. And you're in the big league now, girly."

"Thanks Mike," Holly quietly responded, but he did not stop.

"You may have been able to win a few dollars," he continued. "But this is different. Not only is it the big time. You've now got Mikey to face."

"You're right Mike, I'm worried now," she softly replied.

"You should be," he boasted. "And those tits of yours aren't going to save you. I've got balls. Big balls."

Holly raised her sunglasses. She rested them on the top of her head so she could look him in the eye. This wasn't the first run in they'd had this year.

"Well," she gently responded, "If they're as big as your mouth, they must be big."

Matusow bristled. It was not so much from her comment that got to him. It was the laughter that reverberated around the table.

He glanced at his first hand. Immediately, he raised three times the big blind. It was clear he intended to make his mark. Everyone folded around to Holly in the big blind. She made a speculative call with suited connectors. Nine-Eight of hearts.

The flop was Nine-Two-Three.

Holly checked and Matusow wasted no time in betting half the pot. Holly sat for a few moments and then flat called.

The turn brought an Eight.

With two pairs, Holly bet half the pot. She sat back and arched her back.

"Don't bother pointing those in my direction," Matusow barked. "They won't help you,"

He made a huge pot sized bet.

Holly tried to put him on a hand and decided this was a typical Matusow bluff. He would have played the hand differently had he hit a set. At best, he had a high pocket pair. Or possibly a straight or flush draw. Or nothing at all. She pushed all-in.

"I got you," he immediately said.

Holly made no response. He was looking for a reaction. His failure to make an immediate call told her she was well ahead.

"Want me to call?" he asked, staring intently at her.

Holly pushed up her sunglasses again and looked him straight in the eyes. She knew she had him.

"That's up to you, Big Balls," she taunted.

Matusow feinted, moving his hands towards his chips. His keen eyes watched for any tell tale signs in her response. There was none. He waited a few seconds and then folded.

"Okay, girly, I'll let you win just one," he huffed.

"Your balls shrinking?" Holly asked.

She pulled the large amount of chips across the baize towards her.

Laughter ran around the table again. Matusow scowled as he watched her stack the chips. His eyes never left hers. A silent war was underway. Though with 'The Mouth' it never remained silent for long.

Two hands later, he pushed all-in. When everyone folded, he flipped over Three-Two.

"That's the only way I'm going to get chips today because I'm card dead," he told the table. "But don't worry, I'm a survivor. And little Missy over there is going to give me all my chips back soon."

Holly checked her hole cards. Pocket Kings.

"Come and get them," she responded, raising three times the big blind.

The Brit, two seats to her left, called.

Matusow took up the challenge. He pushed all-in for the second successive hand. Something about the way he rested his head on his hands told her he had a monster. She could only hope it wasn't pocket rockets. She called.

The Brit folded, shaking his head.

"Good fold," Matusow said.

As soon as he spoke, Holly's heart had sank. She knew he had them.

"Told you, girly," he gloated, as he flipped over Aces. "I told you I'd be getting my chips back, with interest."

He wagged a finger at Holly.

"You mess with Mikey, you're dead. You stick those tits out and think they'll do the business for you? Believe me baby, you can't beat me. I'm twice the player you are. You're tits are nothing to me. And you are nothing to me."

He was almost shouting, standing up from his seat and leaning across the table.

"That's okay, Mike," Holly responded. "Win or lose, that's fine with me. But either way, I'll do it with a bit of class."

"Class?" Matusow sneered. "I don't give a shit about class. Class is for losers. All I care about is winning, baby."

The dealer tapped on the baize and revealed the flop. Two Kings and a Jack.

Holly stared at the cards just as Matusow erupted. The buzz at the table was electric and the Brit was out of his seat too.

"I folded Jacks. Jacks!" he cried. "I would have flopped a full house, but the lady hit quads. Quads!"

Matusow was almost inconsolable. He was nearly in tears as he walked away from the table. He headed across to his brother. And his mother, Gloria.

"Aces. Aces! And the bitch hits quads. Why me? Why always me? Every time. Every fucking time!"

Holly couldn't resist. "Take care of those balls, Mike," she purred.


It was late evening when Lauren took the call. She recognised Rachal's voice immediately.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay," Samuel's daughter said.

Lauren smiled. Some good had come out of her interaction with Samuel. She had made a new friend.

"I'm good, Rachal, thanks," she replied. "It turned into a long night."

"Yes, I know," replied the excited voice.

"You know?"

"That's right!" Rachal's voice seemed alive.

"But how?"

During the brief pause that followed, Lauren stood up. She walked to the window and looked out into the dark street below.

"I heard all about it," Rachal confessed.

Lauren hesitated. "About what?"

Rachal laughed. "You and Demi, of course. At least, I gather that's what you called her. She's my best friend!"

Lauren gasped. "Demi... she... the dark haired girl is your best friend?"

"Certainly is. And her name is Chloe." Rachal was openly laughing openly now. "But please don't worry, Lauren. I know just how persuasive she can be."

"Rachal..." Lauren began, but stopped. She was lost for words.

"Chloe's an out and out lesbian, you know. Not bisexual like you and I."

Lauren gasped again. "You're bisexual?"

"Oh yes," purred Rachal. "What do you think Chloe had me doing to her today, whilst she was regaling me with the events of last night!"


Lauren's voice moved a couple of octaves higher. But there was no doubting the tingling sensation that ran down to her sex.

The young woman laughed again. "But that's not the only reason I rang. Can I ask... have you any more, er, errands for my father?"

"Rachal, that's none of your...."

"Please," the young woman cut her off. "Just tell me!"

Lauren sighed. "No Rachal, I don't. I hope that your father and I will be having no more contact."

"Excellent," her new young friend replied. "That makes it easier."

"Makes what easier?"

"I was thinking how much I'd like to introduce you to Denzil, my boyfriend. Can we come by your place tomorrow night?"


"Wonderful. Give me the address and we'll be there by eight."


Holly gave a sigh of relief. With forty-five players remaining, the third day was scheduled for an early close. It was a concession to the players who had been involved in two long days of play. And an opportunity for players to get some much needed rest before entering the finishing straight.

Once they were through their bagging process, she was called to do a television interview with Norman Chad. Whilst she waited, she saw Daniel. Her nipples rose. God, she felt horny.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Good," he said. "It took me a while to get going but would you believe I had pocket rockets three successive hands?"

"Not possible," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"Not possible?" Daniel repeated with a laugh. "Holly, is that all you can say? Can you imagine a bigger adrenalin rush than that?"

She politely smiled, thinking of her target for tomorrow. Yes, she could imagine a bigger rush.

"I guess not," she lied.

"Holly, you are on cool customer!" Daniel responded, reaching across and playfully tugging on her nose.

She felt her sexual temperature rise. It was her nipples she wanted him to tug. She decided to fuck him again tonight.

"Played them all the same way," he continued. "With a big preflop raise. The first twice everyone folded. The third time, no-one believed me. Two all-ins and I hit a full house. Tripled up and now I'm back in the tourney."

Chad interrupted them.

"Chip stack?" she asked, before responding to the her interview call.

"One eighty thousand. You?"

"Two sixty," she said.

He smiled. "That's about where I was at this stage last year."

"Daniel," she began, taking hold of his hand. "Tonight. Why don't we..."

Before she could continue, she saw him look over her shoulder. His eyes lit up. Turning her head to follow his gaze, her blood ran cold. It was Rosie. As Daniel hugged her, Holly took the opportunity to silently slip away under cover of her interview.


"Rosie, I need my sleep," Daniel moaned.

Her soft lips were attempting to bring his cock back to an erect state.

"But you don't play poker till noon tomorrow,"

"Rosie, you've made me cum twice..."

"And I've had four orgasms," she purred. "Don't you want to catch up?"

He felt a growing arousal as she sucked his crown. Her tongue deliciously flicked along the rim.

"Nice?" she gloated as she heard him moan.

She smiled up at him. The redhead was rewarded by the contorted look of pleasure creasing his face.

"Besides, didn't you just tell me that Barry Goldstein told you it was better to have sex before you sleep when playing poker?"

Daniel gave a small chuckle.

"First, it's Barry Greenstein. Next, that was an hour and a half ago. And third, I've cum twice since then."

"So? One more will really help you rest," she grinned.

He gave another groan as her hand joined her mouth. Rosie had a way of getting him to rise to the occasion.

"And what do you think Barry is doing right now?"

"Probably playing in a cash game somewhere. He's out of the championship."

"Mmmm, that's good."

Daniel looked down and realised that her words were aimed at his near full erection, not Greenstein. When she saw caught his look, she winked. She provocatively held his eyes as she licked down and around the shaft. They shone at him.

"Mmmm, baby, such a good boy," she murmured.

Her eyes locked on his as she took each of his testicles in her mouth. First the left and then the right. Her hand held his shaft whilst she rolled each heavy ball around in her mouth. Her eyes gleamed at his growing response.

"I think baby's ready for me now," she purred. "Now let me see, you fucked me in the missionary position and came good and hard. I fucked you on top and you came good and hard. Let's do my favourite position now."

"Your favourite?" he asked.

She nodded as she turned around on the bed to display her perfect, peach-like buttocks. His eyes followed her gaze to his erection.

"Why, Mr Darcey," she joked, "I do believe your cock is excited at the thought of fucking Rosie doggie style?"

Whilst not exactly a phrase from Pride and Prejudice, Daniel felt himself harden further at her words.

Rosie sank down onto her elbows, deliberately raising her buttocks. She glanced back over her shoulder and cocked an eyebrow.

"Or would you prefer to sleep now?" she teased. "After all, you have poker tomorrow!"

"I may be tired at the table tomorrow," Daniel whispered, easing himself into position. "But if I need inspiration I'll just close my eyes and remember you like this."

She twisted her head to one side against the pillow, flashing him a mischievous smile. He pulled her hips slowly towards him. She gave a soft whimper as he slipped himself between her legs.

"That's good, baby," she moaned.

He tenderly began to rub his hardness along her heated furrow, ignoring his tiredness. Rosie gently pushed back against him. Both moved slowly. Their breaths grew ragged as they became caught up in the delicious soft friction between them. Still he made no attempt to enter her.

Rosie looked back at him over her shoulder. Her narrow eyes confirmed the time was right.

Daniel gently adjusted his position. He drew her onto him and immediately her right hand snaked down between them. She eased him home. Her body was so wet that he entered immediately. Their simultaneous groans spilt the air. He stroked her trembling hips as he gently pulled her back and then pushed her forwards in time with his soft thrusts.

There was no hurry. Both easily fell into the lazy rhythm. Daniel drew backwards until he was almost free before softly gliding back. He filled her completely again. They moved that way for some time. No urgency, only tenderness between them.

But eventually, Rosie's backward thrusts and his forward momentum began to build. Before they knew it, they were in a race. Each was trying to bring the other to their orgasm first. It was Daniel who succeeded. Rosie buried her head in the pillow to muffle her cries as her climax overpowered her.

Daniel was close behind. Rosie's shuddering created a friction that took him over the edge.

"Rosie! Fuck, Rosie!"

He erupted, firing thick ropes. The redhead thrust back with each burst, determined milk every last drop. His hands gripped her full breasts as the tremors shook him. Only when their bodies had spent themselves did they fall down onto the bed. They held one another softly.