Vegas Ch. 05


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Eventually he released his tight grip on her body and they both collapsed forward onto the bed. Grace's eyes were closed tightly but a blissful smile invaded her lips as her sweating and exhausted body sprawled out beside him. It took some time before they both began to recover and when they did, Joshua leaned across and kissed her lips, slowly and sensuously.

Grace pulled back for a second and saw the puzzlement in his eyes as she did so. She just smiled.

"How's that for commitment?" she asked.

Now it was his turn to smile, and he nodded at her.

"Baby," he replied, "That was pretty special."

"Was it special enough to make me a Samuel's Angel?" she asked.

Joshua did not speak, he just looked at her. Then he smiled again.


Lauren's nervousness as she arrived for the shoot had been partially assuaged by a pleasant morning. Grace had called her room mid morning, after they had both had a lie-in, and they had taken themselves off to the Venetian again. This time they only had time to enjoy a coffee as Grace had been invited by Samuel Smith for lunch. She glanced at her watch and thought that her sister would no doubt be returning from whichever expensive restaurant he had taken her to.

That lunch, and the need for Grace to rehearse each afternoon, precluded the two of them from spending as much time together as Laura would have liked. She would have loved to experience the confidence of her older sister's attendance at her shoot but clearly that was impossible. Still, her interlude with Grace had helped her calm her early morning nerves and she felt much calmer when she eventually arrived at the studio.

That was just as well, as immediately they drove to an outdoor location and wasted no time in getting to work. Lauren was asked to dress in a micro red bikini, with her cleavage spilling over the top and the bikini bottom so small it was almost a thong. They had sectioned off a small beach area at a secluded hotel and Lauren was taken aback when she was introduced to a male model, Jimmy.

He was definitely a surprise as she had not appreciated that anyone else was to be involved, but she had no time to ponder as Dan immediately got down to business. They were both asked to pose against various backdrops whilst Dan took a variety of shots and he had them repeat the exercise several times until eventually he was satisfied. He then positioned them close together with a water shot as background, placing Jimmy's hand on her waist, shoulder or leg as required.

Each time Dan turned away to resume his position, Lauren felt Jimmy's fingers gently stroke her soft skin until Dan was ready to take the next set of photographs.

Finally, Dan positioned them on a blanket with the big, muscled Jimmy on his knees, hovering over Lauren. His constant touching had already resulted in her becoming aroused and the new positions enhanced her feeling of horniness as at times her face was positioned near his trunks, which were brief enough to display a considerable bulge. Jimmy grinned at her whenever they were repositioned and after some time, he nudged her arm.

"You look hot," he whispered. "And you are having quite an effect."

Lauren followed his eyes down to his trunks and saw that he was sporting an impressive erection. Her mouth dropped open as she stared back into his blue eyes.

"Can't help it," he said, shrugging his shoulders at her unspoken question. "You shouldn't be so hot."

Lauren attempted to keep her face averted, not an easy thing to do when they were in such close proximity. She could feel her increasingly aroused response to his obvious stimulation and attempted to blank her mind. But her mood was not helped when, for the next shots, Dan had Jimmy stand close behind her and she could feel him pressing into her buttocks as Dan moved him closer.

She could feel a thrill run through her body as he pressed his hardness into her, compounded when his arm grazed against her high breast or when he put his hand onto the firm, tanned flank of her thigh. By the time they completed the shots, her hard tips were pushing through her bikini top. Jimmy reached across her and she could not help but emit a loud gasp as he 'accidentally' brushed his fingertips over the jutting nipples that stood out like two bullets inside her tiny swimsuit.

The mood was broken when very quickly afterwards they were heading back to the studio, but once there, they were called into immediate action again. This time Lauren was asked to wear a sheer black bra and matching thong and whilst she had not appreciated that the work would involve such skimpy clothing, she had no intention of voicing any concerns. If it meant achieving her goal, she would wear whatever was required of her.

Dan was all business and positioned the two of them on a large bed, in a constant variety of poses. As with the outdoor session, this arrangement also provided plenty of opportunity for touching and as they constantly moved position, Jimmy took full advantage. She felt him rub against her or surreptitiously slide his hand or arm across her breasts at every opportunity. And as she did not want to make any trouble at her first shoot, she allowed his moves to go unchallenged.

But if she was honest with herself, a more important reason for her lack of complaint was that she found herself becoming more and more aroused from the constant physical contact. It almost seemed that Dan was taking every opportunity to position Jimmy so that he was pressed closely against her body and every time she felt his hard penis against her, she could feel her arousal grow.

Lauren was sure that from the camera angle it would actually look like Jimmy was fucking her from behind, but wisely decided to keep those thoughts to herself.

After a half an hour break that allowed them to enjoy some pate and bread, washed down by Merlot, they were back to work.

Again, it was a lingerie shot, with Lauren wearing only a thong under a stunning light blue negligee that fell midway down her thighs. Jimmy was wearing a pair of patterned, red boxers and Lauren could not help but admire his hard muscled body, although her eyes always seemed to find their way down to the increasingly obvious bulge between his legs.

After a few shots of Lauren alone, Dan brought Jimmy back into the frame with the usual effect. He had him standing behind Lauren and consistently asked him to get tighter in the shot. She could sense the back of his hand pass just millimetres from her sensitive breast and could feel him grow against her thigh.

Jimmy stared back at her with a grin on his face when she jerked her head around to register her disapproval, whilst inside his shorts his penis began to lengthen steadily as he continued to push against her.

"I can't help it, baby," he whispered, raising his eyebrows. "You're hot and you've got me all worked up."

Dan interrupted them to move Lauren to sit on the edge of the bed but just as she felt some relief, he repositioned Jimmy so that he was standing next to her. His impressive bulge was now so very close to her face and she could not help but steal glances at it before looking back towards the camera. Dan had her adopt different poses as she precariously perched herself on the end of the bed, but each time it seemed he deliberately made sure Jimmy's package was pointing towards her.

She could not believe the effect it was now having and how turned on she had become. Finally, Dan brought her some relief as he took Jimmy out of the shot, asking Lauren to lean forward so that the majority of her breasts were on display. As he shot, she caught the eye of Jimmy, who was now standing behind Dan.

Once he was sure he held Lauren's eye, Jimmy dropped his hand to his erection and begin to stroke it through his boxers. No one else could see him, just Lauren, and he held her gaze lingeringly with his own. He could feel his heavy, contoured erection pulsing insistently against the thin shorts as he continued to stroke himself and smiled as the blonde model watched spellbound whilst his hand worked on himself.

It was only when Dan spoke that the spell was briefly broken.

"Wow, that last look was fantastic, Lauren. Very sexy, very aroused. Just what I wanted. Only a few more, give me more of that look."

She looked back at Jimmy as his stroking increased and she found that she just could not tear her eyes away. She knew that her nipples that were as hard as Jimmy's erection and felt so stimulated sexually that she sensed she would orgasm if she was touched. She momentarily wondered what Bobby, back in England, would make of it if he saw her now. Everything about the photo shoot had excited her, the glamour, the touching and the sexuality.

God, she was feeling aroused. She needed to be fucked. She wondered how it would feel to pose as if she was being fucked? Even more, how it would feel and look if Jimmy did fuck her? As Dan finished the shots, she could not get rid of that image. The thought of Jimmy fucking her on camera kept going around in her mind.

But Jimmy suddenly turned and left the room. To finish himself off, Lauren wondered? That brought another erotic picture to her mind and she nearly came right there and then at the thought.

When Dan called it a day, she headed straight for the bathroom and closed and locked the door. The immediate sexual charge was overwhelming and she used her soft hands to give herself urgent relief. As she did so she desperately attempted to conjure an image of Bobby, currently waiting for her in England, but it was a picture of Jimmy fucking her that quickly took her over the edge.


It was just after half past eleven when Daniel got to the club, having been told by Grace that there was little point in his turning up before then. It was jam packed when he arrived and he glanced around nervously, remembering Katherine's words and wondering if she really was going to try to catch Grace's performance tonight.

Before ordering a drink, he decided to pay a visit to the restroom, pushing his way through the packed audience. When he came out, he found Katherine leaning against the opposite wall in the busy narrow corridor, seemingly waiting for him. There were a couple of guys hanging around watching her, but she ignored them. His strong, jaw dropped open in surprise as she raised a perfect eyebrow, slowly removed her brown leather jacket to reveal a thin, white t-shirt.

It was clear that she was not wearing a bra and she provocatively thrust those fabulous breasts out at him, her nipples jutting like pegs from her supple, rounded globes. Every male eye in the corridor was on her, but without speaking, her small hand took Daniel's and pulled him in the opposite direction to the stage. He obediently followed, wondering what this sexy young woman was up to now.

Katherine pushed past the people milling around the corridor and through a door at the other end. She had worked at Samuel Smith's a couple of years ago and had a reasonable knowledge of the topography of the building. She knew that with all the other acts long finished, the dressing room would be empty once Grace left it, and she had seen her do so no more than ten minutes earlier. Right now, the singer was backstage and she and Daniel would have the room to themselves for over an hour.

That was, unless someone else wanted to use the room during that time. She did not expect that to be the case, but it was the danger that truly turned her on, the sensation of sex intensified by the risk of discovery. She pushed the door closed behind her and pulled Daniel to her. Her hands linked behind his neck as she drew him into a long, slow kiss, provocatively rubbing her body into his as she did so. She felt his erection immediately.

"Good boy," she purred, slipping a hand down to stroke him through his trousers.

She continued the long slow kisses as her delicate fingers stroked the cloth covering his penis, feeling him coming alive in her hand. He moaned into her mouth as her tongue played with his, until a sudden noise down the hallway made him pull back. He watched the door, wondering if this moment was about to end as quickly as it started, although Katherine made no move to stop her gentle but insistent stroking.

Even when he dropped his hand onto hers in warning, she simply caressed him harder. Despite the imminent danger, he groaned again at the sensations shooting through his body. For a few moments, they stood quietly waiting to see if the door would open, all the time Katherine's unrelenting hand continuing to work on him. When it became clear that it was a false alarm, she ran her tongue along his lips.

"Fucking hell, Katherine!" he cried, as she shoved him into the wall, crushing her breasts against his chest whilst bringing him closer to orgasm.

He groaned lustily again and Katherine inhaled his strong masculine scent. She had an overpowering need to taste his skin, and flicked her tongue out, licking his neck.

"Oh my God...!" he said, lifting his head up, baring his throat for more. She licked him again, and then bit his nape. "Oh my God...!" he cried again.

Katherine licked and bit his neck, tiny nips designed to excite but not mark. She temporarily moved her hand from his pulsating erection, but that was only to allow her to tug down his zip. She eased her hand inside the gap in his pants and stroked his throbbing hardness through his shorts, her eyebrows raising and lowering as she mimicked the pleasurable expressions careering across his face.

"Oh Fuck...!" he gasped.

"Mmm... yes, we are going to fuck, but not quite yet. First, I want you to do what you are told. Okay?"

She continued her soft caresses as she asked the question and he simply nodded, feeling himself close to exploding in her exploring hand. With one final, long, kiss, she pulled away and eased open the door, leaving a slight crack through which anyone passing would be able to see them.

"Katherine...!" he began.

She cut him off. "Sssh. You promised to do as you are told," she purred.

Then she turned around so that she faced the wall, and raised her long, freckled arms above her head, planting her palms against the wall.

"Stand behind me," she throatily instructed.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked, now beginning to be caught up in her fantasy.

"I've just told you," she responded and as Daniel complied, she added, "Touch my breasts."

He raised his hands to her hips, sliding them along to her waist and up to her firm, thrusting globes. He was caught up in the moment and as he felt her nipples through the thin material, he rotated his palms over them before taking each one between his thumb and forefinger. As he teased them he heard her moan in pleasure, and he thrust himself forward against her, his hard manhood pressing against the buttocks that were pushing back into him through her skirt.

"Mmm, you're catching on now, Englishman" she moaned, her hands remaining high against the wall. "What next?"

He paused, realising that she was inviting him to take over. He let one hand fall down her body, onto her hip and then to the hem of her short skirt.

"Good boy," she encouraged, her buttocks continuing to thrust back against him. It was part of her plan to coerce Daniel into making all the running.

She felt his hand gently run up the inside of her thigh, stroking her soft skin until he met the silken material of her panties. He ran his fingers deftly over the slippery silk covering her rounded pubis, stroking gently until she began to pant softly with arousal. Then his eager fingers sought out her clitoris, stroking her with his gentle fingertips, causing shivers of pleasure to run through her superb body.

Daniel was now fully caught up in this woman and as he continued to stroke her, he ran his lips unhurriedly across the muscles and hollows of her slender neck, enjoying the feel and taste of her flawlessly tanned skin. Her eyelids fluttered at the sensation of his tongue firmly lapping at her neck, and he realised that at some point she had placed a slim hand behind her and onto his working fingers.

She made no attempt to push him away, but rather her soft hand simply lay passively over his slowly working wrist. She moaned again, but louder this time, as he stroked her through her increasingly wet panties, her curvy hips still responding to his slow masturbation of her.

"Take them off," she commanded, "But don't dare stop."

He paused for a moment and then ripped her panties down her legs, stooping to pull them away as she lifted one foot and then the other. Her only movements were her still gyrating hips but otherwise she remained still, pressed against the wall, her hands above her head. Daniel began to stand back up but changed his mind, sliding to the floor and turning so that his back was against the wall.

His lips ran across her inner thighs as his hands grasped her rounded buttocks, gently easing her down and towards his waiting tongue. He heard her moan as she felt the tip of his tongue run lightly along the full length of her shining clitoris. She moaned again, louder this time, as Daniel closed his lips over her and began to suck at her engorged bud, his tongue flicking its hypersensitive tip gently from side to side as his fingers traced up and across her smooth inner thighs.

Katherine heard herself whimper softly in anticipation. This was working out much better than she could have hoped, she thought, as his eager finger slid easily into her wet, open sex. His expert tongue was still flicking Katherine's clitoris as his searching finger ran over a small bulge, and as he felt Katherine's body stiffen at his touch, he began to concentrate on the rough-textured bump.

He brushed his probing finger over and around the beautiful red haired woman's G-spot as her hip movements began to increase, thrusting rhythmically against his mouth and probing fingers. She was moaning aloud again and Daniel glanced at the crack in the door. Katherine did not care. She was close to losing control and she urged him to finish her off.

"That's so good, Englishman" she whispered longingly. "Make me cum, baby."

Relishing the control he had over her body, Daniel increased the pace of his tongue over her crimson clitoris and at the same time, continued to tease her swollen G-spot with an eager-to-please fingertip. Her hips were now gyrating urgently on his face as she gasped with helpless excitement and her pupils were dilating into huge green saucers behind her flickering eyelids as she thrust herself against him.

She felt herself begin to spiral inexorably upwards and then whimpered with agonised relief as she passed the point of no return. She convulsed as her orgasm took her, an anguished cry escaping her sensuous lips. Daniel gripped her heaving buttocks tightly, holding his mouth to her until her spasms subsided and her breathing eventually began to return to normal.

"You were such a good boy," she said, sighing contentedly, running her fingers through his hair as he leaned back against the wall. "You can fuck me now, Englishman."

Daniel looked up at her, his lips and face glistening with her juices. He eased himself to one side, climbing to his feet as she stiffened her pose against the ball. He realised that she wanted him behind her. She heard rather than saw him push his jeans down his body and felt his hard penis press against her thigh. He bent his knees and slid his manhood along her furrow, gently rubbing back and forth until she could restrain herself no longer.

She adjusted her body so that the large head of his throbbing penis pressed against her wet entrance and with a single gyration she opened up and allowed him to enter her, feeling him fill her completely. He remained bent at the knees as she thrust back on him and he realised that despite their positions, this remarkable woman was fucking him and not the other way around. That only added to the eroticism of the moment and he felt the familiar surge begin to grow and overtake him.