Vietnamese Wife Opens Up Pt. 06

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Sweet wife changes everything she believes for me, can I?
11.6k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/14/2020
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Quick recap for those new to my story. I'm a 6' white guy who married a gorgeous petite 4'10", 33-year-old, Vietnamese beauty named Thuy. I'm introvert and she's pretty shy as well so it is a miracle we got together in the first place. She dresses like a prude which conceals her gorgeous figure. Up until recently we were having sex but never anything wild as she never even let me lick her pussy or talk dirty. She's always been attentive, loving and never says no to making love. However, suddenly she's opening up to having sex with me and it is wonderful. I've been trying to take it slow as she's the love of my life and I feel a little funny about treating her with anything but the most respect as we've been this way for over 5 years and it is hard for me to shift gears.

Her youngest sister Hà (I just say Ha) stopped by today (Saturday). Ha is very cute but looks nothing like Thuy. Ha is a little shorter and is probably a B cup, while Thuy is a C. She also has much longer hair, a thinner nose and even thicker lips. I never asked but I think she is about 26. She sadly got laid off at a nursing home due to budget cuts and her lease is up and she doesn't have much in the way of savings but she's hard working so I'm sure she'll figure something out if we just loan or give her some money. While Ha asking discussing her situation with me, Thuy got into a car accident on the way to the grocery store. Thuy's OK but is wearing a neck brace as a precaution. I'm a wreck feeling guilty about it. I'm bringing her home from the hospital now.

It was now getting dark as we entered the garage. Ha came running and freaked out when she saw her sister. They started talking really fast as I helped her to a kitchen chair to sit down. I got her a glass of water and let her know she needed to take her prescription. She said the pills were too big and asked if I could break it up for her. I had asked the doctor and she said I could break it up or even put it in food or juice if it made it easier to swallow and he said that would help it act faster. I ground it up with the side of our meat cleaver and put the powder in a small juice glass with OJ.

Ha and Thuy started talking in Vietnamese and it seemed like the pace kept accelerating. After about five minutes, Thuy then told me Ha had volunteered to take care of her and things around the house until her neck had healed. I said I would be happy to take care of her and she seemed angry and said, "she is going to take care of me. I don't want to be a burden." I could tell her pride was suffering and she didn't want to be seen this way. I would be happy to dote on her for a change but I certainly didn't want to upset her as she can have whatever she wants.

Thuy said she was getting tired and wanted to rest. I carefully escorted her to the bedroom and then Thuy said, Ha can take over. She got her ready for bed while I started figuring out a plan of action. I answered any emails I had and changed my out of office message to let people know I would be unavailable due to a family emergency and to contact Bailey along with his number. I also sent out an email giving Bailey and Fred's contact info as they were my most knowledgeable engineers. I changed my greeting on my phone letting people I wouldn't be taking any business calls until further notice and they could call Bailey for support.

I checked our insurance policy and tried to figure out what was covered under auto and what was covered by medical. I called both and asked them to have a rep call me on Monday. We had good coverage I'm sure but I never filed a claim so I needed some guidance. I then started looking for a nice used car for Ha as I felt bad about her car and was thinking she might need to get around soon. I was going to have to call the police to find out about where they towed it tomorrow.

I then inventoried the kitchen and made a list of food we should have as I wanted her to have all of her favorites that we don't get often like cider, coconuts, clementine's, pineapple, crumb cakes, bacon, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, cheese popcorn, rotisserie chicken, some of the fancy bread and meats she gets from the deli. I'd need to get her prescription filled while I was out. Ha came out and since she was staying for a bit I asked her what food I should get for her.

She said she didn't want to be a bother and would be happy to eat anything we ate. I asked if I could get her something for dinner. She laughed and said she ate 2 more ears of corn and a couple of hot dogs and some fruit salad. For a girl that looks like she weighs 85 pounds she was impressive. When I was about in high school I could eat about 5 meals a day as I was always hungry so I respect anyone who can pack it away. I looked around and the kitchen was spotless. She apparently is as tidy as her sister.

I then asked, "would you prefer to have me pay your rent or live here. Again, I really don't mind paying for your rent. It is the least we can do since you are taking care of Thuy."

"I'll stay here," she said. "I promise, I will keep things in good order. Why don't I make you dinner now? You've had a long day and I need to help get rid of all this hamburger and corn!"

I laughed for the first time since I got the call about the accident. Ha had a good sense of humor that sometimes would catch me by surprise. I thanked her but told her I wasn't hungry. We talked for about an hour and then I showed Ha the spare room which was a bit cluttered as I was using it for the bike and an office. I'd need to get that out of there tomorrow. The bed was already made but I showed her where there were additional sheets, pillows and blankets. I also got her a new toothbrush and some toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner and other supplies from Thuy's stash just in case she needed anything at all.

Ha said, "you treat me so nicely, I feel lucky to be here!" She then got on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek.

I'm pretty shy when a person shows me affection, even a family member so I said, "goodnight," as I turned to leave the room. I could feel the blush on my cheeks and needed to make sure no one saw. Thuy slept like a rock until 4AM and I got her some juice with her pills crushed in it and she was back out in no time. I just rested on the floor as I couldn't sleep much and I didn't want to jostle her.

I checked on Thuy when I woke up and she was still asleep which is much better than being in pain or even feeling restricted. Ha had made French toast with some white bread from the freezer. I thanked for making such a nice meal before I shoveled it down. I picked up the prescription and tons of groceries, and deli stuff including bagels and cream cheese. I also got just about every feminine product I could find that looked familiar; I figure I could return the wrong stuff but at least I'd have the right stuff.

When I got back, Thuy was just getting up. I helped her to the kitchen and Ha served her French toast which was warming in the oven. I unloaded the groceries, stuffing the fridge and cabinets. Thuy suggested I mow the lawn before it got too hot. I only had half the lawn left but didn't want to leave her side. She said, "I appreciate it, honey, but you have chores to do and you aren't using me as an excuse to get out of them." I was glad she was at least able to joke a little.

I checked the PH in the pool and trimmed the edges of the lawn with the whacker before mowing the lawn. I finished about an hour later, drenched in sweat. I took off my shirt and sneakers and jumped in the pool. I stood still for a bit by the pool so I could drip dry a bit before heading into the house. Ha bounded towards me with a towel.

I said, "thank you but you really don't need to worry about me. Taking care of Thuy is more than I could ask."

Ha said, "I understand." And then proceeded to dry my back and legs. I laughed at the situation.

We went back inside and she said she gave Thuy her pills in her juice and helped her freshen up. Thuy was resting soon as the pills make her very tired. I quietly checked on Thuy and she was already asleep. I was glad she wasn't in pain at the moment. I checked with Ha to see if she wanted to pick up some stuff until she could move. She said she would appreciate that so I arranged for an SUV on Uber. I met the driver as Ha got in the back and asked if he'd be willing to pick her up in about 2 hours and give her a hand with some luggage and boxes. I showed him $70 and asked if that would be enough. He said sure as he preferred cash.

I moved the bike and my printer out from the spare room to the dining room as it was rarely used. I took a kitchen chair to the bedroom and stayed with Thuy. She woke up only once but smiled at me before she dozed off again. I felt my phone vibrate so I quickly checked it as I didn't want to wake her. It was Ha, the uber driver her picked her up and she was 5 minutes away. I met her them in the driveway and she had a microwave box with stuff in it, another big kitchen aid box with toiletries in it, a mac box with an apple in it, a microwave, a printer box, a computer screen and a couple of suitcases. It was a lot of stuff but it wasn't outrageous. The driver helped me get it all the way to the door and I thanked him and slipped him five twenties. He thanked me and said to text him if I ever needed a ride again. I helped Ha get things into her room (our spare room).

I asked if we would need a big truck to move the rest of her stuff and she laughed saying that was almost everything she owned. I asked if she was serious and she looked at me as if I was trying to be funny. She said, "if there were any more boxes by the dumpsters, I would have brought it all with me." I laughed thinking about how much junk we had in just our closets.

"What about your furniture," I asked.

"The apartment came furnished and my bed isn't nearly as comfortable as the one in this room so I'm going to throw it away," she said.

I texted the Uber driver and asked if he had time tomorrow to help her out. I told him if he helped her dump a mattress when he dropped her off, I'd pay extra. He texted back -- just tell me the time.

I checked on Thuy and she was still sleeping despite the shuffling noise Ha and I were making. I asked Ha if she was ready for lunch.

She said, "I thought you'd never ask!" I then started to get the supplies to make sandwiches. Ha said she could do it. I told her to "back off," with a grin as I held the spreading knife. She laughed and let me feel a little less useless. I was amazed as I opened the fridge. It looked as if Thuy had been there. All the foods were organized so it was easy to get to everything even the crisper drawer was no longer jammed tight as I left it when I unloaded the groceries. I then made 3 sandwiches and put some chips on each plate. I checked in on Thuy but she was still asleep so I wrapped her plate and ate my lunch with Ha. She finished the rest of the chips and large bowl of ice cream.

I asked her about the computer and she said, she liked photography and used her computer to organize and tweak the photos. Ha brought out her camera and even though I'm a gadget snob, this was a really nice camera. She then pulled out her iPad and showed me some of her pictures. I have to admit they looked great but I don't really know if they were good or not as I'm not artistic.

I told Ha she was welcome to use the pool or she could borrow my car if she wanted to go somewhere. She said, "thanks." "Now leave me alone while I clean up this mess you made!" I got a chuckle and was grateful for the opportunity to check on Thuy.

She was still asleep so I took my toothbrush and brushed in the guest bathroom. I then sat in the chair and just made sure she was OK. She woke about 3:30 PM. She smiled at me and said, "you don't need to stay with me. I'm not completely helpless."

I told her, "I just like listen to you snore." Her eyes bulged and asked if she really snored when she slept. I told her I was just kidding, it's the drooling that really turns me on! She faked a laugh as I helped her up. I brought her to the kitchen and brought her lunch.

"Oh honey, I didn't think I was hungry but this is so good!" I was thrilled she was enjoying her meal. She drank a good amount of cider which had her next dosage in it. We talked for about an hour and a half, a little about the accident but mostly about how Ha was getting along as she wanted me to be OK with her staying in the house with us.

Ha came out and said she was nearly ship shape in the bedroom if we wanted to see. It looked very tidy other than the microwave on the floor. I told her I'd put that in the garage if she liked. As I carried it out I noticed her Mac was pretty ancient. Thuy and Ha began gabbing in Vietnamese again. When I got back Ha thanked me and gave me a quick hug. I felt guilty as I didn't want Thuy thinking anything after yesterday's incident.

Thuy and I went back to the kitchen as Ha relaxed listening to her headphones. Thuy was a little emotional today. I think the pills were making her that way. She was tearing up and told me how she was in the MRI worried about what would become of me if she died. I grabbed her hand and said, "don't even think about that! Fortunately, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been and you'll be better in no time!"

"I know," she said. "But you need someone to take care of you, not just some slut from the office because they'll take advantage of you; you know?" I knew she was being serious but I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know that you are the love of my life, and I can't imagine life without you. I don't think I'll be in any rush to date again if anything should happen to you and it won't if I have anything to say about it!" I picked up her hand and kissed it.

"That's what I worry about!" she raised her voice a bit. "I am worried you'll bury yourself in work and shut yourself off from the world."

I told her the truth, "we've loved a lifetime in just 5 years -- ever day is a gift." She took my hand and kissed it.

"I love you, honey!" she said.

"I love you, sweetie pie!" I returned.

I asked if she was getting sleepy from the pills as I could see her eyes getting droopy. I took her to the bedroom and she rested as I went to the kitchen. I knocked on the door and ask Ha if she wanted dinner. She took off her headphones and said "yes, please."

I asked her if she wanted hamburger, hot dog or both. She thought about it and said, "hamburger, please!" I then asked her how many ears of corn. She then said, "one and a half please!"

I asked if she was sure that was enough. She said, that's about what she normally eats. I didn't mean to be rude but said, "you had such a wonderful appetite yesterday, are you feeling OK today?" She admitted she hadn't eaten much in the past week as she had just about run out of food in the apartment so she was unusually hungry. I then said, "Look, you are family and any time you need anything just let Thuy or me know. It is fine to ask for help when you need it. You don't see your sister trying to do this herself, although I wouldn't put it past her, damn stubborn woman," I said with a smile.

Ha giggled and said, "OK I won't be so prideful anymore!"

"That's great to hear! We worry about you," I said. She smiled and helped me with the door as I put the food on the grill. She prepped the corn as I monitored the grill. I put the hamburgers in the buns and passed her the catsup and pickles. She buttered my corn for me and we kid around a bit about nothing in particular. She got each of us a fruit pie for desert. I said I was full so she ate mine too! She was surprisingly easy to talk to, much like her sister. I then got up to check on her sister, Thuy, who was fast asleep until 2 when I gently woke her to give her some medication.

Soon it was morning, my phone kept vibrating but I figured they would get figure out I meant it for a change about it being personal time. I took the opportunity to finish the employee reviews and tighten up the rollout goals for the next few weeks. I looked over my email and for the most part people replied back after getting my out of office response saying they were sorry to disturb me and they'd check back when I returned. I forwarded some to Baily to have him help out the people who were probably thinking I would help them even though I was out.

I got a call from the lawyer for the owner of SUV that rear-ended Ha's car. He asked if we could meet on Thursday. I said sure I'll check with my lawyer and get back to him. I didn't have a lawyer but asked our company in house counsel if he wouldn't mind helping me out. He said it wasn't his area of expertise but he'd be happy to zoom meet and if things got out of his depth he'd refer me to someone he knew.

Ha took good care of Thuy and me. I felt very guilty about her waiting on me as she was there for Thuy, not me. Ha, said she liked having someone to take care of and it was really a treat to have someone who was so appreciative. I have no doubt, her old boyfriend Dung, is wishing he wasn't so stupid.

Wednesday came and I took Thuy to the specialist for a follow up. Her exam went well and he said in a week she could take off the brace as she wasn't exhibiting any signs of whiplash. I then asked if it was OK if we slept in the same bed. He laughed and said, "as long as that is all you do that will be fine. The brace is just there to prevent her from moving about too much." I think we were both looking forward to being physically closer as it was rare that we hadn't slept together in the same bed.

It was so nice getting into bed with Thuy that night! I propped a pillow next to me so I wouldn't roll in my sleep. We held hands and she tenderly ran her foot along my leg just to let me know she cared. I just stared at her smiling like a damn fool until I fell asleep not long after she did.

I woke up to the smell of coffee, ham and hash browns. Thuy was still sleeping so I didn't disturb her. I closed the bedroom door and whispered loudly, that smells heavenly! Ha was in the kitchen and apparently she was feeling a lot more comfortable around us as she was wearing just a t-shirt. I want her to be comfortable but I wasn't sure this was appropriate. She grabbed my arm and took me to the table. She sat in my lap, gave me a hug and said she loved living in such a nice how with people who appreciate her. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I just ate my breakfast and tried not to look any lower than her eyes.

On Thursday I had the meeting with the driver's lawyer. Apparently, her client was a famous singer although I've never heard of him. The lawyer had come by to give me a boilerplate non-disclosure agreement not to sue or discuss the incident in any way and in return for my consideration they would give me a lump sum payment. She then asked me what number I was looking for. I told her I hadn't thought about it at all. I said why don't we wait for the medical bills to clear and then I can give you a reasonable number. She said no problem at all. She said I should keep any bills resulting from the accident and she would reimburse them within reason. I scanned the document and sent it to the lawyer.

I offered to pay our company lawyer for his time and he said if I got him one of those super light, sleek laptops like I got the president he'd consider it paid in full. I told him it would be on his desk the day I got back. I let people know I'd be working from home on Friday if they had any emergencies they could contact me. I immediately got a reply from the CFO asking for time at 9AM. I said that would be no problem.

The CFO asked if I was happy at the company, and I said absolutely. He then told me he was worried I might be looking around as every one of the execs was saying they hoped I'd return soon. I then said, weren't Bailey and Fred helping people? He said they don't know how to talk to execs. They made them feel ashamed they didn't know more about computer stuff. I told him I would make sure to coach them and apologized for any inconvenience. He then said my review was complete. I was getting a 45% bonus and a 35% raise! He asked if that sounded fair and I told him more than fair!