Village Life


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I couldn't say anything. I kept looking on the ground. I only saw her feet and a little bit of her shalwar covering her calves. As afraid, terrified, ashamed, and embarrassed as I was, I couldn't help but notice that she had lovely feet.

She spoke again. "Listen, Naeem, I was angry last night, but I am not angry right now. I just want to know what you were doing and why?"

I was thunderstruck.

She waited a while, and spoke again. "You have to tell me. If you don't then I have no choice but to get angry."

I was speechless.

She waited again for a while, and spoke again. "Naeem, look at me."

I didn't.

"Look at me dammit." She said angrily.

I had no choice but to look at her once she spoke with anger. I slowly raised my head and looked into her face. I was surprised by what I saw.

It looked like she hadn't slept either. Her hair was even dishevelled indicating that she didn't try to comb them after waking up. She was serious, very serious, but she wasn't angry. I could tell from her face that she was not angry, only serious. I felt a bit relieved, but not enough to feel comfortable.

She looked right into my eyes. Her eyes were dark and I could see that she was deep in thought.

"Tell me what you were doing."

I mumbled after a lot of effort, "Nothing."

"I was not nothing. It was something. I want to know."

I was quiet again.

She waited and waited and finally got up. "I guess then brother Saleem will have to find out from you."

That's what I was afraid of. I knew my life would be over the minute my uncle found out, and the shame of it being my aunt whose pussy my fingers were touching.

She walked away slowly. As I saw her moving away from me, I saw the end of my life approaching. I had to say something to stay alive. I had to ask her not to tell my uncle. I had to ask her to forgive me. I finally managed to say, "I was curious."

She stopped but didn't turn around to look at me. She stood there, facing away from me, her body tense with anger or whatever, and waited for me to say something else. I couldn't muster another word. She then kept going without looking back.

She slept in her normal place next to my grandmother in the nights that followed, until my uncle came back. I awaited my execution.

A day passed, two days passed, a week passed. Nothing! My uncle said nothing to me.

Then he went to visit his wife again. My aunt didn't come to the cot next to me, but it seemed like either my uncle didn't know anything or was leaving my punishment for some later time.

I had lost any interest in reading, so I turned the lantern off and tried to sleep. I knew that my aunt probably didn't tell my uncle because he would have punished me, but I also knew that she was angry with me and that was punishment enough. The guilt and the shame were very taxing.

It was close to midnight when I heard footsteps coming to the room and my aunt quietly slunk in and lay down on her cot. I held my breath, pretending to be asleep.

She said nothing for a long time and I finally relaxed, thinking that I had fooled her with my being asleep bit.

"So, you were curious!" She spoke at length.

I stayed quiet.

She waited for a while and then said, "You can talk. You got a tongue in your mouth."

I felt a tremendous amount of relief from her words. A weight was lifted from my chest.

"I know you are not asleep, so don't pretend."

I finally muttered, "Yes."

"What were you curious about?"

There was no answer to that question.

"Listen, Naeem. I am asking you something and I want you to answer it. What were you curious about?"

I had to say something and the tension had ended, so I could actually speak with some ease. "I was curious about..." I tried to think about what to say next. What I wanted to say was that I was curious about a female body, or more specifically, a female part, but what came out was, "...I was curious about you."

"About me!" She exclaimed and sat up. "What were you curious about me?"

I wished for the conversation to cease, but she was adamant.

"I wanted to feel you..." I managed to utter, "...there."

This time she was speechless, or rather, she didn't know how to ask me anything else or even what to ask. I figured that it probably sounded better that I wanted to feel her than if I had said that I wanted to feel a female body part. I had inadvertently made my curiosity more personal rather than making it sound like she was just a representation of what I was after. It seemed more meaningful to say she was the target of my curiosity than to say that my curiosity was for a female, any female.

She leaned forward and whispered, "You wanted to feel ME. But I am your aunt!"

I realized the brilliance of my statement when I heard that and it dawned on me that I had actually pulled myself out of the minus side to plus side.

I didn't have to say anything. My silence was quite effective.

She lay back on the cot and I could feel her thoughts jumping around in her head. I was relaxed. I knew that I was out of hot water.

She whispered after a long, long time, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

A triumphant smile was on my lips when I whispered back, "No. Unfortunately, I didn't."

A week or two later when my uncle went to his wife again, she came to the room rather early. She didn't lie down; instead she sat on the cot with her legs dangling on the side. She was deep in thought as I tried to concentrate on the magazine. I knew something was on her mind, but I didn't really want to know.

She seemed a bit nervous as well, which came as a surprise to me, but I didn't show that I noticed.

She managed to ask, after a lot of nail biting, "You didn't answer one thing for me. Why me? I am your aunt."

I knew my answer. I deliberated for a while for effect and then told her, "I can't help it. It's like I am under a spell."

"What do you mean?" She wanted to know.

"I mean, I can't help it. When you are around, I want to touch you?" What I said was a mouthful, but somehow seemed like that's what she wanted to hear.

"Touch ME, or touch me there?" She wanted to know even more.

"Touch YOU..." I had the perfect answer, "...anywhere."

"But...but...I am your aunt." She stuttered with disbelief.

"I know, but I can't help it."

She didn't ask anything else. I guess she had found her answer. She sat there for a while and then went out again. I had lost all interest in the magazine and my penis was so erect that it felt painful.

I knew she would come back again and ask me the question that was bothering her, so I prepared my answer for her.

She asked that night when she lay on the cot next to me, "I am your aunt, Naeem. Why me?"

"I told you, I can't help it."

"But, it is wrong. You know that."

I sat up on my bed, leaned towards her cot and gave her the answer that I had prepared, "I know you are my aunt and I know it is wrong. But you are a very beautiful woman and I can't help but think of you as that, a woman. It is unfortunate that you are my aunt, else I would have done to you what I really feel like doing to you."

She gasped and turned towards me, "And what is that you feel like doing to me?"

"I can't say." I laid back on my cot. "You are my aunt."

"Even if I wasn't your aunt, it would still be wrong to do that."

I laughed, "So, you do know what I feel like doing."

She laughed, rather nervously, "Yes, I do. I am not a little girl you know."

"Yes, I do know and that is the problem."

"What is the problem?" Somehow, she didn't grasp my meanings.

"That you are not a little girl; you are a full grown woman. With a woman's body—and a body to die for." Okay, I was overdoing it, but she seemed to be enjoying it.

"But, how do you deal with the fact that aunt or no aunt, it is wrong?"

"It is wrong in others eyes..." I said and left my sentence unfinished.


"There are no others, here, are there?"

She gasped again, "...You mean...?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. Here it is only you and me, no one else. There is nothing wrong, here, in this room, as far as I am concerned."

She said nothing and we both lay there quietly. Sleep was miles away from my eyes and I think it was the same for her.

She asked after another long pause, "If I was asleep again, would you try to feel me again?"

"No. I have learnt my lesson."

Another long pause and then she asked again, "But, what if I was really asleep, with no chance of waking up."

I laughed, knowing full well what she was getting at, "In that case, I'll try my luck."

She laughed as well. "Can you reach from there?"

I looked at the distance and then got off of my cot, pushed it right next to hers, and said, "Yes, now I can."

She squirmed and stretched until she was in position and said, "Okay, I am about to fall asleep. But remember, only touch. The rest you'll have to forget."

"I'll settle for that."

I turned on my side and waited for her to be ready. She pulled her shirt up until both flaps were above her waist and then said, "Okay, I am asleep."

"Pull your shirt a little higher." Which she did, until her belly was exposed.

I reached over and put my hand on her belly. Her body shuddered. She said, "You know, this is not right."

"Shh," I whispered. "You are supposed to be asleep."

I caressed her belly for a short while and then moved my hand down to the area between her thighs. I found the mound and then the soft area where my finger dipped a little. I could feel her lips with my hand and parted them through the material. I could feel the material getting wet, although the material was between my finger and her pussy, thus making the feel less satisfactory.

I grabbed the end of her nala and quickly pulled it loose. She reacted by grabbing the front of her shalwar, and screamed softly, "What are you doing?"

"You are supposed to be asleep," I said to her. "Go back to sleep."

"No. Not this." She protested.

I held her hand in mine and the touch made me feel good. I held it in my hand and caressed it around until she let go of her shalwar and started to caress my hand in return. I gently took it and placed it on her stomach. Then I went back to her shalwar.

"No, no. Not this. Please, it's not right." She protested again, but weakly.

I loosened her shalwar and put my hand under it and I was quickly rubbing my finger between her pussy lips. She put her hand on her mouth to muzzle her sounds. I found that berry-like protrusion and rolled it between my thumb and index finger. She jerked a little at the feel and made a few incoherent sounds. As I explored around, I could feel my fingers getting soaked and I could actually smell the difference in the air. There was a pleasant, intoxicating odour around us, which I knew was coming from her pussy.

I brought my hand out and put it in front of my nose. I took a deep breath to inhale her aroma. She was shockingly surprised. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Smelling you. You smell delicious." With that I put the soaking wet finger in my mouth and tasted her juices. "You also taste delicious."

"You are sick," she responded with some disgust in her voice.

"Why am I sick? This is you that I am tasting. You taste good."

I put my hand back between her thighs. I caressed the inside of her lips and finally found the hole. I pushed my finger a little down and she made another one of those incoherent sounds. I asked her, "How do you feel?"

She didn't answer me right away. I kept caressing her pussy and kept rubbing her clit and every now and then kept knocking on her hole without going too far in."

"It feels weird."

"But, how do you feel?"

"Well, I feel weird. I feel good, but it is very new, so it feels weird."

I pulled my hand away and with a firm mind, I got off the cot. I pulled the blankets and the thick material under me off of it and put it up against one of the windows. I then spread the blanket and the other material on the floor.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I want to try from another angle." I said that and grabbed her hand to pull her up. I was very forceful and she felt like a little girl in front of me. She got off of the cot while holding her shalwar to keep it from falling.

I removed the blanket and the thick undersheet from her cot as well and spread it on top of mine on the floor. I moved her cot in front of the other window and put the pillows closer to the head side and asked her to lie down. She did, while still holding her shalwar.

I took her hands away from her shalwar and then held it from both sides and tried to slide it off of her body. She protested, "You want me to be naked in front of you."

"No, I just want this shalwar off of you."


"Don't worry. It is dark. I can't see much."

She lifted her body up to let me take it off and then she lifted her legs one at a time to let me slip it off. I pushed her legs up and apart so that her knees were pointing to the ceiling and her feet were close to her butt. Then quickly, I removed my chadar and kurta and knelt between her legs. She got up to pull herself away from me. I grabbed her hand and said, "Here, feel this." With that, I took her hand and wrapped it around my cock.

She gasped at the rubbery feel and the hardness of it. This was the first time she had held a cock in her hand, and what a cock it was: hard, throbbing, and leaking.

She eased a little and with both hands started to caress around the shaft. I grabbed her other hand and put my balls in her palm. She cupped them. Soon she was comfortable with the feel and she started to enjoy herself. I reached for her shirt and pulled it off of her, which she let me without any hassle.

I eased her back with my dick and scrotum still in her hands. I then pushed her legs back until I could lower myself between her thighs and above her pelvic area. She was still holding my dick in her hand. It was almost like she didn't want to let go. I sat on my haunches, with my feet around her hips, her legs over my thighs and my cock hovering over her belly. While she played with my dick, I placed my hands on her breasts and started to cup and caress them. I enjoyed the softness of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples. I kept caressing her breasts while she kept caressing my dick, feeling around the shaft and running her fingers over the head and the tip.

I waited for her to finally push it down towards her pussy and touch her pussy with the tip. She stuck it between her lips and moved it up and down across the length of her pussy lips, with extra pressure on her clit. Then she moved it down until it reached her hole. She pulled it down until I applied enough pressure to hold it there and then she let go of my penis, pulled her legs more towards her breasts, raising her butt, hips and pussy and creating the perfect angle for my entry. She then placed her hands on my shoulders and braced herself.

I put my knees on the floor and my hands around her head. Then I moved my feet back until my legs were stretched backwards and held my body in a push up pose. She locked her legs around my waist and pulled me down with her hands on my hips.

I applied slow pressure downward. She urged along with her hands and squirmed around to make sure that the angle was optimal for my entry. I increased the pressure slowly until her body responded by opening and my penis started to descend into her insides.

Her pussy opened slowly as my penis made its way in and finally my head got in. She gave a muffled scream and bit my arm. Once the head was in, I pushed the rest of my cock in, until my pubic bone was pressing against hers.

Once completely in, I relaxed my body and eased myself on top of her. My stomach touched hers, my chest rested on her breasts, and my face got closer to hers. She reached with her hands and grabbed the sides of my face and then she started to kiss me. She kissed my chin, my cheeks, my nose, and my lips. I started to kiss her back when her lips pressed against mine. Soon we were kissing each other passionately, as sweet sensations took over our bodies that were originating from my dick and her pussy. Every now and then I would move a little, but each time she locked her legs to prevent me from pulling out.

We kissed for a long time until our mouths got tired and she relaxed. I then raised myself on my arms and started to move my buttocks up and down slowly and firmly. My penis started sliding around in her pussy as I took the soft, warm, and wet feelings in. What started out as slow, deliberate strokes, soon turned into quick thrusts, until I was pumping away like my life depended on it.

After a while of pumping, I felt the first spasm originating from my balls. I stopped.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said. "Something is happening."

I waited until the feeling faded and started pumping again.

After a short while, she grabbed my ass hard and forced me to stop pumping. "Something is happening to me as well."

I started pumping again once her grip eased. I felt another spasm soon thereafter as she grabbed my ass again. We paused for a short while and started again. This continued for quite a few minutes until the spasm turned into a tremor and then a full blown earthquake.

When the lava erupted, I held myself hard against her because I couldn't take the movement against my penis any more. She, however, started to grind her pussy into me, hard. Her clit was against my body and she made short circles with it around the base of my shaft. Then she started to buck, and scream. I placed my lips on her mouth to shut her sound, but she kept bucking and screaming. She bit my lips gently to muffle her sounds, but to no avail. I was also screaming in what felt like pain as my sperm shot out of my penis with full force. She felt it hit as her body responded to it violently.

My first orgasm inside a woman and her first orgasm around a penis. That moment will be remembered until the day we die. Once the storm subsided and we held each other tenderly, I asked her, "Now, what is so wrong about what we just did?"

She laughed, "This wrong feels very right. That, I find very scary."

She looked so beautiful in the glow of her orgasm, that I could see her through the darkness. Before long, we recovered and started a longer, but slower paced session. The new day broke with both of us in each others arms, completely naked, completely satisfied, and completely happy.

We dressed quickly and made our way to the fields, where we could continue our first love making session well into the afternoon.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good prmise.

Sex is too mechanical. Not erotic at all.

Two stars.

dezzirabledezzirablealmost 3 years ago

Amazingly written, loved the desi touch of the nala, shalwar and kameez

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Excellent write-up

Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story

Well written, great story. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

This is an awesome story, i love how it builds up really slow with the tension increasing as naeem looks at his aunt more and more often, also their conversation is very touching.

Great stuff! please write more!

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