Virgin Bride

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Left at the altar, virgin bride seeks comfort from best man.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.


Judy sat quietly in her hotel room with a beer bottle in her hand. She never drank. She hated the idea of it, but after the day she was having, she decided to hell with it and began drinking. She wanted to get drunk and forget about her problems, about the humiliation she had just endured. The problem was that, because she had never drunk alcohol before, she had never developed a taste for it. The beer was very bitter, but she kept trying anyway.

She was sitting up on the bed watching TV, trying to find something to distract her. She was hoping for a trashy reality show, but nothing was on at that late hour. The best she could find was reruns of American Ninja on ESPN. She had already seen those episodes, but there was nothing else on.

There was a knock on the door, but she didn't respond. The visitor knocked a few more times, but Judy refused to respond; she didn't want to be bothered by anybody.

"I know you're in there," said the voice. "If you're trying to pretend, you're not inside, then you shouldn't have the TV on. Is that American Nija, by the way?"

Judy shut off the TV and walked over to the door. She looked into the peephole and cringed when she saw who it was. He was not the man she was mad at, but he was a reminder of that person.

"Go away, Edward," said Judy. "I'm not in the mood to talk to anybody."

"I just want to see how you're doing," he replied. "Just let me in, so we could talk. Just for a little while, so I know you're alright."

Judy thought about it for a moment. She was not dressed properly for the visit; actually, she was looking gorgeous in what she was wearing, but she didn't want Edward to see what she was wearing. She thought about stalling for a few minutes so she could change, but she didn't feel like going through all that trouble.

Judy opened the door and faced Edward.

"You're looking good," said Edward.

He was surprised to see Judy was still in her wedding dress. He figured after everything that she went through today, she would be ripping it off her body and tearing it apart.

"I just didn't feel like changing," said Judy.

"Me too," said Edward.

Edward was still wearing the tuxedo he wore at the wedding where he was supposed to be the best man. Almost all of it, that is; his tie and cummerbund were gone. The top two buttons on his dress shirt were undone, and his hair was kind of a mess, too.

Judy let him in and asked if he wanted a beer. He was surprised that she was offering him one and seeing a beer in her hand, as he knew she was against drinking. But after the day they had, he doesn't blame her for wanting to drink today. He walked across the room; it was a lot bigger than he thought it would be.

"People are looking for you," he said. "I figured you might be here; one of the few places nobody would bother looking for you."

"I just wanted some alone time," she replied. "Everyone has been bothering me all day long, I just need a break from them all."

She handed him his beer and they both took a drink from it. He could see how squeamish she was when she drank it; she did not like the taste at all.

"If you don't like it, why are you even drinking?" he asked. "I know you're against alcohol."

"After today, I thought to myself, fuck it, I want to get drunk," she said, and took another swig of her beer, again cringing at the taste. "Unfortunately, I don't think I can get used to the taste like some people. It's been two hours and this is only my second one."

She took another drink, a longer one this time, not caring how bad it tasted for her.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" she asked him.

"I figured you might want to talk about it," he replied. "We're both kind of in the same boat here, so you're the only person I can talk to."

Judy felt a little embarrassed; she was thinking so much about how she was feeling about what happened earlier that she forgot that Edward had also suffered something today.

"Sorry, I forgot," she said. "How are you doing?"

"I feel like shit," he said.

"Same here."

"Here's to feeling like shit together," he said as he raised his bottle.

They clinked their bottles together and took another drink.

Earlier that day, Judy was set to be married. It was a long-delayed wedding thanks to the COVID pandemic, but she and her fiancé, James, thought it was worth the wait.

She met James a little over two years ago at her cousin's wedding rehearsal dinner, where she was a bridesmaid and he was a groomsman. She was awestruck by him from the moment she laid eyes on him; he was tall, dark, and handsome, exactly what most women seek. He was about 27 at the time they met and was already on the fast track to being a junior partner at the law firm he worked at. They found themselves sitting next to each other at that dinner and had a great conversation. The next day at the wedding, when they were deciding which groomsman would walk down the aisle with which bridesmaid, she had to hold back her excitement when she found out she was going to do it with James.

During the wedding reception, he asked her to dance a couple of times. First to a few songs of some general 90's rock music that is now played all the time at weddings. The next time was a little later in the wedding for a slow dance.

The way he showed interest in her made her swoon; she had never had a guy as attractive as he was so interested in her. Judy was 22 at the time she met James. She was no supermodel, but she was very pretty. She was about 5'2", with auburn hair, a good body but with medium c-cup breasts. She did alright when it came to dating, but never with men like James.

They snuck off during the wedding to the bar outside the reception hall to get a drink together. She told him she didn't like drinking, but she was OK if he did it. He had a beer, and she got a ginger ale. They talked for a good long time, getting to know each other pretty well. That's when he first asked her out, and again, she had to hold back her excitement as she said yes.

Their first date went amazingly well, and so did the next few. They made out a few times, but she never let it go further. He obviously wanted more, but she asked him to wait, and he was OK with it. A month later, he took her back to his place, where they had dinner and watched a movie together. He then led her to the bedroom.

She felt she was ready for him, but got extremely nervous. She tried to push back her nervousness so she could be with him. They began stripping down to their underwear, and she had a feeling this was going to happen, so she dressed sexily for him. But as soon as he got his pants off and she saw his erection, she jumped off the bed and started to hyperventilate.

When she relaxed and James put his pants back on, he asked her what was wrong. That's when she had to admit to him that she was a virgin, which took him by surprise. He didn't think anybody at their age was still a virgin.

Judy grew up in a very conservative and religious family. They hadn't missed a Sunday service at church in over twenty years. They were so conservative, she wasn't allowed to go on her first date until she was 16, when most of her friends had already been dating for a few years.

Because of how much her parents instilled in her the importance of waiting until marriage, she never brought herself to get that far with men. In the last few years, she justified giving handjobs, but only because it was a good way to make the men, she dated happy because they weren't getting laid. She didn't do that with every man, but a select few.

She didn't mind seeing James's dick; it was the fact that she was so close to having sex that made her freak out. She felt that they were going too fast and she suddenly got scared.

James understood everything. He said he liked her a lot and didn't want to put any pressure on her. To make her feel better, he admitted that he hadn't lost his virginity until he was 20, even though he had told his friends that he had started having sex years earlier. She thought he was lying at first because he wanted to make her feel better, but he assured her it was true. He even admitted he didn't have sex with as many women as he let people believe he did.

Judy was relieved that he was OK with her being a virgin; most men seemed to have a problem with that. She also liked what he admitted to her about his sex life, it made her feel very connected to him and she felt it showed he really liked her if he admitted those things.

They got dressed and went back to the living room, where they watched another movie. They ended up falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch and didn't wake up until the morning. She joked with him during breakfast that he could honestly tell his friends they slept together because that's all they did, and he laughed at that joke.

A couple of months later, she saw he was getting a little sexually frustrated and insisted on giving him handjobs. He wasn't big on handjobs, but he accepted it nonetheless, so he could at least get something. He didn't want to be too selfish about it, so he would always finger her pussy in return. The first time he did that for her, she climaxed heavily. She had never gotten an orgasm before; she had never even gotten close when she masturbates, and she was very surprised at how intense it felt.

Over the next year, they were inseparable. Everyone thought they had the perfect relationship. They did have some differences that got on each other's nerves; for example, she didn't like that he enjoys drinking alcohol at every event they go to, and he didn't like that she would never at least try it. But whatever differences they had, they made up for with everything they liked about each other.

It was during this time that she met his best friend, Edward. She thought he was a great guy, handsome with a great sense of humor and a decent job. She thought it was a shame that he was still single and tried to fix him up with a couple of her friends, but it never worked out. But eventually, he didn't need her help as he met what he thought was a wonderful woman on a dating app.

Her name was Ashley, and from the beginning, Judy thought there was something wrong with her. Mostly, she thought she was kind of trashy and had nothing in common with Edward. James thought so too, and tried to have a conversation about it with Edward, but he didn't want to hear about it. In the end, she and James thought that if she made him happy, that's all that mattered.

On the one-year anniversary of their first date, James proposed to her, and of course she said yes. It took a little over a year of preparation for their wedding. They both wanted it to be the greatest event of the year. She got her bridesmaids all picked out, and James did the same thing with his groomsmen, choosing Edward as his best man.

A few months into their engagement, Judy felt it was time to finally give herself to James. She didn't feel like waiting for their wedding night. She loved him a lot and wanted to be with him physically. She lured him to her apartment with the promise of a fancy dinner, but when he entered her apartment, he found her ready for him wearing a very sexy piece of lingerie that drove him wild.

They went to the bedroom and were on the verge of finally having sex when it was James, this time, who stopped them. He felt it wasn't right that they should wait until their wedding night. He thought because they had waited this long, they could wait a little longer and that it would make it all the more special when it happened.

Judy was surprised by this; she didn't expect him to turn her down. But hearing him explain why he wanted to wait just made her love him even more. She agreed to wait, but told him that if he changed his mind, she was ready for him.

During the next several months, she made a couple more attempts to sleep with him, but he kept turning her down. She would apologize, and he would tell her there was no need to apologize; he understood. He told her that he also had the urge to fuck her, and he hated himself for turning her down, but still felt that waiting was the right thing to do.

To satisfy their urges so they could wait, Judy did something for the first time that she also didn't think she would be doing until after she got married and gave him a blowjob. Her first time doing it, she had no idea what she was doing; she just got pointers off the internet to make sure she got the basics of how to do it well.

To be fair to her, James would also go down on her. She had heard from her friends how men only liked getting oral sex, but never liked giving it back in return. But James seemed to enjoy going down on her, and she loved it every time.

Then came the time for the wedding. Everything was going well, even the rehearsal dinner. James made a great speech about how it was at a rehearsal dinner that he first met Judy and knew she was the one. The speech was so moving that several people cried, including Judy.

On the morning of the wedding, everything was going smoothly. Judy got up early, got her hair and makeup done, and greeted all of her guests. Everyone was excited, including her mother, who couldn't stop crying.

She only texted James because they agreed to not see each other before the wedding for good luck. He sent a good morning text and a few others, but not much else. She wondered why he wasn't responding as much as he normally did, but her maid-of-honor assured her that he was probably too busy on his own getting ready for the wedding. She assumed that was the reason and continued with getting ready for the wedding.

Judy showed up at the wedding hall on time with her wedding party and greeted the guests who showed up early. Some of the members of the groom's wedding party began to show up, but not James. She knew she wasn't supposed to see him before the wedding, but she couldn't help herself. She found Edwards and ran up to him.

"Where's James?" she asked. "He's not answering my texts and I don't see him anywhere."

"He called me a moment ago and said he was running late," he told her. "Which reminds me, have you seen Ashley around? She's also running late and she's not answering my texts either."

"No, I haven't noticed her around," said Judy.

She told him she had to get ready for the wedding and left him. He promised to text her if he saw James around, and she thanked him for it.

Judy went with the other bridesmaids to get ready. They helped her get her wedding dress ready, but before she went to put it on, one of the bridesmaids surprised her with bridal lingerie that she suggested she put on underneath. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea; after she took her dress off for James, he would love to see her in something so sexy. Judy felt a little embarrassed about the idea of wearing lingerie underneath her dress, but she went for it anyway.

It was an hour before the wedding and there was still no sign of James, and people were beginning to get worried about what was happening. Judy sent one of the bridesmaids to ask Edward what was happening; she came back to report that he had no idea.

And then it happened. Judy got a text from James saying he wasn't coming to the wedding. His message explained that he was involved with another woman and that he was running away with her. Not only that, the other woman was Ashley.

Judy felt like life was draining out of her and she nearly passed out. One of the bridesmaids caught her before she fell to the floor, and two of them helped her get to a chair. They asked her what was wrong, and she showed them the text she received. The maid-of-honor ran out to find Edward to see if it was true; apparently, he got a similar message from Ashley that confirmed it all.

The next several hours were just chaos. Everyone was going crazy and trying to figure out what the hell happened. Judy's mother was very upset, and her father was threatening to find James and shoot him dead. His own family, who were at the wedding, felt ashamed that he would do such a thing.

After Judy got over the initial shock of it all, she cried hysterically. She cried for so long that each bridesmaid had to take turns consoling her. When she was done crying, all she could do was eat. It somehow made her feel better. Afterwards, she got angry and started screaming and throwing things and smashing things against the floor; it was getting so bad that her friends thought she was having a psychotic break.

When Judy was done, she settled down and let everyone know she was alright. They all understood why she went a little crazy; she needed to get it all out of her system. At least for a little while, it actually helped, and she managed to calm down.

Afterwards, when the guests left, Judy tried to stick around for them, but at that point, she just wanted to be alone. She felt she just needed to get away from everyone and figure things out on her own. Without telling anybody, she grabbed her purse and walked away from everyone. She called an uber, who picked her up and took her away.

The first thing she did was get the Uber to stop by a fast-food place so she could get some more food to eat, and then he took her to the one place she didn't think anyone would find her, the hotel where she was going to spend her wedding night. There, she found some peace and quiet.

She tipped the driver well in cash because he didn't ask her about the wedding dress she was still wearing or any other related questions she didn't feel like answering. She checked into her room at the front desk; the clerk asked about the groom, but she gave him a very angry look, and he knew he shouldn't ask any more questions about it.

In the room, she ate her food and then ordered some snacks and drinks. She figured she didn't have to diet anymore to fit into her wedding dress, so she could eat as much as she wanted.

While she was eating, she saw how many texts and missed phone calls she was getting from people asking where she was. She replied to some of the texts and made some calls, assuring everyone she was alright, she just needed some alone time.

As she watched TV to distract herself from everything, she saw a beer commercial and had the idea that she wanted to try to get drunk, regardless of her stance on alcohol. She saw on the hotel menu that they had beer on hand and called room service to send up two six-packs because she didn't know exactly how much she really wanted to drink. She had no idea what brand to get, so she told room service that they could pick.

After that, she spent the next few hours on the bed watching TV and attempting to drink the beer that she didn't like. And that was when Edward showed up.

They sat together on the bed, drinking more of the beer, eating whatever leftover snacks Judy had ordered earlier and watching TV. At first, they avoided the subject of the wedding, which was hard considering how they were dressed; then it slowly moved on to the subject of the wedding.

By then, Judy felt more relaxed about the subject and was willing to open up about it. They both discussed how upset they were with James and Ashley. Judy says she hopes she sees James soon just so she can kick him in the nuts, and she hopes she gets to do that in front of a crowd of people. Edward said he hoped to do the same, but with a few punches to the face.

Edward also said that he wished he had listened to people when they warned him about how Ashley was not good for him. He felt he could've saved them both a lot of trouble if he just listened to people.

"That also includes you," said Edward. "You warned me, but I didn't listen. I don't know what I saw in her."

"She was a big-breasted, trashy blonde who offered you tons of sex," she said. "You didn't have a chance against her."