Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 19

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Some kinky sex at the Swissôtel.
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Vivian Laaning was in the midst of enjoying one of the most exquisite orgasms she had ever experienced from the cunnilingus performed by her partner of the evening, Raimond Kruuse. She became barely aware that Raimond had stepped aside immediately after she had orgasmed for the second time, this time from his administration of cunnilingus on her. As a result of his departure, her legs which had been wrapped around his back, perforce spread even wider apart. As her thighs and calves were momentarily suspended up in the air, it caused her rump to slide off the edge of the bed.

Once her ass landed on the floor, it jarred her mind from the lethargy of enjoying the afterglow from both of her orgasms reached in the successive oral sex activities. So, Vivian was once again engaged in reality, and as a result, she became reacquainted with the presence of Raimond Kruuse in the Swissôtel room which he had booked for this sexual tryst. More importantly, though, she noticed that he was sporting a huge fully engorged erection!

Vivian marveled at his readiness to continue their sexual activity without any interruption. She had suspected that Raimond was virile and quite capable of satisfying her sexually even in for a prolonged sexual marathon. Still, he was fifty-four years of age well past his prime of the most vigorous sexual prowess. She knew that he would anticipate an elongated sexual session with her especially as during their meal she had subtly signaled to him that, that was her desire.

Now in Vivian's mind was the belief that realistically if Raimond was to be her true love, body and soul he would require significant amount of rest time in between sessions of sexual activity. Yet here it was, he was ready to engage in a third episode of sex without virtually any interruption.

Vivian was aware that most straight men could always become aroused after performing cunnilingus. They could develop an erection even seconds after having completed a full blown ejaculation. Still for this to hold true for someone of the age of Raimond was a delightful surprise which she surely could not have anticipated. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, though, Vivian was happy enough to proceed. After all that's what she had signed up for when she had agreed to accompany him to his hotel room.

Being the alpha male, Raimond Kruuse was now in charge. Immediately, having left his kneeling position between Vivian's thighs, he went and grabbed the top bed cover. He spread it on the floor and motioned Vivian to move over on to the bedspread. He directed her to lie on her back and raise her legs.

Raimond assisted Vivian in raising her back off the floor. This ended with her head and neck now flush on the floor and her back was now almost perpendicular to the floor.

Vivian in folding her thighs and calves together over towards her so that her ankles ended up on either side of her head. She bent her arms up off the floor so she could hold on to her sides to brace her back up in the air.

Raimond maneuvered his position to squat over Vivian enabling him to dip his penis in and out of her vagina. This position compelled an extra rush of blood to flow into her head, and thereby significantly increased her ecstasy. The position allowed eye contact which further increased the intimacy she was feeling towards him. The position, though, was strenuous to maintain and caused her to sweat even more.

As he was squatting directly over her mons veneris, Raimond had a first hand look at how his penis was entering her vagina. From that vantage point he was able to make certain that his cock would rub against her clit to provide maximum stimulation for Vivian. With each such invigorating stroke of his penis into her vagina, Vivian grunted emitting an agonizing guttural tone.

Although there was some strain inherent in her acrobatic position, the concurrent pleasurable stimulation of her vulva overrode the discomfort she might have otherwise felt. In fact, she took delight in experiencing two successive mini orgasms during this imaginative positioned coitus. To top it all, she enjoyed a normal lasting orgasm just as he was on the verge of ejaculating.

To her immediate embarrassment, once Raimond did in fact finish discharging his last load of cum into her cunt, she was so excited that she squirted a gusher full of urine. Before Vivian could feel totally mortified from her unexpected bodily function, she saw that Raimond had opened his mouth to try and capture some of her stream of piss into his mouth.

What piss Raimond didn't succeed in catching, dribbled onto her stomach forming naturally into a single stream and flowed by force of gravity towards her breasts. With the strange feeling of her urine trickling along on the skin of her abdomen, caused Vivian to flinch and twitch her belly. This involuntary action in turn caused each stream of urine to split in two, so that each new stream made contact with the underside of her breasts.

The contact with her boobs caused the ever decreasing flow of the streams of urine to split yet again in two. One of the new streams would divert and flow onto the valley of her cleavage, finally finishing by just stopping at her neck. The other stream would trickle around the side of the breast and head diagonally towards her arm pit. Once she stopped peeing, Vivian couldn't stop herself from giggling at this incongruous scene, even as she was experiencing yet another mini orgasm.

But this was not the final end of this particular sexual episode. Given the way Vivian was positioned during their copulation, the force of gravity ensured that most of his ejaculated sperm fully entered into the deepest recesses of her vagina. Nevertheless, by the involuntary flexing of her vaginal muscles some remnants of cum was smeared on her labia. Consequently, ever the gentleman, before Raimond released Vivian from her acrobatic upright position, having swallowed all the urine he was able to capture, he thoroughly licked clean her vulva.

In her awkward position, Vivian was privy to witnessing Raimond's fetishistic oral sexual activity. She was amazed by his antics, but at the same she was thrilled by his bold audacious improvisation. Once he let go of his hold on her back allowing her to resume her normal posture, Vivian couldn't help quipping, "You sure weren't exaggerating when you boasted that you had some sexy tricks up your sleeve. How did you learn of that position? I confess I've never before been fucked like this and I must admit I loved it. It was a blast!"

Raimond replied, "I confess I've never tried this position before either, but I've always wanted to try it. Unfortunately, I always had the impression that every one of my previous partners would be reluctant to try it, even to point of refusing to even contemplate attempting it. However, with you my beloved Minister of Culture I was certain you would not be reticent but would be willing to acquiesce. So, I'm delighted to have been accurate in my conjecture."

Vivian replied, "Oh yes! I'm all for trying anything sexual so long as it doesn't injure the body. I'm also pleased, if I don't miss my guess, that I've seemed to have bested Ms Kaisa Noor once again albeit inadvertently."

Raimond laughed and assured, "Oh yes indeed my dearest Minister of Culture. Comparing having sex with Ms Noor as opposed to having sex with you is akin to eating ground beef as opposed to dining on filet mignon."

Vivian was pleased with his deliberate affectation of addressing her by her formal government title despite their intimate activity. It conveyed to her the message, that he viewed her as his equal. Not just as love partners, but she sensed that he viewed her and him collegially as high ranking members of the Estonian government.

Therefore, Vivian opted to mimic him in reply, "Well my dear Finance Minister, there is even a greater benefit for you than what is implied in that metaphor comparison. As you know, you have to pay a greater price to dine on filet mignon than on a hamburger. But in fucking me, you get me with same price as you get Ms Noor. In fact, I come cheaper. For the next time I certainly can spring for a room in this magnificent hotel."

Raimond Kruuse was charmed by Vivian's statement not the least of which was her offer to pay for a room at the Swissôtel Tallinn for their next assignation. That there would be another tryst was mutually understood even before Vivian just then explicitly implied. What truly struck Raimond of Vivian's behavior and her displayed enthusiasm was her unabashed joy she exuded in their lovemaking.

This is not to say that his current trio of fuck buddies didn't enjoy having sex with him. After all each of them was committing adultery with him for the sole reason that sex with their husbands was lacking.

However, sex with Vivian was on a higher plane. It wasn't that she was simply enjoying having sex with him, but the way she interacted with him left the impression that the sex with him was the greatest pleasure she had ever experienced, notwithstanding her admitted vast sexual experience.

So Raimond responded dropping the title affectation, "Mighty generous of you my dear Vivian. I do not begrudge the monies I spend to enjoy my lady friends in style. I'm not impoverished, but then again there is a budgetary limit as to how much I spend for pleasurable pursuits. However, with your offer to share the expenses of engaging this hotel, I can see myself at least doubling the occasions to indulge my passion."

Vivian happily replied, "Oh I like the sound of that! Why don't we have a glass of wine before we engage our passion again. I'm parched, believe it or not."

After Raimond had acquired suitable libation and they sat down on the comfortable chairs in the room. After taking a sip, Vivian queried, "I have to ask you my dear Raimond, when I inadvertently had my 'accident*' (*air quote), you were not shy as to slurping down my pee. You even gave me a terrific tongue cleaning of my pussy. Are you then into kinky sex?"

Raimond replied. "I guess I'm like you in that I am willing to try anything in sex so long as it doesn't do injury to the body."

Vivia, asked, "But did you actually like the taste of my pee? The smell of it is quite off putting."

Raimond sardonically replied, "I really prefer your beer to your pee as a beverage. Seriously, though I do get a thrill doing something that is a taboo or unorthodox which is associated with a sexual undertaking. If I were to pee in cup and then drink it, why I would most likely puke. However, you expelled your piss as a result of the excitement of your orgasm, as I'm certain your bladder was not that full that you couldn't hold back to eventually pee privately. Given that premise it makes it quite exciting to taste your pee. It certainly was an exotic thrill for me."

Vivian agreed, "I can relate to that. For my birthday present to myself to celebrate my eighteenth birthday, I finally surrendered my virginity. The very next day I did a threesome with my sister and her boyfriend who later became her first husband. During the course of our fun time, my sister and I agreed to a contest as to who could endure longer a spanking administered by her boyfriend. The loser was to submit to a golden shower from the other two.

"At first Matthew, the boyfriend, spanked us using a spanking paddle which Erica had purloined from our mother's collection of adult toys. He started with some really light slaps but did start spanking us a little harder. As we were continuing to tolerate his spanking, Erica got impatient, and so, urged him to spank us harder or otherwise she intimated the contest would never end. I quit after receiving the second brutal blow.

"Accordingly, I paid the forfeit and received my first and to date only golden shower. It certainly was a weird feeling to have urine dribbling down my body. At first, I found the taste of pee awful, as I inadvertently swallowed some. But then when I got used to the taste, I subsequently deliberately set out to drink a significant amount. I didn't mind the exercise and I would do it again if my partner insists, but it is not part of my usual sexual repertoire.

"Unfortunately for me, word got out of my kinky sexual experience, and so I was constantly taunted mercilessly at school. I was called 'pissface' to my face. That last year of my high school was pure hell. The only solace I had was my lesbian affair with my high school teacher, Erin Falconbridge."

In response Raimond responded, "I guess you were a victim of what you Americans term as 'slut shaming'. How did you cope?"

Vivian replied, "I learned to develop a thick skin. When I got to the University of Wisconsin, it was a large campus, so I was by sheer numbers somewhat under the radar. Nevertheless, I did develop a large list of acquaintances. As most of them became aware of shall I say my lack of shyness in participating in sexual intimacy, I could sense they did not hold me in high regard. Even most of my sexual partners considered me mostly as a bimbo.

"It wasn't until I got into the University of Chicago Law School wherein, I got respect as a person. Of course, it helped that my law school has been consistently ranked in top five of the best law schools in the United States."

Raimond observed, "I trust then, that your time in Estonia has been different. You sure have a good press as a result of being in the government."

Vivian answered, "Yes, as I told you earlier my marriage to Eino Tarvas, was wonderful for the first three plus years. It was without a doubt the happiest time of my life. It was exciting to expand Eino's farm to becoming the premier dairy farm in Estonia. As well I started a side business in developing a wonderful craft beer from the hops and barley grown on our farmland. And I was more or less faithful to my marriage vows."

Raimond questioned, "More or less faithful?"

Vivian answered, "Well, I naturally wanted to visit my family in the United States, I have a sister in Chicago and my brother operates the dairy farm in Wisconsin wherein I grew up. So, I've arranged to visit my family twice a year, once in May and the other time in November for the American Thanksgiving holiday. Each visit was for two weeks. During the May visit I would go to Dallas, TX for an orgy at the TLR, the sex club I told you about."

Raimond asked, "Did your husband know about this? Did he actually condone it?"

"No, I didn't tell him and that was my biggest mistake. If I would have told him, he probably would have acquiesced, as I certainly was very candid about my past sexual history. Then when I miscarried, I probably would not have been inclined to seek sexual solace from strangers when I miscarried. The trouble was that although I didn't tell him about my visits to the TLR orgy, he found out about it anyway, by asking Maia how she enjoyed her visit to America. Maia innocently advised him she enjoyed it very much especially when she was alone with her aunt and cousins. Maia added that she was with her aunt as I visited some other friends in another city where I took a plane to get there.

"With that Eino was able to jump to the correct conclusion. He didn't mention it until I confessed to having committed adultery with two strangers, I met at a bar in Tartu in the aftermath of my miscarriage and the discovery that I had become infertile. I can pinpoint that event as the beginning of the end of my marriage. Although Eino said he forgave me and I made promises of fidelity, I could tell he never trusted me after that. Although we remained married for more than two years longer always hoping for a true reconciliation it never really happened. And of course, I didn't stay faithful to my solemn promise to stay faithful.

"So right after I was sworn in as the Minister of Culture in the new administration of Kaja Kallas and I returned to the farm, the marriage was over. Eino found sexual solace in the arms of a comely employee of the farm, and I can't say I blame him. Still, I don't think I'm totally at fault for the failure of the marriage. I don't believe Eino was truly invested in trying to keep our marriage alive. He constantly refused to have further serious discussions."

Vivian had related some of the details of her marriage woes earlier to Raimond during the dinner. However, with this information, Raimond got a better understanding of Vivian's state of mind. So, he asked, "Well since your marriage is over where do you go from here? Are you thinking of returning to the United States?"

"Oh no! I'm well established here, and I love living in Estonia. It's not so much different than living in the United States with the added bonus of the absence of racial tension. I really have nothing in America now. Since I haven't practiced law for several years now, I would have to pass state bar exams again, not that, that is such a handicap for me. But I would be hard put to find a decent position in a large firm like I had in Chicago. I don't relish the idea of opening up a practice on my own nor partnering with one or two other lawyers to work in a small law firm. My best option would be to take some graduate courses and teach law. I have the wherewithal to make that as a viable option, but teaching law is not really my cup of tea. I'm an adherent to the sarcastic bromide: 'those who can, do, those who can't, teach'."

Raimond laughed, as he replied, "You know I taught accounting at Tallinn University. I guess that doesn't say much for my accounting skills."

Vivian dismissed that by saying, "Pshaw! You did that only to supplement your income. You certainly didn't intend nor did it become your career. And you're now in essence the accountant for the nation."

Then Vivian continued, "As I said I'm well settled here in Estonia. I'm in the administration with lots of responsibility overseeing a budget of 215 million euros. I've started my own beer company and am now in partnership with a subsidiary company owned by my former wealthy lover, who still seems to have a high regard for me. I have established an important friendship with Carmen Kass, who has helped me in securing an elegant wardrobe. I can say without conceit that with Carmen's help I'm surely the best dressed female member of the administration. So yes, there is virtually no incentive for me to return to the United States."

Raimond then asked, "Since you're getting divorced, so you think you'll marry again?"

"Oh no! I've been married twice and neither one has worked out, albeit for different reasons. A third marriage has no appeal for me. Actually, from what you have told me about your life, I must say with due modesty that I must be the ideal girlfriend for you. I shall make no demands on you. I'm not jealous of your other girlfriends. Should you prefer them over me well, as the French would say: 'c'est la vie', my nose would not be out of joint. The sex so far between us has been absolutely great. Certainly from my point of view, and unless I miss my guess you seem to have liked it as well."

Raimond replied, "Oh yes, the sex has been indescribably excellent, I couldn't be more pleased. And I think it's high time for some more. So why don't you get on the bed and set yourself on your hands and knees. Move as close to the headboard as possible to make room for me. Make sure you stick your luscious ass prominently up in the air. Then wiggle that magnificent ass of yours. Seeing your bottom cheeks shake will surely please me"

Vivian immediately answered, "Yes sir!"

Accordingly, Vivian promptly got on the bed and got on her hands and knees as commanded. Also as commanded she caused her buttocks to quiver and writhe. As Raimond had anticipated, the sight of Vivian's naked ass wiggling prompted an instant full measure erection. In the position she was in, Vivian's anus and vulva was prominently on display for Raimond's viewing pleasure. What was totally mouth watering and alluring to Raimond was the fact that Vivian's buttock cleavage was of a clean pinkish tinge as opposed to a discolored darker skin pigmentation. Vivian faithfully applied an anal lightening cream to achieve this visual effect.