Voyager Uncensored Ch. 07

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Seven's toilet slavery model changes everything!
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/01/2004
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"24/Seven", Part III

My name is toilet. I had become the ultimate toilet, engineered by Seven of Nine to be the perfect living waste receptacle. This is the story of how we changed the world...

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Diary of a toilet
Year 2
"Expanding the experiment"

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By my second year as Seven's toilet, Janeway was clearly impressed with the experiment. Many women had taken to the idea of using me as a toilet (Janeway, herself, had been using Kes in such a way even longer than Seven had been using me).

With all the women who had gotten addicted to feeding me their shit who had, at best, limited access to me, it was only a matter of time before they found other victims. The meeker, more submissive members of the crew – male and female – began to find themselves at the mercy of these dominant women. Within a few months there were already nearly a dozen other human toilets amongst the crew.

Seeing this, the Captain asked Seven to present the results of her experiment with me. Seven did so with meticulous detail. I was healthy and fit, having a highly nutritious and complete diet. The Doctor was even impressed with my improved health, saying that my levels of antioxidants had risen and free radicals had fallen. He said at this rate I could live to be 150 years old!

I had also ceased to be a drain on the ship. I no longer wore clothes or consumed any food or drink from the ship's stores. I no longer had my own quarters, having moved in with Seven long ago. This had freed up almost all the resources I would have consumed from the ship.

Janeway was impressed and had made up her mind. Seven was to expand the model to the rest of the ship, as she had proposed! The most critical and productive crewmembers would each be assigned a toilet slave. Crewmembers could sign up for such duty or, if they were deemed to be an unproductive crewmember and a net drain on the ship, they would be drafted!

The toilet slaves received the same gene therapies as I did, and the "feeders" had genetically-engineered probiotics introduced to their digestive system that would mimic the nutrition-creating nanite programming inside Seven herself.

Over the next couple years, the plan was rolled out and by the time we returned to the Alpha Quadrant, fully half the crew had become toilet slaves for the other half. Seven's model had clearly proven itself – our ship was 47% more efficient than before (though she was disappointed the improvement wasn't larger). There could be no argument, her plan worked. Even in the areas that could not be measured empirically, things had improved on the ship. Counselor Inya said that her survey of the crew showed that general happiness amongst the crew was much higher now than when the ship had first arrived in the Delta Quadrant, despite all of our trials and tribulations we've endured in our long journey home. Even those that resisted becoming toilets initially had eventually accepted their new position and, indeed, found it comforting and freeing as I did.

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Diary of a toilet
Year 3
"Ambassadors of perversion"

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When we arrived home, the question of what to do about our ship's unusual practices in regards to Starfleet. It would be a culture shock – on both sides. We had spent so long in isolation, in our own parallel reality where sexual liberation and toilet slavery had become accepted and even expected. People openly discussed their sex lives and used their toilets in public.

Janeway recognized that Starfleet would not understand our culture, but, like Seven, she believed it was a better way. So she ordered everyone to hide their lifestyles, at least at first. Even with our cover-up, some evidence came out about the practices on Janeway's Voyager. These were frowned upon and Janeway was reprimanded for not stopping them. The evidence, though, was hushed up and covered up for fear of public revulsion.

But Janeway knew the crew would be reassigned as the USS Voyager had long ago passed the term of its initial mission. She knew the people in her crew would end up being dispersed far and wide throughout the fleet across scores of starbases and starships. So she told them all to hide their new lifestyles publically, but to watch their fellows for those who might be susceptible to perversion, those who seemed most likely to be receptive, then introduce them to our practices. With each new Starfleet member brought into the fold, our lifestyle would become a movement and, finally, a social revolution that would span the entire Federation.

Janeway herself became an Admiral and joined Starfleet Command at the center of the fleet in San Francisco. There she was immensely influential, slowly drawing in the highest-ranking officials in Starfleet into our world. Chakotay got a ship of his own. Tuvok took a position teaching the next generation of Starfleet at Starfleet Academy (our lifestyle spread especially rapidly in that famous hotbed of sexual activity).

What none of us remembered, what none of us realized would make this plan work so well, were the S-Space particles that had begun our own sexual revolution so long ago. We didn't realize that the particles never went away. In fact, they increased in number the longer we were in contact with each other over our seven years on Voyager. Later scientific surveys discovered that each of us were deeply imbued with high concentrations of S-Space particles, radiating them constantly. This, of course, increased the sexual urges and reduced the inhibitions of anyone we spend time with – the more time we spent with them, the greater the effect. And the effect was permanent and cumulative. It would not decay between exposures and was cumulative. Even the USS Voyager, itself, was literally drenched in the particles and the next crew to serve aboard her soon found themselves overcome by raging sexual hormones and crumbling inhibitions.

The S-Space particles and their peculiar radioactive effect on people's minds and libidos spread throughout the Federation, dropping inhibitions, increasing sexual desire and spreading perversion and sexual deviance like wildfire (with guidance and assistance from Voyager's former crewmembers).

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Diary of a toilet
Year 20
"A new era"

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20 years later, with the aid of the spread of S-Space particles and our covert campaign, the lifestyle that Starfleet had initially condemned had become standard procedure aboard all Federation ships. Seven of Nine helped lead the new "efficient" toilet servitude restructuring. She personally implemented the first formal implementation of Starfleet's "sentient waste reclamation" directive when she became the first officer aboard the USS De Sade under Captain Seth'la (the first Klingon Captain in the Federation).

Captain Seth'la was eager to use the model, having personally volunteered to captain the newly built De Sade – the first Federation starship to be constructed without a single toilet on board! Seth'la was a very aggressive, highly ambitious Klingon she-male (she-males, sex changes and sexual dimorphism had all become fully acceptable and common in the Federation several years before). Seven and I served under her for a long time and made some of the greatest personal connections of our lives. I have included a listing here of the crew compliment for posterity:

USS De Sade
Senior Crew

* Captain Seth'la: Klingon she-male. First Klingon captain in the Federation. Very aggressive and ambitious. Known to be a strict, sometimes cruel Captain, but she was loved and respected by her crew.

* First Officer Seven of Nine: My Mistress, my owner, my feeder. Ex-Borg human female. Augmented by some remaining Borg implants and especially the Borg nanites coursing through her body. A cold and eminently efficient scientist, engineer and creator of the "sentient waste reclamation" model.

* Security Chief Torg: a massive, hostile Klingon from the non-reformed school of Klingons. He was clearly racist and held a low opinion of all other races. He was a serial rapist, a borderline psychopath and barely controllable. But he was also the Captain's twin brother...

* Doctor Portia: a tall, busty shape-shifting redhead with a perverted, dominant streak – always willing and able to push the boundaries of experimenting with human sexuality through medicine.

* Head Nurse Bolinto Cuk: a thin, meek fully Betazed male who was completely infatuated with our Chief Engineer, Jay'd, who he as engaged to marry before their assignment to the De Sade.

* Chief Engineer Jay'd: a buxom Orion female who made the most of her kind's pheromonal control over men – usually to get Torg and her submissive Betazed boyfriend, Cuk to do dirty, nasty things with each other while she watched or joined in. Cuk is especially tormented by the rape because, being a Betazed, he is unable to block out Torg's strong, primal feelings of lust, rage and explosive orgasms while he is being raped by the violent Klingon. He feels both his own humiliation and pain and his rapist's pleasure.

* Helmsman Mie-see and Navigator Sie-see: young, petite female Bilineans. All Bilineans are born in pairs of identical twins with a deep, life-long mental and physical rapport. Whatever one of them felt, the other would as well. This almost always led to a lifelong close sexual relationship between the twins and made for very stimulating threesomes with people from other species.

* Counselor Inya: our own Deltan female counselor from Voyager reunited with us on the De Sade. A natural-born submissive, her Deltan nature of being a highly sexual touch-empath made it entirely impossible for her to resist the carnal pleasures surrounding her, no matter how hard she tried. Starfleet's prejudicial regulation disallowing sexual contact between Deltans and non-Deltans had long ago been repealed, but Inya tried to control herself for fear of losing herself entirely to sexual ecstasy, falling into an endless pit of hedonism.

* Yeoman Zwadeh: a half-Vulcan, half-Romulan female that served as Captain Seth'la's personal sex slave. Zwadeh was a rebellious woman, who hated Klingons (as much as Seth'la hated Romulans – some prejudices never die) and, in particular, hated the Captain. But the Captain had won her as a "spoil of war" during a Klingon victory in the Great Klingon-Romulan Wars of the 2390's.

The De Sade was launched on her maiden voyage in the year 2400, at the dawn of the 25th century and a new, more sexually free, more debauched era for the Federation...

But, these voyages are tales for another time. But it is safe to say that this new era gave a whole new meeting to the phrase "Captain's Log"...

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Diary of a toilet
Year 100
"A century of servitude"

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Today is the 100th anniversary of my rebirth as a toilet. I live as does Seven. Her nanites have prolonged her life and mine – in fact, the nanites are so adept at repairing any damage faster than the rate of aging that the two of us look the same as when we began this journey together a century ago.

Of our old crewmates, a few yet live, but we don't stay in contact anymore. Our crew is legendary, though, seen as the forefathers of the new social order.

I am still Seven's toilet. I have always been so and will continue to always be so for as long as we both shall live. I have never known the touch of a man and have no desire to. I do not think of myself as a woman. Or as a human. I am a toilet. I have not had the taste of real food in a hundred years and I find the prospect disgusting. The thought of chewing the food and drink I see the feeders imbibe makes me almost physically ill. I honestly don't know how they can eat that stuff. The taste and texture of shit is so warm and rich and... comfortable. I don't understand how people can drink cold alcohol when a nice, hot, salty piss is so incredibly thirst-quenching and fills your body with warmth.

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"Toilet wisdom"

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In celebration of my 100th year of toilet servitude, I published a pamphlet on the wisdom I've accumulated during my century of eating shit. It is a handbook for new toilets and has become a galaxy-wide best seller and is given to every new toilet by their feeders. It is considered "the shit-eaters bible", a praise I humbly, reluctantly accept.

In my pamphlet, entitled "100 Years of Servitude: Wisdom of a Toilet", I discuss ways in which new toilets often make simple, foolish mistakes that can be embarrassing for both them and their owners. Some excerpts are below:

How Can I Eat This?!

Different species have different general trends, but in general, it's best to remember there are multiple factors involved in consuming the waste of another:

Smell is a factor in the eating experience, but the smell largely comes from the sulfuric gasses that are a byproduct of the digestive process in some species (some alien species actually have quite sweet-smelling gas!). These smells can be extremely offensive, but it's important to remember that the actual taste of the stool has nothing to do with the smell! Separate the two and it will aid you greatly.

In general, the taste is usually less intense than you expect. Again, depending on the species, most feces is water, undigested food material and byproducts of the digestive process. This tends to dilute tastes. Of all the four factors I'm listing here, taste is actually the easiest to overcome. If a person was presented with shit to eat separate from the smell and psychological factors, they would likely not find it offense at all.

Psychological Revulsion:
Shit-eating is a taboo in almost all cultures. People have been raised to find it anything from unclean to repulsive. This is one of the most difficult to overcome. Usually when first-time shit-eaters gag and vomit, it's because of their own psychological resistance to the act. But once this threshold has been passed, once the mind has accepted the act, these psychosomatic reactions disappear quickly.

It is important to accept the submission to your owner. If you balk at being used in such a way, if you feel humiliated (and don't desire the humiliation) and used (and, again, don't wish to be used), it's going to be much more difficult for you to perform the act. Again, this is purely psychological. If you have been chosen as a toilet, one of the best things you can do to ease your experience is to accept your new position. Submit to your master or mistress and accept their gift into you and be thankful for the nourishment they are providing you. Submit in this way and you will thrive as a toilet and please your owner.

How To Eat Any Kind of Shit

Use your tongue to lick around the shit, pulling it down the rectum to you and loosen their sphincter. Try not to break it since you will get a small part but the rest will recede back through the sphincter and your owner will be uncomfortable and rightfully angry at you. Once it starts to come, use suction to help it along: wrap your lips around the turd and slide your mouth forward on it until your lips make a tight seal with your owner's anus. Suck firmly and consistently, not in fits and starts or you may lose it. Constipated turds can have very large radii, so if your owner is prone to constipation, practice opening wide and stretching your mouth when not in use. Learn to relax your jaw muscles and stretch out your lips. Even learn to temporarily dislocate your jaw, if necessary (it's easier and less painful than it sounds). NOTE: it is bad form and completely inappropriate for a toilet to suggest a change of diet to their owner. The toilet exists for the comfort and convenience of the owner, not the reverse. Constipation can be a difficult situation for new toilets and a lot of work to handle – but once the load finally slides out, your owner will sigh and moan in relief and all your hard work will be rewarded with a feeling of accomplishment, pride and a good deed well done.

Don't try to swallow it as it comes or else you will never catch a good breath. Control your instinct to swallow and breath normally while letting it fill your mouth. Feel around with your tongue to break up any more solid chunks. Then, when your mouth is full enough, take a big gulp and empty it quickly. This way you will not panic, you can breathe most of the time and there is less chance it will shoot out of your nose.

Long Turds:
These can be very hard for a novice to deal with. The instinct is to bite off smaller pieces and chew. But these often come way too fast for that and you may choke or back up your owner, and they will not be pleased. The best thing to do is "deep throat" it. Adjust your angle so that your throat is wide open and the shit has a relatively straight path from their rectum, through your mouth and down your gullet into your stomach. Make sure to take a deep breath before doing this as you will have to hold your breath while it slides down. Also, stick out your tongue as far as it will go to avoid any obstruction at the back of the mouth. Stick the tongue into the anus and lay it wide and flat. Undulate it to help keep the shit moving down your throat. Use your throat muscles to keep it going - you don't want it to get stuck! With luck, the shit will have exited their ass within 10-30 seconds and it should take you only another 30-45 seconds to take it all down your gullet and into your stomach and your work is all done except for the cleanup. Expert toilets can do this in 30-45 seconds, though others have developed alternative methods such as "circular breathing" (alternately opening and closing the esophagus and windpipe to breath while deep-throating the shit) or simply learning to hold your breath for minutes at a time. Some species of toilet are fortunate enough to be able to hold their breath for nearly half an hour – some need not breathe at all! Whatever your method, if you can swallow a foot-long turd straight down your throat without breaking it up or slowing down the speed of your owner's defecation, you will be very pleased with how impressed they are and they will brag about you to their friends! Well done!

Wide Loads:
These can be scary and intimidating. I've eaten some shits with diameters the size of softballs or greater (usually from heavily constipated people, as mentioned above). In these cases, you cannot possibly take it straight down your throat like Long Turds. You must, in this case, bite of manageable pieces and swallow them quickly. Do not bother chewing, just swallow it as there is much more and it will keep coming. Under no circumstances should you allow the shit to back up into your owner - that is a terrible faux pas. Instead, let your cheeks bulge out with shit, even if it makes you look like a chipmunk. Trust me, your owner will be much happier seeing you look like a chipmunk than have you choke on their shit, then vomit up their asshole. And you will have just made more work for yourself, since you will have to swallow your vomit from their ass and re-swallow any shit you regurgitated. (Note: in some cases, certain sadistic owners intentionally try to choke their toilets with their shit to induce a "barf enema". If this is the case, then allow them to do so as they are your owner and you are nothing but their toilet and should and must cater to their desires and obey).

Clean Up:
Shits come in all shapes and sizes, all colors, smells and consistencies. But a good, thorough clean is a necessity, regardless of how messy the poop was. Many novice toilets make the mistake of starting the cleaning on the outside, at the anus (or, worse, *only* doing the outside!). Rather, insert your tongue as deeply as you can and work your way back out. Move the tongue around the inside of their rectal walls, feeling for balls of shit or smears. If your tongue is long enough, be sure to reach all the way to the end of the rectum where it joins with the intestines. If need be, apply gentle suction to get out any stubborn or large chunks that you feel with your tongue. Continue your tongue work around the rectum, being sure to get all sides and work your way down. (If your owner has a penis, he or she may enjoy having you massage his or her prostate with your tongue while they jerk off). Be sure to curl your tongue behind the sphincter to get any shit pieces that may be stuck behind it (this is another common novice oversight). Also be sure to retract your tongue and swallow any shit and clean the tongue any time you have any appreciable amount of shit on it during the cleaning. If you wait until your tongue is completely coated, the sphincter will just scrape most of it off as you retract your tongue and you will have wasted both your own hard work and your owner's time. This is especially true of pieces of undigested food such as corn and peanuts. When you encounter these, you must work them free, place them in the center of your tongue and curl up the end to keep it from sliding off as you pull it out of the sphincter and anus.