Wanting Carol

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Mom and Son share a crazy night at an underground sex club.
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Writer's Note: This is an edited and updated version as of 2020


Ryan stared wide-eyed at the vibrating screen that was resting on the kitchen counter below him. The two quick buzzes from the black mobile phone had signaled a new message. This message, though, was not a text field. It was a photo - a photo sent to a group chat by a contact named, "Typical Blonde Whore." The thumbnail on the phone's lock-screen instantly dried Ryan's mouth, and blood flowed to the shaft of his youthful penis.

The 5'10" high school senior had just gotten home from lacrosse practice to find his mom's smartphone sitting on the kitchen counter where she had left it while she was off in the laundry room folding clothes. In the photo stood three women, in their early forties, in what appeared to be a nightclub. Each of them was wearing an outfit that Ryan had only seen on college girls at parties in Hollywood movies.

The first woman, who Ryan immediately identified as his mom's friend Eve, was posing backward in a skin-tight yellow club dress that barely wrapped around her firm butt cheeks. Her brunette bangs were facing the camera, and her mouth mockingly gasped, her hand partially covering it, as if she was shocked to find out how much of her thighs she had revealed. Ryan had been mowing her lawn for years, and yet, he never would have guessed that she was the type of person that he saw in the photo.

The second woman, who Ryan easily recognized as Cindy due to her platinum blonde hair, was his mom's friend and also the mother of his best friend, Troy. The married mother of three was fiercely staring into the camera and wearing a semi-transparent, white, sleeveless blouse that was unbuttoned all the way down her massive cleavage. The cheetah-print bra underneath was visible through the fabric, and it matched the cheetah-print pumps that she was wearing below her black leather tights. Cindy completed her pose with her tongue sticking out, seductively licking a lollipop.

Despite all of that enticing imagery, the primary cause of the growing tent in the young man's jeans was the figure to Cindy's left. Ryan's forearms trembled from lustful adrenaline, and his cheeks burned. His attention was now squarely on the dark-haired woman, the one flashing a seductive smile with her shiny pink lips.

The woman was wearing only dark red, including a long-sleeved cashmere top, which stopped just below her mature but firm breasts. After an expanse of midriff, a ruffled skirt, which ran merely a foot in length, wrapped around her waist. And on her feet, she was donning a pair of matching sexy heels.

Ryan had never seen his mother like this before. It was incomprehensible. His mom's eyes - Carol's eyes - seemed to be piercing through the camera lens, seductively saying, "I want to feel you inside of me."

The phone buzzed twice more. A new message appeared from a contact named "Tease & Please." Ryan read the message aloud, "GAH!! That's the best group photo so far. Way to look hot last night ladies."

Confused, Ryan leaned on the counter, trying to make sense of the erotic puzzle. He ogled the image on the screen as he lowered his right hand toward his groin. His fingers brushed his fully hard erection through his denim jeans, and then-

"Oh, Ryan, you're home!"

With his face beat-red, Ryan turned to his mom like a deer in headlights and then reached for a nearby notepad on the countertop.

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" Carol questioned her son as she walked out of the laundry room, folding a white towel.

His heart pounded in his chest. He feared that his curious mom would soon realize the cause of his flushed face.

Ryan was unable to separate his mom before him with the version of her in the photo. For the first time, he noticed the waves in her shoulder-length hair, her white smile, the shape of her breasts, and the curves of her hips.

"I-uh... I thought for a second that I missed the deadline for, um... for one of my history projects. But then I remembered that it's not due until next week. So, I'm just writing a note to remind myself to do it."

Ryan was impressed with his ability to come up with a somewhat-believable story in a pinch. He examined his mom's face to see if his story passed her muster.

"Well, that's very responsible of you. I remember that type of thing happening to me in school - only sometimes, I actually did miss the deadline. That's probably why I'm a stay-at-home mom and not a manager like your father," Carol laughed at her joke, knowing there was a hint of truth.

Making a quick getaway to end the awkward confrontation, the relieved son ran upstairs, removed his sweaty lacrosse attire, and hopped into the shower.

The first thing he did was take care of the unrestricted boner casting a shadow on his firm abdomen. Ryan didn't have a monster cock per se, but the few women who had ended up taking off Ryan's boxers at parties were certainly satisfied with their catch.

Ryan imagined the photo-version of his mother coming to life and running her motherly hands through his thick brown hair. He touched himself to the idea of her kissing him sensually down his chiseled body before making eye contact with him as she took his thick cock into her mouth.

His ejaculate slid into the shower drain.

Despite his orgasm, the aroused youth was nowhere near relieved. Ryan had to have his mother, though, he didn't know why.

All of Ryan's friends considered Troy's mom, Cindy, to be the ultimate MILF. She was the hottest of the three in accordance with society's standards of beauty. But for some reason, Ryan could not stop thinking about his mother. It had to have been the natural intimate connection they shared as mother and son.

The idea of his sexualized mom sharing a unique connection with him made Ryan hard once again. He knew that if he didn't receive more personal sexual relief from his mom soon, then he would lose his mind. He needed more - more than just that one photo to satiate his desire.

That's it, man! A brilliant thought struck Ryan. He had realized there was an important implication in a text message from "Tease & Please" (who Ryan was now sure was Eve, considering "Typical Blonde Whore" was clearly the humorous name given to Cindy).

Eve's message about "the best group photo so far" implied that there were other group photos in the group chat. If I can get into her phone, I can get all of those photos. Hopefully, his mom did not delete her pics and there would be a cache of arousing photos of his loving mother.

Upon the completion of his half-hour shower, Ryan prepared to execute his quickly concocted plan. In order to ensure his focus during the mission, the son seized a blue thong from his mom's panty drawer and masturbated into it, visualizing its owner riding his hardon.

A temporarily relieved Ryan then snuck back downstairs and dropped the cum-laden lingerie into the running washing machine. Good thing she did the whites first. What would he have done with the evidence then?

With a clearer mind, the determined 18-year-old decided it was time for action.

To begin his plan, he entered the living room, where Carol was sitting intently on the couch. A devious smirk was drawn on her face. Surely, she was on her phone responding to the dirty group conversation.

What were they doing last night? Where were they going?

Ryan sat down on the couch next to his mom. She instinctively tapped a button, turning off her phone screen. She certainly was hiding something.

"What can I do for you, sweetie?"

"Well, Mom, Troy says he isn't getting any of my texts, so I think there may be something wrong with my phone. Well, he's getting them, but for some reason, they only show up on his lock-screen and not in the messaging app. Can I send you a text to see if it works?"

Carol shrugged, "Sure, I guess so."

Ryan found his mom's contact on his iPhone and typed, "hi :)". He sent the message and then immediately opened his camera app, swiped to video mode, and discretely angled the camera lens in the direction of his mom's phone screen.

Since Carol had blanked her screen when Ryan had sat down, she now needed to enter her password again to see if her son's text had actually materialized in the messaging app.

"Well, it's showing up in mine, so I guess the problem is actually with Troy's phone."

"Thanks for helping, Mom!" Ryan exclaimed, using a tone that was more enthused than the situation called for.

With his heart racing, Ryan headed into his room, locked his door, and viewed a slow-motion replay of his new video. His dream woman had just given him the four-digit key to her promiscuous photos.

At 2 AM, after Carol was fast asleep and his Dad was finally home and passed out after his late management shift at a local bar and grill, Ryan snuck into his parents' bedroom. Making as little noise as possible, he stole his mom's phone off of her nightstand.

The snooping son connected his mom's device to his laptop and entered the code that he had cleverly obtained. Since he was operating on borrowed time, rather than search and sort through apps and messages now, Ryan proceeded to back up his mom's phone onto his computer, essentially copying all of its contents onto his laptop.

Ryan then snuck back into his parents' room unnoticed and left the phone in the exact position in which he had found it. His plan was a success.

Now that the risky part of his plan was over, Ryan was able to sit on his bed and evaluate his data haul. With an ironic sense of respect for his mom's privacy, the son filtered through and deleted all content unrelated to his sexual fantasies. He soon located at the group chat between his mom and her two friends.

The group chat was titled "Slutty Housewives of Upper County" (clearly a personalized parody of the hit tv show). Ryan's hands were jittery with anticipation as he began scrolling through the messages.

He saw messages from Tease & Please and Typical Blonde Whore, as well as the messages from his mother, "Oral Cum Queen." Precum formed at the tip of his circumcised cockhead as he read his mom's codename.

Ryan had expected to come across dirty messages, but his mind was now struggling to accept the reality of what he was seeing and reading. The message history was over a year long. It was an endless compilation of texts and pictures which were so sexually explicit that the highschooler's physiology could barely handle it. The things that his mom and her friends did were beyond his wildest imagination.

There were pictures of Cindy sitting on a man's lap at a bar - the man's veiny cock buried not-so-discreetly in her pussy while his hands groped her massive tits.

There were texts about how Eve had let an 18-year-old, a 35-year-old, and a 60-year-old fuck her in different holes at the same time.

And it soon became obvious as to why Ryan's seemingly innocent mother was affectionately called "Oral Cum Queen." The chat was chock-full of stories about Carol blowing countless men. There was a series of photos of her kneeling underneath a pool table while wearing a green bodystocking. In each picture, her lips were wrapped around the fuckstick of a different pool player. Holy shit... Ryan was in shock, but he was also more turned on than he had ever been in his life.

Ryan didn't sleep at all that night. He spent over six hours meticulously reading the messages. The only times that he stopped were the satisfying moments when he needed to wipe the melted ejaculate off of his abs. His body steamed from the sexual adrenaline.

Oh my god. Around 5 AM, Ryan found a new favorite picture. His mom was in a room comprised of a bunch of stalls. In the background, there was an open door leading to a dancefloor. Carol's upper body was visible. Her hair was a bit of a mess. She was sweating a little and had red cheeks.

The mother had no top on, but her breasts were pushed up by her own thumbs covering her areolas. And all over her forehead, her nose, her chin, her cheeks, her neck, and her breasts clung loads of white, gooey cum. Carol's bubbly smile demonstrated her pride.

The caption to the photo, sent in by Cindy read, "That's what happens when you let 5 in a row fuck your throat through the gloryhole lol."

Pictures no longer sufficed. Ryan needed to have his mother.

As he read on, he noticed a trend. Part of the reason that each woman was doing this was that they had unsatisfying sex lives at home and husbands who worked late at night.

After researching the business hours of their husbands' workplaces, which he knew from memory, Ryan deduced that the women in the sexually deviant group chat had the opportunity to sneak out together from the time their kids went to bed up until 3 in the morning on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Whatever was the unique place to where the ladies went out, it seemed that they were fucking lucky men without much discernment.

If Ryan could only end up in the same place as them, then maybe, his mom would have so many dicks flying in her face that she would end up with his in her mouth. With his successful foray into espionage, he figured that perhaps he could even wear a disguise.

It was now Friday, which meant that the hopeful son likely had 40 or so hours to figure out where his mom and her friends would head for fun.

Ryan first needed to confirm his first theory. All of the erotic images seemed to have been taken at the same club. Scrolling through the photos again, with a detective-like fixation, he jumped in excitement. Ah, fuck, yes!

His hunch was right. In all of the photos, Carol, Eve, and Cindy were in the same exact club. Only this club was much different than any club he had ever heard of or seen on TV.

On the right path, the horny son browsed for local sex clubs on the Internet. It took an hour of searching. After dozens of false leads, Ryan finally found a forum that provided a list of all of the sex clubs in the state. Many were simply swingers groups that continually met in different locations. There were a handful of physical locations dedicated to those seeking kinky sex. There was, however, one location within five miles of his house.

Its description matched the photos: "A truly no-holds-barred sex club where you can have a three-way on a pool table or fuck a stranger through a gloryhole to avoid having to call the next day! Cum or be cummed on, there is no shame here. Single women $1. Couples $100. Single men $250. Rapid STI checks done at the door."

That had to be the one. Ryan copied down the address. It was a hefty price, but with the potential reward, he didn't blink.

The suitor needed a disguise in order to go unnoticed once inside. If I just wear a cap and a pair of blue light glasses, I should be fine.

He then came to the unfortunate conclusion that he would need to bike to the club since a missing car in the driveway wouldn't exactly be a discreet move.


Eager and horny in anticipation, the young adult spent all of Saturday in his room stroking his tender rod while imagining the scenarios that could unfold later in the night.

From 10 PM to midnight, Ryan sat with his ear pressed to his bedroom door. At 12:25, he heard the door to his parents' room creak open and the sound of cautious footsteps in the hallway.

Ryan then walked over to the other side of his room and peered out his front window. Two minutes later, he watched his mom hustle down the driveway in a long coat. She crossed the street to where an SUV was waiting for her. It was Cindy's car, which Troy often drove. The SUV quietly peeled away into the night.

It was go time.

Ryan hurriedly put on his hat and glasses before hopping on his dad's road bicycle and raced off to his fantasy.

It only took Ryan 25 minutes to get to the club. He wasn't sure if he had the right address. He found himself in a relatively abandoned part of town with no streetlights. Then again, that was likely the perfect spot for a business that wouldn't be approved by authorities.

With butterflies in his stomach, the inexperienced student walked down a narrow alleyway to a door, which had music faintly sounding through its metal seams. Ryan hesitantly pulled the handle. Once inside, he realized that it was just a pre-entrance. A guard was watching the secondary set of brushed metal doors.

Ryan presented the intimidating man with his driver's license to show that he was 18.

"Under 21 have to pay more because they can't buy drinks. That's $300. Don't let me catch you with a drink in your hand."

Glad to simply be admitted, Ryan opened his wallet and withdrew a wad of birthday cash. He counted out $300. "Don't worry. I want to be sober for this."

"Cool, man. Now take these, go in there, and follow the instructions."

Ryan accepted the Ziploc bag containing six boxes of rapid STI checks. He wondered how they could afford to pay for the tests on single women with the $1 cover, but then he watched his $300 disappear into the bouncer's register, and he realized who was paying for it.

He walked into a men's bathroom to his right. After two minutes of swabs and light pricks, Ryan sat on a toilet and played on his phone. He could see feet in two of the other stalls. The waiting was killing him. We wondered what he was missing. It took twenty minutes for all of his negative results to show on the testing devices. Finally.

Ryan showed the plastic bag full of good results to the bouncer. The large man coolly stepped on a trashcan, allowing Ryan to discard the bag. "Alright man, you're good to go. You only get the green one." He wrapped an entry wristband around the teenager's wrist, neglecting the drinking one. "Have fun in there."


It was like traveling to another planet. The nightclub was poorly lit, with the exception of neon signs against boarded-up windows and some industrial lights hanging above the pool table and bar area. There were around 80 to 100 people inside, and there were hidden corners and rooms all over the place. It wouldn't be as easy to find his mom as Ryan had thought.

Despite deliberately scouring the crowd for signs of his mom and her friends, Ryan could not find them. Changing his plans, he decided to simply sit down at the bar and wait until he saw the sexiest woman of his world.

As he sat there waiting for his mom to come into the main room, a flirtatious brunette in her early thirties sat next to him at the bar and ordered a drink. She was wearing a bra, an unbuttoned men's dress shirt, sunglasses, and sleek panties.

"My name is Sarah."

"Hey, I'm Ryan. How are you?"

"Pretty good. You have a really nice build," she nodded, squeezing his bicep.

Ryan enjoyed the attention. "Well thank you. Let me guess... Risky Business?"

Sarah glanced at her film-inspired outfit and then back at Ryan, laughing in agreement, "Yep! So why are you wearing that hat? I have to be honest, it looks a little creepy. It's like you're an undercover agent. People are pretty open here."

Slightly offended, but more upset with himself for being out of touch, Ryan replied, "I-uh... I don't know to be honest. I just wanted to wear it."

He didn't want to admit the real reason. Even in a place like this, it might have been too taboo.

"Well let's get rid of it then, Ryan!" Sarah grabbed the hat from his head, and before he could do anything about it, she tossed it into the mass of people.

Ryan was not getting that hat back. Now he just had the glasses, which were fogging up from the steamy room. He removed those too since, at that point, his mom would likely be able to identify him anyway.

"There's that beautiful face," grinned the tipsy girl at the bar. "Wow! You are really young-looking. How old are you?"